The Brain8108629896?profile=original

The anatomy of the brain is very complex, and the organ as a whole can be considered under two main aspects: 1) in relation to consciousness, thought, and memory; and 2) in relation to functional activities stimulated by nerve currents to the various organs, muscles, etc. It is in reference to consciousness that Blavatsky states that “Occultism tells us that every atom, like the monad of Leibnitz, is a little universe in itself; and that every organ and cell in the human body is endowed with a brain of its own, with memory, therefore, experience and discriminative powers” (Studies in Occultism 100; BCW 12:134). Pirogoff, Liebig, and others are quoted in support of the view that memory is related to the bodily organs in general and not wholly to the brain. The brain is the registering organ of memory, not memory itself. The memories of terrestrial experiences — those pertaining to the lower mind — arise in the bodily organs pertaining to it, and are transmitted to the structure of the brain, where they are registered in the kama-manasic consciousness. But the finer particles of the brain cannot be so reached, for the brain in this sense is the organ of a higher noetic mind. The higher mind does not act directly on the bodily organs, but through the mediation of the lower mind. Thus it is the personal ego “catches occasional glimpses of that which is beyond the senses of man, and transmits them to certain brain cells (unknown to science in their functions), thus making of man a Seer, a soothsayer, and a prophet . . .” (Studies in Occultism 89; BCW 12:367). The brain and heart are special organs through which the higher mind acting through the personal mind can stimulate the finer particles of the body to a representation of spiritual ideas.

More particularly the brain may be described as the organ of the lower manasic activities through the manasic fluid flowing forth from the inner constitution; whereas the heart is the organ — as yet only slightly evolved to its high purposes — for the buddhic or buddhi-manasic parts of the invisible human constitution. Thus when the brain is trained to receive the inflow of the current arising in the higher portion of the fluid which bathes the heart, then the individual lives for the time at least in the highest portions of his constitution, and temporarily becomes a demigod on earth.

Brain-mind Used by theosophists for the astral mind of the personal ego, the pale and too often distorted reflection of the intellection of the reincarnating ego. It is, in fact, the representative in the physical world of kama-manas, mind conditioned by materiality. The lower mind or psycho-nervous effluvia of the brain acts through the nervous ganglia in the kamic centers, such as the liver, stomach, and spleen, though the central ganglia of this nervous system are situated in the base of the skull. The brain, and with it the heart, however, are likewise the organs of spiritual and intellectual powers far higher than those represented by the merely human personality working through the brain-mind; hence the higher forms of thought, supersensuous, superconscious, correlate with the cerebral and cardiac centers.

The body in general and the brain in particular are compact of finer and grosser elements, the former responsive only to the breath of divine wisdom, out of reach of the winds from the passion-laden lower mind, whose function is to act on and arouse the grosser elements of the nervous system. The brain, therefore, is a kind of reflector of thought-currents and emotional tides which arise in the kamic centers of the inner self, and are distributed through the nervous ganglia in the skull to the physical kamic reflection centers in the trunk. Thus we scarcely use at all the brain itself in the true sense, or at any rate only in its lowest aspects or functions; and it is only in rare moments that the brain tissues are suffused with the glory emanating directly from the higher nature and working through the pineal and pituitary glands in the skull and through the secret center in the heart.

Pineal Gland, Conarium, or Epiphysis Cerebri: A small organ in the brain with a fancied resemblance to a pine cone; technically called the epiphysis, as being an “upgrowth” from the embryonic tissues which later form part of the ventricular or hollow center of the brain, which space is continuous with the central canal of the spinal cord. The pineal gland is described as a rounded, oblong body, about one-third of an inch long, of a deep reddish color, connected with the posterior part of the third ventricle, and intimately related to the optic thalami which physiologists find to be the organs of reception and condensation of the most sensitive and sensorial incitations from the periphery of the body. Thus this organ is in central relation to the coordinating organs of all the senses and sensations, and to the thinking brain which perfects and coordinates ideas. Its purpose, however, remains a mystery to the medical profession. A standard anatomy says: “The ancients had a grotesque theory that the epiphysis is the favorite and peculiar abiding-place of the human soul. Modern morphologists have shown it to be the homologue of the third eye which some reptiles possess.”

Blavatsky, repeating the ancient belief, says that this concealed third eye is the “seat of the highest and divinest consciousness in man — his omniscient spiritual and all-embracing mind” (Key 121). She sketches the evolutionary history of this Deva Eye (SD 2:294 et seq) which was the only seeing organ in the beginning of the present human race, when the spiritual element in the then humanity reigned supreme over the as yet unawakened intellectual and psychic elements in the nature. Later on, as the ethereal and psychospiritual early races became self-conscious and physicalized, they used their spiritual and intellectual powers and faculties for selfish and sensual purposes. Meantime, the third eye withdrew, pari passu, into the central cavity of the developing brain. There it has remained until the present — a symbol of that past spiritual vision which we will regain as we progress consciously along the upward arc of the evolutionary cycle. As to scientific evidence of a once active third eye of objective vision in animals, the Hatteria punctata, a lizard type found in New Zealand, is pointed out. This land, being a part well above the waters of the ancient continent Lemuria, the home of the third root-race, would be likely to retain some remnants of early types of the creatures which once existed when “the third eye was primarily, as in man, the only seeing organ” (SD 2:299).

An ancient commentary says that by the middle of the fourth root-race, the “inner vision had to be awakened and acquired by artificial stimuli, the process of which was known to the old sages” (SD 2:294). Even now, the adept, with trained will, can arouse this ordinarily quiescent organ into activity, so that he becomes illuminated throughout and by it with a vision of infinitude. It was this sublime vision which overwhelmed Arjuna when Krishna, acting as the Logos within, gave the aspiring human monad the divine eye (BG ch 11). The analogy of enlarged vision holds good, in degree, when the spiritual teacher arouses the chela’s latent ability to see for himself hidden truth.

Descartes reasoned that the seat of the soul was the pineal gland which, he said, though it was tied to the brain, was yet capable of being put into a kind of swinging motion by the animal spirits that cross the cavities of the skull. He was right about the cavities being open during life, and about the organ’s response in oscillations; and what the ancients called animal spirits, is otherwise expressed in theosophical literature as circulating currents of the nerve-aura of occultism. In the adept, the third eye is aroused by aspiration and concentration of his human will upon the attainment of union of his mental with his spiritual faculties. By this conscious effort, he rises to the higher powers of will which, in its ordinary automatic and emotional phases, is usually diffused throughout the activities of the animal body and brain, by way of the main organ of will, the pituitary gland, the psychic associate of the pineal center. The x-ray may yet reveal ethereal emanations of nerve-aura in the human brain, as living evidence of the interrelation of mind and matter. Meantime, concrete examples of such interaction are found in the pineal gland, in the form of “brain sand,” or (acervulus cerebri).

Third Eye : Possessed by early humans and, up to the physicalization of the third root-race, it was the only seeing organ in most living species. At the beginning of that root-race, the organ which has developed into the eye was beneath a semitransparent covering or membrane, like some of the blind vertebrata today. In early humanity, the third eye was the organ of spiritual vision, as it was that of objective vision in the animals (SD 2:299), as indeed it still remains, and it appears as the pineal gland inside the skull of modern mankind. In the course of physical evolution, with corresponding loss of spiritual vision, the cyclopean eye was gradually replaced by the physical vision of the two front eyes. The original eye has since then continued to function — although unrecognized by the vast majority of people — as the organ of intuitive discernment. As this recession was not complete before the close of the fourth root-race, there were late subraces of Lemurians and of early Atlanteans who were still in some degree at least physically three-eyed (SD 2:302).

Hindu mystics speak of this inner organ as the eye of Siva, the Tri-lochana (three-eyed). In Tibet the same functional organ was called the eye of Dangma, and references to it may be found under various names scattered throughout the world’s literatures.

Pituitary Gland or Hypophysis Cerebri : A small, bi-lobed, ductless gland, resting on the bony floor of the brain just above the palate. Its familiar name came from the mistaken notion that it secreted pituita (phlem) which was discharged through the nose. The technical term describes it as the “growth underneath” the brain with which it is connected. It is also closely related to the optic and other sensory nerves, as well as to the general coordinating centers of mental and physical sense and sensation in the region of the third ventricle, including the pineal gland.

Modern physicians have called the pituitary the driver gland, because of its active influence upon the growth and function of different parts of the body. Theosophy holds that the pituitary body is the seat of the organ of will; likewise, as an organ that functions through the sympathetic nervous system upon various levels of the psychic plane, it is one of the links that connect the intermediate nature of man with both his spiritual mind and his instinctual, animal mind. Thus it serves as manifesting point where the cosmic force of will, flowing through the spiritual center of man’s being, works as a physical energy. As the bodily organ of will, it acts as a vital transformer, stepping down the high power, electromagnetic currents of universal will and desire, thus providing a series of special currents of growth which are diffused through the thyroid and other ductless glands. These currents, acting as automatic or vegetative will power, first affect the linga-sarira (model-body), and through it stimulate the physical body.

The pituitary, as a transformer, may also step up these diffused currents of physical and animal will and desire, raising them into the aspiring mental-spiritual will and desire, as when the high adept concentrates his whole consciousness upon attaining spiritual vision and knowledge. When the focused power of the active pituitary is directed to the higher psychic levels, its influence, through radiated wave-energy, reaches the pineal gland which responds with spiritual clairvoyance. If, however, the increased activity is upon the lower astral levels, the effects are distorted and misleading. The pituitary being closely connected with the optic and other sensory nerves, and with the important nerve centers, its enlargement or uncontrolled, abnormal activity often give rise to strange hallucinations of vision, hearing, etc. This explains the bizarre sights, sounds, odors, or what not, which are so real to the sufferers from brain fever, delirium tremens, insanity, epilepsy, and some other disorders.

However, no one of the organs of a human being can function alone and apart from coordinated activity with the other parts of the human constitution; thus it is that while the pituitary body can stimulate or arouse to increased activity the pineal gland, nevertheless the pineal gland in its turn can act strongly upon the pituitary body; and as the pineal gland is the physical seat of the spiritual and higher intellectual faculties of the human constitution descending to the physical brain through the linga-sarira, when the pineal gland thus influences by radiated wave-energy the pituitary, the latter is awakened and begins to vibrate, strongly influencing the physical brain with will-currents guided by the spiritual and higher intellectual inspiration from the pineal.

Thalamus, Optic [from Greek optikos visual from op to see + thalamos chamber] : The optic thalami are the two great posterior ganglia at the base of the brain, forming part of the wall of the third ventricle. They are the bed from which the optic fibers arise, as well as a special center for the correlation and transmission of sensory, motor, and ideational impressions which, consciously and subconsciously, interact between the body and the brain. The thalami are a central station for the reception, condensation, and transmission of all the intercommunicating lines between the conscious, thinking person and the external world.

Embryology shows the optic thalami playing an early and leading part in connection with the pineal gland, then at the apex of the developing head, a biological review of early racial conditions when the pineal gland functioned as the only eye of vision. At that stage of evolution, the human was as unselfconscious in personality and as gelatinous in physical structure as the embryo now is at first. Nevertheless, he was a spiritual being, as he now is, being the reincarnating ego which directs the evolution of its marvelous body from the unit of a fertilized cell. The embryo repeats the gradual growth and dominating position of the cerebral hemispheres which, in the history of the third root-race, gave play to intellectual faculties at the expense of spiritual vision. Then the pineal “eye,” no longer active, retired to the hollow of the brain where the optic thalami became concerned with the development of the two eyes of physical vision. “It is a curious fact that it is especially in human beings that the cerebral hemispheres and the lateral ventricles have been developed, and that the optic thalami, corpora quadrigemina, and corpora striata are the principal parts which are developed in the mammalian brain” (SD 2:301).

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  • Thanks a million for posting this, Kelly.

    I always thought the brain as rather uncharted territory, which is a strange thought considering I need my brain to think, when I am thinking about my brain, if you know what I mean .. Lol ..

    This is the kind of topic that makes my mind wander a bit, and I wonder that if a brain transplant ever becomes possible, what it would do for the recipient. Imagine, getting a new brain, well it wouldn'd be new, it would be second hand, complete with a second hand pineal gland .. haha ..

    Imagine how strange the thoughts would be, imagine living with someone elses brain installed into your head ! Imagine the thoughts you would have, would they be your thoughts, or would they be the residual thoughts of the person who donated the brain?

    Now imagine getting a hand transplant, every time you scratch your ass, it would actually be someone elses finger's scratching it for you because it wouldn't be your hand, imagine the effect that would have on your thoughts !! .. Lol .. hehe ...

    Anyway, sorry to veer off the subject. I love the article and I need to read it a few times, so I can absorbe it into my mind. Its strange, because anytime we read anything, its literally transplanted from one persons thoughts into our thoughts, so it's a silent passing of data from one person to others, through the power of the written word. I find that amazing, that someone can think of something and quietly write it down and without saying a word, the thought is shared. I love how we are all communicating out thought's to one another silently, from different corners of the globe, through our third eye and through our finger tip's.

    So in actual fact, if a person writes down their memoir's, those thought's seep out of the writer's head and into a book and then seep into the mind of the person who read's it, where it anchor's in the reader's head and finds a whole new playground to explore and it becomes a memory in the reader's head, so whatever was going on the writer's head, is now going on in the reader's head and they never even met ! .. Its very strange because maybe fifty thousand people who read the book, they all have their own version of how the writers memories would look like, so in actual fact, what the writer wants to convey, may get lost in the fertile imaginations of all of the writer's reader's .. Lol .. I suppose the same principle applies with art, music, film, conversation, just about anything.

    I have absolutely no idea what I am talking about, but I think I have an idea. You see Kelly, thats what happen's when you get me going on the subject of the brain, my mind goes strange direction's .. :-)

  • Thanks, Mikeil, I've added the link to my bookmarks, will study it later when I have more time.  Have a great day!

  • Totally recommended reading.....!!! ;-)

  • Thanks Kelly; great article. Note that fluoride (a.k.a. Prozac) is one of the biggest inhibitors for a well-functioning pineal gland, and iodine (the good halogen) is reportedly good for improved functioning of the pineal gland.  Note that iodine has been removed from most U.S. table salt, while fluoride is still in most U.S. drinking water(.....hmm)  Time to filter some water and take some iodine. 

    • Good to know, Malcolm, thanks for the info :-)  I've been looking at silver, do you know much about colloidal silver?  I have some nanosilver but I haven't used for a while.  I wonder how it would affect the brain...

      • KELLY: here are some important things to know about colloidal silver:

        What Are the Benefits of Colloidal Silver?

        Last Updated: Feb 02, 2014 | By Megan AshtonWhat Are the Benefits of Colloidal Silver?

        Colloidal silver can be used topically to reduce the risk of infection in cuts and scrapes. Photo Credit NikiLitov/iStock/Getty Images

        Colloidal silver is a product that is sold as a liquid supplement, nasal spray and ointment, and it is marketed for the treatment of a variety of disorders. It is made with silver colloids, ionic silver and silver proteins; and colloidal is the term used to describe the particles of silver that do not dissolve, but instead remain suspended in the liquid. Colloidal silver is generally considered safe and beneficial as a topical analgesic, but consult your doctor before taking it internally.

        Traditional Uses

        Silver was used medicinally in the mid-20th century to treat disorders such as epilepsy, gonorrhea and colds. It was also used in the past in eye drop solutions for ophthalmic issues. Compounds of colloidal silver were used topically as an antiseptic, germicide and disinfectant agent. In addition, colloidal silver was used as an internal antibiotic agent for the treatment of a variety of infections; however, this use ceased with the revelation of prescription antibiotic medications.

        Immune Booster

        Although colloidal silver lost its popularity in the early 1900s, there has been a recent surge of interest in the use of colloidal silver preparations by alternative health practitioners. Supporters of colloidal silver today say that when taken internally, it stimulates and boosts the immune system; kills disease-causing agents such as bacteria, viruses and fungi; and consequently fights off infections. Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center warns, though, that silver is not an essential mineral, and it does not serve any physiological function inside the body.

        Other Touted Benefits

        The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine reports that colloidal silver is touted as an alternative to prescription antibiotics. According to, it is also purported to help treat AIDS, cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, flu, herpes, pneumonia, prostatitis, the common cold, scarlet fever, shingles, syphilis and tuberculosis. There is, however, no verifiable scientific research to suggest it is effective for treating any type of medical condition.


        Animal studies have found that colloidal silver builds up in the tissues of the body, and the Food and Drug Administration has issued a consumer advisory about the long-term use of colloidal silver, due to the risk of developing a skin condition called argyria. Argyria causes the skin, nails and gums to have a bluish-gray to gray-black pigmentation, and it is irreversible. In addition, colloidal silver has been found to reduce the effectiveness of antibiotics and thyroid medications, and it may cause developmental problem in the fetus of pregnant women who take it. Other possible side effects include neurological problems such as seizures, kidney damage, stomach distress, headaches and fatigue. Due to the lack of evidence for effectiveness and the risk of serious irreversible side effects, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center advises against taking colloidal silver internally

  • You're awesome, Kelly... thanks for sharing this article

    & thank you for  b e i n g  YOU...



    ( ( ( TemetNosce247 ) ) ) 

    • Thank you, Stick :-)  You are pretty amazing yourself :-)  Thank you very much for the video and images...I've never tried this method  before; didn't know about covering up the "holes" in your head during OM... I will try it tonight.  I've had debates with friends about DMT and the pineal, personally, I feel that meditation and singing/chanting is plenty helpful without artificial boosting.  It's so interesting to me, I am glad you enjoyed it too


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