It has been said that prostitution is the oldest profession. If that is the case then pornography has to be the second. Over the years there has been a gigantic rise in the "industry" called "porn" and some estimate its yearly revenue in the billions. Now with the advent of the internet, pornography has extended to all corners and walks of life. As easy as dialing up and ordering a pizza, one can "dial up" any pornographic related topic and feast his/her eyes on the unbelievable. Just who is "creator" of such behavior?, is it God(Source) or evil minded "Aliens"? and what purpose does it serve?, if any?
One can argue that sex is not against the will of God, and the simple fact that it happens to be filmed does not make it more or less correct. That God tells his children to multiply and subdue the land is possibly another feasible argument. Or possibly one can say, sex is apart of human nature and that God(Source) has no direct concern about the sexual actions of his earth children.
Either way you choose to look at it, pornography (sex) is on alot of people minds and it attracts many different types of people. It has flourished w/o any perceivable setback and has little to no regulation. So what just is this "thing" we call "Pornography"?
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When we frame these things in the context of what is right or wrong according to source, we limit our understanding of them. Porn is porn. Cake is Cake and Wine is Wine. Have a little or don't, you know. Why judge how others use these things when we can just love them and in the long run that will be so much better for everyone involved. It's a sign of times not only that we explore these things but that we polarize them ourselves. We are more than this.
I AM very sorry to hear this brother I truly AM!!!..I completely understand now why such a topic was received in this manner. I meant no harm WHAT SO EVER!! Its takes ALOT ALOT!! OF COURAGE! to say this. I commend you to the fullest!!..I hope that your testimony not only has FREED YOU (or has begun) along with any other person who has endured such an awful thing brother!!. I hope we all take note of your testimony and courage and self reflection!
What the brother flashstorm said was right on then. We all have some type of "demon" that we have to work with to transmute to a higher vibration WITHIN OURSELVES as well. I have/had them and it is very good to talk about them with SPIRITUAL PEOPLE.!..
Hey no harm no foul!!
God Speed brother!! and God BLess!!
I just wanted to point out that you were born with an imagination (well most of us anyway), so whether or not porn exists you'll still have those thoughts and be able to indulge them.
Not that I would know, but a friend told me:
That some porn was fairly disgusting, and (oh my), many gents were even often using the back door so to speak...
But some porn has been an art form without all the base stuff.
That's what I heard anyways :)
I've only seen horrible spirits in vision-the ones the shock you out of meditation and I know intuitively that the more disgudting the sex or the violence the more they attach themselves and feed off the vibes. They are under us or in the
'shells' or hell realms -unfortunately our auras dredge through the shells and they attack us constantly
We all have important work and this isn't it. Please don't post anymore of this.
@Malechite ..Do what the Father Tells YOU to do! I AM sure he does not tell you what I should do!
Well thanks Thalamus, that's my whole point. It does keep people bound to lower energies, it does cheapen does turn women, and men even, into sex does corrupt and pervert peoples idea of what sexuality should be and what's acceptable in their partner. It is ruining a whole generation of kids, and making them sex addicts and keeping them bound to their lower carnal selves. It really does, and that's what it's meant to do. I don't understand why that's so hard to see.
You know sometimes I really despair for my fellow man...there's something very wrong with us. We just can't see clearly, we're not living in reality. People just live in their own fantasies and ideas, they're not living in the real world. People just have a hard time putting 2 and 2 together, and reasoning. And it just pains me really is disheartening.
Well let this be a testimony to the Fact that the Father can turn a "seemingly" negative into a positive. Even though some may feel this post was low on the vibrational scale, I do believe that it gives people a opportunity to free themselves from the "secrets" that may bother them, People just need a forum to release and discuss such things in a spiritual therapy! Your testimony is meant to be helpful, even if it only help one soul, it has served God will.