the Seven Seals of God Consciousness

Beloved masters, it is time for you to take advantage of your physical and spiritual senses in the fullest measure. You must redefine and learn to properly use the physical senses in order to access and develop the higher senses that became dormant so long ago: clairvoyance/clear seeing, clairaudience/clear hearing or telepathic abilities, clairsentience (an empathic, intuitive person with an expanded, inner sense of awareness). All of these heightened abilities are a part of your Divine birthright just waiting for you to reclaim them.

We have discussed in great detail the seven major chakras of the physical vessel and outlined the positive and negative attributes / functions of each one. It is important that you also realize that each chakra and organ within the body has a consciousness of its own which was overlaid and infused with the energies of your many past experiences and thought forms. You have not only created your outer world with your beliefs and the vibrational frequencies of your thoughts, but you have built your inner world as well. Your body communicates with you in many ways, but do you know how to listen and interpret what it is telling you? I have stated this truth to you before, but it bears repeating. Many of you have accepted the fact that you can communicate and interact with the angelic realms and Beings of Light, but most of you are still not aware that you can communicate with the many facets of your bodily form.

Some time ago we gave you the gift of Seven Crystalline Spheres of Higher Consciousness whereby you began the process of returning your chakra system to a harmonious state by breathing spheres of Light from your Divine I AM Presence into each of the seven major chakra centers of the physical body. We had you breathe in a sphere of Light and then superimpose the infinity sign over each sphere/ chakra to assist in accelerating the process of releasing impacted, disharmonious energy patterns as you strive to reclaim the gifts of self-mastery. The process of clearing, harmonizing and balancing the seven major chakras of the physical body results in an important initiation process called The Opening The Seven Seals of God-Consciousness.

As each chakra is returned to harmony within itself, a process is activated whereby an energy vortex is opened and the perfected qualities and energy of that chakra are projected upward into the next chakra. Also, the store of Adamantine Particles of Creator Light are released from each chakra and begin to flow upward as the process is repeated until the crown chakra is activated, which allows an amazing and wondrous thing to take place: the chakra system begins to spin at such high revolution that it turns the spinal column into a blazing shaft of Light and the five higher galactic Rays of the Creator pour down through the column of Light and infuse all your chakras with the luminescence of your Divine I AM Presence.

That is the process that many of you have been experiencing these last few years, and since you are on an accelerated path of initiation / transformation, much discomfort and distortion have been activated within the physical vessel. There was / is much to be released, rectified and balanced, and what has taken thousands of years to create is being transmuted in just a few short years. So please be gentle with yourselves and know that you are in the process of incorporating and transforming your human self into your shining human/Spirit Self.

Allow us to give you another simplified exercise to assist you in tapping into the inner wisdom of your physical vessel. I will give you a key word for each chakra. Please study / review and learn some of the attributes of each chakra, and then as you go about your daily life, when appropriate, chant or say the word for each chakra. (These words may be toned and held as long as comfortable if you wish.) As with toning the vowel sounds, start at your lowest, most comfortable note and slowly move up the scale as you repeat the word for each chakra. Observe what comes to mind when you chant the key word and focus on the chakra. How do you "LIVE" with the energies of the root chakra, how do you "LOVE" with the energies of the heart, etc.?

Root Chakra

The Root Chakra grounds your physical self to the life force of Earth and gives stability (this is most important, for you must honor and maintain the physical body while reaching for the stars). When this chakra is functioning properly and in balance, you will have more vitality, courage and self-confidence. It will help you release old survival and scarcity issues and tap into your treasure chest of abundance.

Take a deep breath and tone: "I LIVE."

State to Yourself:

"I am now accessing and integrating the power of unity and oneness and my connection with the earth and all abundance."

Breathe deeply. Either by envisioning or using your imagination, see the sphere of light which represents your root chakra begin to spin faster and faster, becoming lighter and brighter until it bursts into a radiant sun and a shaft of light moves from the first chakra up into the second (located just below the navel).

Say: "I am one with the divine creator source."

* breathe deeply and tone: uh (huh) 

Navel Chakra

This is the seat of your physical/emotional self. When this chakra is in balance, you are no longer plagued by self-doubt, addictions, or sexual issues. You become attuned to the wisdom of your Soul mind instead of the ego mind, and gradually all the old self-limiting thought patterns of the subconscious mind are replaced with self-confidence and emotional stability. You take back your personal power as you learn to create joy, peace and prosperity instead of fear and limitation. Take a deep breath and tone: "I FEEL."

State to Yourself:!-- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -->

"I am now accessing and integrating the power of passion with spirit as my director. My desire is to create joy, peace and prosperity to enjoy and share with others."

Breathe deeply. See the sphere of light which represents your second chakra begin to spin faster and faster, becoming lighter and brighter until it bursts into a radiant sun and a shaft of light moves up from the second chakra to the third (solar plexus).

Say: "I am whole and complete within myself."

* breathe deeply and tone: oo (you) 

Solar Plexus

This is the seat of your physical/mental self. When this chakra begins to spin in harmony and only a few discordant energies remain, your self-esteem returns, knowledge turns into wisdom and clarity of thought. You regain self-control and become the master of your desires. You learn to set boundaries and honor the boundaries of others as you draw forth energy from the universal source of life substance and your own I AM Presence instead of tapping into the energies of those around you. The activation of your Solar Power Center begins at this point (solar plexus, heart and thymus).

Take a deep breath and Tone: "I WILL."

State to Yourself:

"I am now accessing my personal power center, and I take control of my emotions. i am the master of my desires. I set clearly-defined boundaries."

Breathe deeply. See the sphere of light which represents your third chakra begin to spin faster and faster, becoming lighter and brighter until it bursts into a radiant sun and a shaft of light moves up from the third chakra to the fourth (heart chakra)

Say: "I am the power to create."

*breathe deeply and tone: oh (go)


The heart chakra is the gateway to the higher chakras which connect you to the Soul Self and Spirit Self. When your heart chakra is unbalanced or mostly shut down, you will function primarily as an instinctual human being which is governed by the three lower chakras of the physical self. As you balance the energies of the heart mind/emotions (the life and love force energy centers of the body), you will tap into the unconditional love force of the God Mind. You swiftly release all energies and thought patterns which manifest as jealousy, envy, selfishness, guilt or feelings of unworthiness. As you ignite the Three-fold Flame of Divine Will, Wisdom and Love, you begin to develop a compassionate nature and a oneness with life and all things.

Take a deep breath and Tone: "I LOVE."

State to Yourself:

"I now activate my emotional and my solar power life force centers. I receive and project only love/light energy. I open my heart to the divine flow of spirit."

Breathe deeply. See the sphere of light which represents your fourth chakra begin to spin faster and faster, becoming lighter and brighter until it bursts into a radiant sun and a shaft of light moves up from the fourth chakra to the fifth (throat chakra)

Say: "I am universal love."

* breathe deeply and tone: ah (father)


The throat chakra is connected to the astral / emotional plane or mental / causal plane, depending on the vibrational frequencies of the thoughts and words you project. This may seem confusing; however, since you create your own reality by the frequency patterns you radiate, the law of attraction assures that the lower frequencies you send forth will attract astral plane energies and the higher ones will tap into the mental planes of consciousness. The ascension process entails mastering the physical plane, the astral (emotional) plane, the mental plane and, eventually, up through the higher dimensions. Communication, the power of the spoken word, is one of the most important tools on the physical plane. When you begin to use the language of Love / Light and soul talk, you will always speak your highest truth, you will be expressive and creative in speech, in writing and you will become proficient in manifesting your vision for the future.

Take a deep breath and Tone "I SPEAK."

State to Yourself:

"I am now accessing my will power center through the power of communication and self-expression. Iwill speak my truth with integrity and discernment"

Breathe deeply. See the sphere of light which represents your fifth chakra begin to spin faster and faster, becoming lighter and brighter until it bursts into a radiant sun and a shaft of light moves up from the fifth chakra to the sixth (third eye chakra).

Say: "I am perfect expression."

* breathe deeply and tone: i (eye)

Third Eye

The brow or third eye chakra opens the door to the "inner senses," first connecting you to your unconscious self (subconscious mind) and gradually to your Higher Self as the pure cosmic Light substance of the God Mind (called Rays) is allowed to enter and activate your God consciousness (the Essence of you). You will move through the whispers of intuition into a "knowing" that you are being guided and inspired by Spirit. New knowledge, creative ideas and inspiration from the higher mental and intuitive planes will be accessible to you as you clear the distortions. Do not fear the seemingly dark energies or thought forms that float into your consciousness or before your eyes during meditation, beloveds, for these are your own creations coming to the fore to be healed and transmuted into Light. Love is the dynamic, cohesive force of Creation and when Love/Light is shined on any misqualified thought frequency, it is "lightened" and eventually transmuted. Also, remember to use the gift of the Violet Flame.

Take a deep breath and tone: "I SEE"

State to Yourself:

"I am now accessing the power of my intuitive mind. I have clear insight and I listen attentively as I tap into my inner wisdom and the wisdom of my higher self."

Breathe deeply. See the sphere of light which represents your sixth chakra begin to spin faster and faster, becoming lighter and brighter until it bursts into a radiant sun and a shaft of light moves up from the sixth chakra to the seventh ( the crown chakra)

Say: "I am a perfect instrument of clarity and wisdom."

* breathe deeply and tone: aye (say)

Crown Chakra

When the crown chakra is activated, the pathway is opened to your Spiritual Self, and the wisdom, gifts and treasures stored with your Divine I AM Presence will be available to you. As you demonstrate that you are ready to live and radiate the Love / Light / Truth of Creation, you will be showered with an ever-increasing flow of the attributes and virtues of the Twelve Rays of God consciousness.

Take a deep breath and tone: "I AM."

State to yourself:

"I am now accessing my spiritual power and connection to my divine I am presence, which is my center of enlightenment/inspiration/wisdom."

Breathe deeply. see the sphere of light which represents your seventh chakra begin to spin faster and faster, becoming lighter and brighter until it bursts into a radiant sun and a shaft of light moves up from the seventh chakra to the soul star. Breathe deeply and tone: eee (me)

Soul Star Chakra (6" to 8" Above Crown)

State to yourself:

"I connect to and am in alignment with my rainbow bridge to unity consciousness. I hereby transmute all misqualified energies as i move beyond the law of karma and into a state of grace."

Breathe deeply. As you tone, envision the column of light that connects you to your god self (I Am presence) growing wider and wider until it forms a lotus blossom crown on your head. See it clearing all the distortions and static from your divine connection with spirit so that the frequency patterns of divine light, divine will and divine wisdom flow freely to you from our mother / father god and from you out into the world.

Say: "I am one with the divine source."

* breathe deeply and tone three times: aum * aum * aum

To further assist you in reestablishing a pure, strong connection with your spiritual guides, angelic helpers and with any whom you wish to work with in the higher realms, we offer this exercise:

Focus your consciousness deep within your Sacred Heart as you take a few deep breaths. Envision (however you perceive), your Essence within a sphere of Light move through the portal at the back of your Sacred Heart chamber. You move quickly up into the fifth dimension into a new, personal pyramid of Light which has been especially designed as a meeting place for you, your friends and companions of the higher realms.

Move into this sacred space and lie on the crystal table. As you do so, look around the room and see seated in the crystal chairs surrounding the table all those with whom you wish to commune and work. Take a moment to identify those who are with you in your pyramid. As with all other pyramids of Light in the higher dimensions, there is a double-terminated pure quartz crystal hanging down from the peak of the pyramid over the crystal table in the center. Electrifying lightning sparks are radiating forth from the giant crystal out into the room. This is the rarified Essence of the Supreme Creator and our Father/Mother God.

There is a fountain under the table with a blazing Violet Flame pouring forth out into the room which will transmute any discordant energies you bring to this place to be released and purified. Come to this sacred place often to strengthen your connections and rapport with your Family of Light.

Say to yourself:

"I reclaim my divine birthright and my connection with my higher self, my soul family and all the beings of light i am to work and commune with in order to access and relay the cosmic wisdom and truth i am to integrate and share. Here and now, I reclaim my self-mastery and all the qualities, gifts, virtues and attributes of my divine self. I desire to be a living personified example of love, harmony, abundance and joy. I am divine love, I am divine light, I am divine will, I am divine wisdom in action." So be it! So it is! I am that, I am! 

My bold and brave ones, as the process of ascension accelerates, it is more important than ever that you take advantage of as many as possible of the advanced techniques of transformation. It may seem simplistic; however, the above exercise / meditation is a powerful tool to assist in releasing old impacted vibrational patterns and speeding up the process of returning to an empowered state of duality within the physical vessel so that your Soul Song / Energetic Signature will become a beautiful, harmonious symphony of great magnitude and force. We are giving you all the necessary tools and information possible to assist you on your path of illumination; however, you must assume the responsibility for your return to self-mastery. We are standing by to assist you as you reclaim your rightful status as a spiritual Being on a Divine mission for our Father / Mother God.

We salute your bravery. You are dearly loved.

I Am Archangel Micheal

Transmitted through Ronna Herman

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  • Archangel Michael: You Are Developing Your Individual Sunlight
    Transmitted Through Ronna Herman
    * Lm-2-2011

    Beloved masters, the Creator’s breath is the fuel of existence and you are the flame it feeds. It is important you understand that you are developing your individual Sunlight, which is a reflection of your own God Essence. The human intellectual thought process must evolve beyond the limitations of language. There is a vast wealth of information awaiting humanity via inspiration. You must develop your intuitive abilities in order to receive the wisdom of the Cosmic Council of Light. It will not come from outside you. It will well up within your own Sacred Mind and Sacred Heart. You must reach up and grasp it, for it will not come down into the effluvia of the Earth planes and seek you out.

    Mature spirituality is not an unconscious experience. You must develop a self-sustaining Divinity, whereby you are constantly breathing the rich Pranic Breath of Life / Adamantine Particles of Creator Essence, so that you may receive spiritual sustenance from the River of Live via the Eighth Chakra, your Soul Star. The empowering Breath of Infinity opens the pathways that lead to the multidimensional levels of Creator consciousness. You must broaden your inner perspective as you gradually change your way/mode of thinking and perceiving. The Spirit of the Creator cannot be isolated. Spirit permeates everything in existence to one degree or another. You must expand your consciousness to incorporate the vastness of Creation.

    You must accept the fact that the Heart Core of our Father/Mother God is the focal point and the basis of all religions. It is not the dogma, superstition, rules and restrictions, but the love, power and perfection, which result in the ability to create and enjoy worlds of beauty, balance and harmony. When the mind and heart of God become manifested within you, you become a facet of the Collective Messiah. It is the creative fulfillment of your destiny.

    You are a Spark of the Creator–a manifested Divine facet of consciousness–a Still Point within Creation. You either enrich the world you live in or you help to contaminate it. How bright and warm is your Sacred Fire? Does it blaze brightly and warm the hearts of others? Or is it a feeble flame, not even strong enough to warm your own heart? “Cold-hearted” is not a term associated with a true Bearer of God Light. You may journey through the shadow lands with those who helped create them, or you may walk with delight in the radiance of God Light.

    All of you are familiar with the Twelve Rays of God-consciousness, which you are currently striving to integrate and claim as your own. However, there has been a very important facet of Creation that has been withheld from the masses until now. All manifestations in the Omniverse are composed of organized Energy from the Heart Core of the Supreme Creator. There is a Master Creator Core of Cosmic Consciousness which contains an allotment of the Full Spectrum Essence of the Supreme Creator.

    The Father and Mother God of this universe were endowed with a portion of these Creator attributes, qualities and virtues. This is the primary source of Creator Consciousness within this universe, and all is balanced--all is equal--all is harmonious. Before the God Rays of our Father/Mother God were radiated out into the great void, there was an incalculable number of powerful Supreme Creator Rays sent forth out into the cosmic void. These Creator Rays became great regions of space with different Light densities and time-consciousness cells, which contain infinite Divine schematics of material world possibilities. There are membranes of Light that create barriers so that there is a firm demarcation between each sub-universe. These Light-line barriers cannot be penetrated or crossed without special Divine dispensation. Some of these great Creator Rays are much wider than others, and there was also a number of thin membranes of Light which contain time cell encodings within pyramids of Light. There are living pyramids of Light/life within every energy field and dimensional space of Creation. Creator Light pours forth from the pyramid-shaped treasuries of Light to be used by the Elohim and the Builders of Form in making new creative designs as mandated by our Father/Mother God. Each star in the galaxy is a node of energy vibration. Each person functions as a living star capable of receiving and conveying harmonic frequency vibrations according to his/her level of consciousness. As you are now aware, these frequencies are called your Soul Song. You are a point of Light, a vibrant Spark of the Divine. This universe is composed of one gigantic Celestial Soul Song.

    From the Heart Core Essence of our Father/Mother God, the Essence of the Son/Daughter Co-creators was made manifest. These wondrous Beings are stepped-down refractions of the power and majesty of our God Parents–just as our Father/Mother God are a stepped-down refraction of the Supreme Creator.

    There are three major divisions within this particular universe. Our explanations are greatly simplified, for the creative process is much too complicated for the human mind to comprehend.

    1. From the Essence within the Master Core of Cosmic Consciousness (mentioned above), there was a specific number of sub-universes created within this universal whole with both feminine and masculine attributes, virtues and qualities of Divine Light in perfect equality and balance.

    2. However, when the major portion of the sub-universes was created, the predominant forces of the creative process were allotted to either the masculine or the feminine attributes of Creator-consciousness. In half of the sub-universal Divine Blueprints/plans, the Father/Son qualities of Divine will, power and purpose, the mental/outward-focused attributes of the Creator were emphasized, while the Mother/Daughter attributes of compassion, nurturing, intuition, inward-focused qualities were in a support position.

    3. There is also an equal number of sub-universes with the Mother/Daughter qualities and virtues in the leadership role, while the Father/Son attributes took the secondary position. Have we not told you that this universe could be called a universe of great and unique diversity? It was created as a univers-ity of learning for you, the Star Seed of the Omniverse. Essentially, however, the indeterminable diverseness and magnitude of Creation were designed so that the Creator could experience unlimited variations of ITSELF.

    Our own sub-universe has been primarily a Father/Son universal experience from its inception. Our Mother God and the beautiful Goddess qualities have always been present, but not in the full glory and Essence of her Beingness. It is now time for the Mother/Daughter and the Father/Son aspects of the Creator to return to equal partnership. This is the wondrous evolutionary process now in progress within this entire universe and within all its creations.

    All dimensions and sub-dimensions contain an infinite variety of Fields or States of Consciousness, from an almost total state of unconscious awareness of self, to the ultimate state of absolute awareness, the I AM THAT I AM of our Father/Mother God. The awakening of Self from an unconscious state of Being is one of the most dramatic steps in the evolutionary process of humankind. In order to become Self-conscious, you must become aware of what is happening in your personal world. You must sharpen your thinking process and learn to live in the moment or the NOW as it has been called. In order to gain experience and wisdom, you must think about what you want to remember, what you wish to retain in your memory bank. The unconscious-of-Self person drifts randomly through life, usually not thinking of what the consequences of his/her actions will be–seemingly tossed about by the whims of fate.

    You, as seekers on the Path, must be initiated into the Pyramidal functions of Light before you can be advanced to the next level of evolution; the next consciousness time cell. Human creation is only a small part of a much greater and grander creative process. That is why we have placed such emphasis on creating your personal Pyramid of Light in the fifth dimension, and why we have given you instructions in great detail as to the various pyramids of Light available to you, and the important part they play in the ascension process. You are called Star Seed for a reason, for as you return to Self-mastery, you will initiate the process of creating Crystalline Seed Life Codes, a new evolutionary process to be used in the next forthcoming Golden Galaxy. This process is a part of the Wheel within the Wheel Creative Process which we will reveal to you in the near future. In the meantime, we ask you to study what we have revealed, and endeavor to get the universal schematic we have created firmly within your mind so that you will understand the next phase of the wondrous cosmic events that are unfolding before your eyes.

    Question: “Some people seem to come into this life with obvious gifts: healing, psychic abilities, etc. How does the average person know what his/her gifts to offer mankind truly are when they are not obvious to themselves, other than a burning desire to be of service in conjunction with other Light workers?”

    Ronna’s Answer: Dear hearts, there are very few people who are aware of their creative/spiritual gifts early in life. There may be an interest or desire in learning or perfecting certain talents; however, everyone I know has had to experience many facets of life, as well as many trials and tests, in order to gradually, over time, develop their talents. Although I had some spiritual experiences at various times throughout my lifetime, I did not develop an intense desire to seek spiritual wisdom until I was in my late fifties. The gifts gradually come forth as you seek to balance and harmonize the many facets of your Being. A facet of your Higher Self is always waiting to connect with you or take up residency within your Sacred Heart, and with each download of your Soul Self, more gifts / talents / wisdom will be available to you.

    It takes work, dedication and tenacity; however, I can attest, it is well worth the effort. We are on Earth to be co-creators with our Father/Mother God. The gifts of Spirit are available to each of us, but we must do the work and turn inward and reach outward to attain them. Beloved Michael has told us many times:

    "Eliminate those things in your life that you do not like while you are seeking to develop your talents and find your passion. If you do nothing more than become a Beacon of Love/Light, so that you may shine the radiance of our Father/Mother God out into the world, it is enough.”

    As a result of the above question, AA Michael gave us:

    The four major categories of life’s lessons

    * You must tap into, develop and perfect the gifts and talents you bring forth to experience in each lifetime. There will be an emphasis, a desire or preference to perfect certain underdeveloped talents and abilities. However, you must make the effort and take the time to become accomplished in each chosen endeavor. Occasionally, a person who is well on his/her way to mastery will incarnate with certain genius abilities which he/she has perfected in previous lifetimes. This is happening more and more frequently with the old Souls who are incarnating during these accelerated times of transformation.

    * There will be some negative traits or addictive habits which will be emphasized so that you may release, modify or refine them, thereby returning to balance and harmony so that you may begin the process of Soul expansion and Self-awareness.

    * There will be things you do not like or that you will have strong opinions about, things you do not approve of which can cause discord and make you unhappy or uncomfortable. Some of these will be things that you cannot change, and therefore, you must accept them and endeavor to make the best of the situation or condition.

    * However, the most important life’s lesson is to strive to engage your Soul Self and begin the journey of reunification with the many facets of your Divine nature; all else will follow.

    My brave ones, we know there can be much pain, discomfort and fear as you move through these accelerated processes which are causing the dramatic changes now taking place throughout your world. Know that together we will overcome all adversity. Our mission is to open the way for any dear Soul who expresses a desire to return to harmony. Know that each of you is making a difference. When you doubt, need inspiration or strength, come into your Pyramid of Light and we will give you courage, lift you up and inspire you. When you feel lonely or unloved, move into your Sacred Heart center and we will be waiting there to fill you with the radiant love of our Mother/Father God.

    I AM Archangel Michael
  • In your lifetimes you follow the path of the seeker, looking for the things you hope will give you the peace, comfort and solace of what you remember from your spiritual home. But your life can feel like an endless quest as you look for answers from things that are questions waiting for your answer. You cannot find what you seek because you do not really know what you are looking for, it is a memory or feeling that you are trying to find on earth. But what you are seeking is yours to create and bring to earth.

    You can seek love in the world but the world is looking for the gift of love that you bring to it. Peace does not exist in the world, because you create peace, and the world seeks peace from you. Every time you seek joy you are often disappointed because joy is waiting for you to create it; joy is not found as an answer to your question, it is the answer you create when you allow joy to be an energy on earth. The path of the seeker ends when the seeker realizes one important truth, that the one who asks the question is also the one who has the question's answer.

    Why do you ask the Universe for answers when you are the answer you are seeking? What you want out of every experience, the lessons you have to learn, the healing that is available to you and the peace and understanding your soul seeks is already within each experience. You can go from one lesson to another seeking answers but each lesson has the answer for you, only one is required. Every lesson is a complete experience when you pause long enough to allow yourself to hear the answer. And the answer is always within you.

    The path of the seeker is one you choose from your belief that you are unworthy of experiencing humanity through the fullness of your Source connection. The ego knows life as a seeker and cannot imagine life when all questions are answered and there are no more questions. But this is your path of ascension and in higher vibrations there are no questions as life becomes a path of unfolding creation, where you are no longer a seeker and become the answer to your quest through your re-connection. As co-creator with the Universe you create the answers to each question so you no longer have to ask and you can simply receive.
  • This is AWESOME. Thanks for sharing this.  I am really going to get a lot out of this and am sharing it with my friends.
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