You Are Becoming A Galactic Human: The Photon Belt
Excerpted from "You Are Becoming a Galactic Human" by Virginia Essene and Sheldon Nidle channeling Sirian Council members
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You will first enter through what is called the null zone. This procedure will take roughly five to six days to complete including three days of total darkness.
Following this action, you will move into the main part of the belt itself and experience unending daylight (24 hours a day). This journey normally lasts around 2,000 years and ends when your solar system exit at the other end of the belt by going through the null zone exit for the same five to six day period.
However, in this cycle, the Supreme Creator Force (God) has arranged for your solar system to enter an interdimensional rescue bubble that will thrust it out of the photon belt through the 5th dimension and into a position about three light years from the Sirius star system (at present Sirius is approximately 8.3 light years from Earth). This bubble will be reached around the years 2012-2013 AD. At the end of that period of approximately 17 years (1996-2013) will mark the end of your 24-hour daylight experience and bring the return of an approximate 12-hour daylight/12-hour nighttime schedule.
When the photon belt is fully manifested, it will not allow any electrical device to function. Such a development will mean that neither batteries nor electrical circuits will operate when Earth is in the photon belt [17 years]. You will require a new form of energy--photon energy--to operate your former and soon- to-be altered electrical devices.
Another major development that is expected to occur as you approach the null zone is an increase in pressure on the planet's atmosphere and upon its surface. This aspect is also beginning to happen as noted by the increase in seismic activities that stretch from the 1960s to the present time. Earth is presently in a period in which seismic activities across the planet have increased. The same thing can be said for volcanism. There has also been a dramatic change in your planetary weather patterns that put pressure on the tradition water cycle.
You on Earth will be entering the photon belt and losing the electromagnetic fields when they are nullified. And as we have explained, this means that when you enter the photon belt you won't be able to utilize electrical equipment anymore. There fore, you must being to prepare for this major change in your lives as new forms of gravitational and electrical fields are established. What appears to you as a loss will actually be a benefit that allows photon energy fields to be altered at the subatomic level and become the basic energy drivers of your solar system. AS all atoms and molecules are changed, you Earth humans will be vastly modified in your very nature. You will become something quite different--excitingly improved--from what you presently are.
Therefore, let's go over the entire scenario of the photon belt experience and get an idea of what is about to happen. As mentioned it will likely occur sometime between March of 1995 and December of 1996. Your planet will experience a great field of darkness as it approaches the null zone and your solar system becomes immersed in the zone. Suddenly, the twilight level of darkness will be replaced by complete darkness. It will be as though the entire planet has been thrown into an incredibly huge closet and the door closed behind you. The sun will have disappeared from view and you will be unable to see stars in the pitch black sky. Day will have suddenly turned to night as the null zone's compression of solar and stellar light will blot out the sun and even the stars.
You will know by the total darkness that you have no entered the null zone and begun the transformation process. As you begin to accept the shock of this utter darkness, you will find that something else has happened. Not only are you in the dark but none of your electrical devices will work anymore. Once the pumps quit and water tanks are empty, water will not run and toilets will not flush. Lights cannot be turned on. Cars will not start. Hence, you are now in a whole new world. Despite these incredible difficulties, something has happened to your bodies, something wonderful.
When the collapse of the planet's electrical and magnetic fields occurs, it will also allow all atoms on Earth to be changed. The atoms in your body will be modified to form a new body--a body that is semi-etheric--and the veil of consciousness around you will be removed. You will no longer be living in the limited 3rd-dimensional reality. You will now have physical and psychic gifts that you were meant to have ever since the time you humans first left the Lyran constellation to spread your knowledge and guardianship throughout this galaxy. You will have begun the process of "coming home" to the 5th dimension.
When the atmosphere begins to compress by the second day, you will experience the sensation of being compacted by the pressures from the null zone on Earth's gravitational field and you will fell bloated. This bloating will only last for about two days, however.
As your atmosphere is compressed and all materials become denser, the big danger will be from nuclear materials since there is the possibility for either nuclear chain-reactions or huge and deadly radioactive explosions of fissionable materials. This compression of nuclear energy could possibly cause massive fire storms in addition to explosions around the planet, or nuclear chain reactions. Therefore, to avoid these dangers, the Galactic Federation will allow a special landing of technical ships and personnel so that these potential nuclear dangers can be alleviated.
The next change that you will feel is coldness caused by the complete absence of the sun. (This temperature drop will be profound--like an Ice Age type of cold). This will occur because the Sun will be undergoing a change in its interdimensional polarity which will prevent the sun's heat from reaching planet Earth's surface.
By the third day of change, however, you will begin to see a dawn-like glimmer surrounding your planet. You will then have the beginnings of the "photon effect." This photon effect is very important because it will allow you to have a new energy source. This new energy source will permit the end of your planet's fossil fuel dependency. It will also allow the capability for space travel since photon drive technology is the power system for all starships operated by the Galactic Federation. By the third and fourth day, then, you will have reached the time for your first introduction to photon energy, weak though it may be.
As the fourth day quickly draws to an end and the fifth day now begins, the climate will begin to warm and bright light will return. The photon effect which began toward the end of the third day will now be in full effect. You will now be able to use photon-beam power equipment. Every living thing will now be invigorated by the photons streaming in from the main part of the photon belt. You will have entered a new age with a new body. You will now be ready for the next phase in which your psychic abilities will be heightened by the photon effect. These photon energies will not only provide your bodies with maximum efficiency of energy use, but they will also be used for energizing your homes and your industries. You will have entered the photon age! Space travel will now become quite simple and a preferred mode of transportation.
One you begin living in the photon belt you will be in a fully realized space age. With the power provided by photon beam energy, the stars and other planets will soon seem to be as near as a trip across town. With this new energy, it will be as easy to travel to Sirius, or any other nearby star, as it is now to travel from California to New York. In addition you will now have in your midst those you have long called the extraterrestrials who are your elder brothers and sisters and your counselors and guides during the transitional period.
The new wondrous times that you are about to enter will allow the reclamation of your fully consciousness potential. This fact is forecast in the biblical revelations, and it is an age when you will talk and walk with all who have lived on your planet. It is a time when you will be one with the Earth's spiritual hierarchy. It is also a time when you will return to work cooperatively with your planet's cetaceans to be co- guardians of Earth, and eventually with your rehabilitated solar system as well.
The photon belt was first discovered by scientists (Paul Otto Hesse) in 1961 near the vicinity of the Pleiades by satellite instrumentation. The photon belt is a huge torroid shaped object composed of photon light particles
• The solar system and the photon belt are moving toward each other
• Our solar system and the photon belt will merge sometime between March, 1995, and the end of 1996
• The thickness is approximately 2,000 solar years or 759,864 billion miles
• Earth is now completing a 24,000-26,000-year cycle with this photon belt
• Before the photon belt arrives, the Sirians will be making 'mass landings' on Earth to help us through the experience of the photon belt (the mass landings will occur '2-6 months before the photon belt reaches us').
• Enter the null zone
• Alter body type of all living things
• Non-operation of any electrical device . Once the pumps quit and water tanks are empty, water will not run and toilets will not flush. Lights cannot be turned on. Cars will not start. When the collapse of the planet’s electrical and magnetic fields occurs, it will also allow all atoms on Earth to be changed. The atoms in our bodies will be modified to form a new body—a body that is semi-etheric—and the veil of consciousness around us will be removed. We will no longer be living in the limited 3rd-dimensional reality. We will now have physical and psychic gifts that we were meant to have
• Total darkness (for 2-3 days). The sun will have disappeared from view and we will be unable to see stars in the pitch black sky a* Atmosphere is compressed and everyone will feel bloated . This aspect is also beginning to happen now as noted by the increase in seismic activities that stretch from the 1960s to the present time. This can also be seen by the dramatic change in our planetary weather patterns.
• The big danger will be from nuclear materials since there is the possibility for either nuclear chain-reactions or huge and deadly radioactive explosions of fissionable materials. Therefore, to avoid these dangers, the Galactic Federation will allow a special landing of technical ships and personnel so that these potential nuclear dangers can be alleviated.
• Sun cools down
• Earth climate cools ('ice age type of climate'). This will occur because the sun will be undergoing a change in its interdimensional polarity which will prevent the sun’s heat from reaching planet Earth’s surface.Day 3-4
• Atmosphere dimly lit (like dawn)
• Start photon effect. This photon effect is very important because it will allow us to have a new energy source. This new energy source will permit the end of our planet’s fossil fuel dependency. It will also allow the capability for space travel since photon drive technology is the power system for all starships operated by the Galactic Federation
• Photon energy devices are operable
• Stars will reappear in the skyDay 5-6
• Exit the null zone, enter the main photon belt zone
• Transition into a 24-hour daylight period
• Every living thing is invigorated (Humans will go back to having 12 strands of DNA)
• Earth climate warms
• Photon beam-powered ships can travel in space
• Incredible psychic abilities are reclaimed (eg telepathy, telekinesis, etc)
• We will now be living with what we have called "Extraterrestrials"17 years later (2012-2013)
• Normally going through the photon belt would take 2000 years
• However at this time our solar system will enter an interdimensional rescue bubble that will thrust it out of the photon belt
• Our solar system will be put into a position about 3 light years from the Sirius star system (at present Sirius is approximately 8.3 light years from Earth)
• Then this will be the end of our 24-hour daylight experience and bring the return of an approximate 12-hour daylight/12-hour nighttime schedule
* We will now be fully 5th dimensional beings
It is a time when you will be one with the earth's spiritual hierarchy. It is also a time when you will return to work cooperatively with your planet's cetaceans to be co-guardians of earth, and eventually with your rehabilitated solar system as well. You will as a planet go through a minimalized three days of darkness and cold and then three days of light and mellow warmth, for this is necessary to bringing awareness to everyone, but there will be no fear. Rest assured: all consideration has been taken under extreme advisement. No part of life will be upset.
- Cinturón De Fotones Actualizado - De la Federación Galáctica |
- El Cronometraje de La Entrada del Sistema Solar en La Banda de Fotones |
- Is the Earth About to Enter The Photon Belt, Causing the End of Life as we know it? |
- La Banda de Fotones - extracto de Cosmologia Pleyadiana |
- The Photon Belt Information - Cosmic Awareness Communications - 93-11 (Issue No. 420) |
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- A Strong, Highly-Tilted Interstellar Magnetic Field Near The Solar System |
- De Cómo Las Recientes Llamaradas Solares Están Afectando a Los Seres Humanos |
- El Paso del Cambio - ¿Qué Está Pasando y Qué Va A Pasar? |
- Latest Warning From NASA to Its Employees - Are You Ready? Are You Prepared? |
- Morphogenic Resonance or a Plethora of Galactic Center Disinformation? |
- The Passage of Change - What is Happening and What is Going to Happen? |
I agree, indigo. And it seems that if one half of the earth could have 2000 yrs of light, the other half would have 2000 yrs of dark? Of course, in reality our planet HAS to keep spinning, so it will continue to have days and nights, light and dark. Sheldon receives constantly updated info from the 'Sirians' and I no longer invest much in what he or they have to say. I still read SaLuSa's 'channelings' because some stuff resonates for me, but the photon belt story has morphed one time too many for this starseed.
thanks for the info much love x
Amen, Indigo1955. Although, I do think they are saying the earth will revolve without having any time in the sun because entering the Belt somehow obscures the sun for 3 days. Also, I have a somewhat related question about the sun. I read in various places that the sun is not hot, and it actually hosts beings. If the sun is NOT hot, why does our planet warm up when it is facing the sun, and cool down when it isn't? And why do solar flares bring heatwaves and other climactic disasters? Inquiring hearts and minds want to know.
just like this video cleared this subject up for me completely in 11 minutes it so describes in detail quick and easy the dark rift and pole shift and more vital info
thanks ben
Last Trimester Event Timeline - Earth Changes and the Pole Shift
I copied every link and saved it off line. I am reading every page. I don't always understand but I read on anyway. I think it is so very exciting to be here and now. Thanks Ben for all of this knowledge. People often ask me, WHere do you learn this stuff. LOL
Hello MaryJane,
It's nice to meet you.
Have you read the account of the photon belt in Book II, chapter 5 of The Earth Reborn?
Each channeling seems to be different.
I don't know what to make of the photon belt, maybe because I've encountered differing accounts, and I don't understand it well enough to be able to make a judgment with either my heart or my mind so far. So I keep reading and listening and asking my guides. And I consider many of you my guides too. :)
Abundance to All,
Star Flower, thans for the link. I will read it in the next few days.
I do not worry about going through the belt. My soul has already deceided what it wants to do so I now I will be proteced. Also alot of stuff willl not work anymore besides electricty. Batteries will fail and I read we will not be able to have fire for a while. I am very interested in it all but I do not let it bring me fear. Plus I have also read that much has changed so each prediction may no longer apply.
What to do What to do
I've been reading that this prediction might no longer apply. I've also read that we are already in the Photon Belt (since the 90s) and will be in it for the 'next 2000 years of light'. I read too much, lol, and am always finding contradictions, even within one thread on one site. I try to use both head and heart to discern. The Photon Belt has me stumped however. I am not afraid of it, but I have a lot of questions. And if we can't even have fires, how will we survive, considering how far the temperature will plummet. We should be looking for cave dwellings, lol, or digging very deep in our back gardens.
Star Flower
O wow! Talk about ask and you shall receive. I just found this:
""For every side or opinion that is present there will be another side or opinion to oppose it. This therefore requires that you exercise the great gift of discrimination. It is how you choose, and your motivation for choosing, that in essence represents the sorting of the 'wheat from the chaff'.