The Galactic Federation of Light are winding us up with so many messages from so many Star Systems so we start acting and start clearing the dark forces while they are watching us closely but once we have got rid of the dark forces there will be Mass Landings and they will take over the Planet.
It's like the art of fighting without fighting. Remember they are much more advanced then us and know from experience how to take over a Planet.
Now you know the truth.....ha..ha..ha...very intelligent these Galactic Federation of Light
I'm sure there are fearful people who believe this to be true. And they may end up shifting themeselves to a reality where a similar scenario plays out.... although GFoL are under divine mission, so I don't think it would be highly ascended Light beings such as GFoL.... maybe some other civilization of beings higher evolved than us (but not of the Light). In any case, this is not what I believe, therefor it will not happen in whatever reality I'm in.
So some Governments are good friends with the Extraterrestrial and most belong to the GFL.
But we the people are waiting for First Contact.
This does not belong in the Humor section. It rather belongs in the disinformation recycling bin. And it is not funny.
It should be only logical for everybody that they could have taken over a long time ago if they ever had have such intentions.
Anyway the future will show us.
if post on here automatically filtered themselves, i think the disinformation recycling bin would get over lorded and break personality
why take over when your part of the ones already in power maybe?
it could be a case of matter ... but it will only be truth after its happened. i myself is staying on guard with an open mind to the endless opportunities & possibilities. ^_^