Are we prepared to learn more about our origin? Many of us whether we are ready and this post I write in order to disseminate the contents of the works of Zecharia Sitchin and some of the Sumerian tablets speaking of our origin, and were found in Nineveh in the nineteenth century and translated by Zecharia Sitchin in a series of books.

One of them in particular, does not contain one iota of the author (Sitchin), it is the literal translation of the content of fourteen tablets were a set of graduates by Sitchin as “books The Lost Book of Enki“Zecharia Sitchin.

In this Video David Vose reveals what the Sumerian Tablets say. “If the Gods that came down to Earth were only Astronauts does this mean Jesus was also? Who were the Anunnaki and who is God. Is the story of the Anunnaki history? Is it real? Have you read it? This book written thousands of years ago, even predating the Holy Bible, seems to tell a take that we might find in a star trek novel. many Christians are hiding from this book, others are dismissing it without even reading it.”

“Some already KNOW what it is, because they would rather stay blind. The truth is the only thing that can set us free. I know many will be sceptical. I tell you, if you have not yet read the Lost book of Enki, you are about to change your life!”

The earliest record of the Sumerian creation and flood is found on a single fragmentary tablet excavated in Nippur, sometimes called the Eridu Genesis. It is written in the Sumerian language and dated to around 1600 BC during the first Babylonian dynasty, where the language of writing and administration was still Sumerian. Other Sumerian creation myths from around this date are called the Barton Cylinder, the Debate between sheep and grain and the Debate between Winter and Summer, also found at Nippur.


Zecharia Sitchin

Zecharia Sitchin was not a ufologist as Wikipedia says, was educated in Palestine where he acquired knowledge of modern and classical Hebrew, Semitic and European languages, the Old Testament and the history and archeology of the Middle East.

It is one of the few versed scholars in ancient languages, with knowledge, spoken and written, the Sumerian, allowing you to translate the content of texts than 6000 years old and reach the conclusion that the known passages in Genesis of the Old Testament like many other known moments of the Hebrew Bible, which have been assimilated into our culture as myths or parables, passages are actually collected from the Sumerian texts, its original source.

These texts, 6000 years old in many cases, collected chronicles of events and previous events featuring very intelligent beings, considered by the Sumerians as superior or gods, coming from another planet.


Sumerian tablet that picks up the history of the Anunnaki on Earth.

In the mid-nineteenth century archaeologists they discovered the ancient Assyrian capital of Nineveh (until then known only to the Old Testament) and found in the ruins of the palace of Ashurbanipal library with the remains of about 25,000 inscribed clay tablets.


Top biblical representation of Nineveh

Historians now know that the Sumerian civilization flourished in what is now Iraq almost a millennium before the beginning of the Pharaonic era in Egypt, and both were later followed by the civilization of the Indus Valley (Indian subcontinent). Also we know who were the Sumerians the first to capture in writing the annals and tales of gods and men, of whom all other peoples, including the Hebrews, obtained the stories of the Creation, Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, the Flood, the Tower of Babel, etc.



Top map with two of the regions were created  the first two civilizations, Sumer and Egypt.


Connoisseurs of Greek and Mesopotamian culture have shaped history, now known as myths, of gods and men, as reflected in written by Hittites, Canaanites, Greeks, Persians and Indo-European.

All these sources attest to drink from even older sources, some of them discovered, other losses.

Extensive comparative-called “myths” collected by cultures and civilizations like the Greek and the facts and embodied as historic in the Sumerian tablets can be found in the book ” The War of Gods and Men “by Zecharia Sitchin.


New findings in paleontology, anthropology, geology, astrophysics and astronomy have done nothing but to agree with those who saw for the first time in the collected knowledge in Sumerian tablets that many of these modern discoveries were already known and had been collected on tablets thousands of years to the Sumerians, who clearly were the repositories of knowledge of an advanced civilization that came from another planet.

These beings had a direct influence on the events on Earth from its very arrival and his own planet, Nibiru , even before they inhabited, and had a critical target in the formation of the Earth. Many of these findings and verification of knowledge of the Sumerian tablets can be found in the book ” The Genesis Revised “by Zecharia Sitchin. We are talking about tens of thousands of clay tablets discovered in ancient ruins in the Middle East. Some speak of everyday affairs, labor or commercial aspects, others form the Royal Annals; others are sacred literature or canonical texts written in Sumerian then translated into Akkadian (the first Semitic language) and then into other languages.

In some of these books are references to even older, they lost books that date back six thousand years ago.


Up a table of purely administrative content with a seal of a male figure and hunting dogs.

Some tablets describing the creation of the current Earth from a primitive planet called by the inhabitants of Nibiru “Tiamat” (life-giving) to be split in two following the cataclysmic collision with Nibiru, a planet come from far away, that for some unknown reason, I was attracted by the gravitational force of the sun and collided with Tiamat splitting it in two.

One of the satellites of Tiamat, Kingu , gave birth to the moon and the other part of the planet was extended into what is now known as the asteroid belt, and the Sumerians called “the hammered bracelet”.


Top representatives of the collision between the early Earth, “Tiamat” and Nibiru and how after the collision the New Earth (“Ki”) went on to have another orbit

One of the findings and are now preserved in the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford clay prisms are the top ten antediluvian kings, period 432,000 years of reign (43.2 thousand years of reign for every king of average, which It gives us a clear idea that we are talking about beings with astonishing longevity from our human perspective).


Prism Weld-Blundell, Oxford


The text of the list written in cuneiform on a clay small prism (WB Prisma, 1923,444, now treasured in Oxford) and known as the Sumerian King List name belongs to the Weld-Blundell collection and has been translated by Thorkild Jacobsen .

City / King

Eridu / A-lulim

Eridu / Alalgar

Bad-tibira / En-men-lu-Anna

Bad-tibira / En-men-gal-Anna

Bad-tibira / Dumu-zi

Larak / SIPA-In-zi-Anna

Sippar / En-men-dur-Anna

Shuruppak / Ubar-Tutu

They are known more than a dozen copies of Sumerian King Lists , found in Babylon, Susa, and Assyria the Royal Library of Nineveh, the seventh century. C. All are believed to come from an original that was probably written during the Third Dynasty of Ur or earlier.

The best preserved specimen of the Sumerian King List is called Prism Weld-Blundell. The list begins:

“After descending the Kingdom of Heaven, Eridu (where according to the Bible was the Garden of Eden) it became the seat of the kingdom.”

The Sumerian King List , like the Bible speaks about the Flood:

“After the waters covered the earth and the Royals back down from Heaven, Kingship settled in Kis”.

Both tablets Nippur as the Prism Weld give the names and reigns as follows:

KING / she reigned in / DURATION

Alulim / Eridu /28.000 years
Alalmar / Eridu /36.000 years
Emenluanna / Badgurgurru /43.000 years
Kichunna / Larsa /43.000 years
Enmengalanna / Badgurgurru /28.000 years
Dumuzi / Badgurgurru /36.000 years
Sibzianna / Larak /28.000 years
Emenduranna / Sippar /21.000 years
Uburrato / Shuruppak /18.000 years
Zinsuddu / Utnapishtim /18.000 years

The first city was founded Eridu.

His initial sanctuary there, a marvel of architecture in those early days, would rise and grow over time into a magnificent temple-abode, the E.EN.GUR.RA (“House of the Lord’s Triumphant Return Cuyo”) adorned with gold, silver and precious metals of the Underworld, and protected by the “Bull of Heaven”.


Top E.EN.GUR.RA representation of dwelling

in the holy city of Eridu.



Top current position of ancient Eridu in modern Iraq.

These texts suggest that an eyewitness of all the events, and who dictated to a scribe the most important of them, was of extraordinary importance EA (Sumerian, He whose home is water ).

One such book, written in fourteen tablets, (the latter with the translator’s note) explain the arrival on Earth of beings from Nibiru few hundred thousand years ago in order to find gold needed to restore the atmosphere damaged at the time of Nibiru, their home planet, which completes a Shar (a return to our Sun) every 3600 years and which is coming, sometimes dangerously, in our Solar System to complete each orbit, causing situations dangerous and geological and climatic events , both on Earth and Nibiru.


Top representation of EA also called Enki, which had a critical importance in the “Mission Earth” of the Anunnaki Of course, the arrivals belong to the royal house of Nibiru, are noble, whose rules of succession and inheritance, and disputes over the mandate and place in the hierarchy, causing along the hundreds of thousands of years, which tells said Book, bitter and violent conflict where there are murders, banishments, punishments, some differences of opinion and conflicts with the Earth including nuclear weapons. These beings from Nibiru, privileged who had the opportunity to conquer a seemingly uninhabited planet up then by intelligent life, but at the same time, apparently victims of a forced exile motivated by the fact continue to provide the gold needed for the survival of the atmosphere of your beloved planet of origin, they are not represented as “bad” or ” good. “

They are capable of extraordinary rendition, of incredible feats, the culmination of which is the creation of intelligent beings, conceived as “helpers” in the hard task of extracting the longed gold, at the risk of skipping some existing rules and laws in the universe and becoming that way in “creators”, but also connoisseurs of envy, greed, ambition, dissatisfaction, revenge, hatred and other feelings regarded by us as “human” and which cause divisions between two clans for hundreds of thousands of years, led by Enki and led by Enlil , his brother. Three brothers,


  • Ea (then called Enki)

  • Enlil (lord of Mandate, whom the Mission of the Earth is assigned)

  • Ninki,

are the main protagonists of this story, the three sons of Anu , ruler of Nibiru. The story just narrated summarizes the history of hundreds of thousands of years since the arrival of the Anunnaki to Earth until the rise of Marduk, the firstborn of Enki , to power in Egypt. 

They were the first ” Anunnaki “who “from heaven to earth came”.

Their mission and their descendants on Earth began to unravel seriously when they decided to create the “Primitive Worker”, but not before circumvent many ethical, political and technical obstacles. The important thing about the origin of humanity is that it is an absolutely unique event . Apparently, judging by the chronicle of Enki, he had never heard talk about the fact of creating a being from nothing and that “all beings are descended from a seed evolved over eons.”

But the need to forge a Primitive Worker, motivated go-ahead was given to the idea of Ea (or Enki ) based on putting the signal of an existing Anunnaki on Earth seed, hominids walked upright on two legs makes 300,000 . years, and living among the animals of the steppes Enki convinced his brother Enlil, who ran the “Mission Earth” to carry out such an idea with an important argument: it was not to create slaves, as the Slavery had been abolished in their own planet thousands of years ago, but to create “a helper”. It was not to create a being from nothing, something in the hands only of the Creator of All, but to favor the evolution of the brand making Anunnaki beings themselves hominids on Earth.

Enki the idea was not to create a new creature, but “do more in his image and likeness to an existing” with a drop of the existence of the Annunaki. It was not an easy decision

They wondered if it was fate or destiny to carry out such a plan and the Creator God of All would approve a plan to save from destruction Nibiru or not. But eventually I got hands to work and thus Enki, Ninki, sister and Ningishzidda, Enki’s son, started the project. It was to mix a strand of the essence of being existing on Earth with the other strand of DNA Anunnaki. These accounts are 6000 years old and clearly speak of a process of genetic manipulation in the first test tube baby was planned history, using an egg from a hominid mother and fertilizing the egg with genetic material (measured in exact proportions in order to confer the image, but not all the capabilities and life cycle), then insert it into a Anunnaki matrix. According as narrated in the Lost Book of Enki , placed an egg of bipedal female in a container (test tube) Clay (Earth, after several failed tests using crystal material) and mixed with “tiny objects” with formulas containing the Anunnaki seed (in a clear reference to DNA) and then, once fertilized the egg of bipedal female placed him in a Anunnaki matrix, specifically in the matrix Ninki, the sister of Enki, after which there were design and she gave birth to a healthy male, hairless body, with perfect senses and ability to speak, which they called Adamu (the Adam of the Old Testament). Subsequently Ninki met with seven healing Anunnaki of the city and asked them to accept the task of being “matrix” for other fertilized eggs in the same way.

But this time, they put eggs biped females and fertilized with the essence (genetic material) of Adamu, pronouncing a sentence of enchantment linking thus the essence of Heaven and Earth by blood kinship. He inserted the eggs in Matrices Anunnaki and the Anunnaki gave birth to seven primitive more workers. Seeing that the task of creating an army in this way was too difficult, they decided to create a female counterpart, which call “Tiamat” (with namesake of the early Earth before the cataclysm) and this time changed the Anunnaki essences to fit this to create a female. Tiamat matrix this time was the wife of Enki, Ninti, who was delighted with this task. In this way, created more females later so that they can reproduce naturally with the men already created; however they noted that there was procreation primitive men and women.

Neither he had any offspring; they returned to review the “essences” and saw Anunnaki used essences were arranged as 22 branches in the tree of life, but (the strands and genetic components used for the process) did not include the ability to procreate.

It can be inferred, so that follows, which was producing a rejection preventing procreation. However, the pressure to create “primitive workers” to extract gold from Africa was growing.

What would you do at this point after so much work that Enlil employee and reluctantly approved the operation ?. Ningishzidda, the son of Enki, an expert in these matters, had the solution; as described in “The Lost Book of Enki” slept Enki, Ninki, Adamu and Tiamat and extracted from the rib of Enki and Ninki their vital essence and the rib of Adamu inserted the Enki and that of Tiamat of Ninki, adding the Tree of Life two branches with procreative forces.

No doubt all this is related to the story of the rib of Adam and Eve Genesis and known by many understood as “myth” or “legend”.

Seems to be describing some kind of implant that allowed the immune rejection that kept the original seed was surpassed by the insertion of genetic material from two production being two beings incapable of procreation. As in the Old Testament text Sumerian reflects the idea that from that moment, when Adamu and Tiamat were “found” and became aware of their nakedness and her femininity and masculinity something changed completely. All this horrified Enlil he thought had been given to these beings created, the last portions of the “vital essence” Anunnaki and perhaps had even given them their life cycles (in thousands of years of life) and the ability to self-healing and self-regeneration.

It was then that the brother of Enki, Enlil, insecure human project from the beginning, decreed that Adamu and Tamat they left the Edin, where they were previously removed from the hard work, because the original aim was to remain as “molds” perfect of human creation, dedicated only to procreation.

It was Enlil who decided that they were exiles where they were needed, the Abzu (East Africa) fully dedicated to work to extract gold, like all other humans created.

Thus were expelled from Edin . The allusions to an evil “serpent” make a clear reference to the symbol that represented Enki himself, who knows the secrets of genetic engineering and director of this whole project of creation of the Primitive Worker .



And so mankind began to proliferate; Adamu and Tiamat have three children, and the story of the events that followed are largely collected with varying degrees of fidelity in the Old Testament, however, were not the only ones to procreate. Enki had always been known for its love dowries and . incontinence sexual appetites One of the tablets describes how Enki in the Edin two females and two very attractive breed of him giving birth one each of them:


  • Adapa

  • Titi

Adapa, highly intelligent, becomes the first civilized man. Adapa and his sister Titi turn are matched giving birth to Kain and Abael (in clear reference to Cain and Abel). In the Old Testament we find many cases where the man has a wife to her sister (the If Abraham and Sarah). This is closely related to the inheritance law of the Anunnaki, so called, of the seed, which becomes legitimate heirs to the children of the sister, rather than the firstborn, if it has been conceived by a woman of another social class.

This Anunnaki law marked the fate of the entire Mission Earth many times.


Above, the yellow area is the origin of human civilization and where the Anunnaki created Eridu and Edin.

Enki she had another child with another land, which they call Ziusudra (Noah).

After the Great Flood produced, as described by one of the tablets, because of the proximity of Nibiru and instabilities created in the atmosphere of Earth, Enlil decrees the end of the mission on Earth (in the way that had taken out so far) and refuses to save mankind; I had never seen with good eyes the project of human creation and seizes the moment to force all by oath that no man is saved from disaster.

However, Enki, his brother and intellectual creator of “primitive worker” has a vision or dream that says you should save Ziusudra, his son, giving clear instructions on how to build a sealed barge with fish, where are placed some Small pets (the essences of other mammals and plants had already been taken and preserved by Enki to prevent the end of life on Earth and to rebuild life after the Flood).

Thus, Ziusudra and some descendants of Kain elsewhere in the world, who had been banished from Edin after the murder of Abael by her brother, saved the Flood. Have been able to find any proof of these events described in the Sumerian tablets? Surprisingly itself and also not one or two but multiple tests. 

Here are just a few:

  1. The discoveries of stellar objects like satellites or planets in our solar system that occurred in the late twentieth century and mentioned in tablets of thousands of years old (see references ” Genesis Revised “) showing that the Sumerian knowledge of our Solar System It was far superior to ours.

  2. The physical nature and appearance of some of the planets in our solar system, and its composition, as in the case of Uranus, Neptune or Jupiter already mentioned in the Sumerian tablets (see references “Genesis Revised”).

  3. Amazing facts as the discovery of mitochondrial DNA have shown that all come from a single “Eva” primitive.

  4. The genetic laboratory where Ninki Enki and his sister worked on the design of a primitive worker who could reproduce stood in the Abzu (Africa suboriental) was the territory that Anu, father of Enki and Enlil granted for Enki sent on Earth, after giving and Enlil the honor of being “The Lord of the Mandate” and rule in Eridu, the city where the first Eden was located.

    The Abzu is the territory of East Africa which corresponds to Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia. The latest scientific findings place the first Homo sapiens sapiens in Africa, in the region of Ethiopia, about 200,000 years ago.

Does it contradict all this fully knowledgeable of the Old Testament who defend the historical origin of the events narrated ?.

Not quite.

Actually, the first interested in the content and information of the Sumerian tablets should be their own advocates of the Bible (especially the Old Testament) and the idea that it reflects historical facts, especially in its Hebrew version, less manipulated by subsequent linguistic and religious interpretations.

The same Sitchin says that “one day” in the Bible is equivalent to 1000 years and apart from this particular fact, related to the Sumerian account, and to consider the facts mentioned in the Old Testament are literal and reflect events already covered by chronic and Sumerian tablets. One example of misinterpretation which has given rise to many problems is that the Hebrew Bible contains the word “God” or “Gods” (it is a word plural ), which is not respected in subsequent Christian versions and that completely changes the original sense. You want all this to say that God or Creator of all there ?. In all, means what it means that we are not the result of hominid evolution , but a higher intelligence , superior to ours , not that of God the Creator of the Universe. That was clear, and this is reflected in the tablets themselves, to the protagonists of this story themselves, the Anunnaki, which often wonder whether their actions will please “God Creator of All”. Of course, contradicting fully the content of the Sumerian tablets is the nature of “authorship” of the work on Earth or nature of the “author” or “authors”, as interpreted by the religious traditions, that is all that has been introduced in the religious mind to blow dogma of faith. One of the thoughts that were around to read this to me is that, given this account, our initial origins, therefore, are more Anunnaki than land.

Considering that few survived the Flood and only Ziusudra and their offspring (Noah, son of Enki with a ground which in turn had created Anunnaki and bipedal hominid) between very few and far could do, comes to meaning that the genetic father of all humanity is Enki , an Anunnaki of intelligence and extraordinary ability to be (I recommend reading the books to realize how far came / come these capabilities especially Enki and generally in the Anunnaki race) and our component “bipedal mammal” is less from the viewpoint of the genetic makeup.

Half of our genetics, according to all this is hundred percent Anunnaki and the other half is Anunnaki in a percentage higher than fifty percent.

However, it is true that we are not a pale reflection of what were the first humans created that, if they had not inherited the Anunnaki good longevity, living, as we witness the Old Testament hundreds of years. Abraham lived more than 900 years, their children a little less and each generation the number of years until our days has been lower.

How ironic that often say more and more years we live , thanks to the advances of science !.

The twelfth tablet talks about the appointment, by the leaders of Earth Mission, in three regions of civilization for humanity.

  • The first region and land space facilities were Enlil. The first civilization of man begins in the First Region, Sumeria .

  • A Innana, favorite granddaughter of Anu, is given the third region, the Indus Valley.

  • Marduk seized the Second Region, the Ancient Egypt , deposes Ningishzidda (Thoth ) and declares himself Ra, or supreme god, starting a new religion, and starts the reigns of the Pharaohs.

Is it then that the reign of lies begins on Earth in order to enclose the human created on a false conception of reality? We know the mysteries treasured secret societies of Freemasonry has its roots in Ancient Egypt and the time of the Pharaohs and is easy to imagine that the key to the mystery is in what they know and others know, our origin and the reality that however the protagonists shout at us all from the Sumerian tablets embodied in the past.


Up representation at the height of his glory of Marduk / Ra


The Lost Book of Enki ends on the last pages of this chronicle:

“Babili where Marduk supremacy declared, escaped from the Evil Wind. All lands south of Babili were devoured by the evil wind; also it reached the heart of the second region. (..) Enki Enlil made him consider the issuance of Babili as a divine omen.

“The issuance of Babili confirms that Marduk has been earmarked for the supremacy” and told Enki to Enlil.


Babili is of course Babylon, and the tablet marks the end of the chronicle that begins with the age of the supremacy of Marduk, which was not originally designated heir to Earth in Babylon and on Earth, but Ninurta, son of Enlil, but fate (fate or destiny? the protagonists were wondering) I would finally be the heir to the mission. The Evil Wind is the Sumerian translation of the also called “Weapons of Terror” that were used thousands of years ago, as a result of disputes between two parties and the multiple ambitions of each other, nuclear weapons, no more, no less. The Sumerian tablets that tell of the Anunnaki gods are not the only ones to mention the use of nuclear weapons in antiquity . A large layer of radioactive ash was found in Rajasthan, India in 1992, covering an area of about eight square kilometers, 16 kilometers west of Jodhpur. The radiation is so intense that still pollutes the area. TheMahabharata accurately describes an event of this type:


“A single projectile charged with all the power of the Universe … An incandescent column of smoke and flame as bright as 10,000 suns rose in all its splendor … was an unknown weapon, an iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death which reduced to ashes an entire race. “

Marduk and his city Babili, not affected by this nuclear disaster which led to his appointment as heir to the Mission on Earth .

Most likely Lot’s wife was not converted into salt by the punishment of “God” by disobeying his order, but was turned to dust as a result of a nuclear explosion. The Book of Enki reflects rather the “gods” lamented bitterly of what had happened to the Earth civilized cities by nuclear explosions that never had to have happened.

In fact, they were the result of a conscious decision or meditated, but there was a miscalculation with weapons that should never have been found on Earth and they were here because of the very origin of the Mission on Earth.

For hundreds of thousands of years were hidden were not used to that, and as you can imagine, who did finally was not fully aware of the effects that this would entail. When we see some world leaders associated with high degrees of Freemasonry and secret societies , pray before the Old Testament wonder what really crosses their minds.

  • Are they oblivious to all this that tell the Sumerian tablets?

  • Is it only hypocrisy or are raising prayers in honor of intelligent beings that have marked our past and present to a difficult point to take, but they are not the Creator God of All , and whose history includes part of the Old Testament whose key reading are those who know the mysteries?

  • Are these, some of the secrets that reveal certain levels and rituals of Freemasonry?

Some personal reflections:

  • If the dating and the Sumerian origin of the Sumerian tablets is incontestable

  • If any scientific authority versed in ancient languages ​​has ever contradicted a comma translations of Sitchin

  • If it has never denied the ancient origin of the Sumerian tablets, which are today exposed in some prestigious museums in the world

  • Since many facts that tell the tablets have been subsequently verified and found correct by our scientific knowledge

    Are we not obliged to consider this vision of our origin and the past of the Earth?

The difficulty fully assume them is certainly immense, particularly the fact that we could be taking the product of genetic manipulation by more intelligent beings, and designed the “image and likeness” of higher beings in intelligence, technological development and civilization and deep knowledge of genetics and nature. If we consider the capacity we have to change our own genetics with our thought or computer field around us, and that, therefore, a selective printing occurs our genes from our own beliefs, I dare to conclude that humanity is “luring” or “expressing” its hominid party to the detriment of other less animal and more interesting in terms of the potential for creation and innate creativity, and yet They are present in our genes since the beginning of mankind, since nothing is created nor destroyed, only transformed, so that immeasurable potential is there .


Is not this also the objective of Matrix ?. On the other hand, is it all that more difficult to assume that we are the product of an evolution of beings hominids with those who still share space on Earth, unable to speak or digital dexterity, by sympathetic and “monkeys” that seem ?. It all depends on the beholder.



But we’re in the exact moment that we consider worth all this for our good and that knowledge has been revealed and is within reach. We can not continue to ignore it. Even if we assume all this, it seems clear that even this truly reflects Whole Truth , but these historical facts are part of a dimension other Truth even higher.



As says B. Marciniak in ” Bringers of the Dawn “:

“The original planners of the Earth belonged to the Family of Light (which is information) and decided that the Earth was a cosmic library. Civilizations born on Earth 500,000 years ago and lie low the ice of Antarctica .


Certain creator gods (in clear reference to the Anunnaki ) came to seize this living library 300,000 years ago, there was a struggle and won.


These new owners did not want mankind to have access to information. Humanity is an experiment .


It was designed as almost everything that exists in creation . The Creator himself brought forth energy, who endowed with the same gifts he possessed. These energies, which we call ‘gods’, began testing their gifts.


These new owners were knowledgeable about genetic engineering, and they knew that consciousness exists in all things, so they adjusted the electromagnetic energies of consciousness to vibrate at a certain frequency. The new owners were nourished fear and chaos.


They restructured the DNA for that man work within a limited scale; the original human being was twelve filaments contribution twelve civilizations, these new owners reduced it to two.


It was surrounded by a fence planet from which the frequency of humans to be modified is controlled. This fence prevented the Light came as before.


And when they could pass the barrier was no answer on Earth, as humans were disconnected. The greatest tyranny in a society is not control by martial law, but the psychological manipulation of consciousness , so that those living within that reality and realize they are prisoners .


Or they know that there is another thing off them.


You have been controlled like sheep in the fold for those who feel your masters, from the government and the establishment of those in space. “

David Vose

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12 hours ago
Love & Joy posted a discussion
  The True Power of Love By Quan Yin Through Octavia Vasile "Beloved Ones,I am Quan Yin, She who walks in the river of compassion, She who sees the suffering and does not turn away. I come to you now to remind you of the great power that flows…
13 hours ago

Above photo from; this was the last reported photo of Gene Hackman and Betsy Arakawa together in Santa Fe, New Mexico. For years, actor Gene Hackman’s doting and protective wife Betsy Arakawa would…

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