May 18, 2021 Through Sophia
It is the One.
It is an appropriate moment to speak about education. This is a topic you will be considering as you rebuild. The existing system of education is run by monopolies and hierarchies of power. These can be described with a term you have used often – the deep state controllers.
As you conceptualize your society without the restraints and underscored narrative of the old one (the old society), you’ll be faced with a choice. There are specifics to this choice when discussing different subjects – yet under them all, is a common thread:
“What is the reason for organized education?”
You may want to start by removing the word “organized” and replacing the question with:
“What is the reason for education?”
Here are some thoughts to consider. The initial definition of educate means “to draw out”. This is diametrically opposite to mandatory schooling in its current form – which operates entirely “to put in”.
We could almost stop there, but there are deeper considerations.
This discussion will not be a dissection of just what the current education system is designed “to put in”. *
Instead, we will focus on the future. The future of education. The care of the next generation of young minds. The purpose, if indeed there is one, to consider instilling a system of organized education in a society at all.
What does it mean: “to draw out”?
The definition assumes there is something there to begin with, (something within the student). And that, my dear human, is a great place to start.
Humans are born with an innate knowing. Curiosity is aroused with sensation. Your senses are the doorway to wisdom. There is a necessary entrance point, and this is different for everyone. **
There are basic concepts. These are necessary to relate to and operate when in a physical environment.
Answers as to “how many?” and “how big?” and other descriptions of size and content and feeling only begin to describe the concepts to be aware of here. These are basics. They can easily be taught inside an umbrella of either cooking, or planting, or building, or fixing, or art, for example.
Communication around these is common (frequently used) and so language is important to develop.
The body needs care and clothing and maintenance and there are tried and true methods for these that can be shared.
Reading is necessary, as is writing.
With the internet, virtually all pieces of information that are publicly available can be located and perused for accuracy once found.
What is implied by this is an idea. It revolves around simplicity, necessity, and growth/expansion.
What is true when planting seeds for the most abundant growth is that it is necessary to leave plenty of room, nourish generously and utilize the sunlight according to natural cycles/rhythms. You will not yield much if what you are doing is stuffing them into an already crowded area with a minimum of room and nourishment.
Growth, by and large, doesn’t need to be tested for. It can be witnessed. It can be demonstrated in the performance of living life.
It is necessary to list the primary component of the current compulsory education program:
Standardized tests to indicate rank.
This amounts to a system of “grading” where the students at the “top” are those whose natural inclination for intellectual data are utilized, (and thus, they perform well). It says nothing about the myriad of other “gifts” held by students; things like social, mechanical, artistic, emotional, spiritual, empathic, creative, intuitive, and athletic gifts, to name a few.
This has been a rambling.
What is suggested by its content is that if society continues to decide in favor of mandatory schooling, what exists currently will not be sustainable in its form as it functions today.
The frequency won’t hold it. The children won’t cooperate with it. The newly formed systems of society won’t require anything that comes from it.
Considerations for programs in self-directed learning will work better for society and for the children. Practical knowledge will need to be passed on, yes. Yet specific direction for success will be more successfully “drawn out”, rather than forced in and ranked.
We speak here of a society with love as a base blueprint, rather than control and manipulation. We speak here of your new earth. Its aspects will be your focus in the coming time. Its specific systems will all require an uptick and change.
For although humanity has been changing and will be altered – the governing structures within each society and community will have to be moved into a new method of doing things. This won’t naturally, or organically occur.
Change in everything is to be expected and encouraged. You will not successfully function in any form of regimentation or conformity that was set up in this 3D matrix.
You are about to hold full control of the wheel.
This becomes your next task. Your destination will be determined by the map you are following. Now it is upon you to draw that map.
That is all.
Thank you.
*Clear impression here was “that should be obvious at this point”.
** Here are the possibilities that we are aware of now: sight, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching, feeling. Perhaps in our new world there will be others!