astralreis.JPG?width=408Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm


One of the first things that led me to awaken was a video about life after death. This subject has fascinated me all my life, and before I became aware of spirit, I was scared of death and the prospect of not living on when the body dies.


The idea of infinite nothingness was unsettling to say the least, and now, it feels better than I can express to know that death isn’t the end of life and that brimming states of consciousness exist just beyond our perception, which we’ll return to when the physical body dies.


The material out there about life after death is very interesting, and it’s opened me up to a whole new world of insight about the realms beyond. I’m honored to be able to write about this subject, and I’ve written two articles about it already: Death is the Beginning of Life and Death: A Simple and Unexpected Transition.


I’ve written about this subject so much because it’s close to my heart. It’s liberating to know that consciousness is eternal, and just as I’ve discovered amidst researching this subject, there are a lot of different realms beyond the earth for us to traverse.


People who’ve crossed over have returned through mediums to tell us about the realms beyond, and they haven’t given us fluffy, kiddy explanations – they’ve given detailed explanations of these realms and what they’re like.


The things we’re going to examine go far beyond the stereotypical perception of channeled or medium-delivered material. Like most misunderstood channeled material, they’re very genuine and filled with rich discussion about things society has yet to believe in.


In this series, we’re going to take a journey through the veil and learn about everything the other side has to offer.


We’re going to explore every facet of the life beyond – from what dying is like to what the best and worst etheric realms are like. The information we’ve been given about the afterlife is practically infinite, and it’s available for us to draw on and receive incredible insight from.


I’d like to present this material in an informative and enjoyable format, for myself and all of you, and I’ll be learning most of the things we examine for the first time too. I’m excited to go on this adventure with all of you, and the hope is for us to expand our understanding of what happens to the soul at death and what the spirit realms are like.


Most seekers probably have a general grasp on life after death and the realms beyond, but here, we’re basically going to travel through these realms as we learn new things about them that are intended to refine our understanding of them.


As I examined in my first two reports, death can either be rich and lightening or relatively uneventful, rendering us unable to understand that any change has taken place. Humanity’s views of death have distorted our experience of it, and some people are too rigidly set in their ways to believe that consciousness lives on.


People who know that consciousness is eternal are usually able to accept when they’ve passed on, and as a result, their initial etheric experiences are much more enjoyable. The hope for this and everything I else I’ve written about life after death is to help as many as possible people become aware of it, because their eventual transitions will be much easier if they do.


We’ll begin our journey by learning about the severance of the ‘silver cord’ that holds the etheric body inside the physical temple. For those who don’t know, our etheric bodies are connected to our physical bodies via the silver cord.


As our etheric selves, we navigate physicality from within human bodies that we’re attached to with an etheric cord, which breaks away from the body when it dies. We remain tethered to the body when we fall asleep at night and temporarily leave, but when it dies, the silver cord breaks and frees us from the oppressive weight of physicality.


We’re then able to begin our adventure into the realms beyond the physical earth. Mike Swain starts us out by telling us about the silver cord’s severance.


“When the soul detaches itself from the body, the silver cord is severed completely. This is the beginning and the end of the mechanics of death.” (1)

We’re set free by the silver chord’s detachment from the physical body, and a lot of people have reported the feeling of floating above their bodies after they died. This is probably because the etheric body is free for the first time in a long time and follows a natural instinct to float or hover until one’s consciousness takes over again.


According to Silver Birch, an extension of the silver cord causes its severance at the time of death. Interestingly enough, we’ll learn later that in the dream state, the silver cord is able to be stretched very far.


“Those who have clairvoyance will see that the parting is finally accomplished when the cord connecting the spirit body to the physical one, after being extended as the spirit body gradually moves away, is cut. When that severance takes place, death occurs. There is nothing and nobody in your world who can by any means enable the physical body to live again.” (2)

In essence, the silver cord’s detachment from the body is the final stage of physical death. When this happens, we’re enabled to greet the greater states of consciousness beyond and start our real lives. We’re able to start really living, and our minds and hearts are opened to a much purer reality that we can explore with exuberance.


The silver cord helps us make our etheric travels when we sleep at night, and it also helps us receive greater wisdom while we’re awake. An unnamed spirit teacher through Betty Bethards makes a distinction between our dreamtime state and our after-death state.


“The only difference between the death state and the dream state is that the silver cord, which is much like an umbilical cord connecting the soul with the body, is severed in death. This cord allows the spirit to travel in the various realms and planes beyond the physical at night, and to receive higher teachings.

In the state of so-called death, the energy – your spirit – leaves the body and does not return.” (3)

The silver cord is the physical body’s link to the spiritual, and everything we receive from the other side comes from this link. When the physical body runs its course, the etheric body is freed from it in the form of the silver cord’s detachment, but while we’re here, we receive greater wisdom and insight via this etheric cord.


Concluded in Part 2 tomorrow.




(1)- Jasper Swain, From My World to Yours: A Young Man’s Account of the Afterlife. New York: Walker, 1977, 50.


(2)- Silver Birch, Light from Silver Birch. Comp. Pam Riva. London: Psychic Press, 1983, 30-1.


(3)- Betty Bethards, medium, There is No Death. Novato, CA: Inner Light Foundation, 1976; c1975, 3.

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  • Agreed, Feather. Birth seems to be a much more difficult and dangerous process than death. Ironic, isn't it?

    Much Love :)

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