

There Are Still Lessons to Be Learned – 8 November 2012, by Elizabeth

You know that I told myself I wouldn’t write anything tonight. Yes, we know, but we want to try and convey something that is bothering you. You know what it is.

Yes. Although I respect and admire the work of certain individuals, I cannot be a follower of any of them. In doing so, I would be giving away my power. No, I am an autonomous Being, an Ascended Master in my own right. Perhaps I am a member of an Ascension Team, working in higher planes for the freedom of this planet. Perhaps I am a member of a galactic light ship crew.

Perhaps I am a member of one or more councils overseeing the ascension of this planet. However, right now, I am embodied and on the planet, one of many voices in the wilderness. And the past two weeks have been hellish for an empath like me. I have felt the fear, anger, grief and angst of millions past through my bodies, being carried to the light for transmutation and clearing.

The passage of this heavy dark energy has brought me nearly to my knees, unable to concentrate at work, snappish and finally brought to tears. I couldn’t write or focus. I would try to write something that would turn into a rant and give it up.

By stating that I am an Ascended Master, I am only reiterating what my guides have told me in the last couple of weeks, including just last night. What they are trying to convey is this: some of the lightworkers, the wayshowers, have reached a high level in the fourth dimension, the Mental Plane. Some of us have even made it to the fifth dimension, all the while being still in physical form.

It is a difficult place to be in, very betwixt and between. In daily life, I still have to go to work and “earn” a living, go to the grocery store, exercise, eat, clean out the cat box, mow the lawn, prune the trees and take out the garbage; in short, I have to continue living a normal life while not feeling normal at all.

While I sleep at night, I know that I am attending meetings, learning how to live in a lighter frequency, meeting old friends and family, and pursuing various missions focused on moving this planet and her burden, humanity, into the fifth dimension. I wake up in the morning, still exhausted, after colorful and vaguely remembered dreams.

In one dream this morning, I was attending a shooting party. A dove was shot out of the sky. I was told by a man to go fetch it. I went over and gently picked up the bird, which was apparently dead. However, as I picked it up and held it in my hand, the bird came back to life.

I looked at it carefully. It was a beautiful little thing, colored in soft tawny hues, with fawn colored wings and a white breast. I handed the now living bird to my sister and went to pick up another bird that was lying on the ground. Again, the bird came alive as I cradled it in my hands.

Later in the same dream I found myself sitting in a large double lounge chair next to my “sister”. I was in a large, comfortable modern house. The wall coverings and furniture were similar to those of the dove I had saved, muted yet warm neutral tones, grays, browns, cream and tan. I looked at my sister and smiled, “It’s beautiful.” She smiled back, “Beautiful, but cold.” I replied back, “That it is.” And then woke up.

The woman who was my “sister” in the dream wasn’t anything like one of my blood sisters from this lifetime. She was tall, red-haired, with an ivory complexion and large blue eyes. I would venture to say that she was Pleiadian and one of my guides.

Indeed, beloved one, I am Amariah, your higher self and a part of your greater soul family or monad. I am the Ascended Pleiadian master who assists in guiding you through your intuition and now more consciously through our nightly “chats” and now telepathic messages. You can sense our Presence at any time you choose, just by going within.

During the past couple of days, you have been rather shut down and going through a very intense release process, as part of the ongoing mission of the wayshowers and ascension team. As an empath, this has been excruciating in some instances.

You have found yourself dealing with emotions and feelings long thought to have been worked on and released. It always surprises you to discover yet another layer to the onion of transmutation. Remember, you do not work for yourself alone; you work for many thousands, even millions of individuals who do not have any idea of your mission or even of your existence.

Such is the seemingly thankless job of bringing an entire world and people out of darkness. You and your fellows are rightfully exhausted by your long and seemingly fruitless efforts, but we tell you know that the sleepy ones of humanity are beginning to wake up.

Yes, they are grumpy, disgruntled and angry about the covers of their material security being jerked off of them, but are slowly beginning to realize that resistance to the changes that are coming is futile. The light is coming on, all over the world and it has been a long time in coming, yet an instant in the eternal Now.

Ah, so that’s what has been going on! Well, in part. I have also discovered in myself a reluctance to let go of things that need letting go. In this I am being very human. It is a process that I must go through, that everyone who follows in my path must go through; letting go of all those things that we cannot take with us into the lighter frequencies of the fifth dimension. The list is long for many of us, relationships that don’t support our growth, jobs, material stuff, beliefs, long-held grudges, insecurities and especially fear.

The fear is coming up for everyone in a rubber suit, i.e., a body, these days. The fear is coming up because the ego knows its time of being in control is at an end. The ego was developed as a protection device to help the soul in a body be protected while navigating through the heavy density of the lower third dimension where most people have been residing for thousands of years.

The ego has no function in the unity consciousness that exists in the higher and lighter frequencies of the upper fourth and fifth dimensions. It will no longer even exist in our experience. The ego and the fear it imparted through the body was developed as a natural mechanism, in the “fight or flight” scenario, so an individual would know when to run or fight or do what was necessary to survive.

Unfortunately, when the world was plunged into darkness and a lower density, fear became a way to control people’s lives, to manipulate and use them against each other. As we move away from this dualistic type of life, the ego has less to do, so it tries to develop scenarios in the life of each individual that will bring the person into fear or conflict with those around.

I found myself falling into just such a pattern this past week with a new co-worker. Fortunately, I recognized the pattern and chose to remove myself until I could find some inner balance and then return to work with a more neutral approach.

I am not saying that it is wrong to experience fear or to express your emotions. I did. It was painful to admit that I was hurting, deeply, but I needed to get it out. And my co-workers were very supportive of my need to have a little time to sort things out. Mainly, I am tired, weary to the bone, from both the inner work and just life in general. At work, we have had to deal with never ending change.

We have lost co-workers to suicide, accidental and natural death, to moving to other jobs and retirement. The momentum of change has been and is exhausting. Then, also this time of the year is difficult for me as I do not respond well to the lessened physical presence of light in the autumn sky. Call it Seasonal Adjustment Disorder or whatever; I do not enjoy the dark, short days of late autumn.

And on top of that, is the increasing intensity of the ongoing waves of light battering away at the last vestiges of darkness on this planet. I suppose it is a wonder that I am still standing… or at least sitting here now typing these words.

What I am in the process of understanding through the experience of this past week or so, is that each person is responsible for their own ascension. Although we are ultimately one being, part of the Creator or Source, we experience our lives in a unique fashion.

Each of us has a separate point of view while we still exist at least partially in the third dimension. That is part of its essence as a school house for souls, to teach each one of us what separation feels like so that we might return back and report to our soul family and to our Creator. It is god learning about god. And each of us is a creator of our own world.

As such, we are responsible for what happens in our own world and cannot look to another to fight our battles or win our victories. It is about accepting our personal power, being ourselves without shame, being creative in our endeavors, humble and forgiving of our faults, patient with the foibles and misunderstandings of others and unconditional in the acceptance of what our soul presents to us each day as a lesson.

For we are constantly being tested; even for “ascended” masters ascension is an ongoing process. It will not magically end when we arrive in the fifth dimension but will continue until all reach the beginning, Source. And that will take a very long time… even if time is not quite the same in the higher realms of being.

Each day is an opportunity granted to us by our soul that governs the existence of the body vehicle in which we reside, to learn about ourselves and about each other. Let us make each remaining moment in the third dimension one that is filled with rich and potent realizations about the value of life, the beauty of this planet and the rare opportunity we have in being here.

Yes, we came to do a job and we have succeeded magnificently. Now as the light of the new dawn gathers on the horizon of the consciousness of the sleeping multitudes, let us be also grateful for the opportunity to witness the miracles that will be happening every day from now on. We are miracles. This planet is a miracle. Life is a miracle.

Let us be grateful that we can experience it, with this planet and the great diversity of life that she carries. Not many were granted the right to be here now in this magical moment when the light reclaims the planet and lifts her up into a new dawn. I, for one, am grateful to be here now, with all of you.

Blessings and joy,

I AM Elizabeth and your sister in Light and Love.

Copyright © 2012 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. http://bluedragonjournal.com/
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