~Some Multidimensional food for thought for those

who worship at the alter of 'Science'


2 4 2014 ~The “scientific worldview” is immensely influential because the sciences have been so successful. Their achievements touch all our lives through technologies and through modern medicine. Our intellectual world has been transformed through an immense expansion of our knowledge, down into the most microscopic particles of matter and out into the vastness of space, with hundreds of billions of galaxies in an ever-expanding universe.

But now that science and technology seem to be at the peak of the power, when their influence has spread all over the world and when their triumph seems indisputable, unexpected problems are disrupting the sciences from within. Most scientists take it for granted that these problems will eventually be solved by more research along established lines, but some, including myself, think that they are symptoms of a deeper malaise...

These beliefs are powerful not because most scientists think about them critically, but because they don’t. The facts of science are real enough, and so are the techniques that scientists use, and so are the technologies based on them. But the belief system that governs conventional scientific thinking is an act of faith...

The Scientific Creed

Here are the ten core beliefs that most scientists take for granted.

 1. Everything is essentially mechanical. Dogs, for example, are complex mechanisms, rather than living organisms with goals of their own. Even people are machines, “lumbering robots”, in Richard Dawkins’ vivid phrase, with brains that are like genetically programmed computers.

 2. All matter is unconscious. It has no inner life or subjectivity or point of view. Even human consciousness is an illusion produced by the material activities of brains.

 3. The total amount of matter and energy is always the same (with the exception of the Big Bang, when all the matter and energy of the universe suddenly appeared).

4. The laws of nature are fixed.  They are the same today as they were at the beginning, and they will stay the same forever.

 5. Nature is purposeless, and evolution has no goal or direction.

 6. All biological inheritance is material, carried in the genetic material, DNA, and in other material structures.

 7. Minds are inside heads and are nothing but the activities of brains. When you look at a tree, the image of the tree you are seeing is not “out there”, where it seems to be, but inside your brain.

 8. Memories are stored as material traces in brains and are wiped out at death.

 9. Unexplained phenomena like telepathy are illusory.

 10. Mechanistic medicine is the only kind that really works.

~Together, these beliefs make up the philosophy or ideology of materialism, whose central assumption is that everything is essentially material or physical, even minds. This belief-system became dominant within science in the late nineteenth century, and is now taken for granted. Many scientists are unaware that materialism is an assumption; they simply think of it as science, or the scientific view of reality, or the scientific worldview.  They are not actually taught about it, or given a chance to discuss it. They absorb it by a kind of intellectual osmosis...


read full article at: http://iainews.iai.tv/articles/the-science-delusion-auid-305

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  • However, Science is just a Method of Investigation, not a Belief. The limitations to science of today that may or may not be present are made by the institutions that currently fund those who want to do sciencentific research and can't pay for it with their own money, and they in turn are being directed by those who fund Them, who are directed by those who fund Them and so on. Usually, in a capitalistic world, that ends with a Science that is mainly directed to what can be sold at a good price. :)

  • merkaba.gif8116048485?profile=original


  • ~Indeed dear Feather... half measures avail us nothing! It's time for us to reclaim our Sacred connection to our Planet by rebalancing the 'Mind, Body & Spirit'. We are biophysical extensions of the Gaian-Mind... it's essential that we remember this & treat our Mother with the respect she deserves. The 'New Earth Project' is a powerful manifestation of the emerging paradigm. ~InLight555


  • ~& some more Multidimensional food for thought Ashtar Massive...


    The Believer vs. Disbeliever Cylcle

    by C.J. Gaura

    The general perception is there's got to be good reasons for all the bad blood between materialists and survival of consciousness camps. And consequently, even better reasons for all the energy being dumped into this endless feud too. There's a gap here, we're told, a sprawling conceptual gap both deep as it wide.

    Our world no longer runs on the backs of starry-eyed "believers," but so-so unbelievers chewing their nails while stuck sinking in godless sand. The masses that once ran our institutions on the power of belief now look to science to provide the latest answers for just about everything, not the least of which includes the meaning of life.

    Despite the upsurge of scientism in our culture, it appears many folks are still struggling to make sense of this unparalleled transition. Religions too, as they appear just as busy trying to counter the effects of this movement in their once sheepish faithful. Like it or not there's a new wind a'blowing. And sorry folks, if you're looking to fill your sails with this wind, nobody's interested in hearing what you believe, you'll simply be required to verify its proof.

    While there's certainly an interesting story to tell here, it probably wouldn't do much good trying to account for the whole history of the believer vs. non-believer feud here. The fact is there's endless factors that have contributed to this gap, such as decades of academic posturing and politicking, a bottomless drama which our media continues to eagerly scoop, spin, and then shoot out to cater to the tastes of a competitive cultural mindset. But no one culture is worth blaming here. To penetrate the nature of he believer vs. disbeliever cycle, we'll have to examine the transcendent function of belief.

    To get beyond the context of this age old debate, good vs. evil, sacred vs. profane, belief vs proof,  one has to address the overarching role belief plays in our personal and collective development. And in terms of sheer impact, there probably hasn't been a bigger one.

    Throughout our social evolution we've been driven by our beliefs and the feuds they produce. Every generation has drawn from the boundless energy available in these conflicts, the process propelling people and cultures into epic phases of engagement and disengagement, marking our circuitous advancements throughout time. In belief we create, in disbelief we destroy. If we're willing to assign this meta-function to belief a much larger pattern emerges in our social development. We see repetitive cycles of expansion and contraction upon which we either converge or deploy.

    Presently, with science, we believe we've summoned an energy that's capable of severing our attachment to these primal cycles. We see the need for belief has been entirely eliminated and we've been inoculated from the horrible influences of spirit and psyche. But is this really so? Or has science simply created a system capable of projecting belief on a much large scale??? It's been said that along with death and taxes, change is the only constant in life. Change happens, and through belief we've typically been able to manage this change. If we examine our beliefs over time it becomes aparent it doesn't matter what we believe, but belief which allows us to cope with this one enduring constant. Within science the onus for discovering the nature and function of belief has been pushed to psychology. But it appears even psychology has lost it's moorings a bit when it comes to knowing what to do with a blackbox like belief. Despite the field's early affections for the psyche, psychology has since performed an about face and adopted a strictly materialist mindset.

    This in turn has created a major blind-spot when it comes to acknowledging the influences of the psyche upon our development. In fact Psychology no longer acknowledges a psyche at all. Psychology sees stuff. This has led to a whole host of reframes on functions initially believed to originate in the mind. Belief for example, is now understood in terms of chemicals and neurons, a behavior derived from epiphenomenon of the brain. Dictums like these have contributed to a growing experiential gap as trust has shifted in favor of science. This has resulted in less people bothering to explore their inner potential anymore. But if we avoid demonizing science, its possible to see that the distance between materialism and psyche-centric pespectives  may not be so great afterall.  We might even argue the psyche has guided its evolution all along.


    Science as a Culture Reframe

    Much of what has been applied to psychology, particularly in relational and family systems theory, originated with the pioneering works of Psychobiologists, men for the most part who focused on the emotional systems of subhuman animals. T.C. Shernia, for example, studied the migration routes of Army Ants in the 1930's, deftly observing that the journey to understand ant behavior closely paralleled humanity's route to understand its place within the solar system.

    It wasn't just Shernia making these observations; there were plenty of other groundbreaking biologists before him who learned to focus on the processes that operated in-between the parts, a momentum which in large part was created by Darwin's publication of The Origin of Species in 1849. The rigid thinking which had emerged as a hallmark of scientific process loosened, and with it, an explosion of system thinking followed in nearly every academic domain. What this event may have signaled, however, was a much subtler evolution. Science had finally emerged into the cultural mainstream. And despite its urge to lay waste to everything sacred and profane, science essentially was busy reframing old news.

    Science, in its theory of evolution, had managed to acknowledge a key principle circulating in ancient wisdom traditions for hundreds if not thousands of years, i.e. the influence of subtle relationships between all living things. But now it wasn't mystical martyrdom producing these insights, but good hard science that  detailed a seemingly endless reflection of internal and external processes. Science was also doing this without having a clue as to how these imagined mechanisms were orchestrating these exchanges.

    While the scientific establishment certainly wasn't about to surrender that such "imagined" mechanisms didn't exist or wouldn't be found, the step did signal a curious step. Science had inadvertently stepped into the mess it was trying to clean up. It had essentially reframed, or flipped a process that had long been the territory of mystics and saints. Except instead of looking inward, it pushed outward, and discovered evidence much the same.

    Science had also expressed its willingness to extend its search for unseen processes into spaces beyond its current scope of understanding. This acknowledgement in itself suggests the resistance to the concept of a nonlocal consciousness is a psychological aberration rooted in cultural process as opposed to any methodologically-inspired claim. How else do we account for what was happening here? The immaterial and material had conceptually converged, only the method and language had changed to describe the pattern. But there's something else to consider here. The absence of an associated experience to accompany scientific claims.

    According to the world's great mystics and spiritual teachers, even Carl Jung, the transformative experience is ultimately the point behind any natural born revelation. Perhaps the eminent psychologist Abraham Maslow would explain science's revulsion to spirituality as a classic case of not having built the proper foundation to produce the revelation, or peak experience. Hence the reluctance of science to acknowledge its connection to the wisdom of our spiritual forebearers. 

    It's also helpful to consider what science has refused to acknowledge regarding its own role in perpetuating belief in general.  Here we have a pretty clear window to what was being projected during science's emergence into the greater cultural sphere. By repressing what has always been a perfectly natural human function in belief, science, as an institution, may have ultimately projected a more potent form of it into the collective psyche.

    From a pscyche-centric POV, this makes sense, as this act may have signaled the unconscious was poised to reinvigorate the energy available in the social sphere. Humanity, with its invention of science, had finally produced the miracle to generate believers on a truly massive scale. If you can see this point, it's easier to see why science, even though it's still repressing its need to believe through validation and proof, continues to charge towards the methaphysical.

    Science is ultimately leading us back to the expression of the immaterial through quantum physics and through rapidly cycling advancements in macro and nano technology. After all that's where the energy of belief is. The question then becomes, will science ever be able to generate the transformative experience necessary for world culture to catch up to its discoveries? I guess this is the point where technophiles begin talking about a "Singularity." Or perhaps there is another option here; maybe science is succeeding in birthing a truly spiritless man.


  • I agree with you, Stick.....The science delusion is real and we may even see it expressed here on ACC....

    Yesterday I recommended a UFO vid, of genuine vimana craft of the GFL and was told by a member (I won't name him) that it's motions were like a "pendulum" and so can be dismissed as non genuine...LOL

    Of course, the genuine vimana scouts actually do vector as if on strings, as they are subject to electron waves, which pulse around the hull, as they travel...Rather like ships in the sky, which they are....Floating upon a sea of electrons...they bob up and down, pendulum like, as they oscillate, within the electronic vibrations.....

    So these characteristics have even been described as looking like they are suspended on a wire...Again, that is actually the genuine way they travel, when not jumping from point A to point B, which would be the speed of light...so invisible...BUT, of course, the small minded will assume fakery of genuine craft...beacause they do not understand this alternative science to the mainstream...

    Conventional principles of aerodynamics do not apply to vimanas, because they are cucooned within alectro-magnetic envelopes....

    Science secrety knows this, but it is not permitted for public benefit, as yet....So we have to endure the mundane minded cynics, who can only think within the scientific convention box.... :-(

    • ~Thanks for the info Drekx... unfortunately extreme 'skepticism & cynicism' is yet another alter that many choose to worship at. There are those who have actually been in direct view of GFL craft who are so rooted in their limited 'beliefs' that they simply don't see (or refuse to acknowledge) what's in front of their own eyes. The lengths so-called 'Scientists' have gone to keep the masses in mental bondage boggles the mind... it actually reinforces the constraints of the Illusion... which of course is the deeper agenda. ~TemetNosce247  

      “The UFO is nothing more than an assertion of herself by the Goddess into history, saying to science and paternalistically governed and driven organizations: You have gone far enough. We are going to turn the world upside down. Your science is going to be shown up for what it is, nothing more than a pleasant metaphor usefully extrapolated into the production of toys for healthy children. That's what science is good for. It is not some meta-theory at whose feet every point of view from astrology to acupressure to channeling need be laid to have the hand of science announce thumbs up or thumbs down.” 

      ~Terence McKenna  


      •  Occult Science Dictatorship

        William Lyne - Hour 1 - January 31, 2014

        ~William Lyne was born in Big Spring, Texas and raised in West Texas oil boom towns and ranching country. His bio states that he had a Top Secret clearance in Air Force Intelligence, earned a B.S. degree with a double major in Art and Industrial Technology from Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas, acquired an M.F.A. in Studio Arts from the University of Texas at Austin in 1969, and has lived in New Mexico for over 28 years. In 1975, he rejected a high-paying and prestigious executive CIA position offered by then director George Bush, because he believes the National Security Act of 1947 is an illegal betrayal of American Sovereignty and liberty, and that the flying saucer, as man's greatest invention, should be enjoyed by all. In the first hour, we discuss occult ether physics and Tesla's hidden space propulsion system and the conspiracy to conceal it. He talks about how the secret government—a fraudulently concealed, unconstitutional, corporate-state entity—has controlled electropulsion technology by concealing it and other advanced free energy technology, on behalf of international, coercive, corporate-state monopolists. In the member's hour, we'll hear about the occult science dictatorship. William says powerful economic interests, which also control the government, the mass media and academic institutions, have used scientific thought-control for sinister means. This includes the invention of scientific and metaphysical theories that lead to nowhere. William shares his experiences with UFOs, which he says are man-made. He also talks about propaganda surrounding aliens, which is all part of a plot to conceal technology.


  • ~& on & on it goes... where it stops, nobody knows??? These lessons of our Scientific knowledge vs. our Spiritual origins, are both corridors of the rabbit-hole that are deeply enmeshed. Nonetheless, the havoc they have wreaked on the Gaian-Matrix goes back to the ancient world. Hopefully the emerging paradigm will rightsize these conflicts as an infantile phase of our return to Unity-Consciousness. *This scene from Star Trek seems fitting... it actually contains more 'truth' than most of Humanity are ready to process:



    • http://gregshead.net/2006/the-religion-of-science/
      Sage 1: “Go on back to your ship and play with your molecular micro scanner.”
      Sage 2: “You’ve tried all that already, but it didn’t work. Kes didn’t get better.”
      Captain: “No, she didn’t.”
      Sage 2: “Why not?”
      Captain: “The doctor couldn’t explain it.”
      Sage 2: “So an inexplicable, miraculous, non-recovery?”
      Captain: “We haven’t found the reason yet.”
      Sage 2: “But of course you will. You’ll find all the answers eventually, with enough time, and study, and the right sort of tools. That’s what you believe, isn’t it, as a scientist?”
      Sage 1: “Be honest…”
      Captain: “Yes, that’s what I have always believed.”
      Sage 3: “Even when her science fails right before her eyes, she still has full confidence in it. Now there’s a leap of faith.”

      I would like to and certainly can make and upload a video clip of this conversation since it's a great scene, but everytime I take clips from movies and put on youtube I get in trouble over copyright issues so I do not dare to do that anymore unless you all can recommend me another video-site that cares more about the message in clips rather than the money it does not bring in when people are watching it. :)

      • ~Excellent scene... it's amazing how many meaningful clues have come from the many forms Gene Roddenberry's universe has taken. It's funny, I'm more of a fan of the original & Next Generation... now I'm tempted to dig into the archives & check out Voyager. 

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