“An Awakened Imagination works with a Purpose. It creates and conserves the desirable, and transforms or destroys the undesirable.”... “Change your conception of yourself and you will automatically change the world in which you live. Do not try to change people; they are only messengers telling you who you are. Revalue yourself and they will confirm the change.”...“I AM wealthy, poor, healthy, sick, free, confined were first of all impressions or conditions felt before they became visible expressions. Your world is your consciousness objectified. Waste no time trying to change the outside; change the within or the impression; and the without or expression will take care of itself. When the truth of this statement dawns upon you, you will know that you have found the lost word or the key to every door. I AM (your consciousness) is the magical lost word which was made flesh in the likeness of that which you are conscious of being.” ~Neville Goddard
( ( ( OneLoveEvolution247 ) ) )
Thought preceeds form.
First came the word.
In the beginning was the Word, & the Word was with God,
& the Word was God...
Be Still & Know That I Am...
I'm not in this World
To Live up to Your Expectations
Neither are You here to Live up to Mine
I don't owe No One
No obligation
No I don't mean none
So Everything is Fine, Fine
I said I Am that I Am
I Am I Am I Am...
The enigmatic sense of 'I Am'
The enigmatic sense of ´´I Am´´
The sense of 'I Am' is your natural sense, you just may not be aware of it.
It's your distilled sense of being without the additions of body, mind, this world.
It's not the negation of the body, mind, this world. You may still be aware of them while you are aware of your sense of 'I Am'.
It's just the feeling of existence without attaching it to anything. Pure sense of existence.
It is a dimensionless point within.
It is so simple and yet so surprisingly powerful.
Stick to it firmly but delicately with no trace of effort, with no expectation, and most importantly, with no commentaries and verbalizations of any kind.
Remember, it is the simplest thing you ever been asked to observe. Don't look for something complicated and far reaching. And yet, its value is enormous, given you do not develop any kind of expectation whatsoever.
Anything further will just spoil.
Just go and do it, do not think about it, do not contemplate, do not build ideologies and theories. Just go and stick to this sense of 'I Am'. Just do it and you will not regret.
And remember the two golden rules: no effort and no expectations.
Thank you for b e i n g You,
dear Feather. ~InLight
I Am That I Am... In Lak'ech Ala K'in 555
Beautiful quote...
T.Lobsang Rampa in his book 'Wisdom of the Ancients' said about imagination:
Imagination is the picturing of one's desires or one's fears, and imagination is the greatest force of all, greater than will-power, some say greater than love. It is an old lore of psychologists that in any battle between the will and imagination, the imagination always wins, and if we try to conquer imagination by brute will-power then we cause a neurotic condition. The imagination still wins because the imagination causes a breakdown, so that the imagination must conquer. There cannot be love without imagination. In passing, it needs rather more than just animal passion to keep two people in harmony. If the imagination says that one shall not do such -and-such a thing, than, no matter how strong the will, a person cannot do it. If you want to get results you will have to control your imagination so that it and friend will-power work together in harmony.