1. The first race to evolve on Earth was the Astral race, a race of pure spirit, the purest form of existence.
2. The second race was known as the Hyperborean race. They used to live on a now vanished continent in the northern ocean
3. The third race was called the Lemurians, who fell because of interbreeding with animals.
4. The fourth race was known as the Atlantean’s who possessed psychic powers and lived in gigantic cities. They were destroyed by a great flood.
5. The fifth race was known as the “Race of Hope”, the founders of the ancient Greece culture, and they soon would rise to the pinnacle of spirituality, to the form of the Aryan.
i remeber reading a book by( i think) leadbeater ( a theosophist)
he saw the future through psychic research( and also root races from the past)
one day , perhaps soon, we will live in small communities that do apx 3/4 hours of pleasant work together..pray in halls of light and or sound( two spiritual preferences people enjoy)...they live within forests, linking communities via small roads and very light efficient personal transport....sounded very nice :)