
So how do you FEEL at this moment? intense energies are now flowing upon and within the planet earth, for many of you the physical symptoms may also be intense, with extreme pressure being felt on the CROWN and across the forehead. It may be that sleep is somewhat eluding you at this moment.

Personally the last 48 hours of my personal life has seen a forward movement that is breathtaking but physical symptoms that are challenging.

The intensely heightened energies are allowing for more sensitivity, this may see you interact with the world at a more open level but this is also something you must now begin to balance.

Upgrades to hearing, sight, speech and interpretation of frequencies are now being anchored deep within your human vehicle.

This may manifest in your outer waking reality as colours appearing much more brightly, it may be that you are now “seeing” colours you have not seen before, it is to be remembered that the spectrum of colours that are available are much more than those taught within the old 3d earth created reality.

As you expand your energy signature and move out of the containment you have lived within for eons then you will naturally expand your perception.

It may be that you are now much more sensitive to the energies that exist around the human race but are not at this moment physically present around you. Interaction with other races/realms may now be much much easier and more flowing.

It may be that you are now being shown detailed visions of that which is unfolding and the ability to connect with others in human form is now expanding.

It is to be remembered that the universe is by DESIGN, there is no such thing as co-incidence, so people moving into your outer waking life experience at this time are doing so BY DESIGN.

The period of “isolation” for many of you is now well and truly over, the “isolation” a part of the transformation/transition process for YOUr SOUL will place you at various moments in a safe energetic space, this space the old 3d earth created reality will try to teach you is being “alone” and “abandoned”.

This is not TRUTH and detailed information about the transition process is available on the main Crystalline Sanctuary website.


This tidal wave is the frequency of the LOVE that IS, as the old 3d earth created reality is dissolved from within the human vehicles upon the planet earth then the higher frequencies can be accessed and anchored by more and more in human form.

YOUr SOUL is showing you this process moment to moment and this influx of higher energy is to help with the EVENT.

Again I would guide clearly that the EVENT is a highly personal and unique scenario.

It is the birth of dreams into the physical waking reality that is the human life experience.

As you navigate the symptoms that are arising within your human vehicle you are anchoring this energy.

This may see another rapid change in diet and hydration and may also see you interact with those around you at a completely different level.

Personally for me it has highlighted the very human part of me that at times tries to hold back the energies, this is something to be aware of and I will talk about the ANCHOR that is hidden within the old 3d earth reality on BEYOND THE LOOKING GLASS which airs tonight on the pyramid one network.

It is VITAL that you begin to dissolve your anchor from the old 3d earth created reality or you will continue to try to download the new codes and frequencies but it will be akin to backing up a dam.

The energies will have no outlet, you will be pulled back to the old 3d earth created reality and as this is not TRUTH you will be unable to fully manifest your dream upon this planet.

This may see very unpleasant physical symptoms and much chaos unfold around you, through you and within you as you yo-yo between lower and higher dimensional frequencies.

As I have guided previously it is not possible to maintain a foot in “each” world, YOUr SOUL has made a choice and at all times this is being communicated to you at a human conscious waking mind level.

YOU are now asked to step fully into the New Earth and create from the LOVE that IS in TRUTH. For ALL JUST IS and YOU ARE.



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