I was researching Billy Meier today and saw something that definitely put my mind to rest as to whether Billy is a fraud. Before you make up your mind as to whether he is the real deal, I suggest that you see this link: It left no questions in my mind as to whether this guy and his claims are the real thing....If nothing else it is interesting to see how photo analysis works. I am not being disrespectful to anyone when I say please check out the garbage can lid wedding cake craft that he built....I am sure you will end up laughing like I did. I will be amused all day...it is down to the bottom of the page. No disrespect meant toward anyone who has belief or has been bullied into believing, just thought you should take a look see..Enjoy, I did.Here is the link:http://thebiggestsecret.online.fr/ufo/billy_meier_smoking_gun.htm

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    • I believe this totally. This is a reasonable explanation that I agree with wholeheartedly. I have no doubt that he may have had contact, and have no doubt about there being Pleidians, Plejarans and probably most of the wisdom that Billy was trying to impart. I can understand what happens firsthand when one tells people they have had contact with an extraterrestrial. Everyone wants tangible proof to substantiate the occurrance. Been there and have experienced it. The norm is, well if you came in contact with an extraterrestrial then where are your pictures, audios or proof. The world calls you a kook and then discounts everything that you have to say. For instance, Billy Meier's representative while wholly supporting Billy at the same time asks my my proof and says that it did not happen unless I can produce photos of who took me, the inside of the craft, etc. Of course I do not have such things, so therefore it did not happen and I am delusional. So I truly do understand what happened with Billy. I did not want attention, fame, or anything from my experience. At one time I even thought of writing a book, but what good would come from it. I do not want fame, I just want to integrate all that I have experienced into some sort of acceptance of what happened and move forward. I did not want the constant torments and insults and judgements that humans bestow upon anyone who experiences something extraordinary that the average person has not experienced. I feel sorry for Billy or any other contact faced with the situation, whether it be contact through channeling, abduction, or whatever.
  • Alot of we are and not allowed to percieve is based on access . Chickens are like on level 4 I think.
    • This reply was deleted.
      • Exactly
        • You two are so funny......Glad I am not the only one that finds it hard to believe in Billy. As for his predictions though, they do give me point to ponder.... Seems a lot of what he said his aliens told him has come to pass for sure. But I am not sure because I am not sure how accurate the translations of his contact notes are, and not sure it they were translated AFTER a lot of stuff had happened or not. It think that would make a difference. A lot of predictions are all in the person reading them's linking what is said to something that has already happened. Sometimes a stretch like with Nosteradamus. Some people swear that a lot of the quatrains mean a certain thing and I read them and it does not seem that way to me at all..... I will be rereading the Henoch prophecies again to see what I pick up on this time around. Pretty grim predictions I have to say, although could happen as stated, as all the inherent things humanity are doing wrong IS gonna bite us in the ass....goes without saying......there is a lot of truth in the predictions.
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            • hahaha, so true. That way nothing is left to the imagination.....haha good point.
  • my 2 cents is we're all frauds to some degree , we exist in a dual natured u n i verse
  • Evidence presented is most decidedly damning. Poor Billy; It must have been very frustrating for him to go to those lengths.
    +1 Marique and Napa for an informed and impartial assessment of this topic.

    Some more food for thought: Randy Winters on Billy Meier.
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