
Selamat balik dratzo,


I would like to clarify that when I mention earth surface nations, such as Russia or America I'm not trying to place one above the other, or shaming one, while praising the other....That is not my purpose...My purpose appreciates and suppports the goal of achieving the truly ONE HUMANITY, in the outer, as present already in the inner....A perfect mirror is the final goal, as above so below...


However, my knowledge of the seven rays, which is part of my ongoing training by the Mahachohan, enables me, as a serving "White Magician," to utilise the rays in much the same way that astrologers do...Predicting what alignments make for optimum opportunities...We may complete this task, with the rays of nations, too....


Russia is evolving, in much the same way as a human being and usefully possesses rays which comprise energies that are in alignment with a growing cosmic pulse, from the constellation of Aquarius....


This means that as Russia grows in soul realisation, as per the esoteric truism that all nations possess a soul....(even Hitler knew this.) Then Russia will become a greater and greater magnet for planetary evolution impulses from cosmos, through it's own solar resonance with the SEVENTH RAY OF MAGIC, ORDER, ORGANISATION & RITUAL, which is the Aquarian above, so below.


Thus we see Russia take her rightful place of responsibility upon the global stage, as advocate for the true spiritual challenges of uniting east and west, as opposed to those artificial concepts of change, imposed upon humanity by the little wills of egotistical men, such as those of the Black Lodge, who attempt to maintain a material paradign at odds (necessarily) with planetary advancement.....Evolution does require the dark and material challenges, and the old reactionary orders we see in modern crony capitalism and the financial order based on an increasingly obsolete dollar reserve currency, are fulfilling that dark role, which Russia has been assigned to oppose, on behalf of the light of AQUARIUS...


The Mahachohan deems this to be the course for history to take, in these present times...Thus you will indeed witness a re-emergent Russia on the world stage...


This is not just politics, but esoteric astrology.


Master DK listed the rays of the nations, which I'll include for your perusal and contemplation.




Personality Ray

Egoic Ray



4th ray of art

1st ray of

"I hide the Light."





3rd ray of intellect

1st ray of

"I indicate the Way."





1st ray of power

4th ray of art

"I preserve."



3rd ray of intellect

5th ray of

I release the Light."




Great Britain

1st ray of power
or government

2nd ray of love

"I serve."



4th ray of art

6th ray of idealism

"I carve the Paths."



6th ray of idealism

2nd ray of love

"I light the Way."


6th ray of idealism

7th ray of

"I link two Ways."


Magic and Order



5th ray of knowledge

4th ray of art

"I serve the Lighted Way."


7th ray of order

6th ray of

"I disperse the Clouds."



2nd ray of love

4th ray of art

"I hide the seed."


Selamat kasijaram zau.. (Sirian for "be blessed in the love and joy of spirit...!")


dramu kas….! (much love)


Col. Drekx Omega, Cmdr, GFL Ground Crew (Perm Krai Floating Sector Command)


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  • Well, as ancipated a while back, the deep state cabal did attempt to trigger a third world war, in August (the guns of August,) this Month, by arranging the Ukrainian land invasion of Federation territory, in the Kursk region of Russia...
    Now, historically, this would have led to a declaration of war, by the invaded nation and that nation, being nuclear, could have triggered a full scale thermo nuclear response...HOWEVER, NOTE THAT RUSSIA DID NOT TAKE THAT BAIT....🫡🎖️

    The world is understanderbly tense, BUT, not in an actual world war, as the cabal wanted.....That will not stop them trying, but when Trump is elected, he will declare an official peace between all parties, being lined up for oblivion, by an evil dark cabal.....Peace will be the evil one's history in the making...
  • Russia starts to chair UN Security Council in July, Ukraine not on agenda...

    Answering journalists' questions about Donald Trump's promises to end the war between Russia and Ukraine "quickly," Russia's envoy to the U.N. said that it "cannot be resolved in one day."

    Quote from Vasily Nebenzya, the Russian UN rep....
    Russia starts to chair UN Security Council in July, Ukraine not on agenda
    Each of the 15 members of the UN Security Council, including Russia, holds the presidency for a month. Russia last chaired the organization in April…
  • Currently, GFL Ground Crew is led by a Major General, designated Senior Global Officer (SGO)......Russia, is important in this work....But we are also dependent upon western allies, such as the massive "sting operation" against the cabal, in America....Trump must be victorious in November 2024, in order for the awakening phase, to progress to the retribution phase, of operations...

    Then and only then will you see the retribution phase of military arrests, roundups and trials, under military tribunals, conducted against the baddies.....Then you will see them in pain...💀

    THE MILITARY IS THE ONLY WAY........No other structures can do this job....🎖️

    Earth Alliance comprises several militaries, in several leading nations of the world....As well as a great variety of motley specialists in a variety of fields of service and talents....What you might call "white hats."

    Earth Alliance works with the GFL, via the GFL Ground Crew, sector liason teams, of international interlocutors.......We are the army of the people...🫡
  • Elina Bakunova provides members with detailed information, about life in the MOST SANCTIONED COUNTRY in the World; namely, RUSSIA......

    And when you watch this vid, you will realise how insane western banking elites and their political stooges, are, in globalist frenzy, to punish this great and sovereign nation.....What morons western "leaders" are....And if anything, the experience is making Russia stronger, not weaker....

    Great info, Eli....."Экипаж - Одна Семья"
  • 🚨 BRICS Will ACCELERATE Launch of Its Financial System Following Russian Asset Seizure, Sanctions
    🚨 BRICS Will ACCELERATE Launch of Its Financial System Following Russian Asset Seizure, Sanctions
  • Personally I view China and Iran, more a military threat to the UK, than Russia. Primarily because of British commercial shipping routes through the Persian Gulf, Red Sea and the Pacific theatre, which increasingly are threatened by Iranian proxies and China, in south east Asia..

    Albeit, NATO is indeed a massive military force, that has made enormous gains, by adding both Sweden and Finland to it's ranks....And again, this truly thwarts any military scheme that Russia might have had, to dominate the Baltic sea....Something the Soviets could project, but the Russian Federation cannot....These comments are purely military ones and have no bearing on my geopolitical stance, which is one of preferred peace, between Russia and the NATO powers...However, it is amazing to consider that Sweden's addition to NATO is the first military alignment attained by that (mostly neutral) country, since 1814 and the Napoleonic wars...And this massively increases the security of the Baltic states and Poland, if Russia were to seek domination over them, which it does not....

    This video is very interesting and reveals a lot about Sweden's military contributions to NATO, with a most evident strategic advantage, provided the block, over Russia and especially in the Baltic sea...
  • 😎The Crew is One Family [Экипаж - одна семья]
  • 😎My advice to M_5 and C_A, is to stop acting as puppets for the dark cabal.... If you want to serve as trusted secret agents, just become more patriotic and loyal to the people...And drop any wokeness, promulgated from on high...

    And remember; good defectors to Earth Alliance, are always welcome.....🕵🏻
  • A reminder to all ACC members: Trump and Putin destroyed ISIS/ISIL, in their caliphate....However, fragments still exist, as we saw in Moscow, recently...Important that members associate this terror group directly with the dark cabal, as it's "founder," the late Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, was recruited by the CIA and financed by the late John McCain....

    They started with al-Qaeda in Iraq and progressed to Islamic State....Created through "hothousing" of islamic prisoners, in Iraq, post Saddam...

    McCain financed and worked with these islamic groups...along with fellow islamic madmen such as John Brennan, who was ostensibly working for the US as CIA Director and intelligence officer under Obama, albeit became a convert to islam, along the way...
    So whenever you hear of a terrorist attack by ISIS/ISIL, always think...:CIA....
  • ‘Kabir Taneja, a fellow at the Strategic Studies programme of the Observer Research Foundation – a think tank based in New Delhi, India – told Al Jazeera that Russia is seen by ISIL and its affiliates as “a crusading power against Muslims”.

    The above plan is an evil strategy encouraged and instructed by the dark cabal, with Russia being a prime target as usual.. ISIS/ISIL are simply being used. May the lords of karma will deal with this accordingly.. Zauda zagon 💫
    Sending love to Russia.💐🤍💙❤️
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