'Curved space' and 'expanding space' etc are both jazzy and crazy ideas in modern physics. But now it has also been found that space is also roaring!NASA set forth to detect the so it were thought, deam 'whispers' from the space. Alas, they found a roar! They wanted to detect a faint radio wave that they espected from distant stars. What they found is a wave over six times they espected. This discovery is akin to the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR). But unlike the latter, the former, dubbed 'Space Roar' has no explanation. In addition to a faint CMBR buzzing around everywhere in the cosmos, this 'music' is accompanied by an inexplicable roar in the radio frequency range.It is a roaring spaceIt is a roaring skyIt is a roaring lovely.:)But if we understand cosmos as to be in steady state rather than expanding, then such a roar can be explained if we assume that the mainstream cosmology is underestimating the significance of electricity in space just as the electric universe guys are saying.

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Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Task Force Diving Into The JFK Files, RFK Files, MLK Files, The Epstein Client List, The Origins Of Covid, The 911 Files, And UFOs/UAPs
"NBC has really been working overtime protecting their Deep State masters keeping this video tape hidden for all these decades. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJGQv7qvIcE"
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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"NBC has really been working overtime protecting their Deep State masters keeping this video tape hidden for all these decades. https://youtu.be/qJGQv7qvIcE?si=7hhIWYoy04_sneuk"
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AlternateEarth left a comment on Comment Wall
"The clot shots are an attempt at global genocide."
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AlternateEarth left a comment on Comment Wall
"Just gets crazier by the minute. Name a gov bill after a murderer.

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