After-DeathConsciousness7859789.jpg?width=330Written by Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm


Concluded from Part 3


A woman named ‘Hilda’ tells us that one of her biggest regrets in life was fearing her eventual death.


“When I [died], I found that the most foolish mistake in my life was my long, long terror of death. Year after year I was afraid of it when I needn’t have been in the least afraid. I had much illness and suffered a great deal from worries, fears, anxieties and bodily pain in my life. But at the moment of death there was no pain.” (1)

Despite the pain she experienced during her physical life, Hilda was freed of every bit of pain when she greeted a process she’d feared so much.


Especially for people inflicted with illness, it can probably be easy to fear death and non-existence in general, but luckily, death sees a continuance and enhancement of consciousness that’s probably welcomed by a lot of people who were in pain.


Hilda then tells us that she was able to notice departed family around her before she died.


“When I knew I was dying, I was just able to say: ‘Take care of little Tough.’ He was my darling baby grandson. But I wasn’t unhappy or frightened or lonely; for I saw my fathers, my sisters, my brother whom I had thought of as dead – and by dead, I mean asleep till Judgment Day.

But they weren’t asleep, they were quite close to me. I could see them through a pale mist.” (2)

She was able to be in the comforting company of her family, the very presence of whom displayed to her that death isn’t the end of life. If you’re on the brink of death and you start perceiving long-passed friends or family members, I think it’ll become clear that you aren’t about to blink out of existence.


A lot of departing souls are able to be comforted by the apparitions of their friends and family, and even though some might refuse to believe that death isn’t the end, others will be able to accept the process with relative ease.


As Hilda tells us below, the last few moments before death certainly aren’t lonely.


“So if anyone talks to you about the loneliness of death, tell them it is all nonsense. I was never less alone than in those few minutes – I suppose they were minutes. I wasn’t in a state to take the time when I was dying. I was quite helpless. I couldn’t move hand or foot, but I wasn’t in the least afraid.” (3)

Can you imagine being in such a condition and having no fear over your fate or where you’re going? The presence of departed friends and family probably helps eradicate any fear surrounding the transition, and as long as we let ourselves, we can experience the process relatively calmly.


Hilda then delivers her ‘message to the world’, telling us that her death was one of the best and most freeing moments of her life.


“So my message to the world is that, for me, one of the happiest moments of my earth-life was the moment of death.

Of course it was much longer than a moment, but the wonderful freedom from pain, the feeling of peace and security when I saw my loved dead alive, smiling, waiting for me, drive away loneliness, fear, and, for a while, all the grief of separation from my two boys.” (4)

Pain and fear wash away when we greet the liberated etheric realms, and our minds and hearts are expanded as we welcome the new life that opens up before us. When we rediscover that consciousness is eternal, our opportunity to explore the realms beyond will be infinite and we’ll merrily forget about the pain of earthly physicality.


Everything that overwhelmed us on the earth will be nearly forgotten about when we start exploring spirit, and we’ll enjoy ourselves far more than we did when we toiled and squabbled our physical lives away.


In an inspiring, final quote, Hilda advises that our definition of death should be changed to match its benevolence and the release from physical pain it offers.


“Other people may die differently – I don’t know. I can only tell you that the word ‘death,’ judging from my experience, should have its definition altered in the dictionary to ‘the first human experience of a peace that passes understanding.’” (5)

We can research and write about the blissful peace of death all we want, but we’ll never understand it until we experience it. Until we feel this bliss ourselves, we’ll never really be able to examine or discuss it and our earthly interpretations of it will forever fall short.


This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t work to understand this peace or the realms that provide it, but no matter how hard we try, we’ll only gain a premature and distorted glimpse of it here on earth.


Death is a process that each initiate experiences in a unique way, and I’m happy to have presented this material about its uniqueness and the liberation of mortal pain it grants us. In future installments, we’ll continue to examine the uniqueness of death and the things people experience when they initially pass on.


There’s much more to the topic of death and the realms beyond than even most seekers realize, and the material we have yet to examine will illuminate this interesting facet of life with incredible insights about it. Because of these insights, we’re able to understand something that few people on this planet lend their attention to in a positive way.


Wes Annac – Happy to serve as a conduit for the expression of death’s benevolence.




(1) Geraldine Cummins, They Survive. Evidence of Life Beyond the Grave from Scripts of Geraldine Cummins. Comp. E.B. Gibbes. London, etc.: Ride and Co., n.d, 139.


(2) Loc. cit.


(3) Loc. cit.


(4) Loc. cit.


(5) Loc. cit.


Photo Credit


I’m a 20 year old awakening seeker and creator of The Aquarius Paradigm daily news site.

The Aquarius Paradigm features daily spiritual and alternative news, as well as articles I’ve written and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material that’s spiritually inspired and/or related to the fall of the planetary elite and our entrance into a positive future.

I can also be found at Conscious Oneness, The Golden Age of Gaia,, Ashtar Command Crew, Facebook (Wes Annac and The Aquarius Paradigm), and Twitter.

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