Krishna said:
"Bashar explains hollow earth and this explanation....Our earth is not hollow, but if you switch over to the next astral plane (or dimension) it is hollow, except you can only observe that if you exist in that other dimension."
Drekx response:
Actually, Earth is hollow upon all planar dimensions, as are all the planets, including the dense physical aethers...I wonder why Bashar got that wrong...?
Think of earth as a living being, and just like any such organism, animal or human, has an alimentary canal which passes through the whole.....via a mouth, throat, oesophagus, stomach, heart, bowel, rectum, anus, etc, etc.....So an opening at each end....Each of us is therefore "hollow" and could not function if solid and uniform all the way through...Our aetheric bodies are duplicates of our physical bodies, albeit "mirrored." Same with planetary logoi...of which any potential human "acorn," may possibly evolve, into such a grand logoic "oak."
We can again apply the axiom; "as above so below," to the planar bodies of the incarnated man (a human) and the great heavenly man (a planetary logos.)
We can even go further and describe the "grand man of the Heavens" (a solar logos) as having a hollow body, of which the sun is "his" heart...
To remind ourselves about the hollow nature of our physical bodies, I'll paste a diagram....
A Man.
Food and drink may be passed through the mouth and is eventually expelled as waste, at the other end of the alimentary canal....Planets likewise consume solar plasmas, vril and cosmic energies and process these for distribution to all living organisms within the body, as tellurian life-forces and electro-magnetic fields..
So in summary, digging into the planetary crust will take us into magma eventually, but hollow earth is beyond the crust, which folds in on itself at the poles and gravity exerts perpendicular to the mass of the crust surface, which continues from the outside to the inside..This hollow form truism applies to humans, as well as all natural planets and satellites:
I hope this forum demonstrates these important (to understand) facts to all members...
Sending you all blessings of love, wisdom and joy...
Selamat majon dramu kas….!
Col. Drekx Omega, Cmdr, GFL Ground Crew (East England Sector)
However, what most people here probably don't realise, is that the Lyrans inhabited planets in this Solaris system, BEFORE Earth and Earth came much later than Mars and Venus...
Mars, for example, although losing it's oxygen atmosphere and oceans, still has a Martian (Lyran) colony living inside the planet.....
These highly advanced Galactic Humans, would like to reclaim the surface status they enjoyed, before the cosmic wars...Millions of years ago, Mars had oceans teeming with cetaceans....The whales were plentiful.....And their inner world, commemerated their surface life, by naming the inner continent; "Medraknaret..." which in the ancient Lyran language, translates to "belly of the whale." The poetic name of their inner continent....
So, for these Martians, a returned surface biosphere has particular, historical and cultural importance to them....As we can appreciate...
I repeated this, as most have no clue about Martians, other than the HG Wells fantasy story...
Like the Agarthans, Martians are actually members of the GFL, not as fully functioning star nations, but as advanced/evolved planetary luminaries of note...
The GFL colour-coded jump suits provide for the colour tones of emerald green, for the Agarthans and lime green, for the Medraknaret Martians.....Of course, they long for the Solarian star nation tone of indigo.....And wear greens, as a mark of rememberence for the former evolutionary phase of Solaris, when it came under a third ray energy phase.....
It is currently working through completeness towards it's second ray status...Once complete, it becomes an official star nation, linking Earth to the others...
🚀Ah, but Elon does not know about the people of inner Mars...✨ 🪐✨ His potential colonists will be living on surface Mars....🛸But in time, they'll get to know each other's ways...
Martians are, of course, galactic Humans, who likewise descended from Lyran colonists...Way before Lemuria on Earth....So millions of years ago...At a time when Mars was a water world....Which is what we seek to restore, for her surface....🤩
I foresee a future time, in which Earth astronomers will gaze up into the night sky and see a blue planet, in place of a formerly red planet....👍 LIke Earth...A blue star shining in the sky...A child of Solaris...🌞
Moreover, in ancient times, Mars had oceans teeming with cetaceans....The whales were plentiful.....And their inner world, commemerated their surface life, by naming the inner continent; "Medraknaret..." which in the ancient Lyran language, translates to "belly of the whale." The poetic name of their inner continent....
So, for these Martians, a returned surface biosphere has particular, historical and cultural importance to them....As we can appreciate...
Drekx response: The interior is full of rich oxygen and there are rivers, lakes and seas....There is a central crystalline sun and gravity continues to operate.....Obviously the sky is unusual, as one sees a land, or sea, against the sky, on the other side of Earth's interior....Across the stationary sun, which remains a permanent zenith, albeit is as bright as a red sunset....There are crystal cities all over the land mass of Agartha and these appear like "stars" against the sky...Viewing across...
A presentation by Jan Lamprecht which uses scientific objectivism to offer a compelling argument for a hollow earth...Must viewing for those of a scientific inclination......I advise all such members to watch carefully and be surprised, if they are currently skeptical...
A vid which explains the reasons for Operation Highjump and Admiral Byrd's brief, to extract nazi tech from Antartica...
Good stuff,
thanks Drekx for sharing
Thankyou sweetheart, glad you liked this... ;-)
The Inner Earth consists of Telos and over 120 other Aghartha Subterranean Cities of Light just a few miles beneath Earth's surface, including the city of Catharia, which is directly inside the center core of the Earth (beneath the Aegean Sea) and is where the Library of Porthologos is located and where Mikos is from. The Inner Earth consists of all the area that is below the Earth's surface throughout the globe, including caverns and a vast tunnel system. It includes all 800 miles from the top of the Earth's surface to the inner hollow opening in the center.
The Hollow Earth is just the area that exists in the very center core of the Earth, which is Hollow, and starts at 800 miles down. Once you are inside the hollow cavity of Earth, the diameter of open space is 6,400 miles. The diameter of the whole Earth is 8,000 miles.
Hello Drekx,
I allways ask me one question, why did the pole expeditions not find the entrances. I mean we can't just walk over to the pole and take a look for ourself.
And it makes sense that the cabal kept it secret, because it will be a gamechanger if we knew another way of living is possible. The people in east-Berlin just had to look over the wall, to see, another world is possible, but what can we do?
love and light
Well, I assume you mean the north pole entrance, which naturally has similar, though different obstacles to overcome, than the south pole entrance...??
The biggest problem for people seeking to enter the north pole entrance by foot, is the Arctic sea and ice pack...which, of course, covers the sea bed entrance....
If I recall, the latest failed attempt, tried using an icebreaker ship, but I'm not totally aware, so correct me if I'm wrong...However, the best way into the north pole entrance using earth surface tech, would be by SUBMARINE....And of course, these can travel under the ice pack...
Did they use such a conveyance...??
As for the south pole entrance....Admiral Byrd travelled by small plane and was allowed in easily, with the help of Agarthan tech...The Antarctic is an ice covered island, unlike the north pole...