In 2002 I asked an archangel what I thought was a simple question. I expected a simple answer. What I got was not a simple answer, but instead the story of “The Fall of Consciousness.” The answer is still not complete and the wonderful conversation continues.
How did the Fall of Consciousness occur? What was it? Who was involved, and how has it continued to unfold to this day? The story is told by Archangels Uriel, Zadkiel, Michael and Metatron.
Uriel starts by explaining…There was no war. There were no bad guys. There was no angel that betrayed Creator and ran off with all the knowledge. It didn't happen that way.
Let’s keep it simple... A long, long time ago the Creator wished to know itself more fully. So Creator reached into itself and created many new aspects of Itself. Aspects that you know as the Holy Spirit, the I AM Presence, the Christed Light and much, much more. Creator also reached into Itself and created an infinite number of beings known as creator gods. Creator sent them out to explore and create new possibilities. To assist with their creation, Creator developed and provided a blueprint or schematic and gave it to the creator gods to use. Thrilled, the creator gods created.
Using this blueprint they created magnificent creations with the Light of the Creator. They created universes, new aspects of consciousness and realms of thought and wonderment, all new and all very exciting. This went on for a very long time, although time as we know it did not exist.
At some point in the process something unexpected occurred. Somewhere in All-That-Is, a creator god did something new and unintentional. Instead of following the blueprint, which said put blocks one, two, three and four together, this creator god stacked the blocks differently. They were stacked three, one, two and four instead. At first no one really noticed this change and this new pattern became more widely used. At some point this new way of creating was indeed noticed. This discovery caused tremendous excitement within the creator gods. This was a brand new experience, something that had never been present before. All became very excited.
The creator gods went back to Creator and asked for even more ability to create even bigger and grander things. Creator agreed and gave them a new blueprint, one that was much more full, containing many, many more aspects of the Creator’s consciousness. This became known as the “Will” of the Creator; the first Ray of Creation. This Ray contained the intention of the Creator. It contained everything in total alignment with the Creator’s intention. This first Ray was very vast. One of the new components it contained excited the creator gods very much. It was called free will. Up until that point, free will was not available. The creator gods had always followed the original blueprint.
Equipped with these new tools, the creator gods went out and created in the most amazing ways. That was their job and they loved their job. The Creator also created another creation—the Archangels and the angelic realm. The Archangelic realm, according to Uriel, had a very specific purpose. It was created to be, in simple terms, the spectators, participants, and audience of the great creations of the creator gods. Their job was to go to the great theaters, in a manner of speaking, and enjoy the performances. They did their job well and they loved their job.
The creations continued, and continued. The creator gods not only created more, they also created more creator gods. They had all the capacity to do that. And those first creator gods created more creator gods ,and those creator gods created more creator gods, and the process continued.
The creator gods loved their creations and although all created within the Light of the Creator, some of the creators gods began to use more of their own light to create with, rather than the pure Light of Creator. As these creator gods continued to create, and create new creators gods, this experience of creating with their own light was passed on. As this was all still within the Light brought forth by the Creator this was not noticed at first.
But with this unfolding, small ripples and wobbles began to appear in the creations. This began to be noticed by many of the original creator gods and the Creator. These newer creator gods didn't have the same level of wisdom, knowledge and experience as the creator gods before them. Many of those younger creator gods were very enamored with their creations. Within their free will, they began to use more of their individual light and not the pure, balanced Light of the Creator. Their creations contained less and less of the Creator’s Light. They contained less of the intention of the Creator and much more of their own unique intention. These creator gods were very excited and they were having so much fun with their new abilities, they didn’t really concern themselves with this.
This continued to be noticed by Creator, as there were growing numbers of these creations made without the full, original Light. To bring about a correction and assist these creator gods to return to the use of the original blueprint, two new Rays of Creation were given to all of the creator gods. Because there was free will, it was only suggested they be used. These Rays provided opportunities to expand All-That-Is.
The second Ray of Creation was drawn from the first Ray. This Ray holds all color. Color, until then, had never been experienced. The second Ray also held the capacity to step energy up and step energy down, much like a transformer. This brought about many more possibilities of creating in larger and smaller ways.
The third Ray holds frequencies and sub-frequencies in many different configurations and arrangements. Energetics, they are called. These are enormous building blocks of constructive energy, which hold all possibilities. The first, second and third Rays were used during all steps of the creative process.
These three Rays were developed to uplift the distorted creations, raising them back to higher levels of Light. Creator wanted these distorted creations and the creator gods themselves to return to using the original blueprint that was in greater alignment with All-That-Is.
Other Rays were also offered freely by the Creator with the intention to bring all back into the original Light. Because of free will, creations cannot be taken back or erased.
A point was soon reached when many of the newer creator gods were using very little of the original blueprint to create with. Uriel explained that at this point, there was a line drawn and Creator said something very simple, “If you wish to create with the Creator’s Light all is available to you on this side of the line but if you are going to create with your own light, then you no longer have access to the Light of the Creator.”
Many understood the importance of what was being offered and they returned to create solely with the Creator’s Light and the Rays of Creation, but many did not. Those who did not return loved their creations. They were enamored with their creations, and they continued to create with their own light.
But you see, by this time the distortions and mutations had the capacity to replicate and regenerate on their own. The distortions self-organized and did not follow patterns of Light held within the Rays. They had a mind of their own, in a manner of speaking, mutating into expanded distortions with even less Light. These distortions began to have a great impact on not only creations but also all creator gods.
The more they created outside of the Creator’s Light, the more distortions and mutations were in their creations. More wobbles and ripples appeared. This continued to be of concern to Creator and all those using Creator’s Light. Creator saw the potential of this pattern spiraling out into darkness. Therefore, more Rays were offered, with the continuing purpose to bring back all who were creating outside of the pureness of the original Light, as well as add to the expansion of possibilities within each creation itself. With every new Ray that was created, it worked really quite well...
Until it didn't.
Story of the Fall of Consciousness - Part 2
The mutations and distortions had a life of their own and the distortions began to interact with each other and weave together. The mutations and distortions began to create and spin off more distortions and more mutations, and more distortions and more mutations. Distortions and mutations have no consciousness. They are like a virus or a machine that continues to duplicate and replicate. In the third dimension, mutations and distortions are vibrations that you know as anger, jealousy, resentment and rudeness; deceit, domination and control; incest, rape and “isms,” as in sexism and racism, etc. All of those ugly feelings and all of those ugly thoughts are the distortions that play within all of our spaces today. They are all wrapped in Fear.
This process has gone on for a very, very long time. There are many places in All-That-Is that have no Light in them at all. I once said to Uriel, “Won’t it be a challenge for this darkness to be brought back into the Light?” I could feel the smile within Uriel. Uriel said, “Those dark patterns and beings who are without Light are not the challenging ones. They will be easy to work with when the appointed time comes. The ones that are most challenging are you. You see, you have free will and you have choice. You hold the single spark of the Creator’s Light within you. You have choice and we will not interfere with your choices. You must choose for yourself. The dark beings have no free will or choice.”
Much was now occurring. As the second Ray was being used, it was discovered that Light could be stepped down and compressed into density. This opened up a completely new realm of creation. The great beings of Light, the Avatars and Elohim, could experience themselves in form. This was both new and a joy. They began to experience themselves in all manner of form, such as rocks, water, air, flowers, and much more.
As creation continued to expand, another remarkable creation came about. Twelve living centers of consciousness were drawn from the Christed aspect of Creator and placed throughout All-That-Is. Each of these centers held the Love of the Creator. The purpose of each of these centers was to reflect this love and the Christed Light back to the beings who inhabited or visited those centers. Consequently, the many new beings in the Archangelic realms, the Avatars, the Elohim, and all the great beings of Light enjoyed these centers of Christed Light. The earth is one of these very special centers of Light. In the course of this Fall of Consciousness, there were many creator gods, and others, that came to this Christed center. Many of these were very consumed with, and focused upon those contaminated, distorted creations. They no longer held much Light of the Creator. The physical creations that were being made on Planet Earth began to hold more distortions and less of Creator’s Love.
Because of this long and intense infiltration of mutations and distortions, Earth could no longer continue to reflect the Christed Consciousness back to those upon her surface. Her inhabitants no longer received her Light and Earth fell from that Christed Consciousness. She fell from the unified field of love into greater and greater density, becoming physical. The Earth fell. One Light center out of the 12 fell. This event created an enormous ripple throughout All-That-Is. Earth had been, until this fall, a very significant passageway available to all.
At that point in time the Archangels, the Elohim, the Lords of Light, and many other great beings, petitioned the Creator to create a floor or limit; a point to stop the fall. If the earth was to fall past that line it would not recover. This creation is known as Metatron’s Cube. It was a very intricate geometric construction of consciousness, light and sound. It created a point where the earth could fall no further. The result was known as “the third dimension.” It was rigid, structured, and very dense. There was no flexibility at the time it was created. It had very specific limitations and could sustain and support very little Light and yet there was consciousness that lived within this Earth. The Earth existed in this state for a very long time.
Because this great Fall of Consciousness overwhelmed so many of the great Beings of Light, Avatars, Archangels, and many, many others, the Archangelic realm petitioned Creator to change their purpose. They asked that instead of simply watching the creator gods create, it become their primary function to stop the Fall of Consciousness. Their purpose was to reverse the damage caused by the mutations and distortions, and free all who had been affected. The Creator granted their request. Eventually, and over a very long period of time, the remaining consciousness of Earth was able to create enough of a stabilization that the cube structure was removed from the earth. The possibility of the earth falling further into darkness no longer existed.
Long after the cube was removed, the inhabitants begin to create new considerations and new thoughts that were outside of the previous limitations. Where before there was only rigidness and no flexibility, now there began to be possibility. This unfolded very slowly over billions of years and there began to be more awareness and flexibility. Opportunities and different levels of consciousness returned onto the planet. But, the possibility of returning to a Christed Light center was not available to Planet Earth
More aspects of consciousness came to the planet and were able to remain and became anchored. Eventually the possibility of seeding a new species on the planet began to be entertained. This is the point where most of us have an understanding of a “beginning.” This new consciousness was called Lemurian. In the early aspects of Lemuria there were no physical bodies. The inhabitants were simple beings that held Light. Light consciousness began to live more fully on the dense planet Earth. The Lemurians had Light consciousness but they were not you. They were the first aspect of the great experiment.
All through this unfolding, the Rays of Creation continued to be offered, however, the mutations and distortions continued to expand and grow also. With each new Ray, great creative possibilities unfolded, but they were not successful in permanently stopping the
distortions. This continued for many tens of thousands of years.
To be continued:
In part 3: Why and how everything changed in 2003 and the new possibilities that are now unfolding.
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