The Altai Fellowship is a self-selected international group that has gathered in the Altai Republic in Siberia July-August, 2011 to open an energy portal and transmit this energy out into the world. The Fellowship will continue Transmitting the Altai Frequencies directly from Altai until August 21st
The Gold Star Meditation designed for the Grounding of Altai Energy is now available for replay or download.
* Grounding Groups have reported activating over 50 Portal Sites worldwide.
* On the New Moon of August 29th, 2011, another Group will be in Ceremony on the Mongolian side of Altai, please continue to connect and ground this energy through this window of time.The shift of ages means many things to many beings. It marks a newly expanded human consciousness that is rising in frequency and capacity. It also marks an awakened Gaia consciousness as our mother Earth awakens to a new stage in evolution. As part of her ascension process, she is shifting many things in her body. She has shut down some portals entirely and in some, she is erasing the imprinting in order to start anew. She is inviting the newly awakened human consciousness to participate in creating a new garden with her. This process begins in Altai.
The journey to Mt Belukha has taken the Fellowship deep into the center of their beings where the heart portal projects our spirit into physical form. From the depth of their beingness, their gratitude for the treasury of life experienced within them has awakened as an intention of love. This love has awakened the Altai portal. By holding open the heart and letting love radiate outward, the Altai portal has opened and merged with the heart portal at the center of their being. The love from the mountain has entered their heart portal and radiates throughout their entire being. This process is unique and specific to each person and the entire fellowship was tasked to support each person in their process.
Once the resonance settled in, the group is in synch. Then the group came into synch with the intention of the mountain portal as it transmits the fifth dimensional ascension energies. This New Earth resonance is broadcasting this frequency from a point above the mountain. This beacon transmits from mountain top to mountain top around the globe where similar activations have taken place at other portal sites. This mountain top grid will stay in place and continue transmitting into the New Age.
Even in places where portals are a distance away, the open hearted, loving intentions of the grounding group will continue receiving the New Earth energies from the nearest mountain top. Synchronicity with the mountain grid is cleansing to each receiver and their immediate surroundings of land and people. This synchronicity will also make the energy available to everyone who is sharing a heart connection to each participant.
This open resonance of receiving enables the pathways of mineral and water to begin manifesting the New Earth intentions. These intentions will be carried to the mountain lakes and broadcast to the heavens above. Clouds carrying the seeds of the love of life will rain upon the surface, beginning the germination of the New Earth frequencies. The New Earth frequency grid is available around the globe, whether a person is aware of it or not. Awareness will arise spontaneously as the frequency spreads. It is a joy to witness and be part of!
Bio: Karahapinohopono is a mother, an artist, a teacher of meditation and a metaphorical translator. She has a masters degree in east Asian medicine and her spiritual gift is in translating the concepts and manifestations from the nature-based, holistic thinking system into the modern reductive, closed thinking system. She is working with the Altai Fellowship as coordinator of the global groups that are working to ground the energy released from the portal opening on August 13th, 2011.
Thats interesting you say that as a guide who suggested the walk has been hinting at releasing the energy of my heart chakra. I built a diamond around it and now it seems I must decide whether I am willing to simply see if I release the light will it chatter its enclosure or focus the energy into the external world. Maybe a phoenix will show me the way. Thanks for the tips!
Hello, just wanted to let you know that the Colorado Rockies have been activated several places already, for a complete list of Activated Energy Portals, please look at: http://altaifellowship.wordpress.com/grounding-groups/
Thank you for participating in this sacred and important work!