Profile of Dr. Rampa. Gardeners of the Earth Profile of Dr. Rampa.

This world, this existence, is the testing place wherein our spirit is purified by the suffering of learning to control our gross flesh body

~ ~ ~

So who are the Gardeners? as the name suggests they are beings who tender a garden, but this garden is a garden with a very big difference to what you may understand as a garden, in that the garden in question is the whole of planet Earth; and every living creature on it. They are responsible for putting the first signs of life on this planet; replacing the stock on more than one occasion, whilst they watch us as we slowly develop.

They are a group of multi-dimensional, multi-universal beings who are extremely, extremely highly intelligent, and the lifespan of some Gardener's is around five thousand of our Earth years. They have been monitoring this planet and many millions of other planets throughout the many galaxies and universes for billions of years.

There are more planets, more worlds, more dimensions, more universes than there are grains of sand upon this earth. Even if you include all the sand within every desert and every beach; you can throw in for good measure all the sand on the sea beds too, because the number of universes, etc are completely beyond human comprehension whilst within the 3rd dimension.

This quotation is very apt in describing humans: I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species. I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You move to an area, and you multiply, and multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet, you are a plague.The Gardeners firmly believe that this little planet is over populated with very sick humans. Mankind seem to cull anything and everything except the over populating humans; the single cause of earth’s many global problems.

Let me elaborate: If a dog bites someone - even if it is in self defence - people go out of their way to get the poor animal put down and yet we allow murders, paedophiles, rapist, etc, to freely roam about; where's the logic in that?

Let me elaborate further: If you were into – as an example - husbandry and you wanted to increase your live stock, you wouldn't just mate your live stock with whoever or whatever - you would try and select the best available - thus trying to achieve thoroughbreds and not the weeds that make up today's society.

Another example; just to drive the point home a little further. If you was creating an ideal garden you wouldn't just throw seed on the ground and walk away. Most likely you would remove the most of what's growing; leaving maybe one or two good pieces of plants or trees and then introduce new stock whilst keeping an eye open for weeds. These weeds would be quickly removed to the compost bin. Well, mankind should treat such humans on this planet in the same way.

Historically, due to misguided religions and other false personal beliefs acquired from our upbringing, humans think they are the pinnacle of all species, not only on the little planet; but throughout the entire universe. That is one of mankind’s many errors, if not the greatest.

Humans are just one of many kinds of species throughout the many galaxies and universes. We are certainly nowhere near the top of the tree; in fact we much closer to the bottom. Remember that we are still only in the 3rd dimension and there are many thousands of billions of trillions of dimensions above ours.

Humans think that because they can achieve many things other creatures cannot, we are therefore superior. Other creatures decided aeons ago that they would take a more spiritual path than that of humans; hence they have no need for the many things humans value. Because humans; on the other hand, can achieve more in a very different way, we have an obligation to all other living creatures. Earth is not an exclusive club for sanctimonious conceited humans; and you are a complete ignoramus if you think otherwise.

All living creatures can perceive their surroundings and can feel pain. Electronic devices have been created to monitor plants, and it is possible to hear a plant actually scream with pain when a cutting is taken from it. Just because it’s method of senses are different to ours – many we still don’t fully understand – it doesn't mean they are not conscious, or cannot perceive or feel pain.

Unfortunately when it comes to humans it’s free for all and to hell with the consequences. We clearly have people having children without any knowledge or interest on how to bring up those children. Both parents being at work the kids are; more or less, abandoned on the streets and left to fend for themselves. Living under the domination of stronger characters - all too often evil delinquents - obvious if there is no parental guidance, discipline or love, what do you expect? The so-called parents return from work only to rush off to the bar or night club, disregarding their parental duties completely.

The worst part of this is when the children themselves have children, bringing up their kids in just the same way as they were dragged up, a never ending cycle which must stop! Without any discipline we have the juvenile delinquency of today, frequently running out of control, gangs of hoodlums running about the streets - engaging in vandalism or beating up old people just for the fun of it.

Everyone is part of a greater society and whilst being part of that wider society they have unwritten moral and social obligations to others within that society - which they so often forget with their selfish attitudes. Ordinary law-abiding citizens don't want to see their communities blighted by such people. You may be born free; but you cannot live free.

Parents too often think that they are omnipotent - the source of all knowledge - more like the source of all drivel if the truth be known when listening to some so-called parents today. They try to dominate their children, they crush out and ruin any natural abilities the child may have. Parents always TELL their children without actually EXPLAINING. Explaining things is part of your parental duties.

How often have we heard parents say I told you this or I told you that yet fail to explain anything, thus causing much confusion for any child. Especially when parents so-often never practice that which they preach to the child. It is a very sad thing, it is adults who make it so difficult for astral people to contact this world with their sheer ignorance.

Mankind will have to return to a religion. It doesn't matter what religion it is as long as it is a religion, because religion gives one the necessary spiritual discipline with which one can regulate one's own physical, moral acts and without it we cannot have any social order. Truly religious people would not put money before the health of others. They would attempt to conserve life instead of just to accumulate cash.

The Gardeners and numerous other beings from outer space won't fully interact with humans until humans change their ways. Humans are xenophobic, hostile towards each other, suicidal, ignorant and constantly portraying destructive war-like ways. The future forward is a world without wars, without militarises, without commerce and money, without selfishness and without petroleum products. Just for the record; petroleum is NOT a fossil fuel, and I challenge anyone to prove otherwise. Science has lied about petroleum because it doesn't know the answer to the origins of petroleum; and therefore it's easier to lie than say they just don't know.

The way forward demands: unreserved affection for all living creatures, unreserved service to humanity, towards a state of peace and harmony without any selfish interests - which are the mandatory conditions on all Alliance Worlds. This is what's meant by the saying The meek shall inherit the earth.

One good piece of new is that the prophesied day will soon be upon us, as there are less than five years to go before the Gardeners return. They are much closer that you think, and I will tell you where at the end of this page.

I wonder how much weeding will take place when they do arrive? Our little planet is very, very sick and in need of urgent help and unless we can accept that we are sick; whilst accepting any help offered when it comes, we won’t be going anywhere fast. This planet is sick and most live a very secluded and blinkered life.

The Gardeners; thanks to Doctor Rampa, have identified a serious flaw as originating in women - now this doesn't mean men are perfect; far from it. Women have an extremely vital role in life - if not the most important role of all - which the majority of women are disregarding. A woman's place is in the home for the upbringing, nurturing, disciplining and educating of children during their upbringing and not left to nannies, neighbours and such like.

In the hurly-burly of getting from the astral world to that world we call Earth, problems can occur throughout the pregnancy, as the mother may have been rather careless about what she was eating, drinking and what she was doing, so the baby has not received what one might term a balanced chemical input, but the main problem is also in the birth itself.

Being born is a very traumatic experience, it's a most violent affair, and a very delicate mechanism can easily become deranged. Today hospitals and women are not working with nature when it comes to giving birth. They induce births by abnormal means so the baby arrives when they think it should and not when nature says it should. Thus violently upsetting this delicate mechanism, and in many cases destroying the individual's programming completely. This in turn is stopping he or she achieving their primary goal in life. Homosexuals are also fashioned due to an error whilst within the womb . A woman's place IS in the home for the nurturing, disciplining and educating of children during their upbringing.

Many women at this point might think that last remark was very sexist - and many of you certainly wrote and said so - however it's not when you look at the bigger picture. You are forgetting that in this life you may be female but in the next you could very well be male it all depends on what lessons you have to learn.

The man in this life might very well be the woman in the next. During the many thousands of reincarnations we come to this planet either as male or female, we all go though it. You choose what sex you are going to be BEFORE you arrive here.

If you are a career woman – no desire for children - then this doesn't apply to you. It’s all about women taking care of themselves during their pregnancy, at the birth of their child and taking their parental duties seriously. Parents should be taking responsibility for their children and NOT leaving them to fend for themselves, thus creating the juvenile delinquency we have in today’s world.

If mankind doesn't change their ways the Gardeners will remove much of the world's population; as they have done twice before. After all; many are or quickly becoming nothing more than simple weeds. A weed is someone which is strangling this little planet by draining all and any natural resources. Continuously polluting the planet whilst constantly working against Mother Nature rather than with her; and let us not forget that mother nature always wins in the end.

I strongly believe that we only have one last chance to try and correct things else it a complete wipe-out of all human life and start again; and it’s not as if they haven’t done that before, on more than one occasion!

There is a very, very bigger picture within the cosmos and mankind's very, very, very small role within it and when you realise this you will then appreciate why they don't make full contact yet, as it would it be like you trying to hold a conversation about physics with an Neanderthal man, impossible and pointless. A Gardener's 1 year old knows more than our most brilliant scientists do today.

Another obstacle they face due to mankind's immense ignorance is when anything related to UFOs is portrayed, they are always exposed as either beings trying to take over the planet or just there to give out anal probes. And whilst on this topic; the so-called anal probing are just them feeding the body as the mouth is not the only way to feed a body. Any good Doctor will tell you that; it's medical fact!

That ignorance itself would just create global panic. Even the most advanced scientists would have their knowledge and understanding overtaxed when they do. However, they WILL come and WILL settle with us on this little planet one day. Either when the time is right or if mankind keeps pushing their luck too far. They will offer only true help and assistance, so don't panic when they do arrive as there is nothing to fear, but we must remember that they are the Gardeners, and such as in any garden; weeds must be removed.

Beings from outer space have visited us on this earth and on many occasions - and they will do again very soon. There was around half a dozen Arc and not just the one Christianity claims. The Bible is full of UFO encounters. The Indian Mahabharat is also a UFO related event which involved the Gardeners.

Mankind has to change its ways or it will be done for us. Mankind uses every creature except actual humans to test pharmaceutical and cosmetic products, why? This abuse to other creatures alone can cause mankind's demise, it has to stop! Use humans - it's not as if there is a shortage! Not that we really need cosmetic products.

One day when commerce and political power doesn't matter, things will get better for everyone, but sadly, not until then. I strongly believe that the world has been shown the Yellow card so humanity need to get its act together; and fast.

This next bit will certainly get you thinking; how many planets in our solar system alone are inhabited? you would probably say just the one; planet Earth, but you would be wrong. Many other planets are inhabited, some just on the inside only, others on the outside, but in a different dimension. There are many planets and moons in our solar system which are inhabited. Some exist in other dimensions; hence we cannot actually see or detect them with our current technology. In the same way the Earth has a twin planet; albeit in another dimension, on which occasionally the two planets intermingle by means of the Bermuda triangle and the Devil's Sea in Japan; plus many other minor sites. This are known facts!

Here is a list of known planets which are inhabited internally because nearly all planets are hollow.

  • Mercury - Intergalactic prison cell, aka hell, Inhabited internally.
  • Venus - Home of the Gardeners, Inhabited internally.
  • Earth - Inhabited internally (and us externally) by different species; and it's been caught on film by the Argentineans.
  • Moon - Where the Gardeners monitor us, Inhabited internally. (Our moon is not the only inhabited moon in our Solar System)
  • Saturn - Galactic Hospital for the Gardeners and other species, Inhabited internally. The planetary rings are a universal symbol for a hospital; in the same way a Sphinx is a universal symbol for a time capsule.
  • Jupiter - Inhabited internally. (not sure whose living within this planet)

The Internal suns of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter have all been seen and well documented since the early 1600s, however many scientists still claim this it just ice. We don't have the technology available to physically visit these planets, therefore the only way is to learn more about these and many other planets is to learn how to Astral travel and see for yourself, but wait...

Have you ever wondered why the Space Program started? what was it's purpose? Why Governments spent millions upon billions upon trillions; which could have helped mankind all over the globe? Since the early days of astronomy there has been reports of various sightings in space, on the moon and other planets. Governments know that there is life within our planet and on the moon. Here is a smidgen of some interesting facts;

  • There are many other moons within our solar system which rotate contra to the parent planet.
  • Dr Ivan Sanderson, science editor, said Many phenomena observed on the lunar service appears to have been devised by intelligent beings and since photographed by the US and Russian space programs.
  • Astronomers have been seeing lights on the moon dated as far back as the 16th Century.
  • John J o'Neil, editor and amateur astronomer reported in 1953 that he saw a twelve mile long bridge between two promontories on the edge of Mare Crisium
  • Apollo 16 in April 1972 photographed several bridges. Official NASA image 72-H-835.
  • A very large space ship was seen around Venus by Cassini in 1672 and confirmed by others astronomers; James Short, Tobias Mayer, Montaigne. This sighting was repeated between 1672 - 1764. Astronomers today all agree that Venus has no moons.
  • Uranus has five official satellites. Two discovered in the late 1700's by Herschel which haven't been seen since.
  • There is something closer to the sun called Vulcan discovered in 1762 and reported by a host of astronomers for the next 100 years. The orbit of Valcan is infra-Mercurian. Schmidt, Wolf, Hoffman, Leverrier, Lescarbault all saw it. The last time is was seen was in 1876
  • The two moons orbiting Mars only appeared after 1877.
  • The Mariner shots taken by NASA reveal a bottle-mouth opening of a creator on Phobos; an opening so perfect in its detail that the artificial origin of the Martian moons becomes very believable.
  • Phobos is unique in that is can orbit Mars less than one third it take Mars to rotate; unlike any other moon.
  • Another sighting by Mariner was the Mysterious Cayons which defy explanation; Canyons which are two thousand miles wide, thousands of kilometres long and six kilometres deep. NSAS's question was how was the bulk of the material originally present in these enormous chasms removed? There is no obvious way or transport debris out except by the wind. Does Mars have a wind? and how could a wind create such Canyons? not possible as they were excavated!
  • Pyramids have been photographed on Mars next to what looks like a fortress due to its immense size
  • The last actual words of a pilot before he disappeared over the Bermuda Triangle Don't come after me... they look like they are from outer space.
  • The Book of Ezekiel was an encounter of the third kind and proved in the book titled The Spaceships of Ezekiel written by J. F. Blumrich. Another very interesting book is Somebody else is on the Moon by George Leonard which is illustrated with official NASA photographs.
  • The real story about US Submarines Thresher and Scorpion is being kept a secret and for very good reason; it involved those who live within our planet.

A letter written by Dr Rampa about life on the Moon and Mars

Governments with their Militarises tried to contact those who live within our planet and were told to keep away; they didn't listen. Therefore two submarines and it's crew mysteriously disappeared, both submarines destroyed because the governments/military didn't listen. They tried with those on the moon and told again to keep away. So these governments/military are now trying those within Mars. Because of mankind's very destructive nature, these beings don't wish to make full contact yet; it's that simple. The next big Prophecy to pass; and it's looking good, is when the Gardens return, which is soon and things will certainly change. Either for the better or they will be replacing the Earth's stock; yet again.

Today science is controlled by either the military, commerce, or both. Therefore they cannot be open minded as their masters demand greater power and greed. The reason for this is because the funds required for any research can be astronomical and sadly only the military or commerce have such funds.

Lenin once said All human conceptions are on the scale of our planet. They are based on the pretension that the technical potential, although it will develop, will never exceed the terrestrial limit. If we succeed in establishing interplanetary communications, all out philosophical, moral, and social views will have to be revised

This Space Program is all about obtaining; by any means, more technology for themselves, greater power over others and nothing to do with improving the planet and it's inhabitants. If you wish to know more read a book called Somebody else is on the Moon by George Leonard and illustrated with official NASA photographs before they doctored them for public viewing.

So why have they kept the public in the dark? False religious teachings are one reason and ignorance being the other.

False religions teaching: Throughout time religion has falsely taught people that they are one step away from being with their God or Gods. Falsely taught that humans are created in the image of God! Falsely taught that humans are omnipotent! Falsely taught that humans are superior over everything else on this planet! Falsely taught that all other living creatures are dumb and are there for humans to do with as they see fit. How the ignorant live!

Therefore the acknowledgement of any beings from outer space would contradict all their religious teachings and could create mass panic. If humans are omnipotent how can their be beings in outer space which clearly proves we're not the pinnacle of existence?

They would start asking themselves questions; why did their religion not mention this? How many years have they been watching us? Where did they go so wrong?

Humans are taught that once their life has finished on this Earth they will then go to heaven - or hell - and reside forever in the radiance of God - or Satan; depending on their faith's teachings. What utter rubbish! Think about it for a moment! You are born, you live a single life and then it's up next to God for all eternity. That in itself should ring alarm bells; a single life and that's it? Why is it that Christians think they will only sit on Gods right-hand side? What’s wrong with his left-hand side?

Reincarnation is factual and there is enough proof for those who wish to know more. In fact you reincarnate some 72,000 times before finally moving on to another plane of existence, never to return back to this Earth. Your spiritual self is endless and will go on forever, so please ignore the garbage that after this life you will be basking in the radiance of God or Satan, because it doesn't happen that way. Each life can last only 2,700,000,000 heartbeats; unless its cut short by some unplanned accident where dearth occurs or that person commits the most heinous of crimes, suicide.

Ignorance: the majority of humans are ignorant of what actually happening around them. For many it's safe not knowing; so they live their lives blinkered. Believing what garbage the media tells them. They believe TV adverts more than they do reality. Ignorance is not bliss!

When the gardener's return ignorance will be no more, as a new religion will pass as prophesied and people will be taught the truth about real religion.

The prophesied year of the Gardener's return is closer than you think!..... 2012

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  • Very interesting read. The gardeners seem very very serious about whatever they plan to do. Hopefully more people take them seriously because from what I see their definitely not the joking type. Thanks for sharing with us. :)

  • • The Hermit
    Five years before Sitchin wrote his cult classic The Twelfth Planet , expounding the belief that
    extraterrestrials had seeded and genetically engineered the human race, Rampa explained the whole process in The Hermit. The story began with a
    blind old Tibetan hermit imparting his knowledge to "the chosen one". In his youth he had been abducted
    by an advanced race who revealed themselves as "the Gardeners of the Earth". They took him to another galaxy and performed medical experiments upon his unwilling body, including brain surgery to increase his intelligence. Bluntly they informed him
    that the Earthlings were a very evil race who threatened to destroy not only themselves but other intelligent life on nearby worlds.

    The Gardeners informed him: "We travel in universes putting people and animals on many different worlds. You Earthlings have your legends about us; you refer to us as gods of the sky.
    Now we are to give you information as to the origin of life on Earth…for it is time that people knew the truth of their gods before we initiate the second phase." (p. 14) They transported the blind
    monk to another galaxy and implanted artificial sight so that he could witness the wonders of their civilisation. He was taken to the centre of the empire, where "the colours were all wrong. The grass
    was red and the rocks were yellow. The sky was of a greenish cast and there were two suns." (p. 104)
    The empire was vast and incorporated many different planets and star systems which co-existed in harmony. The inhabitants were humanoids with varied characteristics and features. There were vast cities of towering spires traversed by flying vehicles of all descriptions. This world was the headquarters of the vast empire, where every planet was self-governing but owed allegiance to the Master of the World.

    The Gardeners took the monk to an orbiting observatory where nine wise men were in charge of observing the Akashic records of Earth and other worlds. They showed him the history of the world,
    beginning with a huge comet colliding with a dead world at the centre of the galaxy, sending out gobbets of incandescent gas which eventually became the planets. Two expeditions explored
    the new worlds while a third dropped biological specimens onto the land and into the seas. Millennia later, a fourth expedition delivered huge dinosaurs to planet Earth. However, after many years the Earth was wobbling on its axis, so a vessel was
    despatched to break up the supercontinent with a laser beam.

    Another expedition brought purple humanoids to the Earth which had eight breasts and long, ape-like arms. They lived in caves and could not use fire, so the Gardeners were forced to exterminate them to make room for more advanced humans. After
    thousands of years and climate change, these humans developed a mighty civilisation. But the Gardeners fraternised too freely with the Earthlings, especially the women. A group stole their technology, attacked them and let off a nuclear device which
    wreaked havoc upon the Earth, sinking whole cities and continents beneath the oceans.

    For centuries the Gardeners stayed away from the irradiated planet but eventually returned with more human and animal specimens, distributing them on
    different continents. Mankind eventually evolved and built towns and cities, while the supervising
    Gardeners were worshipped as gods by the Earth inhabitants.

    From another galaxy, a warlike race with horny growths on their forehead attacked the empire and laid waste to our solar system. Cataclysmic battles
    took place in the heavens:
    atmospheres were blasted away and worlds destroyed. A planet, dislodged from its orbit, struck the Earth, causing a catastrophic loss of life.
    Only a few humans and animals, aided by the Gardeners, were conveyed to safety in a great ark.
    On the Earth, a great ice age developed. The Gardeners now decided to live apart from humans and dwell on mountains. Some inexperienced Gardeners, the "gods of Olympus", engaged in
    licentious behaviour and were transferred to other worlds.
    So the Gardeners then decided to communicate only through suitably chosen natives such as Moses, Buddha and Jesus, who were instructed to institute new religions. But always the priests perverted the true teachings for their own power and gain.
    The hermit was returned to a comfortable cave in Tibet where he was told a "chosen one" would come many years later to hear his wisdom. The Gardeners decided that even though the auras of the
    human race were faulty, mankind would be given another chance.
    However, if humans did not heed such warnings and stop polluting their planet with radioactivity, the Gardeners would be forced to
    intervene at any time in the future.

    • Tibetan Sage
    In Tibetan Sage, Rampa provided more information about these Gardeners, although he repeated many themes from earlier books.
    With his Guide, he visited an artificial cave which "...used to be the headquarters of a special race who could do space travel and just about everything else......

    rest or all on

  • I like THE GARDENERS and i hope they take the weeds [ Dark Forces ] out of Planet Earth as soon as possible

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