Message from Ascended Master Saida Khatoon
Channelled by Shazi
Further Reading: Signpost to the Source
Hello Son,
The Opening…A Prayer
It is time you all say a prayer; read these words and transfer the energy through your mind and into the heart.
Oh Creator, of all the galaxies and universes and in every corner the eye cannot see, I recognise the beauty and power of your throne.
You have guided me through all my life time, even when I took you for granted.
I ask forgiveness and gratitude for the care that you have shown me every second of the day and night.
I turn to thee, now that I fully understand that you cure my illnesses of the mind and body.
And that you open and expand my chest so that I may understand more.
I ask for forgiveness again that I did not understand earlier in my life.
I turn to you at this time so that I can learn and help mankind to understand the message of your knowledge and wisdom.
I give my life in the aid of helping others.
I with my hands in prayer turn to you and ask for the ascension of the whole of mankind.
And that they too understand as I do now.
Let your love and harmony flood the atmosphere and reach into every heart of every creation.
When the time is near; guide me so that I make the right choice for me and for mankind.
I pray for my family, so they too understand and that their heart opens to receive your light.
Forever in your heart, I thank thee, and the moment when you carried me when I was alone.
Oh mankind this is a prayer for you as the time is fast approaching.
Your mother; remember it is time to thank the Creator, the God of all creation through every age in history.
That is beautiful and resonated in my heart as i prayed this prayer. It spoke to me. Thankyou so much.
to love to all, Nikki