Richard Boylan, Ph.D., M.S. Ed, MSW, B.A. is an Educator-Researcher specializing in Star Kids and Star Seed adults, is an emeritus Professor of Psychology, a star-cultures Anthropologist, a retired Clinical Psychologist, Social Worker, Marriage & Family Therapist, Hypnotherapist, and is Earth's Councillor (representative) to/from Star Nations Council.The Star Nations Revision To the Standard Darwinian Explanation of Human DevelopmentbyRichard J. Boylan, Ph.D.(c)2004; rev. 2012A number of Star Visitor races evolved to intelligent life forms on their respective planets across the universe. Some of these civilizations are millions of years old.Other intelligent races "out there" developed not solely from evolution, but from other races' "missionary" sowing of intelligent life on planets they discovered whose indigenous biota had evolved to the point where one or more animal species could provide a suitable anatomy and physique for engineering in high intelligence and spirituality.Thus, these Star Nations vary, some naturally evolved, others with development accelerated through bioengineering by older, more advanced races. Either way, many of these Star Nations operate like Peace Corps workers, going about the galaxy, exploring, and trying to do good wherever they can.The Star Nations decided to accelerate evolution on Earth. They selected a promising Primate order representative to take reproductive material samples from, bioengineered into it some of their own DNA, and reinserted it in the primate mother, so that the resulting offspring would be more intelligent.After several iterations of effort, the Visitors around 275,000 years ago achieved a hybrid with a bit of their very high intelligence, a smattering of their highly-developed psychic abilities and spirituality, and sufficient dexterity and coordination to be capable of fashioning tools and intricate designs. In other words, they had achieved Homo Sapiens.After observing Homo Sapiens in operation over a number of generations, and its idiosyncratic blend of primate animal instinctuality with incipient intelligence and spiritual sensitivity, the Star Visitors were dissatisfied with the intelligence level of their hybrid, and decided to proceed further with an additional genetic engineering upgrade. The result was what Earth anthropologists label Homo Sapiens Sapiens, modern humankind. This penultimate bit of bioengineering occurred approximately 130,000 years ago.This phase of bioengineering is commented on in 6000+-year-old Sumerian cunieform quasi-historical literary story tablets. The Sumerian historical stories mention humanoid Star Visitors as the race involved in their proto-ancestors' bioengineering.Other Asia Minor records indicate a Reptoid Star Visitor group intervened at Derinkuyu and elsewhere to provide information to assist the development of a higher level civilization.Still other ancient cultures, such as the indigenous Aborigenes of earlier Australia, and early Native American ancestors, also had their oral traditions of Star Visitors involved in their fashioning as people.Subsequent intervention by the observer Star Visitors took the form of cultural and spiritual teaching and tutoring, at times causing Avatars to emerge in various strategic zones around the Earth. These Avatars have become known and revered as the Great Teachers, some of whose wisdom has become enshrined as one of the several World Religions.The Avatars (major world religious Teachers) are understood to include: Zoroaster (Zoroastrianism), Lao-Tse (Taoism/proto-Confucianism), Moses (Judaism), Krishna (Hinduism), Quan Yin (compassionate Chinese Buddhist Enlightened One), Siddartha Guatama, the Buddha (Buddhism), White Buffalo Calf Woman/Lady of Guadalupe (Native American spirituality), Quetzalcoatl and Viracocha (Meso-American spirituality), Yeshua ben Joseph/Jesus (reform-Judaism, Christianity), Mohammed (original un-“edited” teachings), Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani (Sufi reform-mystical Islam), and Bahá'u'lláh (Bahai).In addition to coaching Humans in the bases for civilization, various Star Visitors came down from time to time as Master Teachers and tutors to show Humans a higher moral standard, and a more accurate spiritual understanding of their relationship to Source.A number of these Avatars have become known and revered as Great Teachers. Some of them came to concentrate on doing spiritual and moral teaching. While others included in their work the teaching of science, astronomy, agriculture, mathematics, architecture, Human origins, medicine and the healing arts, cosmology, the basis of laws, and a rudimentary understanding of the cosmic role in human history, among other things.These spirituality-specialist Avatars from the stars (major world spiritual and philosophical Teachers) included such well-known figures as: Zoroaster, Lao-Tse, Moses, Krishna, Siddartha Gautama, Quan Yin, Quetzalcoatl, Viracocha, Yeshua ben Joseph, White Buffalo Calf Woman (also: Isis/Yeshua’s mother Miriam/the Lady of Guadalupe), Mohammed, Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani, and Baha’u’llah.Krishna was born in India, according to tradition in 3228 B.C. He is depicted as having a bluish skin tone. According to indications from the Baghavad Gita, he lived about 128 years. Considerable mythology obscures the actual details of his life. He is depicted as a champion of justice. Weary of the war-like culture of his time, he later was given to meditation. In the Baha’i tradition, Krishna is seen as a prophet, teacher and intermediary between God and Humans. Hinduism sees him as a deity. But in actuality he was a messenger, a Master Teacher who originally lived in a star civilization.Moses (Moshe) was born in Egypt perhaps about 1525 B.C. of Jewish parents in exile there. Adopted by the daughter of the Pharoah (Tutmoses I?), Moses was raised in the royal household, but later received a guidance vision to lead his Jewish people out of captivity to their ancestral home. While en route, in the Sinai desert, he had an encounter with an unseen Presence who gave him two stone tablets with ten commandments carved into the stone written on them. The advanced technology of these tablets is evident from the Talmud. The tablets were written on both their sides (Exodus 32:15), with the carving going through the full thickness of the tablets. The stones in the center part of letters were not connected to the rest of the tablet, but they did not fall out. The writing was also legible from both sides; it was not a mirror image on the back (Talmud, 2007). The message fortified by these unnatural tablets, Moses provided leadership to the Jewish people to turn from polytheism and idolatry to revering the single Source of all, God, who cannot be represented by any image. He also taught the moral principles, the Ten Commandments, found on those stone tablets.Another Star Visitor Avatar, variously known as Quetzalcoatl and Viracocha, visited and taught among the peoples of Meso-America and South America.As far back as the beginning of the Olmec Period in Mexico (1150B.C.), a Reptoid star person with humanoid as well as reptilian features was honored as a great Teacher who came down from the stars and taught the Olmec, Aztec, Mayan and Toltec Native peoples. They soon stylized his image as “Quetzal” the feathered (flight ability) “coatl” serpent (reptilian-looking). (See the Reptoid images at: )Quetzalcoatl was credited with giving the knowledge about books, about an astronomy-based calendar, how to cultivate maize (corn), and the knowledge of the inner truths about death and reincarnation. He spoke against the practice of human sacrifice. He was also known as Kulkulkan.In the Incan culture of South America this figure was known as Con-Tiki, or Viracocha, the giver of civilization. He was remembered for, among other things, being the person who taught the tribes which of the trees, flowers, fruits and herbs were edible, which had medicinal properties, and which were poisonous. Viracocha means “sea foam” and tradition has it that he disappeared across the Pacific, where he is identified with the figure Kon-Tiki, whom the Polynesians deemed a sun god (Viracocha, 2008).Quan Yin (Guan Yin) is the bodhisattva (being of enlightened existence) of compassion, and is usually viewed as a female. As is common with the Avatars, their true history lies overlain with layers of Human distortion of oral tradition via legend and myth. She is identified with Miao Shan, the Buddhist Chinese princess who lived in about 700 B.C., (QuanYin, 2008). She is revered by not only Buddhist but also Taoist and Confucian reverent observers. She was first referred to in a Chinese translation of the Buddhist Lotus Sutra in 406 A.D. She is viewed as the embodiment of compassionate loving kindness.Zoroaster (Zarathustra) (628-551 B.C.) was born in ancient Persia, (now Iran). While the details of his life and original teachings are somewhat obscured by time and legend, he felt his connection with Source outlined for him his mission to go about and confront the polytheism, idolatry and moral lapses of his time. He taught monotheism, and that God is the Source of both light and of the dark pregnant void which creates an opportunity for light and good to emerge through good-hearted effort. He strove to awaken the people to the importance of righteous behavior, and warned them against animal sacrifice, mistreating cattle, and the drinking of homa (an intoxicating drink) (Zoroaster, 2007).Siddartha Guatama became known as the Buddha (Awakened One - Sanskrit). He was born about 563 B.C. He was a teacher and ascetic, reaching out with high spiritual principles to princes and beggars alike. He taught the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path, as well as that reality is not dualistic. Although he warned against the infallibility of any “scripture”, his teachings were codified by later followers into Buddhism, complete with competing books of interpretation.Lao Tse (6th Century B.C.) was a revered teacher in ancient China. Tradition had him as the author of the immortal philosophical classic, the Tao Te Ching. Lao Tse taught that underlying all reality was the Tao, Source. Lao Tse described the Tao as ever-evolving, and as embracing change within the larger matrix of the constancy of truth. He taught that wrong behavior was a result of a person being out of harmony with the Tao. Simplicity, not being pushed by desires, and humility are signs of such harmony. On a social level he taught that such a course would avoid wars and the need for harsh laws (Lao Tse, 2008).It may seem that Yeshua ben Yosef/Jesus (7 B.C.-31 A.D.) needs no introduction. Yet so controversial a figure cannot merely be blandly postulated without some corroboration. Yeshua ben Joseph was born around 7 BC (Before Christ, ironically). While the mythology exists about extraordinary events around his birth, such as the Magi (Zoroastrian astrologer priests) from what is now Iran coming to pay homage at his birth, the sounder test of Jesus’s nature and origin comes from an analysis of his behavior and abilities.Yeshua/Jesus’s message was starkly different than the prevailing religious interpretations of First Century Judaism. His was not the rigorous fetishistic ceremonial traditionalism of the Pharisees or the Biblical fundamentalist literalism of the Sadducees; nor did he retreat into the metaphysical escapism of the Essenes. His spirituality message was simple: God as a loving Father to be appreciated rather than feared, and the Biblical law to be interpreted according to its core spirit rather than in a fundamentalist way. That core spirit he summed up as “Loving God with all your heart; and loving your neighhbor as yourself.” Of all the Star Person Avatars, his teaching is perhaps the only one to parse the 11 Universal Laws and the11 Spiritual Laws of the cosmos (Anonymous, 11:11 Laws, [no date]) into the above Two Great Commandments.Parenthetically, Councillor For the Watchers observed that the person who is Yeshua originated directly of Source (God), rather than derivatively from other persons who ultimately sprang from Source; although Jesus was not the only such direct-born of Source Thus the evangelist John of Patmos had it half-right: Jesus was indeed _a_ son of God, but not _the_ son of God.So, Jesus was a Star Man, as Lakota Elder Looks-For-Buffalo proclaimed. Yeshua’s 'miracles' reflect advanced abilities some of which even some present-day fifth-grade Star Kids also have. Whether healing, resurrecting a dead living thing, levitating (above water), or reading the mind of a doubter in the crowd, Jesus and today’s Star Kids share many abilities of advanced Star Beings. Is this blasphemy? The Pharisees accused even Jesus of blasphemy, but he was merely saying unfamiliar, uncomfortable truth.Yeshua intended to reform the corrupt religion he found (Judaism under the Pharisees and Sadducees). In one of the repeating tragedies of Human foibles, his simple teachings got morphed by fallible and overzealous disciples into ”Christianity”, a rigorous cult of Human rules and distortions not so unlike the Human-corrupted Judaism he came to reform.White Buffalo Calf Woman visited North America about 2000 years ago, (according to Lakota tradition related by Joseph Chasing Horse,) (This was about the same time that Yeshua ben Yosef/Jesus was teaching in Israel/Palestine.) Among other tribes White Buffalo Calf Woman visited the Plains Indians of North America, including the Lakota/Dakota/Nakota (Sioux) people. Lakota Elder Looks-For-Buffalo (Floyd Hand) said that among the Pueblo Indians, such as the Hopi, she is known as Corn Mother; while the Plains Indians know her as White Buffalo Calf Woman. She was the Star Person who originally gave the Lakota (Sioux) their star-origins history, their spiritual teachings and sacred songs, the seven sacred ceremonies, and their healing practices (Boylan, 1996). She admonished the Indians to always remain caretakers and guardians of the land (Mother Earth, Unce Maka) and to regard it as sacred.(The Dakota Sioux have a tradition that Yellow Hand, their name for Yeshua/Jesus, also came to North America after his crucifixion in Israel and also taught the Native Americans.)The Lady of Guadalupe is a widely revered figure of Native American spirituality, and is the same Variant Altimarian teacher whom the Plains Indians call White Buffalo Calf Woman. She is also the same Star Teacher who came among the Egyptians, (Isis) and then Sakhmet, and who in another incarnation served as Miriam (Mary) the mother of Yeshua ben Yoseph/Jesus. This is also the brown-skinned woman Avatar who appeared to Mexican Indian peasant Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin in 1531 A.D. on a hill outside Mexico City and spoke to him in the indigenous Nahautl lanuage, and who is now revered across Meso-America as “the Virgin of Guadalupe” Her visitation gave a message of hope and solidarity to the indigenous peoples of Mexico suffering under Conquistador oppression. She is popularly (and correctly) identified there with the mother of Yeshua/Jesus.Mohammed (570-632 A.D.) is revered by Muslims, Druze, and Baha’is as a teacher instructed by God. Well-educated Muslims do not not believe that he was the creator of a new religion, but the restorer of the original, uncorrupted monotheistic faith of Adam, Abraham and others.After repeated dialogues with a messenger from the skies, identified traditionally as Gabriel, Mohammed felt his primary mission was to help lead the peoples of his region away from then-prevailing idolatry and polytheism to understanding that there is only one God. However, Mohammed’s focus was not exclusively on monotheism, but also “on a strong general moral and religious appeal. Its key themes include the moral responsibility of man towards his creator; the resurrection of dead, God's final judgment, ...use of the nature and wonders of everyday life, particularly the phenomenon of man, as signs of God to show the existence of a greater power who will take into account the greed of people and their suppression of the poor. Religious duties required of the believers at this time were few: belief in God, asking for forgiveness of sins, offering frequent prayers, assisting others particularly those in need, rejecting cheating and the love of wealth,...being chaste, and not to kill new-born girls” (Mohammed, 2008). Thus Mohammed was a Teacher of reform and seeking peace. Those who came after him and exhorted violence hugely distorted his teachings. Qur’ran 60.8 clearly states that non-Muslims of good will and pacific nature cannot be the targets of war simply on account of their different religious background, as Quranic scholar Oliver Leamon notes.Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani first emerged in 1127 AD as a public preacher of reformed Islam. As a teacher he eventually attracted disciples from the entire Islamic world. His great achievement as a thinker was to reconcile Sufi mystical Islam with the sober demands of contemporarily-interpreted Islamic law. As the Encyclopedia Britannica notes, “His concept of Sufism was that a holy war or jihad is to be waged against one's own will, in order to conquer egotism and worldliness and to submit to God's will” (Abd al-Qadir al Jilani, 2008). A bi-lateral descendant of Mohammed, Shaikh Abdal-Qadir al-Jilani taught the primacy of love in the moral order, and the importance of recognizing the presence of Source (tawhid)/Divine Oneness) in oneself and in all creation around one; (Abdal-Qadir al-Jilani, 2008a). As an Avatar, al-Jalani understood well the importance of the Universal Laws of Love and of (correct) Perception.Bahá'u'lláh was born in 1817 A.D. in Persia (modern Iran). He presented himself as the last of the Avatar messengers, come to transcend the religions created by Humans through the distortion of the teachings of the previous Avatars (see above.) Bahá'u'lláh enunciated a message about the fundamental unity of truth, and sought to transcend the competitive boundaries of the religions he saw in the world towards a core unified truth. The principles he taught included: the elimination of prejudice; equal opportunity for both sexes; integrating spirituality into daily life; transcending divisive views about religions; working on social and economic justice to eliminate extremes of poverty and wealth; advocating universal accessible education; endorsing each person’s empowerment to search for truth; recognition that there is no conflict between religion and reason and the pursuit of scientific knowledge, and recognition of the basic unity of humankind and thus the value of reorganizing society into a global commonwealth of nations (Bahá'u'lláh, 2008).This is not an exhaustive list of every star teacher who came among a given Human population center and taught them. There were others, many lost to the pages of history. And some are among us now.The Dalai Lama is certainly not the only Star Nations Master Teacher-Human Incarnate to live among us. He as the current incarnation of one once known as Krishna.Another Star Nations Master Teacher who lived among us until recently was Mother Teresa, who was the recent reincarnation of Star Nations Master Teacher and Star Person-Incarnate-Human Zoroaster (Zarathustra) (628-551 B.C.) who taught in ancient Persia, (now Iran).I have also learned that Star Nations Master Teacher-Human Incarnate Mohammed [whose teachings of peace and compassion like other Star Person Avatars have been severely distorted and transmographied] is living amongst us currently as a Human but this individual is not world-famous like Mother Teresa or the Dalai Lama.Star Nations has been most generous in resending among us not one but three Master Teachers in this pivotal generation in Humankind's path to destiny.Native American shaman/experiencers, such as Lakota Spiritual Elder Looks-For-Buffalo (Floyd Hand), have declared that Jesus was a Star-Man, and that the Avatars are Star People (Boylan, 1996). The Star Visitors, too, have indicated that the Avatars were sent to raise human spiritual consciousness, and have alluded to Star Visitor involvement with them (Councillor Asheoma te ka Meata, (2007).Because of the imprecisions of oral and ancient written history, it is difficult in some cases to determine whether a given Avatar was a Human incarnate who was a Star Visitor in a previous life and has retained that advanced consciousness in this life. or a Star Visitor manifesting in this lifetime incarnation as temporarily with a Human appearance but who will reincarnate as a Star Person after this lifetime.Some of their spiritual and metaphysical teachings and wisdom has eventually become enshrined as one or other of the several World Religions.These cultural and spiritual interventions were done by the Avatars in an effort to lead Humankind away from our residual-primate excessive instinctuality, such as rigid territoriality, aggressiveness, and predation on the weak; and instead to point Humankind towards its highest and best potential as full spiritual and metaphysical persons, living in awareness and in balance.The personal efforts of the various Star Being Avatars, and the residual beneficial effects of their teachings and example, persisted as an effort to uplift the Human species for many centuries.Approximately 150 years ago, after witnessing the horrors of the wars of the Nineteen Century, the Star Visitors decided that humankind was far too capable of ignoring the teachings of the Avatars, and that the human recipe itself needed direct upgrading via further bioengineering. The Star Visitors also foresaw that humanity was getting closer to the time when it would venture out into space, and they wanted Humans to be fit fellow citizens of the cosmos.The keenly-observant Star Visitors thereupon embarked on a program to re-refine Homo Sapiens into something more advanced. They began to gene-splice a greater percentage of Star Visitor genetic material into the Human genome, in order to amplify intelligence, sensitivity, psychic abilities, higher metaphysical adeptness, and a greater attunement to the intrinsic spirituality that permeates reality.The Visitors began introducing the upgraded genome into the embryos of the mothers of the first Star Kids.Many of the Visitors also volunteered to incarnate as an Earth human for this lifetime. The result of these various upgrading initiatives was what the Chief Counsel for the Smithsonian Institute in 1995 labeled Homo Alterios Spatialis, or Cosmic Human.At first, there were only a scattered few of the advanced-model humans. Nicolai Tesla (1856-1943) was clearly one of the first new upgrades. Jane Addams (1860-1935), Nobel Prize-winning crusader for peace, democracy and women's rights, and Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948), revered peaceful crusader for justice for the oppressed, were two more. Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965), compassionate missionary physician, ethicist, and peace advocate was another. Albert Einstein (1879-1955) was yet another. Mother Teresa (1910-1997) and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968) and scores more followed in their footsteps decades later.Still more Star Kids were born in the 1930s and 1940s, who would come of age as a new Space Age dawned in 1957. (The Space Age is dated from the first satellite launch [Sputnik, 1957], followed rapidly by creation of NASA, and President Kennedy’s 1961 Space Program to put a man on the Moon.)Then, around the end of the 1980s, there began a quantum leap in the number of Star Kids being born. The Star Visitors knew that there was no more time to waste to move humanity out of its awkward adolescence” phase as a species, before it blew itself up or terminally poisoned its environment. They began dramatically stepping up the number of encounters with humans, including reproductive re-engineering, combined with a metaphysical program of massive reincarnation of star beings as humans, to increase the numbers of children subsequently born who were Star Kids.The Baby Boom of the Cosmic Generation had begun.In poured tens millions of these advanced children in a veritable Star Kids Tidal Wave. This in-pouring escalates and continues to this day. My research indicates that now the vast majority of the children are Star Kids. At this rate the human race will be overwhelmingly made up of Humans with partial Star Seed heritage by the end of the year 2012, the date indigenous tradition identified as when Fifth World (cosmic society) will be well on its way to being in place.Because Western History has tended to marginalized sub-Sahara Africa, its very ancient history and pre-European civilizations, the identity of Star Visitors who taught early Africans knowledge which helped accelerate their development, the names of major Star Visitor Master Teachers in Africa, are not household names in the West. Nevertheless, there were various Star Visitors in contact with ancient sub-Saharan Africa.For example: the Dogon people of the country now called Mali. An aquatic species of Star Visitor Master Teachers visited and showed them much knowledge, including that the Visitor species came from the Sirius star system. In the "Dogon and Sirius" section of a Wikipedia article on the Dogon people, it states, "In 1976 Robert K. G. Temple wrote a book called "The Sirius Mystery", arguing that the Dogon's system reveals precise knowledge of cosmological facts only known by the development of modern astronomy, since they appear to know, from Griaule and Dieterlen's account, that Sirius was part of a binary star system, whose second star, Sirius B, a white dwarf, was however completely invisible to the human eye, and that it took 50 years to complete its orbit. The existence of Sirius B had only been inferred to exist through mathematical calculations undertaken by Friedrich Bessel in 1844.” Temple argued for an extraterrestrial transmission of knowledge of the stars."Another example: in South Africa, renowned Zulu Elder, Credo Mutwa, states star lore, in which extraterrestrial visitors make contact with native tribes, form a large part of the oral tradition of African tribes. According to Mutwa, in every language in Africa, the meaning of star is “Bringer of Knowledge or Enlightenment.”Elder Credo Mutwa has travelled the continent of Africa, sculpting haunting images of visitors from the stars, which were described to him by other African shamans. “These beings have been coming and going to Africa for forty thousand years,” he says. Some bear striking resemblance to beings reported by modern experiencers of the UFO phenomenon."Native American shaman-experiencers have declared that Jesus was a Star-Man, and that the Avatars are Star People. The Star Visitors have indicated that the Avatars were sent to raise human spiritual consciousness, and have alluded to Star Visitor involvement with them.These cultural and spiritual interventions were done in an effort to lead humankind away from the excessive animal instinctuality, such as territoriality, aggressiveness, and predation on the weak; and to point humankind towards its highest and best metaphysical and spiritual potential.These observer Star Visitor efforts went on until approximately 150 years ago. At about that time, after witnessing the horrors of the wars of the Nineteen Century, the Star Visitors decided that humankind was far too capable of ignoring the teachings of the Avatars, and that the human "recipe" itself needed direct upgrading via further bioengineering. They also foresaw that humanity was getting closer to the time when it would venture out into space, and wanted humans to be fit fellow citizens of the cosmos.The observant Star Visitors thereupon embarked on a program to re-refine Homo Sapiens into something more advanced. They began to select certain humans to splice into their genomes a greater percentage of Star Visitor genetic material, in order to amplify intelligence, sensitivity, psychic abilities, metaphysical affinity , and greater attunement to the intrinsic spirituality permeating reality.More Star Kids were born in the 1930s and 1940s who would come of age as a new Space Age dawned. (The Space Age is dated from the first satellite launch [Sputnik, 1957], followed by creation of NASA, and President Kennedy’s 1961 Space Program to put a man on the Moon.)Then, around the end of the 1980s, there began a quantum leap in the number of Star Kids being born. The Star Visitors knew that there was no more time to waste to move humanity out of its awkward "adolescence” phase as a species, before it blew itself up or terminally poisoned its environment. They began dramatically stepping up the number of encounters with humans, including reproductive reengineering, combined with a metaphysical program of massive reincarnation of star beings as humans, to increase the numbers of children subsequently born who were Star Kids.<><><><><><><><><><><><><>End Notes[1] Star Nations Councillor Asheoma said that of the great Teachers (Avatars) who have come down and incarnated as Humans to help guide Humankind to a higher moral and metaphysical awareness, certain ones of these had actually completed the course of enlightenment (satori), and had arrived back at Source (God). They had come to see Ego as illusion and dropped it, completely realizing their fundamental union with Source.And then some of these fully-enlightened persons became specific energy-manifestations, who moved back through the levels of evolving civilizations in the form of Teachers who are utterly Ego-less, with Source alone as present, the Human ego totally reabsorbed into Source.So when people dealt with one of these totally-enlightened specific energy-manifestations, people were actually interacting with Source, albeit in Human form.The following Source-taking-Human-form supreme Avatars were:- White Buffalo Calf Woman/Lady of Guadalupe- Yeshua ben Joseph (Jesus)- Lao Tse- Quan Yin- Mohammed / Abd al-Qadir al Jilani/ Baha'u'llahOther Avatars were Star Visitors incarnate-as-Human, of varying degrees of spiritual/metaphysical advancement, but who while on Earth had not yet reached full enlightenment. These included:- Quetzalcoatl/Viracocha- Krishna (who had not reached satori at the time of being in Human form, was close, and, yes, has achieved it at this time)- Zarathustra (who is still on the path of service, has returned to Earth many times in service, his last service was as the one called Mother Teresa)- Siddartha Gautama, the Buddha ( who was not fully reunited with Source while on Earth, but did return to Source at the end of the life where he was known as Buddha. He still serves Earth in the level of Spirit still as direct energy of Source through the name known of Earth- Moses[2]This is an excerpt from the book by Dr. Richard Boylan, Star Kids: The Emerging Cosmic GenerationTo download for free, or read on-line Star Kids go to: Boylan, Ph.D., LLCBehavioral scientist, exo-anthropologist, researcher, hypnotherapist, educatorPresident, Star Kids Project, LtdRichard Boylan, Ph.D., CouncillorRichard Boylan, Ph.D.,

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  • great post....very informative...

  • ........dont you just wish that this would be thought in our schools and churches/temples ?

  • One of the best article/info I have ever read
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