

-Channeled through Wes Annac-
[Note from Wes: Let us remember as well that our thoughts and feelings will determine our realities http://aquariuschannelings.com/2012/07/23/the-pleiadian-high-counci...! Interesting synch. with the titles, eh?]

You dear souls are undergoing the most rapid of growth through the lower realms of Earth that has been achieved throughout the Earth’s history and as this final Life you are experiencing is setting the stage for the emergence of the higher realms within yourselves, it is important to note that you dear souls must emerge from the lower dimensional veils that have kept your perception of the higher realms under wraps, to find the prevalent higher dimensions that are truly all around you.

It simply takes opening your perspective to these realms to see that they are infallible and infinite in nature and scope, and you are able to connect with them now and find wonderful and unique upgrades in yourselves.
As you assimilate these energies that are the building-blocks of the realities you are currently experiencing, you find that you are the Creator and manifestor of all that you find within your reality and you find as you begin to access the encodements of energy bringing your higher realities to you, that there are a plethora of different souls existing within the higher realms and we all wish to connect with each dear soul who will become open to our energies so that we can offer our insight and advice.

No longer are the lower dimensions to remain prevalent within the collective consciousness, because you dear Lightworkers and Light Holders are anchoring the higher realms upon the Earth by your mere presence upon the surface of the Earth, and this Light that you hold within is indeed being radiated out to all around you in a strong purity.
A collective absorbing of the energies bringing your ascension to you is now in play as you dear souls are radiating-out to others, the realms you are finding within yourselves.

We are watching as always and intervening where we can with matters occurring on your world, and we have recently had meetings with the dark souls wherein it was agreed that we could begin taking measures to help cleanse pollution in your skies [in more widespread ways].

The bulk of the results of this meeting may not be made known until after the disclosure of our existence and while the cabals are reaching a phase wherein they are showing an interest in going along with our plans, we can still sense the hesitance and the wish on their part to deceive us at any juncture and we come now to tell them that with the recent meetings we have had and the decisions that were made, no amount of stalling or attempted mayhem of the plans we have discussed will be allowed.

We have previously placed trust in the souls of the cabals who have distorted and sabotaged the many plans that they had originally [pretended to] go along with and what is to happen as has been agreed to, will be manifesting no matter the amount of struggle on the cabal’s end.

The people who know of our existence are taking the bold measures themselves to proclaim our existence to a collective of souls who has been led to believe that we are not on your world and making contacts with you, and the events that are to be brought forth in the time ahead are imperative and their manifestation is something that needs to occur for the entire planet at this time.

Dearest Gaia is traveling further and further ‘up’ the realms of consciousness and is taking you all with Her, and it is simply that you must attune and adjust yourselves to the continually-pure energies that you are being given.
You can ask for assistance from us and from any of your guides, as we are all here for you and are simply waiting to be called upon.

You can ask your guides to send you their own specific healing energy and you can ask us to radiate our specific energies out to you as well, so that you find an increased absorbing of our energies.
Our energies are a part of the Divine energies of our Creator and are supremely pure in structure.

These energies have been the underlying foundations of many miraculous events that have manifested on your world, and the energies of the Divine have been misinterpreted on your world for so very long.
While the higher realms are brimming and waiting to be made known to your dear Earth collective, many considerable, seeming miracles that have manifested on your world in various time periods have become the foundation of entire belief systems based upon distorted concepts, and the belief of such concepts was aided by the manifesting of [miracles].

We must be very careful with how we make ourselves known to you dear souls because there could potentially be much negativity per our arrival, as has been expressed before.
The plan at present is to continue to allow disclosure to trickle-down through your mainstream media.

You are being prepared in every moment for disclosure and while the dark souls have been broadcasting things to make you fear our presence, your mainstream media is and will be increasingly becoming open to discussing our presence on your world. This will be a result of the recent meetings we have had with the dark souls on your world and again, the media’s acknowledgement of us and our presence can simply not be ignored any longer.

Independent bloggers and journalists who have been working for mainstream news and blog sites will feel an increased ease in discussing us and the reality of the contacts we have made throughout your various societies, and you can expect in the near future to see many [news stories] representing the ‘Ancient Astronaut’ theory in a very clear Light and in one that will not be distorted and will be understood; not as something being bred to entertain an audience, but as something that is very real.

You will understand the many contacts that we have made with your world and the truth of our existence will begin to become more accepted and understood. Even with the advent of our recent talks with the cabals, we still know that those who are not under containment at present are going to fight against these changes becoming acknowledged and a part of this will be an attempt to mock the news that will be coming out through your mainstream about us and our existence.

You have seen this in play already with the invention of many tactics employed when discussing the subject of our existence, and certain terms and phrases are used to employ and feed a prevalent mindset about us based upon simple ‘fringe’ and science fiction.

You are all existing in transition-stages at this point and your entrance into the higher realms is proceeding very marvelously and smoothly at this time; it is simply that you are working through the final vestiges of yourselves and have been for some time.

The higher realms are making their ways to your lower realities as you all subsequently climb to them and the perceptions that they will deliver, and upon many of you discovering the limitless and infinite realities of the higher realms, you will see that you truly are infinite and that there is nothing that can ever truly keep the higher realms and your experience of them back from you.

While you will enjoy disclosure and the many truths that will be given and while you will all begin to come together and rebuild your world as a sovereign collective society, the wonders that you are to experience far beyond disclosure and the physical repairing of your world go beyond your wildest dreams.

There will still be much work to be done but we ask you dear souls to see that the work is beginning to be done on a mass scale as many souls see the Light and anchor it unto themselves in preparation for the very real coming New Age on your world. The Age of Aquarius is not imaginary, and it’s a very real phase and cycle in your planet’s history that is to call for a shift-point in the collective planetary consciousness.

You dear souls who are just beginning to absorb your ascension energies and find the vast astral realities that are delivered upon your realization of your inherent higher dimensionality, are setting the stage for the entire collective absorbing steadily-purer energies.

As many countries are just beginning to be given lessons in relation to ruling themselves fairly and justly, the entire Earth collective is going to be given control of your world and while you will have much help from us and from various facets of this beautiful Creation, you dear souls will indeed find challenges and issues arise upon your collective taking-back of control of your world.

You will be an entire, worldwide collective governing body that will be split but not divided into local governments and decision-making bodies, which is why many who are just beginning [Lighted] group projects and who are just beginning to work together to Create the change that your world has needed, are finding the lessons and prototypes of what will be had for you dear souls on a planetary level.

There is much pollution upon the surface of dear Gaia that needs to be cleansed and this includes the energetic pollution that is manifested by much of humanity on a daily basis. Too much of your world is too anchored in darkness and with the rapid transmutations that you dear souls are performing wonderfully at this time, the collective energies of darkness that have been prevalent on your world for so long are undergoing an intense and rapid transmutation and replacement with the Light energies that will be building-blocks for a new reality of collective peace, harmony and sustainability.

You will find peace and unity as a collective and the advent of your collective governing bodies will see you undergo the lessons that you need as a collective governing body. Such lessons will see your unity delivered to you, but only after you undergo them and integrate the energies behind them unto yourselves.

Your intents as individuals are very powerful and will serve to anchor a vast amount of whichever energy you choose to bring through yourselves, which is why we urge many of you to look toward the Light energies at any given moment you feel down or depleted.

The higher realms are truly never away from your perception; it is simply that you allow yourselves to forget about the higher realms and about the fact that they are all around you. It takes a simple acknowledgement of the higher realms to see that they are indeed prevalent everywhere and within and upon finding an inner-contact with your higher self, you will find that all of your fears and pains dissipate away in the Divine Light of your beautiful Creator-Self.

Our Creator has divided various aspects of His/Her beautiful and omnipotent structure, to exist as and Create various octaves and structures of reality that would host a mirrored Life. The objective of the mirror-Life is to realize not only the inherent collective unity of every aspect of itself, but to realize as well that the outer aspects of Creation which the mirror-consciousness is experiencing, is this mirror-consciousness.

We hope not to confuse anyone with this statement and we simply mean that your objective has been to realize that you are making your surroundings and that at your very energetic core, you are the reality that you find around you.
Your realities are manifested according to your inner-thoughts, feelings and reflections of the outer-Creation that you are experiencing, and you are the mirror-consciousness that is experiencing and Creating the outer-reality.

Our Creator is you and is this outer-reality, and when you realize that there truly is no difference between you and another, you will open a supremely -pure gateway to the higher realms and especially to the unity-consciousness that drives a higher dimensional experience.

Your experience of the higher realms hinges completely upon your beliefs that they are real and as long as you are making the conscious efforts to see, feel and realize the higher realms within yourselves, you will find that the infinite Creation around you will respond favorably and will see you naturally begin to understand more and more, the higher realms as you make your conscious decision to connect with these realms. You will find a plethora of other souls existing within these realms and we all desire a contact with you, as has been expressed.

As Gaia is making Her way out of the third dimension, you are finding yourselves undergoing tests and lessons that are initiating you into your higher states of consciousness.
As always, we can only go so far to help you in these lessons as many of them are personal lessons that you have set out for yourselves upon entering the lower dimensions but we say with happiness in our hearts that despite the perceived failures along your processes, you dear souls are doing better than could have ever been anticipated and you are realizing increasingly, the higher dimensional experiences that you have been growing toward for some time.

For many of you, the beginning of your processes included becoming exposed to the actions of the souls who have helped you to entrap yourselves within the veils of the lower dimensions. You steadily began to learn of their actions and along a certain point, many of you became exposed to the other side of the playing field; the side of the Light.

Many have become exposed to the communications given from the higher realms or to the writings given from souls who are experiencing a closeness with the higher realms as you all begin to remember and feel these realms within yourselves, and all of the avenues of experience you have taken have led you to the same conclusion; that matters on your world are not in alignment with how reality is supposed to be.

On our planets, you will find that every soul is of the Light and exists together harmoniously.
There is absolutely nothing that can hold us back from our closeness and our unity-consciousness and while your world has fed separation and duality as a part of the lower dimensional experience you have all been going through, we say that humanities actions in allowing a separation-based consciousness to manifest and in feeding such a consciousness has manifested the very unjust acts and laws on your world.

A Law is simply an idea, and you dear souls are smart and discerning enough in yourselves to know what you should and should not do to yourselves and to others. The Golden Rule is a very true Law but is not one that you will get ‘punished’ for breaking; rather you will only experience the necessary karmic repercussion for the actions that you give to others. The phrase ‘do unto others as you would do unto yourselves‘ it meant to encourage you to see your inherent unity and the fact that you are One entity who is experiencing itself.

You are one soul who is split up into various different forms and structures and while divisive consciousness, mindsets and ways of Living have been fed on your world for so very long and this has fed some of the destructive and separation-based acts you have committed toward each other; you are literally One being of consciousness and every action that you perform toward another, you are performing unto yourselves.

Karma is a natural reaction to the energies that you have quite literally expressed toward yourself, which is why you will always experience a necessary karmic reaction for anything you do to others.
You will find that all of Creation is in perfect order and there are multiple Divine calculations made from these realms in every moment. The results of these calculations are sent down to manifest your Lives, and the actions you perform toward others are programmed into an algorithm that will ultimately decide what you should experience next in your Lives.

Your Lives are the result of the thoughts you give out and the actions that you perform toward others, and karma acts in accordance with your own Creations. Our Creator has allowed experiences on the lower rungs of His/Her omnipotent structure in the ways that they have because a key aspect of your lower dimensional experience was [and is] to have freewill.

Your freewill is very important because it is imperative in your gaining of the experience that you have wished to gain whilst you exist within the lower dimensions. You are all experiencing the freewill-based Creation that you have brought through yourselves, and your guides as well as those higher parts of yourselves are consistently and continually calculating your reality to determine what is to happen next in your Lives.

Divine calculations are made and what you experience is a result of a preferred method of programing your reality that is mathematic, but that is also heavenly and Creative.
We take such joy in helping to program your reality and while you dear souls are the most prevalent Creators and determiners of you realty, we give assistance with some of the specific Creations that you wish to bring through yourselves and experiences within your realities.

You are ultimately deciding what is to manifest, and the programming that you Create for yourselves in the form of specific things to have happen to you so that you can learn and grow from them is so very coordinated. There is truly nothing in your Lives that happens on accident and rather, everything occurring before you is the result of a manifestation Created by us and by you within realms beyond your current physical perception.

Allow yourselves to access and feel our specific energies as we are speaking to you dear souls from our Mothership. Allow our Universal energies of peace and harmony to permeate your very being, and allow yourselves to feel the wonderful effects of our energies upon your chakras. Allow your pineal glands to pulsate and allow yourselves to brim with this energy that you are receiving from us.

We wish to introduce an exercise for you dear souls to use to connect with us as we make our final impressions for this communication and express our Love to all of you who are integrating the energies behind this communication.
The giving of an exercise to anchor the higher realms and various facets of the higher realms unto your dear expanding and evolving complexes is something that will be done by a lot of sources within the higher realms, as it is important for you dear souls to anchor these realms upon yourselves and it is hoped that the specific techniques we give you will help you to access our energies, as we know that so many of you dear souls wish to.

Our scribe has received a plethora of letters about the wish of many dear souls to connect with our specific energies and to feel our energies in the manner that they can from any channeled communication, and we wish now to help you dear souls to reach us by offering you a visualization technique to better connect with us.

As we have expressed above, allow your dear expanding hearts to connect with the specific energy that we are emitting-out for you right now. These energies are certainly not being broadcasted along radio waves and are rather being given to you dear souls along increasingly-pure frequencies as you are able to tap-into and open up to such increased frequencies within yourselves.

Radio waves specifically are very dense and [are manifested along] frequencies that are not as healthy for your chakras, and we would not prefer to contact you dear souls in this manner; though our communications will indeed be broadcasted over worldwide radio the time ahead because it is simply necessary to do so, so the entire collective can be opened-up to what we will give.

We wish you dear souls to envision yourselves within a wide room that is very Lighted. This room is very similar to what you would refer to as a Conference Hall, and you will notice what could best be described as a ‘stage area’ and many seats and such for our general meetings.

Our General Council, our High Council and our Council of Nine meet in this room routinely to discuss matters amongst ourselves and with various other ascended souls, collectives and Federations who are helping your world and many other planets to ascend and who communicate with your dear Earth and with many other planets as well.

Each one of us of our High Council is with you in this room currently and we are utilizing our technology and the energies of one specific member of this Council and our Council of Nine to funnel our energies through to your dear Earth and communicate with you. Feel yourselves with us and see that there are indeed many of us, as while there are fewer members here than with our General Council there are still a great many of us and each one of us have wished to communicate with you specifically.

Feel yourselves within this very big and open room, and notice that there are indeed windows that you can look out of and see your beautiful Creation. You would see what you best recognize as space but you would notice that it is much more colorful and energetic than you dear souls have been led to believe. All of Creation is absolutely harmonious and even the Earth has featured some of the most beautiful yet dense features as a result of the lower dimensional experience hosted upon Her surface.

Feel yourselves absolutely encompassed within our energies as they radiate through your spirits, which are existing with us within our grand Meeting Hall. Know that you are experiencing a real contact with a broad range of souls. This contact is absolutely possible and can be made with any Council of any race who exists within the Galactic Federation or any other Lighted Organization.

Your visualization efforts are far more powerful than many realize at present and as we temporarily close-off our specific line of energies to this communication, we ask you all to continue in your realizations of just how real the Divine is within you and of just how ready we actually are for you dear souls to access our energies and exist with us, within our ships.
We are here for you dear beautiful awakening souls at all times and you are finding the very real contact with us that will propel you into your already-unfolding higher dimensional existence.

Thank you to the Pleiadian High Council.



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