Another benchmark has been made. This is the most comprehensive expansive frequency list available on the net to date. Priceless data to say the least. We are working non stop on the situation and we are most grateful to be completely informed as it lets us know exactly what to do.
Here you will find the frequency list partly viewable. You can purchase the book for complete download available at this Scribd link here.
However, if one does not have the means to purchase the list but is in need of it, send me a internal email here on the site along with a small message about your situation and I will provide you a link to view the complete book for free. Wholeness
Post Script - There will of course be another post in conjunction with this one detailing how frequency can be taken into the body. That post will me much more extensive will be best left individual to this post.
VERY INTERESTING INDEED ...i will try and remember all the new latest frequencies.
In the Mind, Body and Spirit Show they had a stand showing tunning forks that were high frequencies tuned up for healing of the 12 Chakras and they called it Vibrational Frequency Healing which is going to used a lot now