“To build a house, to build a woman’s chamber, to have implements, To kiss the lips of a small child are yours, Inanna, To give the crown, the chair and the scepter of kingship is yours, Inanna”


The Goddess ensures that we are spiritually nourished by the holy nectar of her divine breast. Without the Goddess, all entries to wisdom and magic disappear, for she is the bringer of the mysteries and the force of all life in the universe. The Goddess opens doorways to the heart while the god opens the doorways to the mind. Heart and mind bring teaching with wisdom and thoughts of love. The Christ and his consort Shekinah are the male and female LOGOI; which is to say that both are the WORD made flesh for there cannot be one without the other as true empowerment can be obtained by the realization that our consciousness cannot function correctly without their union in our minds. Without the Goddess merging with the god in our world, imbalance ensues. Without her in our world, we are motherless and though we are not, the illusion of her non-existence brings only chaos, need and hunger. We are without wisdom and so trapped within the matrix of all that does not exist and we become slaves to a man made system.

There are many who demonize the mysteries or those who are true initiates and students of the mysteries, not understanding that to be liberated, they too must learn these mysteries. The ancients left written accounts regarding the ways of gaining enlightenment and one-ness with the gods which were meant for everyone and not only for the elite or the followers of the left hand path . The gods left their guidelines purposefully in case their children may become trapped within the lies and illusions of evil ‘men’ who work through both left and right sides of the Tree of Life. There is spiritual education available. It is available for anyone and everyone to study and use.

Esophoria Mystery School began with the mission of teaching the mysteries to humanity in a language that can be understood by all. We are lifting the veil of the sacred Goddess and in truth, it is our EYES that are veiled and not the Goddess so our work aims at removing the cataracts that hinder your true sight. Do not become or stay a victim of ignorance; do not curse the mysteries which were created for all of humanity. Do not curse the darkness but light a candle; learn what the ancients knew which is your divine right to know, and the truth shall set you free.

From the first writings in history we learn that the Morning and Evening star is the Goddess Inanna and before I move onto her sexual nature I would first like to maker her functions and attributes clearer. She was and still IS known as the Light Bringer and the one who grants access to the mysteries. Her priestesses in ancient times became the embodiment of Inanna and by doing this, had to be trained in the mysteries and not only in sacred sex.

To some who walk both the right and left paths, she is known as ‘The Whore of Babylon’ or the ‘Babalon’; she who rejects no one. Those who are also ‘students’ of the occult claim that the Morning Star is Lucifer and a male energy, completely dismissing that it is the Goddess who is the original holder of this title. The truth is, it is Lucifer who comes from the Goddess and it is Lucifer who is both male and female, Christ and Sophia. The men who follow the left hand path and who claim to honour or worship the Goddess are still just as patriarchal as those on the right side because most of their organizations are made up generally by men. So, of course, they deliver Lucifer to the world as being a completely MALE energy, choosing to totally ignore the Goddess and her being the one who brings illumination.

‘Babalon’ was a title created by Aleister Crowley who empowered the corruption of Inanna/Ishtar by the Church who called her the ‘Whore of Babylon’. Of course, there are other metaphorical meanings for this title but the sexual side is what AC played upon. We could say that Babalon is the lower reflection of Inanna who cleanses all of ‘sin’ yet even in her lowest manifestation, this does not mean she should be used as a ‘thing’ for men to underhandedly try to gain access to wisdom. In truth, this is foolish and highly dangerous to try to engage in such a manner with the Goddess when she is in her Dark state.

Regarding Inanna’s sexuality, there are misconceptions regarding the Goddess and her sexual nature and the same goes for all the manifestations of Venus who is also known as Sophia/wisdom. Many see Inanna solely as a Goddess of love, sex, lust and passion and they either choose to disregard the fact that she is also a Goddess of wisdom, birth and rebirth, death and war which are all the archetypes of Venus or they forget. One of her greatest roles in our reality is as the Queen of the Hieros Gamos/ Sacred Marriage and the consort of the dying and resurrected sun god.

She is described by some as being the ‘Sacred Whore’ or the ‘Holy Prostitute’ and this was probably due to the created cult whereby the priestesses and followers of Inanna/Ishtar/Aphrodite would prostitute themselves in return for payment. They believed that their virginity belonged to the Goddess and that this sacrifice through ‘love’ making would bring fertility to the land as well as to their own lives and if they did not, their city would be cursed.

The misguided believe that the Holy Prostitutes of the cult of Aphrodite were liberated and free and that the prostitution of their bodies was out of service to the Goddess. While it is true that through love making we are serving the Goddess, the lives of the temple prostitutes were not as glamorous or liberating as these people believe; if you can imagine that these women were not permitted to have any other relationship with men apart from selling their bodies, they spent a lonely existence who had only each other for company. Their ‘career’ of servicing men sexually was hard and grueling work which many times ended their lives from contracting sexually transmitted diseases or through committing suicide through the realization that they were basically just objects that were used for a mans sexual satisfaction and all that belonged to them were their thoughts.

This brings me to certain writings of Aleister Crowley expressed in the New Comment to verse 17 of Chapter 1:

“…there is a special incarnation of Nuit and Hadit for the Beast and the Scarlet Woman, as opposed to the general truth that every man and woman are images of these ineffable Beings.”

He then explains:

“Note that a woman, having no soul of her own, can be used always as a ‘ Form’ for any Being. This explains why Nuit can incarnate at will in successive women, careless of the physical limits of life.”

I have added this quote to explain to the reader that it is not only patriarchy and the right hand path that has raped woman and the Goddess and tried to take her power away but also those who walk/ed the left hand path who abused her and forced their way through the Yoni of Venus to steal her wisdom, ignorantly forgetting that the Goddess does not give her knowledge through force to any man for she cannot be controlled or tricked and it is SHE who chooses.

Like many, Crowley created a belief system that catered to his own thoughts and carnal needs, based around himself and according how he wanted to live his life and much like the ancient Greeks did, he created doctrines that made the gods have human desires and egotistic actions in order to feel he had the license to do as he pleased with relation to the Goddess and helping himself to her power as if he had the right to. By doing this, he created the false teaching that a woman had no soul of her own SHOULD the Goddess want to manifest herself in a woman in order for a woman to be ‘used’ by a practitioner of the Craft.

Although it is clear that patriarchy rejected the Goddess/wisdom through fear of her power and the threat they felt is posed to their ‘masculinity’ and kept her away from society, those of the left hand path in turn exploited her and also wanted to keep her power a secret so only they could access her knowledge and use it to fuel their magickal workings. In truth, we can see that the Goddess has been caught in the middle of a spiritual tug of war between two earthly forces that both did not love or respect her and just wanted her to be their prostitute to abuse.

Through time the energy of the Venus Goddess has been ‘used’ during ritual to empower the workings of magicians and priestesses. The priestess invokes the Goddess so that she takes into her the essence of the Goddess and the magician or mason etc plays the role of the king or her consort. This was a fertility rite or crowning ceremony that was performed in ancient times where the high priestess of one of the Venus Goddesses and the king replayed the role of the Hieros Gamos between Inanna or Ishtar or Aphrodite etc and her husband, the dying and resurrected god. Yet this was not a loveless union; the high priestess became the mistress of the king and they shared a bond of true love for each other. Their union was for a common cause that was not entirely selfish but was for the good of humanity and was not for personal gain as kingship was delivered from ‘Heaven’ and only the Goddess could crown the king through the divine marriage.

As well as bringing fertility to the land, the Courtship of Inanna was performed to bring heaven to Earth and create perfection; it symbolizes the true union between the male and female energies and the godhood or the creator of ALL. Through their love making they became one mind, one soul, one body and only through this becoming one and reconnecting the two halves of a divided soul through the flesh and spirit (Twin Flames) could they achieve this.

Yet this same sacred rite is performed by two people who have no deep love for each other, at least not on the basis of a true love where two souls connect and become one. The people who use the Goddess through performing sex as means to empower their workings/spells/crafting etc are basically prostituting the Goddess and taking advantage of her energy. This is not what she stands for at all.

Women use Inanna as an excuse to unleash their wild sexual side and though there is nothing wrong with a woman expressing herself in all ways (it is a very healthy practice) it is not acceptable to use the Goddess as THE reason to do so, invoking the Goddess in order to fornicate; there is a difference in being sexually liberated (which Inanna encourages) and promiscuity and of course, the same goes for men. Any person who is addicted to having sex with multiple partners who are, or may not be, strangers are not balanced individuals and there is something happening within their psyche on a psychological level that is pushing them to act out of compulsion and they are searching for a vehicle to fulfill these impulses.

The Goddess helps all women who wish to explore their sexual nature and always aids them in ‘coming out of their shell’, but she is not to be the reason for it is part of a woman’s path to find the strength within herself to be all that she wants to be sexually. Sleeping around and proclaiming that this is the way of the Goddess taints the purity of Inanna and her true nature. Inanna is a support for any woman and man who wishes to manifest their true sexuality and encourages them to take the path of the sacred bride or groom and should two magickal practitioners wish to take this path together and perform the sacred rite, they are also encouraged to invoke the energies of Inanna and her consort Marduk to do so.

I am not saying that women have to be in a committed relationship to call on the Great Goddess Inanna for support during her sexual encounters. Experimentation and experience is what makes a good lover and this is all part of our growth on this Earth. Through sex we can learn a lot about ourselves and the sacred masculine and feminine for Inanna, though she is the manifestation of the Shekinah/Shakti/Sophia in matter as the representation of the divine feminine, she is also known to hold strong masculine attributes. It was well known that as the Goddess of sex she was also the Goddess of gender and could turn a man into a woman and a woman into a man, which also explains the attributes of Venus which is both love and war so she is the Goddess of balance.

If you have researched the ancient tablets as I have for many years, you will have read the story of when Inanna was raped while sleeping beneath a tree. When Inanna awoke she was full of anger, rage and distress, as any woman would be at being defiled in such a way. Though some may argue that this was Inanna’s expression that she CHOOSES who she has sex with, it is in essence her proclaiming to humanity that not only does she CHOOSE who she has sex with but she does not have sex with just anyone for the sake of it; her love and lust and passion and wildness is reserved ONLY for her consort and he alone because what they share is SACRED. So regarding the story of her rape, Inanna is an icon among women who have been raped and suffered at the hands of their abusers. She also helps them to heal and guides them back to achieving healthy romantic and sexual relationships. Inanna, though a lover of sex, chooses who she initiates into her mysteries through sexual acts and no magician or practitioner of the Craft has a right to use, abuse or trap her or force his way in, regardless of how many women believe they have invoked her into themselves for a ritual for it is SHE who approaches the man and lets him know of her presence in signs and symbols in the astral or Earth reality in ways that cannot be denied.

Even though she is known as the mistress, she was the mistress to the gods whom she loved and empowered their workings, and not to mortal men who believe they can summon her at will when they see fit. If there are men who believe they can take advantage of her love and energy then they must remember her war side and it would be advisable for them to study the story of her rape and what happened to the MORTAL man who raped her and took from her while she was sleeping. If the Goddess DOES choose a mortal man then it is one she has chosen herself and it is one whose soul shares a connection with hers. Her priestess who becomes his consort will be a manifestation of the Goddess herself or she will carry the Venus essence in order to disperse it in our consciousness.

Know that all marriage is sacred and that when two people are in love and make love, their union is blessed by the Goddess and they do in fact re-enact the divine marriage each time they make love for it IS love in motion and not only loveless lust.

Some feel that the Goddess is arrogant or full of ego in her messages but sometimes it is our own ego’s that do not want to accept her laws regarding working with her energy. This is usually felt among those who do use her attributes as an excuse to profane her sacred acts of love making but to truly understand the Goddess and to have her support, we must be true followers of her and not just call upon her and try to invoke her when it comes to having sex.

I also want my readers to understand that sacred sexuality is not limited for partner sex only; a woman can invoke the Goddess to help her discover her sexual points and to help her to feel desirable to herself. There is nothing more empowering for a woman than to discover and experience her own sexuality, which even the thought of her sexual self raises her libido.

A woman and a man can commune with the Goddess through self pleasure, using the power of orgasm as an offering to empower their magical working. Because you will be alone without the need to pleasure your partner, you can practice transmuting sexual energy (orgasm) and direct it towards something you want to manifest into your life. Orgasmic energy is one of the most power forces we produce that we can channel from our root chakras up through the other Chakras and out of our crown, focusing on where we want this energy to go. It is also a good way to explore the body to discover erogenous zones which help us to produce the most sexual energy.

Ending on this note, I would like to add that I accept that there are many who may not agree with my teaching or my explanations of Inanna’s stories and to you I ask you to go within and find her and also spend time looking for her in the ancient texts. If you truly love her and respect her, then love and respect yourself: mind, body and soul. Sex is a sacred act of pure love that should be performed in a loving way, for the good of ourselves and humanity, which is why it is called ‘making love’.



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