The Return of Omega



Greetings Lightworkers,


As I've just officially become a member of this illustrious website I thought I should introduce myself to you...although, this is a return of sorts, as my name and work have already appeared here, thanks to fellow Lightworkers who are already members of this site....

So, you may have heard of me....I'm Drekx Omega of the GFL Ground Crew and some of you know me very well, others less so and some do not know me yet.

So this is both a personal intro, a return announcement, as well as a discussion, covering spiritual cosmic data.

I'm honoured to be here in these historic times of planetary transition and hope to serve alongside you, raising consciousness across the globe, preparing the way for mass ascension and a new golden age. I come in peace and with a loving heart, to work with you here on Ashtar I hope we can be good friends and co-operative colleagues in service to our common Lighted cause...

I would also like to take an opportunity, in this initial blog, to clarify much about the appearance and qualities of the Sirians, who possess physical bodies as and when required..Just as Earth's Ascended Masters do, when visiting 3rd density lower planes. I would also like to aid in the understanding of the origins of Earth races, with a timely reminder that in spite of massive diversity throughout this galaxy, all forms of expression issue from the ONE PRIME CREATOR....

I'm a Sirian starseed of the Atar (spirit warrior) Clan. I'm also a Theosophist and an ashramic White Lodge disciple of Master Rákóczi, known affectionately as "the Count." also known by his illustrious title of "Mahachohan," or the Lord of Civilization, who tirelessly serves as head of the 3rd department of Earth's Spiritual Hierarchy. As I'm both a disciple of Master R and a telepathic contactee Sirian starseed, I look upon my roles as linked with both planet Samanet, as well as planet Earth...I'm not permitted to suggest to you my initiate point in evolution, or light quotient, suffice to say that I have not ascended yet and occupy a human body. One of my incarnational purposes is to end my own turning on the wheel of planetary karma, in this lifetime and to ascend to the 5th degree, into 5th density and thence return to my original planet... And so regain my unlimited cosmic status, as before I became karmically trapped here, through past misdeeds on Earth in ancient times...some 13,000 years ago. I will then become a dual national of both star nations....Solaris and Sirius, free to travel anywhere within this galaxy and beyond, as I did before my fall from grace and subsequent grounding, here on Earth.

I'm already known on multiple websites. If you Google search for me under my "second baptism" name (and pen name) of "Drekx Omega," you will currently hit some 18,600 results, some of which pertain to this particular website, thanks to my dear friend, Kelly S, known to you as "1HappyKelly," and now as "Kelly Lightchalice," who has to date, created several Ashtar blogs/discussions, containing my material as follows:

"What happened to the birds; an explanation from the GFL" (Posted by 1HappyKelly on January 8, 2011 at 7:29pm in Alternative Media & News)


"Where do you get your information? Let's share LINKS!" (Posted by 1HappyKelly on March 16, 2011 at 10:45pm in Alternative Media & News) (in which I appeared among her sources listed)


"Please meet Commander Drekx Omega, a ground crew member of the GFL" (Posted by 1HappyKelly on March 31, 2011 at 6:06pm in Alternative Media & News)


"Of Spirals, Goddesses and the New Tomorrow" (Posted by 1HappyKelly on April 4, 2011 at 7:02pm)

(In which Kelly includes references to my material in her well documented summary.)


"The State of Affairs- Update from Commander Drekx Omega" (Posted by 1HappyKelly on May 27, 2011 at 6:39pm in Alternative Media & News)


"Important Message for Lightworkers from the GFL and Commander Drekx Omega" (Posted by 1HappyKelly on June 13, 2011 at 4:01pm)


"Drekx Omega-June 14th" (Posted by andrew wood on June 15, 2010 at 8:19am in Spirituality in General) (Andrew posted my article on the environmental disaster resulting from the Mexican gulf oil spill.)


As some of you may be aware, Kelly S is also a Sirian Atar and a prized and beloved member of my own ashram, being 3rd ray....You might also have gathered that we are very, very close and have multiple energy links, across several dimensions.....Thus, a prime reason for my joining this website was to continue to keep in www contact with Kelly...whom I have the deepest love and respect for. This has been brought to a head, as I cannot now post on the IITM website, where we once blogged together, as I was recently blocked (29th June) from doing so by it's owner, for mysterious reasons, best known to himself. However I bear no resentment towards that person, for his surprising deed of limitation. I will always seek to turn the other cheek in such matters as these.. and have rendered him a positive legacy of some 25 of my articles, if anyone would like to visit IITM and read them, I include this link.


I mentioned to you all earlier that I was originally from the planet Samanet, also known by it's poetic name of "Muktarin" and astronomical designation of Sirius B-4. Of course I refer to the originator location; "Akanowai" (place of the Great Blue Lodge,) of my Soul energy ("JaTa Khan-a") on atmic, buddhic & manasic levels of densities...But also in lower aetheric genetic terms... In both ways I'm related to the Sirians, who are either white or blue-skinned humanoids. Contrary to popular New Age misconceptions, often mischief-made by dark cabalist disinfo agents; Sirian ETs are not green-scaled reptoids, nor fierce draconians, nor emotionless greys, nor consumers of human flesh...nor do they work for the dark cabal, shadow government, or black lodge...They are STRICTLY the contrary, indeed, may I constructively suggest to you that they are our family from space....

The Sirian Star Nation ("akanowai dajoie") comprises highly advanced, very compassionate and spiritually evolved races. Also they are leading members of the Galactic Federation of Light. Their mission here is to midwife the planetary ascension process, in service to the Creator's Divine Plan, and at the behest of Earth's Spiritual Hierarchy, in Agartha; the White Lodge of Ascended Masters.

There are two basic racial types that make up the appearance of Sirians, from the planets that orbit the sun, Sirius B and they are either of a "Nordic" appearance, or of a Vegan racial type, that is darker featured, with pale blue skin... yet both types are completely humanoid in appearance, albeit proportionately taller than Earth humans, on average and with lifespans increased many times, in comparison. Note that due to harmful solar excess, races on Earth that possess a brown skin, would normally be blue-skinned, as on most Sirian planets. Whether under protective firmament while upon the outer surface, or within the interior, as the majority of fully conscious residents prefer. Because Earth human genetics is considered, by the GFL, to be an aberration to the cosmic norm, the age of puberty, for Sirians, is reached in their 70s, at a time when Earth humans are considered mature, yet rapidly reaching physical shut-down, due to genetic tampering completed during Atlantean era experiments into limited consciousness. The genetic fix to this problem is being made, which will resore human DNA to it's correct interdimensional vectoring function within the 12-strand format. If the average surface-dwelling Earth Human lifespan is, say, 75-years....... As a comparison, the average Sirian lifespan is nigh on 2000 years, which can be extended even further, using special technologies. Earth humans will, however, share in these benefits of health and true longivity, after ascension. A Sirian might possess a youthful appearance and vitality, yet actually be older than anyone living on outer Earth human in modern times has attained an age of 500 years, for example. Such a 500-year old Sirian would appear to you as no more than 25-years of age, with no signs of bodily degeneration, sensory limitation, organ failure, nor skeletal wear and tear...Indeed perfect health and vitality.

Sirian eyes do NOT have slit-pupils....They range in colours (blues, greens, greys and browns) just as those of earth humans of European descent.

Predominantly humanoid forms on Earth are largely the result of ET genetics from Lyra, Vega, Sirius, Centaurus, the Plejares star cluster and Andomeda (constellation not galaxy.) All people of the Sino-Japanese yellow-skinned race, now living on Earth, originate from ET genetics provided by the Lyrans from planet Kudra, within the Njsan system..who arrived on this planet in a mass wave to escape the galactic wars, around 26,000 years ago. A full precessional cycle ago, indeed and a previous Aquarian age.

As a Sirian spirit I didn't originally arrive on Earth with the Lyrans, as with the majority of Earth people....I came here as a sort of "private contractor" from Samanet, in service to the Kings of Atlantis and their technology projects.. My advisory skills related to genetics, beam weapons and space propulsion systems. So, by definition I'm starseed, rather than ancient Earth soul....although even the ancient souls who arrived here during a much earlier epoch, 900,000 years ago, with the first wave of Lyrans, eventually became the same limited conscious descendents of ET colonists, as are all surface-dwelling Earth humans, now. So, this means that all Earth humans are actually of cosmic origins...with ET ancestors arriving during differing periods. Some as individuals, or with small or larger groups. Others in mass migrations, as with those from the Njsan star system.

There are also numerous animal and plant forms on earth that were introduced from off-world sources, especialy following major natural disasters, such as the two world-wide floods...the first flood during the age of *Leo, the other, 4,000 years later, known as the Great Flood..

*Circa 11,000 to 9,160 BCE

Later still, during the post-flood age of Taurus.."official" history began with Sumer, 4000 BCE, and Egypt 3000 BCE..and the commencement of the dark reign of the Anunnaki (Pleiadian renegades) over surface peoples..Many myths were created to fool limited conscious humanity into believing that their "godly saviours" rescued them from floodwaters and helped create civilisation for them...Indeed, there are numerous flood myths around the globe, telling such stories and they all relate to Annunaki propaganda, as it was then. Note that the Anunnaki are our esteemed allies now, having renounced their dark ways back in 1994. Their former Illuminoid minions of the Anglo-American cabal, have yet to reciprocate this act of renunciation.

Under current GFL laws, the only living forms from off-world that can be imported to Earth are crystals (the 1st kingdom of minerals.) No animals or plants are permitted official entry to earth's biosphere, as Earth is currently designated a "closed planet." After First Contact, this ban will lift and many other creatures will be permitted to settle here, as we will settle elsewhere, if we choose to. So the quarantine will be lifted, as in ancient times, during the Lemurian and Atlantean settlements.

Genetically, the antedilluvian Atlantean Root Race possessed seven sub-races that defined it's holistic spiritual evolution (including the fall.) That spiritual growth focussed primarily upon the evolving human astral body and these stages of development are known by esotericists as:

1) Rumoahl
2) Tlavatli
3) Toltec
4) Turanian
5) Original Semite
6) Akkadian
7) Mongolian


The "Rumoahl" were dark-blue skinned, much like the preceeding Lemurian Root Race. The "Toltec" racial Atlantean types were red-skinned, much as modern day natives of America and the "Turanians" were yellow-skinned and introduced from planet Kudra, as described. The Mongolians evolved in Asia, outside of the continent from which their ancestors resided.

Like Rome, Atlantis had a capitol and it was called Posidea, a city-state surrounded by 10 sectors, or kingdoms. There were ten Kings that ruled over the Atlantean Empire, originally...One of them was an overlord known as King Atlas, who gave his name to both the later sunken continent itself, as well as the Atlantic Ocean and gave his name to the Greek legendary Titan, who carried the weight of the entire globe on his figurative shoulders, thus the modern name for world maps, "atlas." But that was many millennia ago and so I shall speak of the state of play as it stands NOW...

I am here now on this higher turn of the spiral in service to the Light and in support of the great changes to modern humanity, as we evolve into Homo Galacticus, or "Novamen." And something to strive for with joy, as with any return to return to what we were before, but with added wisdom. Full consciousness will blow our minds away with the sheer joy of it….TO KNOW ALL THAT IS..and to be whatever we wish to be. We choose everything, without lack, without a controlling state, without limit……
No more disease…a vastly expanded lifespan, increased by a factor of ten and more..full knowledge of our role and mode of service….full contact with cosmos and our countless friends in this galaxy, as well as others and even parallel universes, such as the DAL….
We will be able to travel this planet in an instant and communicate with anyone, anywhere instantly, as if they were standing next to us. We will not require to grow crops or work in underpaid and labourious jobs. We will lack for nothing. We will not need a passport to travel on this planet, as the nation state will be gone. We will live inside the Earth, in a paradise named Agartha (translates as "inner Earth," or "ag artha")…whose sun never sets….and remains in the sky above…glowing a red/orange gentleness upon the planetary seventh continent.

Unlike with the present dark era, we will not need to be rich or a "professional" in order to travel into space….We will be able to visit other planets and meet our relatives at will….Most of us have not done this for millennia.

As well as meeting multiple ET beings who will visit Earth in great numbers, we will also visit the brilliant Sirians upon their home worlds of "Samanet" and "Atarmunck." We will also visit the beautiful Plejaren on their home planets of "Erra," "Askal" and "Luseta," within their star system of "Tayget."

And countless others await us, some looking similar, some looking different….Yet all sharing sentient consciousness and light….
What wisdoms and experiences will we enjoy….? and I do mean ENJOY…..!! :-)

Have I wetted your appetites with a vision of our future lives...?? It seems too good to be true, doesn't it...? yet it is incredibly true...and about to spite of all attempts by Earth's limited conscious elites to prevent it.

Prepare to be astonished…..!! As Jean Cocteau said to the young artist; "astonish me..!!"


In Love and Light,

your friend at the end, Drekx Omega Ω


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  • You're very welcome, sweetheart....XOXO

    I suppose that this initial discussion explains why I'm on ACC....primarily because of you, Kel..

    I'll link this to Luke's recent chat about why people are here on ACC...

  • This is so nice, thank you :) 

  • Rollin', rollin', rollin'.........!!  Soon we'll be livin' high and wide....!! My heart's calculatin', my true love will be waitin', be waitin', at the end of my ride....!!!  ;-)

    DΩ---KL ♥ ♥


    • Glad you enjoyed this, Andy....

      I was checking out some old blogs, when I came across this initial one, which explains why I joined ACC in the first place... Couldn't resist putting that "Rawhide" theme tune on here too, which sums it all up here for me... ;-)

      Cheers, Drekx

  • We are here.
    Look up and enjoy are glorious Vimana.
    We have always been here.
    Now the council is here.
    Their trip was a bit rough.
    The cube was a very long journey.
    Now that it is 2012 the one known as the shining one will take power.
    And I the bright shadow will oppose him and die if need be to depose him.
    In 2014 a healthcare initiative comes into play.
    A device know to me only as "the chip".
    Whatever you do, do not let them stick you with the needle, fight it at all costs.
    I am who I am.
    • Thanks for the data and especially your warning of "the chip." Indeed, any form of microchipping and vaccination programmes, such as H1N1, should be avoided, also...I have produced articles on the subject, which can be found on the net..Just google my name and my similar warnings to your own,  can be found...

  • Obviously your "guide" has no knowledge of the Sirian 6-CLAN system, which is based on a similar design to that of the Lyrans...

    Our clans are as follows:


    1 Spiritual Warrior

    2 Science

    3 Science Engineering

    4 Administration

    5 Life Sciences

    6 Life Sciences Engineering


    If you would like to be told the Sirian language names for each, I'll oblige..


    Note the name of the first clan listed....this does not mean guns and tanks, it means Lightwarriorship....

  • Well said my love! It's ok, I have been contacted and well loved for the love I brought here, lot's of healing taken place! Lo'ts of good people here!!!! I AM SO GRATEFUL for the beings here that feel us and know we are here to assist with compassion!
    • Tiam,

       Off topic to the appreciated words of compassion you are contributing...     :-)

       Just like to say that of all the GFL motherships I have witnessed, the most beautiful to the eye is the Arcturian type, which is lenticular in shape and with a highly polished silver hull, which ionises plasma with rainbow sparkles...I just love their ships...although, being Sirian I realise that our motherships are not specialised for atmospheric vectoring...

      Arcturian mothership and scouts were witnessed over London!!


      Cheers, Drekx

      • Yes drek, these beautiful ships are my home, and we honor serving the sirians and many others that look up to us for certain assignments, we honor serving you! Drek, can you please tell me more about sirian ships? Sirians have some of the most advanced energies I have ever worked with!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

        I know and sense sirian technologies go deeper than deep!

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