The truth is out there (over south London): Couple's shock at spotting UFO hovering near their homeMysterious glowing light was seen above homes in Eltham in south LondonCouple Charlie and Gemma captured footage of the object from back gardenThe pair were having a cigarette outside when they noticed it hovering in airThe object stayed motionless for a matter of minutes before disappearingPair are baffled by sighting and are adamant it was not the moon or a planeThis is the moment a couple spotted a mysterious flying object hovering in the night sky above their home.Footage of the strange glowing light was captured with a mobile phone from the back garden of a home in Eltham, south London.Stunned couple Charlie and Gemma were having a cigarette outside at about 9pm on Monday when they noticed the unidentified object hanging motionless in the distance.Charlie grabbed his girlfriend's phone and managed to capture 30 seconds of footage of the bizarre light.The round object stayed in the same place for a matter of minutes before disappearing, leaving the couple baffled.In the video, Charlie, 27, can be heard saying: 'Oh what the hell man. What is that?'His girlfriend Gemma, 24, then suggests it might be a plane before Charlie replies: 'That's staying in the same place though Gemma.'Gemma can be heard banging on the window to encourage her brother and his girlfriend - who live in the same house - to come and take a look. But they were too late and after a few minutes it had vanished.This morning, Charlie told MailOnline that he was adamant he had not seen a passing plane and that it could not have been the moon as it was too small, or a lamp post as there are none in that position.SEE PHOTOS PLUS VIDEO PLUS READ MORE @

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  • It's a UFO, and maybe an extraterrestrial craft.  Keep in mind that the U.S. military has developed ET technology at Groom Lake (a.k.a. Area 51), so don't be surprised if it's humans trying out a new toy for the Brits to watch.

  • Well, I can hear from the sound it's making that what you're seeing on that video is a plane that's going in for landing and the light you see is the white navigation light the plane has. The weird sound you can hear is from the engines that are being run in reverse to slow the plane down to land on Heathrow.

    I took a video just like this one this summer, and I too were fooled for minutes before the plane turned and I could finally see what it was. My video is far cooler than this one though because in mine you don't really hear the plane. It's too far away. :)

  • Well is it a real UFO???
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