The Wave

Hi all

It´s time to prepare for the divine wave to reach our shores, just like the old prophesies ,like the Mayancalender says:

The Japan earthquake came 2 days after Mars 9:th , and the next wave will come Mars 27:th.

These energies that reaches us and will transform Earth (reborn) , comes from our paradisefather - The Source.

It will be rough , so please leave those expectations on 2012 , because it is happening now.

My intention is to teach the truth , and nothing but the truth.





By CM thru Hazel
Mar 22, 2011 - 1:43:03 PM

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The Sands of Time- Christ Michael

The element of time cages man in a euphoric state of non awareness. He counts the milliseconds if he must and watches often the clock to direct him in readiness for moments of importance. He cannot fathom that which is of true import for if he did he would utilise his time more productively. His measurement of time is now obscure for he has lost control of it. It is no longer his to measure for I now control this seemingly important facet of his life. All shall enter into a state of timelessness being an interval of non- time. This fast approaching event will be the culminating event which shall usher in the great change, the momentous shift that so many are speaking off.

Time is mans’ purchase, poorly used in the endeavour of progress. Yet there has been no real or true progress and time has failed to serve man. Man has become a veritable slave to time which now pinches him for he no longer has time to secure his power as the brewing storm curtails what little time remains. The planet and man is in the midst of great upheaval, the mark of a planetary cycles’ end.

By his own hands man has created and will destroy the efficacy of time. His jaundiced approach bestirs fruitless events and he cannot see that the moments are spent in absolute internal and external mayhem. He fails to use his time in preparation for the ‘coming’ for he believes that he still controls that which he calls time. It is mans’ endearment for control that keeps him bound in regressive states of thinking and will seal his downfall.

WE have warned them dear ones, those whose intransigence is the very rope from which they will seal their fate. They listen not to OUR words. WE have efforted to place out there all manner of warnings but few hear and many ignore. WE the Celestials must now manoeuvre this ship to its next port regardless of the readiness of the masses. For a timetable exist which must be adhered to. Man has been given chances ad infinitum. He must now take responsibility for his actions and choices. I am a compassionate God and the Father, being the Source of All is most compassionate for WE are but ONE. Yet the infestation cannot be allowed to continue lest our innocent ones become infected or defect due to pressures.

What say I to you? Prepare. Know that what impends and now occur on your earth plane is not the wrath of God but the result of mans’ continued disobedience. The outplay of events in your world at this time is merely a transference of mans’ inability to listen and learn. He is fulfilling the prophecies of the wizen ones that came before.

The purse strings of the controllers are empty now and they must raid the temples of others to secure their position of power in the world. They are likened to flees sucking the blood of the innocent and defenceless. Let them heed these words- WHAT YOU DO SHALL BE DONE UNTO YOU. This law you will not be able to escape from.

Man has plagiarised the stories of the olden civilisations by re-writing the script; for yet again another must come to an end for want of man’s integrity, abuse and impoverishment of spirit. I declare here and now that this shall be the last time, for the VOICE has spoken and the righteous and awakened shall be led out of bondage into the land of true life. I am coming to meet you, to seal our union with the remembrance of ME, to take you to a brand new level of understanding. Yes my children light shall shine once again on your planet and the tears will cease to flow. But I must admonish that before this time you will witness the end of the old through destruction and collapse. All that must go will turn to sand and be blown away by the heavy winds of celestial encounter. You are living now in this time. There is no more time left beloveds; for these last days have assumed a speed which portends the end of time as you know it. WATCH THE SAND TIMER AS THE GRAINS BECOME FEWER AND MAN BECOMES DEPRIVED OF TIME.

Every little moment now should be cherished in learning, observing and reuniting with ME from within. Prepare yourselves for ME; for I am coming. I ask that in the remaining season that you hold on tightly to your spirit’s anchoring that you may brave the harsh winds and energies around you now. Allow ME to be your effort, your strength and you shall remain standing.

I AM Christ Michael Aton. For those who can discern divinely read these MY words and find the untold message within. The truth WE cannot fully disclose at this time for you WE must preserve.

My seal I place hereto that you may know that I AM ALL AND ONE IN THE TIMELESSNESS THAT IS CREATION .




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  • Prepare Thyself Zion
    By CM thru Peter
    Mar 12, 2011 - 5:02:06 AM

    March 9th 2011

    Voice over speaker: Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen. 
    We welcome you on board of Spaceship Shan on our virgin flight to Light and Love. 

    Please ensure that your spiritual belongings are safely stowed away in the overhead department and that your seat belts are fastened. In the likely event of a change in atmosphere pressure, truth masks will automatically drop from above. In this case, pull one of the masks towards you and press the opening firmly over your heart, then assist others.

    We ask you to switch off any telepathic communication equipment now. They may only be used again when the fasten seat belts signs are turned off.

    Captain C. Michael and the crew thank you for traveling with Spaceship Shan and wish you a pleasant journey. (elevator music)

    CM: knock, knock, Peter, it's Christ Michael here.

    P: Christ Michael it is good to hear your voice again.

    CM: It is good to reach you again, all of you. As you can see, I am making the round, visiting some of those who channeled me before. You will be able to read those messages one after another, and in the complete, they will make even more sense to you.

    So I will follow up on Kibo's last message, and yours will be followed up by someone else.

    You sang that song together with Les Visible at the tree-house party. The lyrics went: "it is over soon", and so it is. I would not let you guys use those words in such a divine circle of friends as attended the tree-house party, would it not be but the truth. 

    Of course this was mostly a hint for you, but as I have said through another channel, just because some things are not published or not heard does not mean they are not going out and it is not heard at all.

    This wave we are awaiting is much more than the initial wave sent out by the First Source and Center, as it collects all positive and supporting energies transmitted by uncountable individuals all around the universe. So, not unlike a real wave as you know it, this one gains momentum and strength through adding your benevolent energies to its mass, and it is your energies, from each and everyone of you, which will help to wash away those aspects that are hindering First Source and Center's plan.

    A wave which comes to shore, also gains hight and strength through the incline of the ground, and when it comes to the surface, some will experience it as a tsunami, washing away everything in its path. 

    But I tell you, if you keep your hearts open to me in this very moment, the surge will fill you with Love and Light, while the tsunami outside of your inner being might be experienced rather as a normal wave: it will hit you in relation to who you are. 

    To be on higher ground now, only has the advantage to be able to help others to cope with the impact, as there is no place high enough in altitude, to not get some wet feet. 

    As I compare this wave to the waves on your oceans, it is at the same time unlike anything to be of comparison. This wave is me, as I come to claim my creation. It has been said that I enter my creation and that is right, indeed. It is the blending of heaven and earth, of the creator and his creation, and you can feel the joy or you can be the joy, you can feel me coming in or you can be me.

    Many of you experienced an idea of that wave already when you asked me to give you a hug, beloveds. When I do so, the feelings of timeless bliss and eternal peace and joy are mutual. I feel the way you do and I look forward to a permanent state of this hug, but this wave is also a "radar/sonar ping", sent out from the Center of the Universe to feedback on the actual number of God's children. (Not unlike the census at the time of my last bestowal)

    Now, that you are approaching this first wave of divine Love, I ask you to prepare for one more situation. I ask you to practice your steadfastness. This wave will be used by the darks as well, in order to speed up their plans of the game. The nasty will become nastier and the evil will play out big time, so it is of utter importance that you, my brethren, know who you are and who you stand to.

    Things can get scary at moments, and we have seen enough souls falling for their fears. This event will be a shock for many, and the darks are very aware and are using this state of unprotected subconsciousness to infiltrate such individuals. Also, many were groomed for this situation, and would unleash their disturbing "programs" once triggered awake from their slumber, therefore we need each and any single soul able to resist those energies, to stand in their dedicated spots of service.

    Go back and reread the "course in miracles", it will help you to stay yourselves when the material world surrounding you starts to fall apart. You are not what you possess, and we love you for who you are, not for what you do.

    Beloveds, First Source and Center heard your cry. He decided to cut short now and sent out His first wave. One day you will know all the details, but for now, you have to be the summit of Agondonter being, stepping into the unknown, convinced without knowledge, armed only with your spirit and your heart.

    All the universe's eyes are focused on you, beloveds, as we all will have that dessert together we all had to wait until the last one of you finished the main dish. The tables were cleared and wiped now, and time is getting ripe for the crowning of the meal. After that is served, eaten and digested, you will finally be able to come home.

    So buckle up, this is the ride of the rides, and each seat is a front seat. You are warming my heart, my warriors, little ones, you came a long way with many odds against you. I thank you for your diligence along this rocky path, I thank you for your trust, and I thank you for your Love. We have flipped the medal and you have polished it, and now the gold shines sparks of Light in the dark, illuminating my path home to welcome my bride.

    I leave you with the lyrics of the alto aria from J. S. Bach's Christmas Oratorio, a work of such beauty and hopeful anticipation, this scribe always wanted to share with you. May it sweeten your hours of awaiting my Love. I am Christ Michael, Creator of Nebadon. I put my seal on those words.

    Prepare thyself, Zion, with tender emotion,
    the Fairest, the Dearest to welcome to thee.

    With what yearning must Thy heart today be burning,
    welcome thy dear one with loving devotion.



    All writings by members of AbundantHope are copyrighted by
    ©2005-2011 AbundantHope - All rights reserved

    By Seraphin and Rosie
    Mar 10, 2011 - 10:10:58 AM

    Seraphin through Rosie, 9 March 2011

    R: Seraphin Dearest: I am having trouble going to sleep tonight. Maybe it is the incredible contrast of witnessing the present carnival festivities here – an accumulation of shallow pleasures – while simultaneously being aware of the enormity of the incoming “wave” of new consciousness which is destined to roll over us with profound effects. The tension between these two poles seems so taut as it to snap, and that tension is somehow caught in my body resulting in an inability to relax and a constant feeling of being on alert …

    S: Yes dearest: your eyes are tired, and sleep would be rewarding, but it is this feeling of alertness which will be your saving grace. Do not negate it or blame it for your sense of ill-being, for it is a pointer towards intense living of a kind which is as yet beyond your imagination.

    Imagine that your life is so full of meaning, so rich in dedication and abundant in joy that you always find it difficult to stop or sleep. Perhaps sleep is no longer necessary. Compare this with the usual life presently led on your earth – a dull compromise punctuated by meagre highlights.


    Everything which presently seems unfocussed, uncertain and inconsistent will move into alignment with Divine Will, FUSING TO FULFILL THE SOUL’S PURPOSE. When you have adjusted to the immensity of this, you will gradually come into the joy of knowing that you are not a mere speck of sand to the Father but a purposeful warrior in his name.

    We rejoice with you at this time of great transition and we say: the stars which seem so far away will be to you as paper foil decorations hanging on a tree. That which was so distant and unfathomable will fall into your reach. You will be able to grasp the unknown in your very hands, feeling it with familiarity, feeling the faces of the universe, feeling the fondness of your galactic counterparts. And as the new worlds open to you, so will you also open your minds and hearts to them. We love you, Seraphin.




    All writings by members of AbundantHope are copyrighted by
    ©2005-2011 AbundantHope - All rights reserved

  • Christ Michael Aton on Optimum Finality
    By Jess Anthony
    Mar 7, 2011 - 2:14:48 PM


    Esu, I'm asking for an update on the probable scenario of what now will happen. Things must be at the optimum point of finality, I realize, but linear thinking makes non-time difficult to grasp. Thank you for what you can say and suggest.

    Jess, I'm speaking for Esu tonight. This is Christ Michael Aton, as I am referred to. It is important that I be the one to explain what is happening at the present time. Esu understands what is in process, but my decision has set this latest scenario in motion.

    As you mentioned above, I am always waiting for the optimum moment of finality to occur before I allow the release to begin. This means that a maximum amount of spiritual discovery and insight has been reached. We can measure this quantity, not you on Earth. Our goals are different, although at times they mesh with your cause and effect sequences so that the end results are synonymous. We look for the fullest measure of involvement and the maximum amount of experience possible. This extremity allows us to gauge the parameters of any given situation as completely as possible.

    This objective view of ongoing situations which affect you on Earth may seem clinical and detached from direct experience. The contrary is true. We understand these situations to the fullest extent possible because we leave no alternatives as possibilities. Everything is tried and experienced.

    This approach has been the determining factor in setting and evaluating all our projected deadlines and end dates. We can see the completion of any potential occurrence with all possibilities before we initiate a new activity. We have an awareness of all the possible parameters before we start the process.

    What has developed since our last update is the switch of financial authority throughout the globe. Key players have switched their allegiances and are now following the wishes of a new master.  For the first time in history a switch is both positive and negative. I can say that because, in this case, the bad is balanced by the good achieved.

    This stalemate, in a sense, is a prelude to what is to come. There will be a time soon of non-time. That means that your linear sense will stop, and you will have a fuller awareness of who you are and what your purpose is on Earth and in this universe I have created. This moment of non-time is what many are calling the Wave.

    Let me explain this further. In all of creation there is a moment when the Creator bonds fully with his materialized idea. This moment doesn't happen initially, although his spark is present to trigger the beginning of the idea's development as an extension. This process is like a growth, or maturation. A child is not capable of understanding his or her father until he or she has experienced life and has developed a sense of perspective and discernment. At that point the child becomes an adult and can understand what the father has done to make himself a fully matured extension.

    This is the same concept that invests all of creation. Everything that is created grows and matures and arrives at an awareness that links the creation fully with the Creator. When that point is reached, the Creator completes the connection and becomes fully bonded with his creation. This is when all stops. Time and measurement are only tools devised to grasp the process of maturation to this moment of bonding. Once that happens, there is no need to measure time as before. The creation knows its place within the Creator's mind and understands that past and future are only constructs to grasp at this understanding before it actually happens.

    This explanation is a suggestion of what the Wave will bring. This connection comes from the Creator Source when the time is right in the universes his Creator Sons have built for him. This Wave from Creator Source has been moving through Nebadon, and it finally is reaching this planet and its solar system. We have spoken before of the larger process occurring beyond the scope of Earth's ascension. All is timed to occur as this Wave washes over Earth. The solar system is moved into a higher frequency to prepare for this pure energy from source. Earth is going through its throes of resistance because it must resolve as much imbalance as it can before the Wave reaches here. The depths of negativity and darkness must have finality. They have reached their limit. There is nothing more the most resistant foes can do that hasn't been done already. Everything now is a repetition of past ideas.

    The structure devised by the long-standing resistance has been taken over by another group. The power wielded by the former controllers is falling apart as, one by one, their means of control are lost. Those taking over are deluded in their vision of dominance, however. The tools they have seized will be useless without the power structure set up by those they have overtaken. This is why I say this is a Pyrrhic victory. They have won, but they have lost. By the time they realize they have lost, the Wave will be here to rock the Earth and cause all of creation to realize the true power unleashed by the Creator Source. This will truly set a change in motion.

    Events on Earth will continue unraveling and man will continue to realize the extent of his blindness. This finality has been set in motion and will continue until it stops. Only then can the next phase begin. Lest you worry about further delay, this end is now, and the Wave from the Creator Source will be here at the moment when all has collapsed. The universe is a continuum of energy and all is linked. There is only a moment when a new connection occurs that all stops. This is the ultimate point and everything is different after that.

    Aton, Creator of Nebadon


    Candace:  The new power spoken of in here is CHINA/Dragons, who have won the war against the Khazars which is good news in a way, but they themselves want dominion of the planet too.



    All writings by members of AbundantHope are copyrighted by
    ©2005-2011 AbundantHope - All rights reserved

  • NADI, a visiting Michael Son introduces himself
    By Nadi thru Kibo
    Mar 6, 2011 - 7:00:00 AM

    Candace:  We have visiting Michael Sons who are not yet head of their own universes, visiting us at this time, to observe what is going on here. this is a very important planet in the scheme of things.

    The training period for Creator Sons is long.  All 700,000 plus some more, have been created, but some do not yet work.  They are still students.  Some of the younger of the universes here in Orvonton, do not yet have headquarters, like our Salvington, they are not quiet enough yet to begin the building. A few more were created for the new universes forming in the first level of outer space also.

    One of those is Andromeda, in which some folks are now colonizing, but it is still to  unsettled there to construct the first  architectural spheres. Nadi is awaiting his universe, just as CM awaited his in the distant past.  And there are the ascending sons in training also for their future roles in universe management, including as Creator Sons.

    Please do pay attention to this message, about the trembling and be not surprised about it, should it arrive before Stasis. Some of you have heard it called The Wave.

    03052011 1600 hrs. cst.

    From NADI, a visiting Michael Son:

    When the power and the glory, the sovereignty and dominion, the control and overcontrol of THE ONE, with, through and in His Sovereign and Master Son, Aton of Nebadon, is made manifest upon the entire face of Urantia; When that time, that moment is, there will all things upon and within her face a huge test:

    All things will tremble.

    I have discussed it with this one over many days and finally he is ready to accept my words in writing and while I, even I, understand why he insists on doing things this way, it is at times...exasperating in that the message could have simply been accepted and delivered. But I was told that he would be this way, wanting always to understand a thing before he delivers it. So I AM taking this small moment to chide him and admonish him and remind him that which he alreadys knows. That acceptance is greater than understanding.

    There comes a test for all of you, very soon, though I AM also told that you are all sick of hearing that phrase in any form, still, it must be said. Everything will tremble. Every speck of dirt, every plant, stone, animal, fish, insect and person. Every atom of everything will tremble when the force and the energy of what comes, arrives. The question that must be answered stands as a testimony to your acceptance of the reality of your situation and being and the circumstances thereof.

    Those that already know these things and know what is coming and from whence it comes; those that accept the reality of The One in love and adoration and gratitude, will tremble in love and submit to the source of that love.

    Those that think they know what these things are and just happen to be wrong, by however many degrees, will have a decision to make. Can they accept a truth greater than any they have ever known with love for the source of that truth and gratitude for the revelation of it; or will they tremble in fear of their, now revealed distance from it?

    Those that know, or think they know, but have always been resistant to it for whatever reasons and feel that they know better and in their ignorance and/or selfishness, have acted against it. Can they accept the reality they find themselves in out of love for a better, higher way that has been revealed or will they tremble in fear of the consequences of their actions that now stare them in the face?

    Those that don’t know and don’t care at all will face the same set of circumstances. Can they bring themselves to love the source of this reality and the revelation of it, or will they fall to fear of the outcomes for them and create a war within themselves against it?

    Those that know, always knew and did everything they could to be against it, to stall it, to delay it, to circumvent and prevent it, now that the time has come can they submit or shall they perish? Can they submit out of love, seeing the error of their ways and sincerely desiring a better, higher way of continued life, or shall they submit out of fear, hoping for a chance to live on in any way possible and permissible?

    It does not matter who or what you are, or think you are, or think you know, or want. Your reaction at the moment of trembling will tell all and reveal all about you to The One and His Christ Michael Aton, as well as to the myriad spiritual and higher personalities, physical and nonphysical, that are here at present to attend to these things.

    All that matters is whether you will tremble out of love or tremble out of fear. There is no choice in the matter, really. You are what you are and that will be revealed for all to see. There will be no deals, no buts or ifs or maybes or that moment you will be more your self than you have ever been and some of you might even be surprised at what you reveal to yourselves.

    So please, get ready, be prepared to be completely honest with yourself. It really is all for the best. You will all receive the very best and most loving treatment possible. You will all receive the future assignments that are best for you on your journeys in order to reach the state of perfection that has been mandated for you by The Father of All, The Paradise Father.

    There is actually and absolutely no need for anyone to be uncreated unless they absolutely and resolutely insist upon it and even then, all measure of time and opportunity to make a better choice shall be made available until it is determined that you have left no hope for yourself. No one wants to see that happen.

    But some of us are concerned that so many of you are so firm in your beliefs that any consideration of anything else being greater and true will place you in a state of shock and disbelief that you could possibly have been so wrong about any of it and you will either cover yourselves with more of the same or reduce yourselves to hiding under the covers hoping that it will all go away. It won’t. Resistance is not futile by any means. WE are not about that. However, WE unequivocally state that it is counterproductive to the best circumstances of your personal advancement and so I AM here to deliver this message to you in hopes that such scenarios can be avoided as much as possible.

    WE understand that many of you have been led to believe that any contact with any galactic race would be detrimental to you and yet you have already been subject to the effects of such negative races and their intentions and actions for many ages. Now, when the lighted races desire to make their presence known, you are being taught and programmed to consider it an evil invasion.

    To this WE can only reiterate that the spiritual reality that is indeed, being thrust upon you should be more than evidence enough of our intentions. WE come to you without fear, not so much for ourselves, but without fear for what would be done to you by your dark lords had WE disregarded their threats and manipulative programming upon you and against What We Are. Through Our efforts, the efforts of The Spiritual Hierarchy, The Earth Allies, The Agarthans, The Universal and Superuniversal Governing bodies and the Paradise Mandates concerning the Ascension of Gaia, all that has been dealt with and WE may arrive without fear of such harm being perpetrated upon you. WE only request that you do not act to harm each other.


    That will show itself in the reality of the great trembling which all life on Urantia will experience.
    It is a simple test; Love or fear, acceptance or denial. Understanding will come to you no matter what. The position you find yourself in when that understanding comes, is up to you.

    Thank you.




    All writings by members of AbundantHope are copyrighted by
    ©2005-2011 AbundantHope - All rights reserved

  • Marianinia , even Christ Michael have a timetable to follow from first source , so "something visible" will start with geological changes , because Gaia will have a new costume after the shift.


  • NOW COMES MY WORD - Father thru Bela

    Now – more can be said beyond words; more can be understood without obstacle; more can be rooted and blossom in the NOW.

    NOW HEAR– nowhere will this be unmanifest! It has been decreed. It is MY LAW unto you that this IS.

    Remember your realization thru the endless blossoming that is planted, germinated, grown, rising and endlessly blossoming into more of the ONE FRUIT. THAT IS ME IN YOU. Imbibe this – as it becomes you AS ONE WITH THE FATHER.

    Here is the experience of looking upon the face of GOD and being consumed without being destroyed in the process. Only that which is indigestible is dispelled, and even that, even that – can be fodder for further growth. OH THE GLORY OF THE ONE BE WITH YOU. My ever present breath be upon you and animate you to ever greater LIFE.




    All writings by members of AbundantHope are copyrighted by
    ©2005-2011 AbundantHope - All rights reserved

  • Sorry to dissapoint you , but your "I AM "is not one and all and how much time did it take for you to post this ? It take's time to create timelessnes,what ever happened to "INDIVIDUALITY"? My MHO<my humble apoligies.
    • Captin , the IAM is the fatherfragment that connects you with the creator.

      Nothing wrong with individuality as long as the egoistic ego doesn´t rule.

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