Sananda and One Who Serves (#1 and 2) channeled by James McConnell

Lady Nada and Ashira channeled by Dr Susan Sammarco

(Note: These messages were given during our Advance/retreat in Flagstaff, AZ on May 3, 2015)


This is Sananda and my beloved Lady Nada at my side and it is always wonderful to be with you our brothers and sisters. It is also wonderful to be with you at this time and moment in this weekend that you are finding yourselves. In this time together, in this camaraderie together that you have shown for you all get along. Now can you imagine a world where all are getting along as you are? Can you imagine an entire planet with no boundaries, no separation of any kind where no one is wanting for water, for food, for shelter, for love…certainly for love?  Where everything is at anyone’s disposal in any given moment; where you can simply think a desire and it appears before you? Now is this going to be immediately after the Event? No there will be a need for, what you would call training, mentoring, so that you can get your wings you might say. Yes even some of you will have wings when the time comes.

Much is being prepared, prepared for the changes that are coming, prepared for you to be part of those changes. Places are being set, tables are being set, places are being set at those tables. And at those tables that we have spoken of, when the time is right, you will be invited to sit at those tables. There will be a need for many councils across the planet, a need for liaison between ships, between civilizations. If you wish you will be able to, as the Star Trek saying goes “boldly go”. That will be your choice. There will be those who will wish to find themselves on ships, there will be those who journey into inner earth or hollow earth, there will be those who will completely leave the galaxy and go to their home systems. All of this is in readiness but first before all of this comes, there is work.

We understand for many that is what you call a “four letter word”. We know the James is thinking that at this very moment, but understand that work does not have to be difficult - you do not have to toil at your work. It can be joyful. In the work in a new society, the work that comes after the Event and the events, all of this, will be work that will resonate with you. It will be the jobs that you want to do and there will be enough for everyone to go around. And if you think that the ones that you call the seniors now, senior citizens, you will be too old to work,, yourselves can be in brand-new body. Whatever age you wish to be, whatever body you wish to be in whether human or otherwise, that will be your choice. There will be a time when you will have the opportunity and the choice to move out away from this situation, you might say, find yourselves on ships and take some very needed R&R. You will have earned it. And after your R&R, after your relaxation, after your vacation…and this my friends will be vacation that you have never known before. If any of you have ever been on a cruise ship or on an island and this is something you love, think what it would be like to be on one of our ships. And everything that is available to you here is available to you there and much more will be available to you.

As I said the tables await, they are being prepared. You yourselves in this group and many more when the choice is given them, you will choose to sit at the table, to be a part of our councils, to assist in all the changes that are to develop here on this planet, to be a part of making this planet pristine once again. To be a part of ending once and for all poverty, thirst, hunger. For no one will go without and we do mean no one. This is the brave New World you are creating and you, my friends, are creating this world with every thought that you have. It gives a new meaning to your thoughts does it not? Every thought is creating the world you are going to be in. So that is why it has been said, many times, “gain control of your thoughts” now work on that, for they will gain more and more and more in importance. And where you have that delay now between your thought and manifestation, that delay will get less and less until there is no delay. It will be an instantaneous creative process. You are the creators, we are all creators and we are all created at the same time. 

I am Sananda. Thank you for listening. Dear Lady Nada is standing by now.


“Lada Nada”

Good evening all (good evening). It is such a joyous pleasure to be with you tonight along with Sananda. It is a joyous pleasure to be here with you to speak of things that you will find comforting and exciting and hopeful. For one of the things that I have been asked to share is to discuss the arrival of those divine partners that belong to each of you. Those of you who feel now that you have come into contact already and may have your perfect partner, we applaud for you. There are so many upon the planet who know that they had been awakening and awaiting for their complement person. For it may be male or it may be female, it may be of this planet or it may be not of this planet. And those of you who have had your hearts in discipline, not looking to build relationships that you do not believe will last for long terms, now this is the time in creation that those beloved mates are now coming to you. And knowing that you will live for very long times after the processes that take place here, you will also come to know that even though one believes that they have soulmates and they have found that person that they have been waiting for perhaps for lifetimes that may last 500 years, 800 years, and then you may choose to find another. But those who have been waiting for you have been working for this too on the other sides of all of these veils and dimensions.

Sometimes those of you who have been waiting for your soul partner are meeting now in dreams and feel them and see them. They may be with you during waking hours even, whispering in your ears, feeling you as you fall asleep. And the complement relationship is so different than that which you experience so often on this planet for it is not out of fear or regret or concern that you join with a partner that you choose and you have waited for, but you have joyous celebrations because this is indeed your complement. The one who is your perfect match and who comes into the new dimension with new opportunities to swell their lives, their loves, to have children if they so desire for having children is a new process. And those who are having children now in this moment in time, in this new process, will see these children all rise, all rise and know one another instantly. Yes these souls are moving in and out and through your existence. Do not think that one who comes as a mentor is also your beloved, for your beloved will be with you when all of the little things that you have been working out are finally released with this Event experience. And you come flowing in to your partners arms and you share with them once again; they will be familiar and you will know them in your core. It will be part of the blessings of this amazing experience that is about to happen.

So I speak of love, I speak of love with children I speak of love with parents, I speak of love with friends and families and communities such as this here. This love that is shared with one another all weekend long and yes the energy has been different from the previous two Advances. However has it not felt overwhelmingly wonderful? (Yes, yes). We have had an opportunity, those of us who have served you and have presented to you and have been with you this weekend, to have a little bit more fun with you too. To be a little more of ourselves that are not so disciplined and restricted when giving messages and bringing in messages of love, gratitude, grace and happiness. You have learned over the weekend of the need to balance out and to join your Light bodies, your Merkaba bodies with the physical body to take the next step, in the next jump, of evolution. You have heard of others that have shared with you other things that are necessary for you to have your eye on, to keep your eye on. And still we have brought you messages of joy and exclamations that are taking place. This is a glorious time and I, Lady Nada, bring to you the glorious message of love, of love that has flowed and moved through and all about you for many months now. And that love now kicks you up to an entirely new start, a new evolution. And you will find yourselves laughing morning through afternoon through evening and through your dreams. You will find yourselves wondering how in the world could you have been so lucky to have gone through all of these things. Yes, you will forget the pains, you will forget the anxieties, you will forget the challenges and you will be in the midst of the most wonderful evolution and you shall be glad.

That is my message this evening. Love and blessings to all of you. This is Lady Nada.

One Who Serves”

Greetings we are back, back to be with you again and back to answer questions if you wish, of either ourselves One Who Serves or Ashira.

Question: I have a question of Lady Nada. I’m curious about what you said about, I understood it to be, a new type of delivering of babies.

(Lady Nada): I will be happy to come back into the moment to answer questions or anything you might have. There is a difference in what will be happening with children born after the shift into the next dimensions. For those who meet up with their soulmate, their spiritual partner they have been waiting upon, their spiritual complement, they are no longer going to be limited to having children in your youth. Youth will last a lot longer and think too that the parents are open, aware, sentient, psychic, divine being. And the divine creation of the child comes upon the discussion from both of these that are part of the relationship. However, also the generation’s Galactic locations, the locations within hollow earth, the locations that other planets provide to raise children different ways. And it is raised more with the spirit of love from a village. Many people watch, engage, share, teach the children. And yes we will tell you too that the idea of labor is a 3-D idea that is disappearing. And when you move into the next dimensions you will find the children, we will say that they are “Light lifted” from the womb as the completion takes place and then will be celebrated with the family and with all of those who come. And you will see that there is not as much need for babies because people will live longer. There is a lot of things going on and a lot of things pulling you into different directions. But should a couple decide that is part of their spiritual destiny than all of those around them will support the decision and be part of the decision. And that soul that comes into the mother’s body will also have clear, conscious conversations with the parents before the birth. So this is a snippet of what you have to look forward to and, you, do you feel this is an opportunity for you?

Laughter…well I was thinking of will I have the nerve to try when I’m 95 years old? I’ll have to think about it.

(Lady Nada): Well you will no longer be 95, ma’am. You can be whatever age you choose to be in the miracle of birth is a miracle that is part of creation. If it’s something you choose to do it will be our pleasure to join with you and watch. Thank you. Blessings.

(One Who Serves): Would there be other questions here now?

Question: Namaste. I wanted to understand these dimensions you speak of, places like inner earth, are these because they are in different vibrations? Are they considered part of heavenly planet or the heavenly dimensions?

(One Who Serves): Whenever there is movement to the higher vibrations there is always the unity, there is always the sense of oneness. So if one finds themselves in a 5th dimensional experience and even high level 4th dimensional experience, they have a sense of a connection to one and the other and there is no separation. The separation that you have here is due to the, what has been called, experiment in the offering of complete free will and the misuse, in some respects, of that free will. Now it is an experiment, it has been an experiment and it has been an experiment that has done very well in any respect. But there has been those aspects that have taken it astray a bit and led to changes that were not exactly expected over the many hundreds and thousands of years here. But that is all coming to an end so when you find yourself in inner or hollow earth, Telos or if you find yourselves on ships of various types or you find yourselves on other planets and other systems it will be as if you are where you are meant to be at that very moment.

And there will be no semblance of wishing you could be somewhere else because if you wished to be somewhere else you will be somewhere else, you see? No one will feel in- prisoned in any way, no one will feel trapped, you see? This is what you would call the coming of Utopia, the Utopian society. And we know this can be because it has already been done, all over the place, all over the galaxy. Not in every place but in many planets, in many systems, and certainly in hollow earth as well, it is being done there. They live in complete harmony, love, peace certainly, unity; it is extraordinary and you are moving toward that. Does this answer your question?

Question: Yes, thank you very much. If I may, I have one more question. In the last part of our meditation as we travel in the last seven layers, were we traveling to what is known as the 7th heavens?

(One Who Serves): We wondered who would think about this when they were going through and certainly that was the case. When the Master Yeshua talked about heaven and his Father in heaven, where did you think he was speaking of? Where you have just gone. So my dear friends here, you have been to heaven. (Wow, wow, so we’re bringing heaven to earth, aren’t we?) Yes you most certainly are, yes, and earth to heaven.

Question: Dear One Who Serves, I understand that the first heaven is inhabited by Sananda, the second heaven by the John the Baptist and the third one by Moses and the sixth one by Abraham in the seven is the heaven of the ascetics? Did we really visit these places?

(One Who Serves): Did you really visit these places? Yes very briefly and we said that you could go back anytime you wish and at some point your physical body or the bodies that you will be able to move into freely will become a part of your expression. But we would ask you not to get too entrenched in the type of thinking that creates the separation you have just spoken of here, in terms of Sananda being in the first heaven and Buddha etc. for they can be anywhere they wish. They are not kept or trapped in any way on one level or another, you see? This is a product of your various religious experiences and those who intend to compartmentalize and put into a hierarchical fashion this kingdom of heaven, you might say. And this is not something that you want to do and it is not something that will continue into the new Golden Age. For you will find that just as Sananda is where he is, so can you be. Okay? (Okay thank you). Anything you wish to add to this Ashira?

(Ashira):  No I agree with you 100%. It is such a pleasure to hear Moses with his growth that he is experienced this weekend.

(One Who Serves): Oh my yes! And that goes for all here - we have seen much growth and we will not name other names because we do not want to leave anyone out but please understand that all are growing here, all are experiencing much. And just the idea that you are here this weekend, you have no idea what has occurred here yet. You have no idea but you will, you will I can promise you that. And when you awaken one of these mornings coming, you will feel much different then you have been. But it will not be a physical difference; you will not necessarily feel anything different in your physical body but you will feel it on an emotional level and certainly at a spiritual level. And it will bring you closer and closer to what you would consider a blissful state; and a blissful state is a higher vibrational frequency. So be ready! You’re going to wake up and it’s going to be bliss all over you and through you. Whether it lasts or not is up to you, okay? Any further questions here? Moses you seem to have one more did you not want to say?

Question: One more if I may. This place that we received the light mental body from, it’s an on earth place? What do you call this place? Because it is different than the other layers we travel through.

(One Who Serves): Yes. It is the light mental plane for your understanding at this time, this will have to do. You can give it another name if you wish - you can call it Nirvana, you can call it heaven, you can call it whatever you wish but know that this is not for everyone. That is what we wish for you to understand from this weekend. You have experienced something now that everyone does not get, does not experience. Now we do not want to have you think in terms of you are privileged at an ego level because that creates separation. But we want you to know that this is a preparation and you have moved into a specific point where it could be prepared in this way because the light mental body is going to assist you in the times to come. And the more that you will use it the more it will assist you, and the more it will astound you as to what it is capable of and to help you become capable of, you see? Look at it as an overshadowing - not taking over. It will never take over but it will overshadow you and give you strength, give you support whenever there is a need to give you security. It can be used as an energy force field, you might say at times if you wish, where nothing can penetrate the emotional level. It can be used even more than this but we will leave that alone for now for you to experience and go through before we can give you more of what is capable here; you may discover that on your own. Okay does this answer your question? (Yes I am grateful thank you very much). Very good and we are grateful for you, very much so. Any further questions here?

Question: Should we go outside at the closing of this meeting?

(One Who Serves): What is your saying about this “should”? (Uh oh) There certainly are no “shoulds” but was it already recommended to you? (Yes it was) Would there be any reason you would not want to go outside? Is it too cold? Is it too hot? Or is it just right? (Laughter. It’s just perfect.) And if it is cold put a jacket on, sweater, but we would suggest to follow through for Ashira did not give that understanding to hear herself talk at least I do not think so, did you?

(Ashira): No I did not. I thought that they were sleeping at the time and wanted to make sure that they remembered. (Laughter)

(One Who Serves): We have chuckled here many times this weekend and here as you have discussed things that have been said and now you are coming to the understanding that time has become shorter is it not? We hear you say “three weeks”, “May 11th”, “it is this summer” or “it is 2016” or whatever these things are happening here. And we chuckle so much because the three-dimensional consciousness is always wanting to know when. But will give you a secret here, okay? Can we give you a secret here? (Yes, yes)  We do not know when either!! (Laughter - well that’s not what we wanted to hear). We know that but we wish for you to understand that it is not in our control, certainly. It is not completely in your control although much more so, I would say. But there is a level of expression way beyond all of us which would be the God source, the creator source, which is the one that is saying “not yet, not yet” and we are all saying “well how about now, how about now?” And He/She is saying ” no, not yet…soon”. And then when the time comes and only Prime Creator knows that moment and will say “NOW”. And it will be as if the electrical signal goes down all of the levels, all the way down one to another, and everyone gets to move around and bustling in doing their various jobs even faster than you were doing to make this happen. But we can assure you that the preparations have been made and it is only needing to have, what you might consider, a green light given and then everything goes into motion. So does this help? (Yes, thank you, thank you) Very good. But now we have said to expect things have we not?  (Yes, yes)  And we continue to say that - be ready. Any other further questions here? Anything you wish to add to this Ashira?

(Ashira): It is one of those great evenings in that you have come with open hearts and expectations of wonderful learning and wonderful camaraderie, wonderful food. We know that all of these things have been more than met and even the surprise three-hour television event yesterday in the planning and planting of that from the one Diana. Each week we share with you that this is a great choreography. A lot of work goes into everything that we do around this group and for this group and with this group. And yet when we come to events like this, when we have said that this has been years in the planning and years in your preparation, years even in making sure that this perfect property was available for you, all of this is coming together. And this for this group of people who we’ll say average 12 to 15, some of whom have gone and some who have come back, but those who are to be and to continue forward are here. And those that have not been able to make it this time will rejoin. But the time is here in the joyous moments and the joyous experiences in all of those things that came forth to teach you, share with you, help you, those are all here to prepare you to be your most amazing self as the world unfolds. I thank you - I know that there are times that those who are in this group call upon me to be with you and help you. As well as does One Who Serves who comes as called and often comes when not called to help those in this group. We love you, we bless you, we give you our peace. Namaste. (Namaste)

(One Who Serves): Yes and if there are no further questions here were going to release to “guess who?” He is wanting to make his appearance and he is “not going to go quietly into the night” he is saying. (Laughter) So, here he is! What is your saying here “here’s Johnny!” (Laughter)

(Another aspect of One Who Serves): Oh my, it is so good to be here with you again in this time. We so enjoy these moments, these chances for us, not so much this time, it is just me! And to be allowed to be with you and to share and I am wanting you to understand that we are so looking forward to being with you. I know it has been said here again and again and again but the times are coming when this type of experiencing, what is called channeling here, is going away. It is not going to be a continuing process because there it is no longer going to be needed. But does that mean that we are going to leave you? No, no! Does that mean you’re not going to hear our funny little voices? No! You are going to continue to hear us, we can promise you this. But we’re going to be with you in a more personal level and that we are very much looking forward to. To see your smiling faces when we knock on the door, ring your doorbell when you are there at one of your Sunday group meetings and the James goes to the door and there is a stranger there. He does not know who it is and we come in and we say “we are new to the group” and we come in and sit down and when we are asked to share, oh my goodness what we are going to be able to share! (Laughter) Look who it is, we are here! (Laughter)  Oh we just love you so much. We love each and every one of you, you have no idea how much. And each and every one of you, we have been with you again and again Ashira and us and Sananda and all of us. All of the gang, you might say, we have been with you countless times, many lifetimes, many experiences. And you are going to be so amazed when you find out who we are. We are so looking forward to that! (So are we!) That we can finally say who we are and not be considered “The One Who Serves” anymore but we can be considered who we are individually. Now please understand and do not take that wrong; we love what we do, we love it so much. Ashira loves what she does but we know that she is certainly looking forward to being with you all as well. And sitting across the table, breaking bread, having a little wine - don’t forget the wine - you did not expect that, did you? (No) But did not Yeshua drink wine? Yes! He didn’t eat much meat that’s for sure but he drank a lot of wine, that is relatively speaking of course. (Laughter)

Question: I am a little concerned because I am on the Internet (Skype) and not present (at the Sunday meetings) and I do not want to miss your presence.

(Another aspect of One Who Serves): Oh dear dear sister, no concerns there. For has not it been said that we can be in many places, many different places, all at the same time? Is there anything saying that we cannot be there in the room with all of these wonderful people, not through your television screen and your computer screen but be there in your room as well? (Yes, thank you). Yes. You really do not yet have any idea of what is coming - you do not quite, in all of the things that you have heard and that have been said, do not yet see the possibilities, the great possibilities. And we would add, the probabilities here - so please everyone be of good cheer, be of wonderment, experience your every moment, marvel in your wonderful thoughts that you have and your creative abilities. Because your creative abilities are going to create your new world. Your imagination, your visualization skills - why do you think we are working so diligently to increase your visualization, you see? Your meditations, do they not always include some type of visualization? (Yes, they sure do)  Every time you do this you are focusing on the learning to focus more and more and more. And anyone who comes into the group who has already learned to focus is learning to focus even more. And the more and more you can focus, the more you will create the exact manifestation which you wish to have, again, without the delay. So, careful what you think and wish for because it will be there instantaneously but you will not have this capability completely until you are fully prepared. For we do not want you create anything what you would call monsters or anything of this nature - understand though there is a failsafe here, there is a failsafe that when you have these higher vibrations and you are creating with thoughts, there is that failsafe that will not allow any creation of any negative essence, you see? Are you still with us Ashira? Is there anything you wish to add to any of this? I am going to sign off here.

(Ashira): No I have nothing to add - this is so great to have you with this group as well and to lead us on with fortitude and with character.

(Another aspect of One Who Serves): Yes. This is my calling card, the laughter part. I am like the standup comic, standup comedian. (Laughter)  Although I must say that when Robin Williams passed over to the other side he gave me a run for my money! (Laughter- God Bless you and thank you so much for your service)  And thank you so much for your service. Shanti. Peace Be With You. Be The One.


Channeled by James McConnell and Dr. Susan Sammarco
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated


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  • Beautiful and empowering messages...thanks for sharing.



    • You are most welcome and thank you for your reply.

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