I made this for you tube, I think it shows a cleaver way to ask a question
I don't want to live forever, I'm just looking for all the me;s, All me's from every major choice which made every parallel me. From this life and all others in every star system from every dimension. I will not going cry like a little girl for help (this time because on Mondays and Tuesdays I'm already bizzy crying like a full grown women) . If the key to stopping others from harvesting you personal power is simply knowing who you are then I will find out everything there is to know. And, oh reader, I only have it half figured out, so please, would you be so kind as to assist in the smartest or most narcissistic of my plans yet? :) Thank you, and Bless you for taking the time to be helpful in a non judgmental and fully supportive way
Theres a streaming Crystal Light, with transformational activity, for Immortality in the new solar system.
DNA activation aligned the vortexes of the soul family's
with the highest frequency, Divine Consciousness
letting source purely align every vortices in the first immortality
templete which is 48 DNA & 96 DNA activations. By listening to the music of spheres numbered 7 to 9 ? (I think?? ) and the angelic family of the one who does the DNA activation in the intersection of the Monadic Vortex is where the soul merge to create immorality wave files, Source will then align the activations . Then Placing themselves permanently protected in a shield of Christ light to activate the light body frequencies, cosmic
Alignment in every dimensional level of Christ, galactic and in comic awakening. Because At this point I think Chakras 16 too 22 will be fully connected with 5d, this is the level most are planning activation on earth. soul merger wave files connect to ones consciousness in these frequencies by listening in order to activate the cellular memory of the immortal template.
am I missing something?