Today I was given the honor of sharing with you some incredible news. The Elohim informed me that within a months time they will be finally showing themselves! They want you to know this now so you can prepare and be in joy. I have no more knowledge than anyone else but I do have faith that this is the truth. Showing themselves will not be overt at first. They will not be showing up on your door (at least not write away) :) You have to admit that after everything that has been happening in Japan we need them and they know this. Please accept this information in the manner it was given, with faith and love for all.
:D the latest message from Ashtar himself! :D
"Love and light and meditation wont save the world unfortunately"
Wow, Maiailla, for a person who talks about the Creator and the plan, you really blew it with that comment. You're one of those conspiracy theory fans that like to confuse people.
If LOVE and LIGHT won't save the world, then WHY ARE YOU HERE? The Ashtar Command and the GFL is ALL ABOUT love and light. Read some older posts and see why this community was created in the first place, why its moto is "THE AWAKENING MOMENT" and why it is depicted as a pair of golden wings surrounding the Earth. You claim to know with accuracy even the RANGE of "their" allowed interference within our earth's "hemisphere" (you probably meant to say ATMOSPHERE, hemisphere means HALF OF A SPHERE). By the way, who are these "THEY" that you talk about? Clearly you are not reffering to any higher being, since we all know their primordial message is "EVERYTHING IS LOVE AND LIGHT". By the way, I can explain that to you with a simple quote: "all solidity on earth is made up of atoms which in turn are made up of sub atomic particles which in turn are made up of energy vibrating at a particular rate/frequency. At the sub atomic level there is no such thing as solid as we experience it and it is only our brains that decode impulses sent there from our infinitely limited five senses. At our purest state we are beings of energy decoding and experiencing the illusion of a solid world".
If there is anything at all that is going to save the world, it's the light and the love that comes with it. And you can find the light through meditation, which means CLEARING YOUR MIND of all thoughts and not some religious mumbo jumbo that you think it means. How do you expect anyone to ascend to a higher dimension by "taking action because you have a responsibility towards your soul" (honestly, you sound like a taliban bomber when you say that). What action should we take? Attack the governments with weapons? Should we put bombs around our waists and try to bomb the HAARP instalation? What exactly do you mean when you talk about action? State some solid solutions or else you sound like a politician who is trying too hard to win an election. "dont think that all your actions,thoughts and deeds are swept away and forgotten" that is such a clichee. If you think that the Creator is this vengeful being that will punish us for our actions, then you're clearly in the wrong place. People like you, whose lives are ruled by this "An eye for an eye" policy, are the whole reason we're in this dark age in the first place.
Learn some basics about brain waves activity before coming here and saying stuff like "Love and light and meditation won't save the world", cause that's EXACTLY what it's going to save this world.
Thoughts,without action, is useless. were not gonna just sway up on a cloud or magically transform, its a choice between light and dark actions as well as thoughts and deeds. Those that deny responsibility of their actions,thoughts and deeds, are not gonna make it on phoenix starship with Sananda and Hatonn under Creators wings. If you dont follow His laws of balance and perfection, and take your responsibility, there is not going to be any ascension for you. Yes its hard,but it is the TRUTH.
on the other hand,you are free to choose,what ever you want. Creator respects free-will. But know that you are gonna repeat it,until you get right with God. His own words. I am only speaking in behalf of Him.