The Shot heard around the World GLOBAL CITIZENS OF THIS PLANET HAVE A MESSAGE TO SHAREWE TRUST YOU WILL TUNE IN ON 9-11-09 OUT OF RESPECT FOR OUR COLLECTIVE HUMANITYWE LOOK FORWARD TO MEETING YOU THEN, IN PEACE.Peruse the Growing List of Distinguished GuestsAnd perhaps while waiting for the final preparations, you would enjoy this piece of inspired literary genius dashed off in an hour specifically for this occasion. This is a sampling of the divine intellect you will have the great honor of enjoying on 9-11. Until then.The Shots Heard Round the WorldBy Rebecca Campbell"By the rude bridge that arched the flood,Their flag to April's breeze unfurled.Here once the embattled farmers stood,And fired the shot heard round the world."-- Concord Hymn, Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1837In 1776, American colonists, then subject to the British Empire and its royally chartered international cartels, opened fire on British troops dispatched to keep them in continuing subjugation to that empire.Imbued by the spirit of liberty they had absorbed from the wider opportunities afforded by the New World and the laudable example of its free-spirited indigenous inhabitants, these commoners and their more aristocratic leaders exponentially increased what has become during the past three centuries an ever-growing movement for human freedom throughout the earth.Much of this was achieved by these deeply flawed early Euroamerican leaders expressing in written words of unequalled truth and beauty the fundamental human rights that safeguard this human freedom from the illegitimate usurpations of national governments and the international financial controllers that have historically been behind all of such usurpations.All of this is implied in the metaphor "the shot heard round the world" alluded to in Emerson's famous abovequoted Concord Hymn.Throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centures, the international bank-based crime cartel that has long controlled the British Empire and much of Europe has sought by diverse sinister and surreptitious means to regain control of what it still regards as its American colonies. This has been in order to eliminate America as a long-continuing multicultural, microcosmic model of freedom for the entire planet. Through worldwide wars, plagues and depressions that they have secretly planned, implemented and financed, they have sought to reverse all human progress on all levels in all nations that would both propagate and preserve this human freedom from their ancient dark agendas of control.Now we have come into a turbulent time of planetary transition, when the very existence of liberty on this planet is at stake: when freedom itself is in danger of dying, along with most of the human population of the world; not by those more heroic means of death given to those who fought for freedom in the past, but silently, by mass lethal injection -- those other shots whose final deafening silence may soon be heard around the world.Government-enforced lethal H1N1 influenza vaccination is part of a global genocidal depopulation agenda generated by this bank-based transnational corporate crime syndicate, intent on profiting from and enslaving what will then be left of humanity. Their heretofore hidden hand has been shown in the recent engineered collapse of the global economy, as well as in the exorbitant corporate wealthfare being offered to those commercial interests that have faithfully served theirs at the expense of all of the world’s peoples.This criminal intent is seen in the actions of their public health-fronted Trojan horse, the United Nations' World Health Organization (UN/WHO), which is seeking to perpetrate a false international medical emergency 911 call by declaring without any scientific justification a top-level global pandemic of H1N1 influenza.This WHO-declared pandemic is indeed a medical 9/11: a public health false flag operation illegimately justifying mandated lethal bioweaponized vaccination of all of the world's peoples. This may be enforced by national executive orders and international UN treaties operating through our national governments -- most of which are now controlled by this same transnational bank-based corporate crime syndicate that also brought us 9/11 -- that have been quietly put in place over the last half-century.These sinister measures remain largely unknown to many public officials of these nations, as well as to most of their citizens; this has been largely achieved by steadily increasing levels of government corruption and increasing censorship of the commercial mass media, both of which are also controlled by this global bank-based corporate crime syndicate to the extreme detriment of all on this planet.This imminent state-sponsored planetary bioterrorist attack, this unimaginable crime against all of humanity, this second 9/11 in which, this time, we all potentially will be the human sacrifices incinerated in the twin towers of greed and power -- shall surely come to pass, unless all of humankind -- and not one nation only -- awakens in time to eliminate for all time this unprecedented evil, whose execution will include our own, as well as all of whom and all of what we all as sovereign human souls hold dear.We now must permanently awaken as a race to throw off all those hidden inner chains that have bound us in subservience to these deeply programmed patterns of control used upon us from time immemorial. We must also awaken to our own unlimited universal potential, both as fully conscious individualized beings, and as a vast collective of fully conscious individualized beings operating in well-differentiated yet harmonious individual and collective planetary integration.We must now, with our common ancestors, take our stand on the swiftly collapsing bridge of time that so narrowly spans the waters of eternity, to fire peacefully from hearts burning open with love for all creation -- even those who would destroy it --coruscating shafts of spiritual light that shall finally and forever disperse the carefully cultivated pandemic of darkness that has for so long covered the earth: those other shots that shall be seen as well as heard, not only round the world, but throughout the universe.

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