“Ashtar” and “Ashira” channeled by Dr. Susan Sammarco

“One Who Serves” channeled by James McConnell

(Note: these messages were given during our weekly Prepare For Change group in Glendale, AZ on August 30, 2015)



We are proud to be working with a group that is diligent and willing to work and to share laughter and joy. Today my message is going to be about the “Pillars of Light” that have been seen and are going to be seen around the planet. You are getting one-dimensional answers about what these are. We believe we are sharing with you today information that will enable you to see these experiences around the planet even more.

The “Pillars of Light” come from within the planet. The “Pillars of Light” come with out the planet. There are different manifestations and yet they look the same. That which is within is also with out. And there are different purposes for these.

Some of the “Pillars of Light” are portals. These are portals for the Ascension into the 5th dimension for those who are ready upon the planet to make that change. Some of these are transport beams that send love and light to the areas upon which they land. Someone mentioned the transport beams where some are being “transported” down or accepting the rides to the planet in this way. Transport of mentors, those who will be working with you. Transport of those planetary leaders who will be up and coming.

Some of you in this very group have been receiving and have received new orders, new expectations of what you shall be moving into as you are moved to this new energy level, this New World. Some of these coming from the “Inner Planet” are bringing light, love and the energy to the surface of the planet. Some of those “Pillars of Light” are also transports of those from Agartha, from Shamballa and from all parts of Inner Earth to share with you and to celebrate with you.

These lights are from the Angelic Realm. These lights are from the Galactic Realm. These lights are from the Inner Realm of the planet from Mother Gaia, herself.

We know you looked in earnest for pictures of these last weekend in your Advance. It was not the time yet for you to be made fully aware. But now you may invite these. You may find yourself in a place where they open up. Do not fear. Step into these. Allow them to work their magic with you. Believe in them and they will come.

They will be coming more and more upon the planet until she shines her beauty around the planet as the jewel she is in the universe. Do not fear. There is importance in these portals that are opening which is why we share this with you today.

We know too that there are those who have concerns about friends and family. About those who are traveling distances next month, about what is to be happening. Know that each of you in this room, each of you on the phone, each of you who reads these words, all of you will be in the right place at the right time and this also goes for those who are part of your family. \

Those who are “old” people upon this planet, those who are “young” people upon the planet, these are all souls and the soul does not have age and there is no lack of connection to the Divine. There is a perfection that is necessary for every step of this unfolding. For every step of this evolution. This has been worked on for tens of thousands of years. Would we let one sparrow fall?

There is much to be agitated about, in fear about and that is not going to assist any of you. We would share with you, read or not read, pay attention or not pay attention, it does not matter. You are who you are and you are going to be exactly where you are meant to be. In this group you have been prepared to help others. In this group you have been prepared to take official positions. In this group we will meet you on level ground and assist you in the process that you move upon at the time of the Shift.

We are not meaning to be too serious today. We are in joy. We are in happiness. For all that has been written about, all that has been put off can no longer be put off because the time is Now. No more soon. No more impending. All that you wish for is unfolding in the moment. You may not see it in the word and the places that you want to see it yet but know in your heart that it is unfolding Now. And all those things that you have heard of, have spoken of are in the Now.

Lord Buddha visited you some weeks back with a message that all is in the Now. I take you back to this again. To this time. To this moment. This knowingness that you are in the Now.

That is my message for the day. I will be close for questions. Ashtar and Adama are both in this room and are here to answer questions as well. Start thinking what you would ask of them as well. We give you our blessings. We give you our love. Namaste.

“One Who Serves”

Greetings to you. “One Who Serves” here to serve you. That is what we come to do. Understand that as these things begin to unfold, as “Ashira” has said, no more soon, it is certainly “imminent”. These things that are happening now, as many have been saying, it is not only happening in the background, it is happening now. But understand that as you are preparing for all of this, you have been doing so for a very long time. This is nothing new for you. The process you are going through is everything you have been working toward and we have been helping you work toward it. Many of us have been doing so and those who are the mentors will be with you very shortly.

Time is fleeting now as you would look at it. And as you look at it, is not time speeding up? The movement is to the no time. You are coming more and more to that. We have spoken about this before. You wonder about these things and you wonder what is happening in September and what is happening in October and is the Wave coming and all of these things. And we can say that THIS is your moment! This is your December 21, 2012. Do you understand this?

This is what was spoken of back then when you were all going to go through the Ascension Wave at that time but as you know it was postponed for many different reasons. Predominantly though it was mankind’s collective consciousness that said wait! Your Higher Selves all got together and said, “Wait”. We want everyone to come along and now, everyone has that opportunity to come along and be a part of this. There are those who decided previously that they did not want to be a part of this. They wish to stay in the old ways and be a part of the familiar.

But you, yourselves, have been in release and are ready to let go. All that you know is getting ready to go, “bye bye”. Because it must. The old passes away for the new to sprout new growth. This you saw in the movie (The Last Avatar) in the end of the movie, all the brand new growth that showed up. And the tree sprouted from a seed into beautiful purple flowers. The beginning of the new blossoms. And you are in the beginning of the new blossoming age as we speak now.

And those of us who are mentoring to you and you have heard of the mentors that are coming but you, yourselves, are also mentors and are going to assist a great many. You will have your mentors helping you to help others. That is what it is all about. It is service to others. And you are all that type here, you are service to others. Even though you may not think that now, you are and when the memories return, and they are returning and are going to continue to return, when those memories return you are the mentors again.

That is our message here. We will answer questions with “Ashira” and “Ashtar” and “Adama” all standing by here, we have the whole gang here! Anyone wish to start out?

Question: I had a dream the other night when I was given the message that I need to look for human looking being that had on a specific outfit that was dark gray with bright turquoise trim. What can you tell me about this?

Yes, we are passing this to “Ashira” who is ready for this.

Yes I am. “Ashtar” is speaking with us as well.

So, you were upon the ships doing your duties that you have upon the ships. The light that was left with you internally is to look for these for they are your shipmates. These are those who will be coming to the planet more and more with the “Pillars of Light” and you will be able to see them. You will not necessarily see them dressed in those clothes when you see them but you will have the memory of those people. Those beings that you share time with and love with, you will recognize them. You will recognize them on the TV. You will recognize them in the grocery store. You will recognize them and you will have the memory in your mind of that uniform you see them in. Does that make sense to You?

These are colleagues on the ship. Not necessarily your mentors. This is an awareness you have.

Each person in this room has gifts that are opening. Each person in this room has purposes for those gifts. You will all be finding these gifts appearing to you more and more. This is one of yours. To recognize others with whom you serve in other dimensions so that you are more aware too of their purpose upon the planet as this Shift occurs.

“OWS”: We wish to add here that there is also the use of telepathy. Many of you are beginning to understand that you have the gift of telepathy and maybe it is in the beginning part but it is there and it is going to become much more useful in the near future here. And as you come in contact with those, let us say, different than you are in many respects, your way of understanding them and communicating with them will be through telepathy. They will use that as well for you. If you have difficulty with this as the Shift occurs you will be given instruction on how to utilize this.

But if you look within your own lives now look at how you communicate with animals or with other individuals. Look at how you can ascertain what they are thinking or you can send a message to them and they will pick it up! You see?

You will have this occur more and more and more. So, just be ready for it!

Are there other questions here now?

Question: I have a question about my baby. I am approaching 40 weeks and the doctor wants to induce labor. I am concerned about the possibility of a C-section and now I am worried about all of this. Can you help?

“Ashira”: Thank you. We are happy about the soul who will be joining your family! We acknowledge that there is a discomfort that accompanies childbirth on this planet. We would like to see a different experience. But on this planet, in the 3D experience, this is what you have. 

If we understand you, you have concerns about the birth of this child. We would say that this child will make it well known when it is ready for the birth to take place. We would also say that should a C-Section become necessary that you should be relaxed about this. Not all children need to make the journey through the vaginal canal of the mother. Some children are meant to be lifted from the mother’s body. That is the easy track for the child to experience birth.

This may not seem so easy to you, we understand your fears and concerns. If you allow this child to make its wishes known to you, if you have conversations with this one, that you will know when the time is right. You will know that it is not necessary to follow the doctor’s clock. You will know internally. Your water may leak. Your birth pains may begin and not be fruitful. We share these things to ease you, not to frighten you. If you can allow the child to make its birth time known to you, it benefits the soul in the greatest way. And know that it becomes known that the child is to be delivered through a C-Section, that the child does not need to make the journey of a “normal” birth. Doe that help you, Dear One? Thank you very much from me and my baby!

One Who Serves” do you have anything to add?

OWS”: No, not at this time. We must say that it has been a very long time since we had that type of situation to deal with here. That was joke people! It has been a VERY long time since we had any kind of a situation as this.


It will be wonderful in the 5th dimension when the new children arrive because they will arrive in ways that will amaze you. (Yes! OWS)

Can you, Ashtar, tell us your role in the Ascension and who you are?

Let us give time for shift.

“Áshtar”:  Hello. I am “Ashtar” and I serve under “Lord Sananda’s” command in this universe. I come to assist those upon the planet and all of those upon my ships. In your multidimensional selves, many of you here are in fact working upon ships with me and you are mine. You are mine to continue to watch over. You are mine to continue to move forward in this service you have found yourself bonded to on this planet.

I am here to continue to assist with other ships coming from other planets and other systems. I am here to help in the organization of all of that. So that as these events continue upon the planet, they happen in the way that Prime Creator has set forth.

It is my greatest pleasure to serve “Lord Sananda” and to be at his beckon call for those things he directs me to do. I have spoken through many upon the planet to assist in the belief in the Galactic Brothers and Sisters we are and the faith in you moving this process forward.

Question: What does a time line shift look like from your perspective and what does the timeline look like a few years down the road?

Ashtar”:  A few years down the road there is no timeline. It will be non-existent because you will have shifted yourselves.

Timeline from day’s past was filled with the prophecies of destruction. It was filled with the prophecies of the planet not surviving. This particular timeline that had been in place had been written about in native people’s paintings and books around the planet. Of the holy Bible that had its effects on this culture, of the Mayan people, all who expected that this would be the end of days. And yet there was a continuance beyond the end of days into the continuum of the New Earth.

At one time there were so many timelines created as people who lived upon the planet. Because the programming had been so insistent on the culmination of “the end” that was the ending of the timeline that many individuals created and fed into the mass consciousness.

But as we more actively entered the pictures sometime back, close to 50 years of your time ago, we began to see things change. We began to change things. We brought forth a timeline, collapsing other timelines upon it, not only in our own powers but we watched as this occurred. So the shifts started to happen slowly and then began to happen more and more quickly in the past twenty years. And the shifts that we watched happen had an outcome very different from those of many thousands of years. What we saw from our perspective was a new hope, a new song coming from the planet.

The birth of Lightworkers upon the planet as well as those working from other dimensions, other planets, other places came together to make this New World occur. To allow the new to occur. To move things aside and to take those who have been in power and move them aside. This took much planning.

The timelines continued to shift because of the upsurge in the human population, in the human consciousness. And then the feeling of over-powerment came again. We watched as the human timelines continued to move into unity, into one-ness, over time. You have heard that the timelines have shifted moment to moment, day to day, because of the consciousness upon the planet.

We will tell you now that there is one timeline that is movement forward to no timeline. No expectations. No powers over you. All of this is occurring now. What does it look like to us? It looked like chaos when we became involved. It looked like chaotic thoughts, chaotic emotions, and chaotic consciousness. Now, there is much more unity and that will only increase. Much more unity at the Divine level about the timing that is to be. And so it allows us to step in at this time and be more hopeful, more unity and expectation of good at the mass consciousness level of humans.

Those upon the planet realize that the past prognostications for gloom, doom and destruction of the planet are gone. Now we are working to get rid of fear and build the love. Do you see this in the moment to moment shows, the moment to moment life upon the planet? No. you still see chaos as a result of old timeline planning. Old thought processes. Past, past.

What is created in the Now though is the love and the expansion that is present in the human population and the human consciousness. Doe that answer your questions, dear one.

Comment: Yes. And I want to thank you and all of our Galactic brothers and sisters and interdimensional friends who are working on this Ascension process. Thank you.

Well, we wish to thank you for all that you are doing. You are aware of many of your purposes on the planet at this time. We know that you know that you are in service to us and we appreciate that. We give you thanks and bless you on your journey sir.

“OWS” : Would there be any other questions here now?

Question: I would like to ask Ashtar a question. Is it true that you shall be landing before the end of this year?

“Ashtar”: “Ashtar” here. My dear, we are already landing. We are already being seen. We are doing what we can. What will facilitate the mass landings will be the shifting in frequency upon this planet. We must have a rising of the vibration for we cannot make the visits unless those we wish to visit are of the correct frequency. That will change on the entire planet and that is changing now.

We know that many of you visit us at night and we visit many of you at night. We know that these communications are already being made so yes, you can wait eagerly but again, you are one of our children, you are one who serves in the Ashtar Federation of ships and we thank you.

“OWS” : Are there other questions here?

Question: Will we spend time in Hollow Earth as Mother Earth is restored to her original state?

OWS”: Your destiny is somewhat pre-determined. You will have opportunities at various points where you wish to find yourself. Whether it is on a ship with Ashtar or Sananda or wherever it might be. Or it may be in the Inner Earth areas. There is very little concern as to catastrophes and this type of thing. There will be some occurrences on the surface as she continues her birth process you might say into the higher vibrations. There may be a necessity in some future time where there may be a shift to other areas that are somewhat endangered on this planet but that is far ahead here. Nothing to be concerned about. You will find yourself exactly as “Ashira” said earlier, “You will find yourself exactly at the right place at the right time and at the right moment when the need arises.” Does this answer your question? Would there be anything else here? Any further questions?

Question: Can you tell me how my Twin Flame is doing?

OWS”: It is most important that you know of your Twin Flame. It is important that we know that you know. You will come to know your Twin Flame at the right time and right place. You already know them and you are coming to remember them. This is for everyone. You will come to the place and the time that you will know “This is the one”. This the one you have searched for your entire life here as you searched for a mate. You see? Why do you think you have found yourself a mate and they are not quite what you expected them to be? They do not match up to who you are to your Twin Flame. That is coming and you will come to know this but for anyone to say this is your Twin Flame or that is your Twin Flame is not only ruining the surprise for you but is also not being correct in doing so. You see? This has to come from within you.

Anything you wish to add, “Ashira”? No, I think you did that beautifully.

Good! We think so too.!

Any further questions here?

Question: After meditation today I heard whispered in my ear the word “sanctity”. What does that mean?

“Ashira”: That particular word was given to you to remind you that everything is holy. Everything is light. Everything is God (if you want to use that). Everything is love. Sanctity, remember to honor all things, all people, everything you experience as the Holy Light that is guiding you. The Holy Light that you are. And that you are in the perfect place at this moment to bless all in your world by remembering that this is the truth of your being. Does that make sense, dear one?

“OWS” : Any further questions here?

Question:  I have questions about my skin. In particular areas that actually change. They seem to convey some messages at sometimes. Do you know any information about this?

OWS”: We are going to say that there is a shift happening to many people across the planet. Many are noticing changes in their bodies in many different ways. Some in the skin. Some in internal organs. Some in the hair. And all different types of things that are occurring and these changes are a letting go of old things that are in the body. Old things that no longer work. Shedding away of the impurities in the body, purifying the body. Sometimes when this purification takes place things may come up that are not so sightly or be something you may not want to have there but as to messages it is not so much a message directly but it is that the body is changing. You are going through a shift. You are going through a transition. All across the planet will have things that occur during this transition. It is not all pleasant but there will be a time when all the unpleasantries will be gone. Anything you wish to add here, “Ashira”?

Do you have different questions about this? No, that is good for me.

Any further questions here?

Question: I recently saw a presentation by a sacred geometrist talking about the Garden of Eden. He basically said we had been lied to. Can you talk about this a little?

OWS”: We would say that this is certainly a different understanding than most of you have heard before. To say it is a lie is not quite the word to use. Even though you have been deceived in many respects in your lifetimes here, your evolution here on this planet, to look at what you are speaking of is an allegory, a metaphor, for this shift that happened a long time ago in the movement from your God Consciousness. The movement from your connection to your Source.

That disconnection is to get you to look at all of these things that have occurred over your lifetimes. That shift is what happened a very long time ago. (This answer is interrupted at this point as the channel (James) is feeling very ill and needs to come out of it and ground himself)

“Ashira”: We will add to this that over the centuries those in power used this story to disempower women. The original story was of the shift from long ago but this has been utilized to take women from the strength and the soul partner of the masculine and to make her the one to blame for the shift. To take her powers from her. To “blame” her for taking the whole family out of the Kingdom of God. All of this was used by those who would control you.

There were aspect of this that were missed by this one who gave the presentation but you think about harm that was wrought upon the planet in terms of women. Think of women in other countries. Think of the power given to men by the use of this story. Think of the power, the contributions and all brought forth by women. Think of the soul bond between the sacred masculine and the sacred feminine. That is something to remember. Does that make sense?

Yes…not the apple literally of course, but the understanding. The more truth we take in, the more we walk in truth and upright, the more we remember the Garden of Eden, the more you utilize the truth and understanding, you are correct. It is the ingesting of truth and that is what we have tried to do as those who have been spoon feeding you, those who are in service to you goes very deeply into you and in what you bring to the table. Again, this has been used by those who would corrupt you and keep you subjugated. To keep you in a position of fearing hidden truths. Of being in fear of knowledge that is yours by birthright and this time you are allowed to ingest that, grow from that and seek your path. Does that make sense? Step into truth and out of ignorance.

The energy is in this room is VERY high. Some other bodies are also experiencing difficulty. Let us sing three OHMS to help those in the circle (and James).

Question: I had a dream all night about an Owl and I saw myself writing math equations on the chalkboard.

Ashira”: What is your symbolism for the owl? Wisdom, I was gaining wisdom.

It is always important to see what people’s views of symbols are. If one sees the ocean waves, in some it may be a symbol of peace and for others it is consternation. The importance of symbols is what does it mean to you?

We would say that you are channeling information that you have at the higher levels in other activities. This is a way to have it bleed into your conscious mind. These will become more important as you move forward in creating the New World.

“OWS”: We are back here.  What is your saying? Fall off the horse and get right back on. That is what we encouraged the James to do and he is doing so. Do we have any more questions?

Question: Every morning I go to work and I see something in the sky. It is not a cloud. It is not a plane. What am I seeing?

“Ashira”: They are beckoning you home. They are letting you know that you are with them and they are with you. They are with you throughout the day. When you go a little astray, they are there to give you hope. Every morning the ship shines for you. You are a part of them. They KNOW you. That is the memory that is to be given.

“OWS”: This is the viewing beyond the veil that we have spoken of. The glimpses that you get. And the veil is dropping for many of you. And one of these days it will be gone completely. Oh, what you will see then!

Would there be any more questions?

“One Who Serves”

We are going to release channel for second time. We apologize but sometimes things happen. What is your saying, “S-happens. Does it not?” Putting a little bit of levity into this situation.

Those who are here will experience physical symptoms. It can come and anything can happen. So be prepared! The energies are rising and when you are in a group such as this and the energies have piled up and piled up as they have in this room, you can feel an overflowing of the cup. That is what happened here. The cup overfloweth with the strong energies here. And we will say that since your Ascen,,, Advance here, we almost said Ascension, since your Advance the energies are even stronger than they were before. You need to come into a balance of energies here so that the shift that is occurring is a minimal shift.

You can see how it is affecting those of you here. Think how it is going to affect others as the full blast, the Wave, hits all of those who have no understanding and are not ready for it. You see? This is why it has been lessened over a period of time and have not had the immense shift happen all in one moment. You would not have been able to withstand this. So there was a change to allow the Shift to happen somewhat more gradually. But it will come when it won’t be so gradual. You will feel it as we have been saying. Hopefully you will be in a good place and you will find yourself in a higher vibrational process at that moment.

We wanted to address one more thing that occurred on the Advance. James had the process built for some time for his Higher self to come but there needed to be a catalyst to bring it out. That weekend was the catalyst. This was a demonstration, this was a process to show all of you there and to discuss today. It is not only for the James, it will come through the Susan and through each of you in different ways. It is not channeling necessarily. It will come through as gifts of the Spirit as you are connecting more and more and more with your Higher God Self. You see?

So expect it in different ways in times coming. Yes, it will come through the James again and he has been told about this. There will be moments when it will be necessary to show and demonstrate to show it is possible for all here. That is what we want you to take from this. That it is your destiny. Not only an individual’s destiny but all of you. All of you in this room or on the phone or all of you who are resonating to these words as you are reading them.

That is all. We release channel. Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the One.


I thank you for this time today. For allowing us to share with you. To listen during your conversations and allow us to use those conversations for learning. I give you all my love, all my peace. Namaste.

Channeled by James McConnell and Dr. Susan Sammarco

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