Archangel Michael: The Awakening and the Awakened
Navigating the New Earth Fifth-dimensionalHologram
Navigating the New Earth Fifth-dimensionalHologram
through Celia Fenn
February 2010
Hi all
Beloved Family of Light, you are indeed living within a New Reality. This is the "New Earth" that we have spoken to you about over theyears, and now you are living within this Reality. But yes, you are still withina Transitional Time, a period of ongoing Transformation and Change, where youmust cope with the energies of the old way while living mostly in the New. We,here in the Spirit Realm, are aware of the difficulties that you face as youmust exist within your physical bodies and cope with the two inter-linkedphysical realities that we call the Third Dimension and the Fifth Dimension. Itwas your choice as a Collective not to go through a massive destruction scenarioin order to facilitate the changes, but you chose to do this as an exercise in anew way - Peaceful Change and Transform-ation. The Old Earth reality will not bedestroyed, but it will fade away gradually as the New Earth gathers in energyand strength. There is no need to fear great catastrophes and loss of lovedones. You will continue to live in the "bridge" between the two realities untilthe New takes over. Those who are unable to fully awaken to the New will maketheir passage into the light at their due times and may return to the New Earthin a new form if they so choose.
We do wish to emphasize that this is a choice of Wisdom and Compassion. In the Higher Councils of Light it was decided that the Earthcould not sustain such large scale trauma and loss of life as was originallyplanned, and that the new approach would be to allow the Transformation to begradual and with minimum loss of life. Of course, as you voted for this optionin the Councils of Light, you knew that it would be hard. For the first time youwould have to carry the Transformation through Love and Peace, and not throughthe much quicker and more radical path of mass destruction and cleansing. And soit is, Beloved Ones, that you have worked so hard to Awaken to the Light withinand to express and live your Divinity, and to Awaken others to this reality sothat the Transformation and Evolution to a New Way of Life might begin. And soit has! But, in order for this Transition to continue into a New Paradigm ofHigher Consciousness for All on the Planet, without mass destruction, it isnecessary for those who are Awakened to continue to Hold the Light for those whoare still Awakening, and to be the Bridge of Light for that crossing into theNew Consciousness of Love and Divine Power that is the signature of an AwakenedHuman Angel with full connection to their Cosmic Higher Self energy. Many of theNew Children, the Diamond Light Children, that are being born right now, arealready in this state of full Cosmic Connection and Awakening, and aresupporting this process, but we will speak more of them a little later in thismessage.
In the Old Energy Hologram of the Third Dimension, you lived in a very slow vibrational energy that allowed for the illusion ofstability and fixity. It was based on concepts of "ego" and "self" andencouraged individuals to seek to fulfill their own material and emotional needsas a priority for success in their earthly lives. As you cross into theFifth-Dimensional Reality, you release that belief system to move into anaccelerated reality where energy flows more quickly and things change with greatrapidity. In this reality, you are closer to the Flow of Creation andManifestation, that place where Consciousness becomes Form in response toIntention and Desire. You are fully aware of the Collective nature ofConsciousness and the Unity of All Life on the Planet. You are learning to seekthe Highest Good of All Life Forms as a way of expressing and accessing your ownHighest Good. You are learning to see the success of others as a measure of yourown success and a demonstration of Love in Motion.
Beloved Ones, over the years we have urged you to learn to work with the Flow of Energy in this New Reality. In the Flow of Manifestationthat you call Time, living in the Fifth Dimension requires the ability to livein the Present Moment of Now and to be centered in the Heart Space of InfiniteLove and Peace. In this way, you are able to be the "center" of your creationsand you are not pulled into the turbulent energies of other people'smanifestations and creations that take place around you.
Beloveds, we know too, at this moment, as you begin to navigate this New Holographic Reality of New Earth, that it is not always easyto find that point of balance. Especially as many of you must still work to bethe "Bridges of Light" between the old energy and the new. For indeed, theprocess of Awakening of Souls into the New Reality is an ongoing process. Manyof you who are Lightworkers have "graduated" into the New Earth energies and areliving lives in complete harmony with the New. That is your soul choice. Butmany of you who are more adventurous and brave have chosen the more difficulttask of being the Human Angelic Light Bridge, the"Awakeners," and this means that you must continue to live your lives for alittle longer at the interface between the old and the NewEnergies.
For those who have shifted into the New Earth frequency, the work will be to stay in the Heart center and manifest and create from thatspace. These Lightworkers will experiment in new forms of living, in new formsof community, and in creating the Seed Points or Sacred Spaces of the New Earth.They will be focussed on manifesting the Golden Age and the sustainable futurethat the Planet has chosen as her future path.
However, Beloved Family of Light, there are many among you who have chosen on the Soul level to exercise the Divine gift of Compassion, andto continue to be those who provide the energy of Awakening and the Path to theInner Light for those who are still in the Awakening process. In 2010, thisAwakening will be accelerated, and those that have chosen to be Awakeners ofSouls into the New Earth frequencies will have much to do in their work. Theseones will have the added challenge of keeping their balance and theirFifth-dimensional Light Body frequencies, and still crossing into the lowerfrequencies to be the Light and the Path for those still awakening.
Beloved Ones, we have said before that all on the Planet have made the choice to cross into the Fifth Dimension, and all are given theopportunity. The New Earth belongs to All who live on the Earth and theopportunity for the crossing process continues. Know that there is no differencein the work that you, as Family of Light are called to undertake, one way is notbetter than the other, you are all involved in this great and wonderfultransformation of the Earth and you should indeed all work to support each otherand to share with each other as much as possible. Now is not the time forjudgments and separation, but for co-operation and community based on commongoals and the desire to co-create the New Earth and a New Society. Nor is ituseful to pass judgments on what is "old energy" and what is "new", for you donot always know the miraculous ways of Spirit and you cannot analyse this withyour minds. Rather, focus on what you must do in your own work, be open andloving and willing to share as far as is possible, and trust that all will flowas it is meant to in the unfolding of the Divine Energies of NewEarth.
In this year of 2010, as you work with the new incoming energies of the Crystal Rose of Peace, the focus will continue to be on creatingPeace and Abundance through the energies of Love expressed from Soul and Spiritthrough the Heart. And, as the old illusions of security continue to fail, therewill be much anxiety and stress among those who have not yet crossed the "LightBridge" into the Higher Consciousness of the Flow of Infinite Love andAbundance. And, because you are "One" in Consciousness, you will need to be ableto hold your center in Love and Peace, especially those of you who are theBringers of Light and Awakening for others in this Transformationalprocess.
For those of you who are the Light Bridgers, you will often feel as though you are coping with a world where nothing seems to fit orwork as it should. That is because you are aligned already for the FifthDimensional Consciousness Flow at an accelerated pace, but you are still dealingwith the slow disintegration of the old in this process of Transformation.Beloveds, know that you offered to serve in this way so that the Transformationmight be Peaceful and Gentle as far as possible. We in the Spirit realm applaudyour Courage and Perseverance, as you seek to achieve transformation throughPeace and Love.
As you exist between these Time Phases of Transformation, you may experience physical symptoms of "motion sickness" such as dizziness,nausea, fatigue, rapid temperature changes and emotional mood swings. YourHigher Self and those in the Spirit Realms are working to assist you to maintainyour balance and stability in this process.
The Children of the Light
At this time of Accelerated Change and Transformation, it is once again the Children who are playing an important role in holding theenergies and providing a strong field of energy to assist the process. There aretwo groups that are specifically active right now.
The first group are theCrystal Children, but more specifically the Children of the Diamond Light, thathave been born since April of 2009. These New Children are born fully alignedwith the Cosmic Consciousness or the "Cosmic Rose," and we call them also"Children of the Sacred Rose." Their powerful energies are assisting many toAwaken and to find the Bridge of Light into the New EarthConsciousness.
In the course of the year of 2010, and through 2011, there will be a new wave of Diamond Light Children who will also carry the energy ofthe Platinum Ray in their personal holographic field. These children will alsocontribute powerfully to the energies of Transformation and will enable afurther acceleration of consciousness, so that the Divine Light within Humanitymight emerge more rapidly in the Collective as it rises into the Fifth Dimensionof Light.
The Second important group will be those Indigo Crystal Beings who incarnated on the Planet as the First Wave of Indigos in the 1970s.These ones are now in their thirties, and are entering into mature adult lifeand activating the soul work and purposes for which they came to the Planet.Many of these are Powerful and Evolved Souls who will be the Leaders in buildingthe new forms and structures of the New Earth. The most powerful among thesewill emerge as Teachers, Leaders and Thinkers in all fields of Human Life onEarth. They will begin to be perceived and experienced as a transformationalforce or energy on all levels. It is this generation, in their thirties, whowill start to assume leadership roles in the creation of a new society. And,they will be guided by the "Elders of the Light," those who have gone beforethem and created the Path or Bridge of Light into the New Earth.
We ask that you honor the "Elders of Light" among you, for these brave souls are the true "Warriors of Light"whose courage and dedication to the Light over many years has made so muchpossible. Together, the Elders of the Light and the Indigo First Wave will bethe powerful agents of transformation, and the Diamond Light Children willenergize the Holographic Earth matrix with their powerful Light of Love. It is aBlessed and Radiant time into which you are now entering. We ask that youcelebrate your success!
The Light and the Love
The Light and the Love
Beloved Family of Light, as the Light increases everything becomes clear and transparent, everything is revealed for what it is,beyond manipulation and falsehood. As the Light increases, that which you calltime accelerates, and many of you must make adjustments to the new pulses ofCosmic Light that frame your New Reality and energize the Fifth-DimensionalSacred Rose Grids. As this acceleration occurs, you will see more clearly thateverthing that you experience is Holographic in nature, it is energy and lightand it has no "real" substance. It is "dream" made manifest for a while to beexperienced by you so that you may experience, enjoy and grow!
In this process, as you shift from the Third-Dimensional illusion of a stable "reality" into this world of manifestdream, you may feel anxious and insecure. Your sense of reality may bethreatened, and you may feel vulnerable and unsupported in a sea of rapidchanges. Beloved Ones, know that everything in your reality is Love and anexpression of Love in some way. Know that this Love will always support you toexpand and grow. If you can say to yourself "I am Love and everything Iexperience is Love", then you will find that center in Love and be supported byLove. And you will find Peace and Acceptance at all times. This indeed wastaught by all your Teachers and Masters leading up to this time as they preparedfor this transformation. They prepared you to see your Divinity and to know thatyou are indeed co-creating your Reality through the Manifestation of Dreams andCollective Dreams in this rapidly rebirthing energy called the "NewEarth."
We wish you Joy, Peace and Abundance on your path!
©2010 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global * * This work islicensed under a Creative Commons License. * * You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the workunder the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not usethis for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build uponthis work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others thelicense terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you getpermission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be grantedpermission by author. Please include this information in its entirety, includingthese footnotes. Thank You! *
Archangel Michael: You Are in the Midst of a Spiritual Revolution
Transmitted Through Ronna Herman
* Lm-3-2010
Beloved masters, for a moment, imagine that you are fully aware of your origins and that you can tap into your personal cosmic historyfiles any time you wish. Imagine that you have the ability to communicatewith those around you mind to mind, without words. Imagine that you havethe natural ability to see everyone’s auric field and therefore can read orunderstand a person’s state of Being at any given moment. Imagine that youcan envision clearly that which you wish to manifest, and it takes only a littletime and effort for your visions to become reality. Imagine that you havethe ability to communicate and interact with the Archangels and the vast angelicrealm, as well as the ascended masters and the great Beings of Light. Allof these attributes and abilities are a part of your natural state of Being inthe higher realms, and you are now in the process of regaining these God-giventalents, as well as the ability to assist in the evolutionary process ofhumanity and the Earth.
We have explained many times and in many ways how you separated your Divine Self into a masculine Spark of Essence with thecharacteristics and qualities of our Father God and a feminine Spark of Essencewith the virtues and attributes of our Mother God. Since that firstseparation, each facet of your Self has refracted into a multitude of smallerSparks of Divinity, and you have assumed a myriad of forms and innumerablemissions throughout this universal experience. The next grand stage of universalexpansion and the evolution of all sentient Beings are well under way, and eachof you has an integral part to play as a Star Seed and a bearer of DivineLight.
The ascension process requires a letting go of those things that have kept you in the stifling, restrictive reality of the third andfourth dimensions. It entails returning to balance and harmony in allfacets of your earthly Being, which will result in your memory banks beingcleared of all the discordant energies/events of your rich and variedpast. All that will remain is the wonder, joy and successful endeavors youhave attained as a cocreator in the material realms. As you traverse thepath of ascension, you are reclaiming the wisdom stored within your Sacred Mind,and you have tapped into the rich storehouse of Creator Light called AdamantineParticles. You are beginning to demonstrate and use many latent abilitiesthat have been kept in reserve until you were ready to reclaimthem.
You were designed to be a transmitter of Light in a world of illusion and shadows. You are on Earth to become a master conveyer of energy.Your breath is the mechanism by which you draw forth the Primal Life ForceSubstance of Creation while you are functioning in a third- / fourth-dimensionalenvironment. However, as you open and activate your Sacred Heart andSacred Mind, you have the ability to gain access to the Full Spectrum Light ofthis universe, and also the Divine alchemical properties of the Violet Flamewill be available to you in full measure.
The Law of the Circle insures that the vibrational patterns you send forth will be returned to you along with an accumulatedmeasure of similarly-qualified energy (or vibrations of the same frequencypatterns). You are the center of an energy vortex that is made up of acircle/loop of vibrational patterns that you have projected from you via yourSolar Power Center. Your solar plexus is aptly named; for just as theEarth receives cosmic energy from the Sun of your solar system, so do each ofyou radiate life force energy from your own Solar Power Center. For a moment,envision yourself as the central focus of your world. You are the powersource and your thoughts, actions and intentions radiate forth from you ina loop of energy that connects with like energy. That energy magnifies andmanifests in the world of cause and effect and then returns to you, reinforcingyour picture of reality. Your body absorbs a portion of that energy,creating pain and suffering or joy and blessings, depending on thefrequencies. The remainder flows out behind you, creating the other loopof your Infinity pattern, while the residual gradually flows into your personalwheel of creation. You are constantly adding to your personal prison ofenergy or your vehicle of Light and your personal reality on Earth. Havewe not told you that you came to Earth as cocreators with the GodForce?
Returning to balance and harmony is a prerequisite to staying centered within the Sacred Heart. In order to do so, you mustconstantly evaluate and upgrade your awareness of Self. Your emotions areaffected by your beliefs, and your intentions are affected by youremotions. Listening to the nudgings of your Soul, the wisdom of yourSacred Mind and the emotions of your Sacred Heart will help you to fine-tuneyour discernment abilities so that you can make the right decisions and alwayschoose the highest path. Reverence for all things and God-inspired choiceslead to Self-mastery.
One of the most important things you can do to initiate the process of returning to balance and harmony within the reality you havecreated is to apply the Law of Forgiveness to all your miscreations andinteractions with others. Doing so will immediately accelerate the processof returning to center, for it erases or breaks the energy cords you haveattached to other people’s solar plexuses, and it will also shut off theradiations to and from any negative collective consciousness belief systems thatyou have taken as your own. You are taking back the vibrational patterns youhave exchanged, added to or participated in, thereby allowing you to move intothe state of grace process. Be aware that as you do so, you willexperience the transformational clearing process and all it entails; however, itwill not be as traumatic or as drawn out as it would be if you had not willinglyand whole-heartedly agreed to take the initiative. The Law of Forgivenessincludes aligning your will with the greater WILL of our Father /Mother God forthe highest and best outcome for All. The Divine Plan for this universe isat a critical stage of the evolution process, and time is of the essence. Becoming an active member of the Light Brigade and a new World Server will opena portal of new possibilities. Those of you who have diligently stayed thecourse will reap the rewards of Self-mastery and discipleship. As you move intothe realm of Self-mastery, you automatically begin to view your life and theworld from a higher vantage point and with much wiser insight. You beginto embrace your reality through a filter of Love/Light, and nonjudgment anddiscernment become a natural part of your State of Being.
A good affirmation to remember and use is: I EMBRACE THE WHOLENESS OF MY DIVINE REALITY. There is power in humility. There is power in forgiveness. There is power in gratitude. Love is the powerwhich contains all the virtues and qualities of God Consciousness.
Many of you are aware that in the beginning stages of the initiation process there is a crisis as the battle for supremacy begins betweenthe ego and the Soul. Each person must endeavor to clear his/her illusionary,distorted reality of the astral planes. The ego desire body is controlledby the energies and impulses of the three lower chakras and these out-of-balanceinclinations must be brought under the control of the Soul Self once more. Thisperiod is often called The Dark Night of the Soul or traversing the valley ofshadows. When you are in the midst of the process, it is important that youunderstand you are not being punished. After you have successfullytraversed the shadow lands and emerged triumphant, you will look back inretrospect and you will realize that you were given a greatopportunity.
A spiritual aspirant is a consciously aware human being who is seeking en-Lighten-ment and Self-mastery. In the beginning stages,he/she is still somewhat “self-focused,” often prone to temper and irritabilityand may experience bouts of self-doubt and depression. A spiritualaspirant must develop sensitivity and a loving, understanding nature. Theaspirant’s life purpose will gradually move away from personal ambition and loveof power into a desire to be of service to humanity. A desire toserve others is a Soul instinct.
An aspirant gradually begins to let go of the “It is all about me and the I, me, my” concept, as the external focus slowly begins tofade. There is a gradual turning inward and the major focal point becomesthe Solar Power Center which is comprised of the heart, thymus and throat. As this area is bathed in the higher frequencies of Light, the Three-Fold Flamein the chest area begins to blaze forth once more in preparation for the openingof the portal to the Sacred Heart.
Allow us to give you a few more important key points to assist you in integrating the wisdom necessary to become a full-fledgedspiritual aspirant on the path of en-Lighten-ment:
• The Emotional Body is a reflector. It responds to external stimulation, such as other people, events, emotionalattachments and addictions.
• Tread the path of life gently and reverently. Speak softly with discernment. See that your actionsreflect the purity of your God Self and leave footprints of Light for others tofollow.
• There is an ebb and flow to the cycles of the Soul just as there is throughout the Cosmos.
• The Soul draws forth the Essence of life from its I AM Presence in preparation for a new life cycle of experience. At the end of that cycle, the life Essence is slowly withdrawn and the physicaldeath process results; however, the real You in Spirit form remains, for you areimmortal.
• The Soul’s impulses and influence are much stronger in a Being who has stepped onto the path of awareness than there are inan unawakened person who is still caught up in the illusion of a third- /fourth-dimensional existence.
• You must strive to maintain an ever-expanding state of Soul-consciousness in order to progress on the upwardspiral of ascension. It is time for those who will be among the new WorldServers to become aware of each other.
• Criticism is a faculty of the ego and the lower mind. Criticizing or finding fault with yourself or others isdetrimental to the extreme. You add energy to that which you focus yourattention on; therefore, it is of the utmost importance that you look for thegood in everyone and everything.
• Constructive criticism is sometimes necessary. However, it should only be used to assist someone to correctharmful behavior, take the right action, or find the appropriatedirection.
• YOU CAN ONLY FAIL IF YOU QUIT TRYING. You may lose time; however, you should gain some knowledge with eachfailure. Growth and wisdom come from learning what not to do and inperfecting the skills that will help you become proficient in your chosen fieldof endeavor.
• Lower vibrational energy creates discordant frequencies within your Soul Song. The vibrations of discordcause discomfort within the area where it originated or where it is focusedwithin the physical vessel. If the negative energy patterns are strong enough,they can create disease and will eventually contaminate the entirebody.
• You must tame and gain control of your emotional body via your Higher Self, guides and angelic helpers in orderto become receptive to the refined frequencies of Cosmic truth. You mustclear the mind of distorted, negative, defeating thoughts. Only a clear vesselcan receive and transmit the wisdom teachings of the cosmic libraries ofGod-consciousness.
• A spiritual seeker refuses to pay attention to public opinion, judgment or failure. Aspirants are recognized bytheir vibrational frequencies or Light quotient, not by their knowledge or theirdeeds.
Remember, beloveds, THE CLARION CALL FROM YOUR SOUL SELF WILL CONTINUE TO ECHO UNTIL YOU HEED THE CALL. Many of you havebegun or are ready to begin your true mission, whatever that may be, but neverforget that the ultimate goal is to be a conveyor of CreatorLove/Light.
We are aware that the future is uncertain and everyone is experiencing pain and discomfort in varying degrees. We ask you to focus on themiracles and progress you are making and not allow the fear of the masses toinfect your mind as you move through and beyond all the massive changes that aretaking place in your world. Know that, together, we will overcome all adversity.Our mission is to open the way for any dear Soul who expresses a desire toreturn to harmony and attunement with their God Self. Dear ones, when youfeel alone or are in doubt or despair, come into your Pyramid of Light and wewill give you courage, uplift and inspire you. When you feel lonely or unloved,move into your heart center and we will be there, waiting to fill you with theradiant love of our Mother/Father God.
I AM your constant companion.
I AM Archangel Michael
TRANSMITTED THROUGH RONNA HERMAN * STAR*QUEST* 6005 CLEAR CREEK DRIVE, RENO, NV 89502 USA * Phone/fax: 775-856-3654 * Email: * Iclaim the universal copyright for this article in the name of AA Michael * Copyfreely and share * For Archangel Michael’s books, tapes and information oncourses given through this Channel please visit: *