Message from Ascended Master Saida Khatoon
Channelled by Shazi
Further Reading:
When I turned into a Pine Tree
I see a path and Jesus is there to greet me
I see him walking beside me along this path
I see him and I am humbled that he is with me
I see him point to a window in the distant
I see myself making my way towards it
I see myself getting closer and closer until I look into the window
I see a pine forest
I see only a pine trees and no other, but it is beautiful and I can smell the aroma they are giving off
I see myself absorbing there scent within me
I see myself inhaling and exhaling, breathing the scent in a rhythm
I see myself changing within as though the pines are taking over my body
I see my cells changing internally as the scent begins to spread all around the body
I see myself that my skin too is changing colour and as I smell my hands they too smell like the pine trees
I see my hair growing longer like branches of a tree
I see my feet give root and into the ground
I see myself a complete tree swaying in a gentle breeze
I see myself slowly transforming back into myself
I see myself at the start of the path
I see I have finished my journey.
The sight of the soul travelled by Shazi