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Benefits Of The Eclipse Series & Receiving Them By Patricia Cota-Robles Please affirm these decrees while being grateful for receiving them:1. I AM In-breathing the Sapphire Blue 1st Solar Aspect of Deity and the Divine Qualities of God’s Will,…
Affirmation Mantra 2 come into 4&5D.From 3-12-25 to 3-21-25..GOD is LOVE..I am the Son of GOD..I am sustained by the LOVE of GOD!..Indee
"All these individuals involved in the Covid scam need to be put in Nuremberg trials. Fauci, the CIA, and the many others. Let none of them escape for what they did."
"All these individuals involved in the Covid scam need to be put in Nuremberg trials. Fauci, the CIA, and the many others. Let none of them escape for what they did."
"An analysis of "Quetzalcoatl with the spear up" (or "Lucifer Rising") with the current Venus Retrograde will be done on Spring Equinox next week. I have successfully predicted three mass murders during this Lucifer Rising phase; social temperament…"
Rules for Mercury Retrogade ("do's and don'ts") are at the end under "Conclusion." Mercury Retrograde AND a red-colored Moon lunar eclipse take place in Washington D.C. on Friday, March 14, 2025. BAD NEWS: this Mercury Retrograde period may be a bad…
Rules for Mercury Retrogade ("do's and don'ts") are at the end under "Conclusion." Mercury Retrograde AND a red-colored Moon lunar eclipse take place…
Chapter XIV
Above photo from; this was the last reported photo of Gene Hackman and Betsy Arakawa together in Santa Fe, New Mexico. For years, actor Gene Hackman’s doting and protective wife Betsy Arakawa would…
And he didn't die as Mary (mother)and Mary Magdalene gave him a potion of herbs to awaken him in the cave..Yeshua had a loving family life,a happy long life with his two children and Mary his beloved..he died naturally around the age of 78 and Mary Magdalene passed 3 months after while in France/Italy
One can die by sheer power of one’s will, surrendering peacefully to God’s Will. And Jesus being the Son of God, could do it as easy as we breath our air.
There is a special practice in yoga: Sarvadvarani samyamya. Sarva means “all,” dvarani means “gates” and samyamya means “controlling” or “articulating, or some Sages call it “Dying Consciously”. There more then one way to do this: India, Tibet, China etc that practice it.
“When the elements are still actively present in a living body, the soul experiences life through the bodily senses, which operate by means of the elements. The process of death involves the dissolution of the senses and elements, which is what the verse in the Bhagavad Gita refers to when it says, “closing the gates.” The gradual withdrawal of each element from each level or chakra to the next is what allows the body to fall away and the soul to move to the top of the head, which is the best exit door (that is why it is advised to never touch the top of a person’s head while they are dying). When the earth element and the sense of smell withdraw and move into the water element, we have no appetite for food, our body feels unbearably heavy, we lose strength and it is difficult to move. When the water element and the sense of taste withdraw into fire, we may become thirsty, but can’t drink, and we lose control of our bodily fluids. When the fire element and the sense of sight withdraw into the air element, we feel cold. And when the air element and the sense of touch withdraw, it becomes harder to breathe, the out-breaths become longer and we feel a slipping away. It is at this point, when the prana is in the heart chakra, that the practitioner must act to consciously push the life-force upward and into the head. This final act of exertion necessary to eject one’s self out of the shell of the body takes all of one’s physical and spiritual strength.
That is, to do consciously it is an opportunity for self-transformation and even self-realisation.
”Dalai Lama says, “Awareness of death is the very bedrock of the path. Until you have developed this awareness, all other practices are useless.”
Nice info about eastern and Buddhist ideas on death etc
Papacy never repented, it was defeated. Then once again christians came across as the victims and the pacifists who cannot kill a fly!
Jesus case was special, he 'died' just 3 hours after the crucifixion. This can't happen. Mere beatings and nailing cannot kill someone. Someone in Philippines has been crucified 80 times but he didn't die!! The person who was supposed to check to ensure that Jesus have indead died is non other Jesus's friend, Pilate himself. Yet Christians tell us that somehow Pilate had wanted Jesus to die and could penalize someone with death sentence if he let Jesus go. Make sense? What makes more sense is that Pilate's display of commitment to Roman laws was only outward show. He could do anything to save Jesus even after he allowed him to be killed. It is not that the mere unruly growd suddenly made him see Jesus as a criminal.
Some self proclaimed 'messiahs' at around Jesus's time did indead lead a military campain to attempt to bring in the 'kingdom of God' through human effort. Perhsrps they were trying to imitate the hasmoneans during the Hanukkah wars. So the idea that 'someone claiming to be messiah was crucified by Romans' was in the heads of people. So they might have mixed the story of Jesus with that of other rucified messiahs.