Message from Ascended Master Saida Khatoon
Channelled by Shazi
Further Reading: Signpost to the Source
Hello Son,
The Way
In humility, you will find wisdom
In love, you will find passion and dedication
In life’s experiences, you will find your path
In God, you will find everything.
The Path is illuminated as many are drawn to the light.
The poem above best describes a person's experience in life and what is achieved from those experiences. Now is a good time to honour your life and look upon it with pride, but we must learn to focus on the positive aspects. The misfortunes and hardship does not belong in your ethereal makeup; as it is pure light that you are moving into.
The acceleration of awakening will now take place to coincide with the blue moon. Energies will poor into the planet to anchor and manifest God’s plan into yourselves, so that you may understand.
The awakening is the start of a new planet which will soon unfold.
But do not let this be a distraction, as your spiritual and personal development is essential for the body to accept this Divine light.
The way is open and it is time for all to get on this path.
Your mother; through dedication and positivity, all will be revealed as your true potentials will open up.