Omnec Onec
Collection of Texts
- Part II -
The True Story of Jesus Christ
The True Story of Jesus Christ
Collection of Texts – Part II -
Copyright © 2000 by Omnec Onec
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Omnec Onec The True Story of Jesus Christ 1
The True Story of Jesus Christ
The true story about the life of Jesus Christ is most fascinating to me. I will tell it the way I have heard it from my aunt Arena on Venus. I will relate the things that really happened in the same way as I have heard them during my studies of the Earth's history on Venus. I do not wish to dis-credit or condemn any religions or teachings.
Take it as you wish and let it affect your life where it may.
The man that you know under the name of Jesus Christ is one of the most controversial and misunderstood figures of all times in Earth history. Before incarnating here, he lived as a Master on Venus. But his highly evolved Soul decided to balance old karmic debts by living as a spiritual teacher among the same people that he and others had led into ignorance in a former life.
After the genetic manipulation of humans on Earth, the people had forgotten their heritage and former powers. They no longer could communicate with their ancestors in the other dimensions or contact the Ascended Masters. They had become a frightened people. They were ignorant of the most basic truths, about the universe, about God, and about themselves. Physical survival and comfort was the number one care, and death was the number one fear. Religions with their rituals and restrictions had been established by the ruling officials in order to exercise limitless power and total control over the people. Limited beliefs had created a limited way of life for the masses.
Space ships were as familiar in the skies of Biblical times as are the UFOs of today. Space travelers visited regularly to help with Earth's spiritual growth. In the lands of the Jewish people, visitors from outer space were called angels, which means heavenly beings. And Biblical history is full of tales about people meeting with God or the angels, or crude descriptions of space ships such as “ball of fire“ or „wheel within a wheel“. People who know nothing of advanced technolo-gy cannot relate to it other than in their own way. In those days the unknown was usually thrown in with the religious or spiritual. Thus they believed that humans who landed in spaceships, al-ways wore white robes and who had such a peaceful and friendly countenance to be spiritual be-ings.
A young woman named Mary happened to meet one of these beings from another planet. She was out alone, walking the sheep, when a space ship landed nearby and one of these heavenly beings came out to speak with her. The man from space perceived that Mary was pure of thought and would not be frightened by the visit. Mary of course was awed by him, considered him to be an angel sent by God. When she asked him about this, he said, “Yes, we are all of God.“ That day he gave her spiritual insights about God and about people from other planets.
They met quite often, and soon they had fallen in love. When Mary became pregnant by him, he asked to marry her. This was impossible, she said, explaining the way of her culture. A person who married outside the faith faced a horrible death by being stoned. This was merely a rule made by the priests to keep the race intact, and the visitor knew this. Mary was also frightened of leav-ing with him, because she thought this meant she had to die. It was no use trying to persuade Mary to join him.
In the following weeks, the visitor received the spiritual insight on what was happening. For centuries there had been prophesies in this culture that a Messiah would be sent by God to lead the people. This was the child that Mary was bearing! Knowing this, he realized that the boy must be raised among the Jewish people. He agreed with Mary that she would be able to stay and have the child. “You can tell your people whatever you want, but I would tell them the truth. You may have the child here for thirty years, but I shall have the child for the last half of his life. And I will visit him periodically throughout his growth to help him spiritually“. Mary agreed to raise her child with the spiritual teachings he had given her.
Then she went to her people and told them that an angel had appeared to her saying she was to give birth to a child of God; immaculate conception it was called later. Mary believed that her lover was of God because he always came from the heavens to visit her, always in a bright light.
Omnec Onec The True Story of Jesus Christ 2
Christ‘s father tried to explain that it was only a space ship, but this did not make sense to Mary. Machines were unknown.
Meanwhile, there was a man named Joseph who loved Mary very much and had admired her most of her life. He was much older than Mary. He listened to her story and understood what she was saying because he himself had met one of these beings from the heavens and had heard the stories of ancient times on Earth.
Joseph loved Mary enough to care, and was willing to take the responsibility for her and the child. He went so far as to say that the child was his own to those few who ridiculed Mary. People knew she had a miracle child; miracles were very popular in those days.
People from Venus and the Brotherhood of the Planets knew that Mary's child would become a spiritual leader, and space ships were used to spread the message to various parts of the land. Prophets had seen this psychically, and many people like the shepherds had been visited by hea-venly beings who foretold the great event.
The truth is always a threat to those who preach lies. The religious organizations and leaders of the day felt threatened by the birth of the child. This led to the order that all male children born within a certain time were to be killed. This threat and a contact made to Joseph caused him to take Mary to a safe location to have the child. The star that led Joseph and Mary to safety was actually a small ship. This same kind of star led the wise men and the shepherds to the stable where Jesus was born. At night, the ship hovered above the small stable, glowing like a star.
Christ‘s childhood was a rather quiet time. Joseph‘s work as a carpenter supported the family, and Mary taught Jesus the principles she had learned from his father. He also met regularly with his father who taught him all about Earth's history.
By the time Jesus was twelve, he began to travel and study on his own. His studies of secret teachings led him as far as Egypt, Tibet and India. For three years he studied under Fubbi Quantz, abbot of the Katsupari Monastery in Northern Tibet. There he learned the secrets of the Laws of the Supreme Deity. He received the spiritual name Jesus, which could also be taken to mean “King of the Jews", and the name Christ because of his new teaching, meaning “Bearer of Truth“.
When Jesus returned to his family he was thirty years old and now ready to begin teaching his people. His disciples were twelve in number, chosen for their character and their karmic connec-tion with Christ, and for the different roles each would play in his life. Christ knew that one of them would betray him; another would deny him. Christ also knew Simon would be the one to carry on the work after he had left. He was shown this via the inner knowingness when he first met them.
Christ was a very spiritual individual and knew much about the spiritual laws. His teachings about the journey of Soul through the lower worlds and the power of each individual were given mainly in fables and stories. The people of his culture were very simple and had not reached a very high level of consciousness. The principles of the Laws of the Supreme Deity can be recog-nized underlying Christ‘s messages. To seek first the kingdom of heaven meant literally that man can and should experience the higher planes before physical death, by leaving the body. This is only one of many, many examples.
Unfortunately Christ became more important than his teaching. He became more of a celebrity than a spiritual leader. Finally his compassion overcame what he was trying to do for the people – lead them from the ignorance.
Christ‘s compassion did not leave him much of a free will to say no when so many clung to him begging for a healing. He succumbed because of his great compassion for the poor and suf-fering people, but he knew that he would have to pay for it. And he needed to pay for it in this lifetime because it was to be his last physical incarnation.
Therefore, when it is said that Jesus took upon himself the sins of the people, and later died for their sins, it means that all of this karma added up to one horrible death of physical torture by the very people he helped.
Omnec Onec The True Story of Jesus Christ 3
In the scriptures it is written that Christ went to the wilderness to pray, and great beings of the past appeared to him. These spiritual leaders of the time included Christ’s father, who told Christ that because he had succumbed to compassion and had become sidetracked from his teaching, he would have to physically suffer in this life or reincarnate to pay the karmic debts. At first Christ did not wish to go through with it. But finally he realized that the karma was his to resolve, now or in the future. He said; “Not my will, but thine be done.” He knew that he would have to obey the spiritual law, and so he decided not to defend himself and rather have the suffering now, to be finished with it.
Toward the end of his life, Christ was healing too many people and doing too many miracles, enough to frighten the Roman and Jewish leaders. He was hunted down and finally captured. Pon-tius Pilate had a great respect for Christ and even tried to persuade him to defend himself. Christ refused because he knew the debt had to be paid.
The Roman and Jewish leaders were well aware of what had taken place on earth during Atlan-tian times as they still had some of the technical devices hidden for their own power and use. Be-cause they knew how dangerous Christ was becoming as he was exposing the past and turning the people away from the organized churches they devised a plan. They were to release one prisoner and let the public choose. This way they were not responsible. Barabas, a known murderer and thief or Christ! Their plan was to send soldiers throughout the crowd and pay gold to those who shouted for Barabas to be released.
The second part of the plan was to set up a whole religion based on Christ after his death. They knew of the prophecy of his return. They also knew the laws of Karma. If they could convince the future generations to worship Christ and baptize their children and dedicate their whole lives and all they do in the name of Christ, his spiritual evolution would be slowed down and he would be bound to a certain dimension by all the responsibility and karma of these people and not ever be a threat again.
What Christ did not know was that he would be responsible for all the Christians of the future who would look up to him, all of the people who considered him to be their personal Master. He did not realize that his simple teachings would be turned into a religion, or that he would become more important than what he was trying to teach.
The same powers that helped destroy Christ now turned around and set him up to be wor-shipped as God's son. Even the Jewish people allowed the scriptures of Christ's life to be created into a book for the whole world. Excluding some of the truths Jesus taught. And how is Christ portrayed in most churches – tortured and bleeding.
In suffering on the cross and being ridiculed by the people he had helped, Christ resolved most of the karmic debts upon his shoulders. On the one hand, Christ was compassionate enough to say to the Deity, “Forgive them, for they know not what they are doing!”
But the suffering was much worse and lasted much longer than he had expected. He was not able to leave the body until much of the suffering was over. But because his father did not come zooming up in a spaceship to save him, he cried, “My father, my father, why hast thou forsaken me?”
The people from Christ’s home planet had a plan, which his father had told Christ in the wil-derness where Christ had pleaded so much that he did not want to suffer. This plan was to show the people that there was such a thing as life after death, and that the body is only a vehicle to live in, that Soul could leave and reinhabit it. But the people of Christ’s time did not interpret the re-surrection in this way. They considered it as one of Christ’s greatest miracles.
Meanwhile, at the time of Christ’s passing, a great storm developed and black clouds covered the sun. This very much frightened the non-believers and added a great deal to Christ’s story. The storm was actually caused by the collective psychic power of Christ’s followers who believed God to be an angry dictator.
After the death of Christ, his body was moved to a tomb prepared by Mary and friends of Chr-ist. The authorities placed guards at his tomb in order to keep people from stealing the body. In reality they knew of the plan for his rescue and tried to prevent it. When the ship landed near Chr-ist’s tomb, the guards passed out from the light and intense energy field. His body was carried away to be repaired.
Christ remained in his astral body while his father prepared to repair the physical body. A body less than twenty-four hours dead can be repaired by rays which rebuild cells and tissue. Soul can then inhabit the body again.
Mary Magdalene was the first to arrive at the tomb to find Christ’s body missing. After regain-ing consciousness and as the details of what had happened came to her mind, she remembered just arriving at the tomb to see the angels arriving in a bright light, wearing shining garments and giv-ing the news that Christ was alive. She remembered their words, “Do not be afraid”, as they rolled away the huge rock at the entrance. She assumed that the angels from heaven had healed Christ and went her way to find him.
There are many passages in the bible where Christ appeared to many of his followers and they did not recognize him at first – until he spoke to them. There are also other reports of beings in shiny garments being seen at the tomb.
When Christ appeared to her, he said, “I am not yet of the body; do not touch me. I will re-turn.” He appeared to quite a few people like this, and walked through doors and walls in his as-tral body. The physical body was repaired on board the ship, whereupon Christ as Soul reentered the form. Then he was able to show the people his body, and allow them to touch him. He told his people“, I am leaving now to live with my father who is in heaven.” The people interpreted his explanations as best they could; the ascension into heaven was their way of explaining Christ leaving in a spaceship. He returned with his father, where he married and later had children. He lived many years before he died again physically.
Christ guides his people through their many lifetimes. He is their inner Master and communi-cates with his followers by the inner channels. His karma is to be spiritually responsible for all the people who have put their hope for salvation in him. He takes each individual as far as he can, then will push him out of Christianity into a greater spiritual path. He does this to rid himself of the karma that keeps him in the Causal dimension of the lower worlds. All the acts done in his name, all wars fought in his name, all children baptized and all who live their lives in the name of Christ are more chains binding him to the lower worlds.
Until the day comes that Christ can rid himself of all the misunderstanding, and until all these Souls in Christianity go to other paths, Christ must remain on the Causal plane, within the lower worlds of time and space. This heavenly part of the Causal was created by the group conscious-ness, the belief in heaven of the Christians here on Earth.
This makes much even more sense than modern teaching of Christian/Catholic/Other religious related to Jesus Christ. I always knew something was wrong/misinterpretered with Jesus Christ. I have been connecting the dots and was wondering if Jesus's father was not from Earth. This story confirms my researches. There is so much information lost in bible where it get changed/modified with so much teaching removed by Roman Catholic where the teaching of unconditional acceptance, allowance, gratitude, appreciation, infinite being..ness, all along with unity/love was replaced by teaching of very judgement, sins, heaven/hell concepts, limitations, and all related to ego/fears... If I remember correctly, the oldest "bible" was from Egypt while Hebrew bible was copied directly from Egypt. I am certain there was even teaching of reincarnation, all of us being ONE SOURCE (Prime Creator/God/Main Creator/ many other words that describe as one source) and other truths in very first bible before it got modified, twisted with fears/ego for controlling people through fears by Roman Catholic.
Thank you very much for posting this story, I truly enjoyed it very much! :)
I suggest that you read the Urantiabook to have the truth in this story.
Jesus were a double incarnation of Christ Michael - our creatorson , Michaelson and God and Esu.
OO:s story seems to be halftruths
People feel that Jesus is God because they have been programmed to think that way, and thus robbed of their sovereignty which they project on someone/something else. Yes the divinity is in everyone. By tricking people into believing they are worthless sinners, who need a divine being outside of them to save them, they buy into an illusory fiction and relinquish their their divine inheritance.
The god of the bible: angry, violent, jealous etc. to me is a projection of primitive human misconceptions. The idea of a god-man, god-king, lord to rule all etc. again is human primitive obsessions with a strong man to rule and protect all. This they project as their idea of God or god incarnated as man. ETs played with humans because of this idea, and the ruling elite reinforces this concept by dis empowering the people through genetic manipulation, mind control, religion, pseudo education, programming, social conditioning, technology etc. to make sure people are never empowered and come into their sovereignty. Because if the people ever came into their power it would mean the end of their domination.
Very interesting story indeed! It all makes perfectly sense this way. It feels good to know that Christianity and other religions are just misconceptions that are based on true teachings. When people will stop to see spirituality as something connected to religions and instead know that it is the other way around, just like the conception that the spirit is having a physical experience here, then humanity will start to evolve much faster I believe.
Yes religions on earth are like basic teachings (kindergaten) for those who do not have a direct connection to the spiritual universe, due to genetic manipulation of their bodies here on earth and supressing of natural psychic abilities. Jesus was just a guy no greater or less than anyone else, who had a lot of compassion for people suffering here. But the essence of everything he said was the kingdom of god is within you. Find your own realization and connection to the vastness and beauty of the spiritual wisdom and universe. No one else can do it for you. There are huge misconceptions around him and Christianity in general which has been turned into a tool of mind control and brainwashing, and in fact that was the whole purpose of Rome to twist Jesus's teachings and people's love for him to control the people and defeat him spiritually.
Religion is like a small section of the beach which has been cordoned off, and you've got markers a little way out into the water that say "This far and no further". The spiritual Universe is like all the oceans of the world combined in comparison, it is that vast, and that mysterious.