i know before you go on please note my writing sucks so don't bother me about it just read my footnote before the lady speaks.

People once you read this letter from a patriot of America down below, then imagine what your political leaders have done for you and know this as a point of reference, how many times do you think that the Governments, are acting in your best interests. Is the governments being responsible for their actions, do they truly put foot to path, if they are failing, identify what is the cause of this, do you academically know what your governments true intentions, are their statements and policies really clear to you, that even a baby can understand, or do you believe the horse shit they feed you with.hook line and stinker i'm sorry sinker. Do you ever imagine and or wonder what is truly going on behind the scenes in your council officials,do you ever imagine what your governments and or political party leaders around the world are up to when they have G20 meetings or discuss matters in private away from the public's prying eyes. These ones i hear have a blood scarifice fuck fest inside the Bilderberg group. In order to initiate change in your countries, and with the social security benefits schemes,on the table every so often no matter what your status as an Emperor, leader, Prime minister, President, has done to and/or, for or against you in your own country, do you feel that your retirement funds are being divided evenly among the rich and wealthy, without your knowledge, but they really place a sanction or law in front of their true intentions so that you will never know why your money is eroding fast, thanks to the incompetent few who wants your money at all costs, and that these elitists feel that this was not for the people in their peoples best interests, but for the benefiting the enrichment of themselves for their own selfish and greedy unenlightened hearts and then add one more elemental twist to the irony of how our money is being used, then imagine what does it truly stand for when you are also not just paying your super in taxes each year on a week to week and yearly bases, before it enters into your nominated superannuation trust account, so that it is their for your retirement age comes around, do you ever wonder why you still have to pay yet again another hidden taxes before you can officially use it, Then understand this quietly to yourselves, where is the fairness of extending 5 more years on top of the retirement age of 65 after 2020 in Australia, to 70 years of age,do you ever ask yourselves this, why do i ever bother working if the secret elitist slowly erode our life savings, but really we know it is the bankers that is really running the joint here, so hi to the redsheild's illuminati[ that initiated this trend around the globe. Well then you should know by now how logically once you put it into perspective, why and how your money is not real money anymore. Why, you ask, the Governments who are seen as running the entire country of the area is being pursued under orders of the secret elite how to initiate how countries conducts business and write laws to suit only the interests of the satanic cults of the secret societies, and by loaning each country a really huge debt they cannot afford to pay back. These ones, tell the governments what to say and or do.due to how the insider people behind the scenes trades the public purse especially deliberately crashing stock markets to buy up potential shares at an artificially low rate and control the world's commodities this way, then the elite is shuffling our lives down the toilet, eroding further our lives just a little bit at a time and then some more little bits at a time, so subtle so gentle so just enough that you will never notice, by hiding their true intentions in plain site, a sub clause in the universal disclosure that the dark hats found away as a loop hole not to divulge their secret outright. But they hide it in their signals with illuminati signs. I think they are saying I want to put my fingers up your goats arse, and pull out another beauty tonight, boys, wait a minute, give me a sec, fellas, whilst i round the mules up toda, and say good day to them suckers until next we speak. As i said, so long as you do not become aware and smarter then these elitists of the secret banking cartel, whom also controls the drug trades everywhere by the way, and thanks to the secret tactical manaurves of the cabal. illuminati, bankers, and think tankers of the bilderberg group e.c.t. lending out money to your governments, which we now know as the redsheild illuminati that loaned this money to each country and growing in more debt every year until the government bodies of the world that has a massive trillion dollars of debt to repay back that can not ever be paid back unless with some divine intervention from above, ay (Saint Germain-Quan Yin), 'hint hint', there peoples, then the secret bankers of world banks will own everything,in a very, very short time, by not actually backing it up without any form of collatoral or any gold to issue these papers legally, then the illuminati which is also called the dark nobilities or dark hats,who practice sorcery, blood sacrifices will win by deceitful means and own everything money can by in the word, which is not accurate by the way, the redsheilds who are the worst of all the illuminati's known and or secretly unknown to us,will try to win and try to own the world at all cost, however in their mentality they think that if they can not own everything in the world then they feel then that these small percentage of extremists people's have the right to end or destroy this world, and fly out to mars in their tin can UFO's, if they can't get what they want these ones will try to blow the world up, they tried to dismantle the sun using a raditon light extinguisher technology that almost succeeded in 2010 before the god's angels came along to fix the problem, in which they can't fly away anyhow, you know, because the pliedians and the Andromedans are under orders by God to stop these ones from leaving the planet and fly off to Mars afterwards another hint hint by the way. However what if we could change the world by changing our habits and the way we think and or behave by owning up to our own sovereignty by being the light and become responsible beings again and walk away from the ursury money and act in Godly ways and then apply the true use of the value of the dollar eventually over time in the bin. And if you change your mind by using the understanding that labour is real currency and not money, and understand this too, it is not by how much you can store in your bank account, that determines your status in this world, it is what you can actually do for others that matters. But by being the leaders of this new world this new way of being responsible for each other, instead self impulses to the old empire, of service to self, what if each person had a say and help benefit the community that can benefit the world someday in social harmony, love, respect, kindness, spiritual education and spiritual values. and virtuousness, omni- science, and truly understood then about universal space exploration, and to travel the stars and to try and soak in the understanding of the universal law of one, in loving motion to do no harm. Could you foreseeably create a new future of happiness. or do you want to continue the old world empire that can allow the banks to use your hard working weekly money and loan out your money once it hits your bank account up to nine times to other lenders without gold backing this money up, illegally called ursury notes, which by the way, it's not real currency, because the Federal reserve bank of America is no longer a private incorporation, Their contract to print money expired in 2010 it is now secretly from behind the scenes offically been handed back to it's people of that country, and an announcment with a licence only to print money with gold backed bullions only, someday the white hats will tell the citizens of Earth the cabal is no more. But so long as the un awakened ones don't know and therefore by staying true to the acceptance of a piece of paper to promise to owe back the money that is called a fiat money, food for petrol exchange, in which the paper money is only an illumi corp inc. idea of course given this method to them by the dracos in the orion constellation boots,to take over earth and give it to the reptillian tall whites, then it is really not the gold back standard paper money, we were supposedly lead to believe. However then, we are in a real treat in our near future should you still continue to live in a pretend world.Then we will be the pickles inside the onion jar, soon to come. We then have to assume a new way to approach our children's and our future children's generation in struggle and hardship unless we can start creating communities of light everywhere, rebuild our communities from scratch, start all over again and become unto the people of earth, once more, as spiritual beings that creates from the heart mind and the mind of heart and not build again from the old world method and build anew using our labour as the real source of commodity as the new means of money, because this misunderstood way of living wrongly of the past 13 thousand years as an enslaved race,of old empire can not repeat it's past mistakes ever again,, because at this stage of evolution the illuminati needs the light to show them a new way to evolve as a unity of united people living under the law of responsible christed galactic citizens in the making. These ones who grew darker in the reincarnated state of the wheel of rebirth in the 4th lower dimensions needs us lightworkers to lead by demonstration and walk them back into the light somehow. then i must ask those up and becoming lightworkers of the world this, What kind of future do you want for your children and your children's children's future, to enjoy. Trust in your hearts should you able to get this message right and get this idea well underway no matter whatever type of living situation you have had and or experienced in this life time thus far. Wake up and send also light and love to those whom has misdirected our lives or their own because sometimes for the light to thrive the dark had to bring order out of chaos to bring it back into the light, and then the light lightens up the areas where dark has gone before and shine the rainbow energies of heaven down through the golden christ beings and into the earth to evolve all of us back into a higher form of consciousness. But this can only happen if their had been a fallout of some kind of disaster like as in Lemuria, Atlantis e.c.t. the dark ones had to play their role, but the light had to step up also on the mark and play their role and show the dark hats compassion and forgiveness and show the dark hearted ones their is still time to come back home. There is a solution somewhere in Prime creators methods, but that to us, seems, like that their was a madness to this method. But their is a point to all this but each of us must play our part in order to bring out the idea of God's creation into being from deep down within us, but to understand why that this was done in the way that it had to play out, A new form of consciousness starts to evolve and to increase awareness in our knowledge to expand further into higher consciousness of higher life forever more, expanding, gaining a more refining state of wisdom to share to other up becoming civilization as a galactic citizen someday, everything has a purpose for being what it is that they are desiring to be..the expression of freedom to choose freely in whatever they want to be.

Anyway here is what this concerned citizen said to her government
People's everywhere, can you find love where therefore was at present dimmed of light when the dark began to suck the world bone dry from it's light source of creation.



Alan Simpson, the senator from Wyoming, calls senior citizens 'the Greediest
Generation' as he compared Social Security to a milk cow with 310 million teats.

Here's a response in a letter from PATTY MYERS in Montana .. I think she is
a little ticked off but she also tells it like it is!

"Hey Alan, let's get a few things straight!!!!!

1. As a career politician, you have been on the public dole (tit) for FIFTY YEARS.

2. I have been paying Social Security taxes for 48 YEARS (since I was 15 years old. 
(I am now 63).

3. My Social Security payments, and those of millions of other Americans,were safely tucked away in an interest bearing account for decades until you political pukes decided to raid the account and give OUR money to a bunch of zero losers in return for votes, thus bankrupting the system and turning Social Security into a Ponzi scheme that would make Bernie Madoff proud.

4. Recently, just like Lucy & Charlie Brown, you and "your ilk" pulled the proverbial football away from millions of American seniors nearing
retirement and moved the goalposts for full retirement from age 65 to age,67. NOW, you and your "shill commission" are proposing to move the goalposts YET AGAIN!

5. I, and millions of other Americans, have been paying into Medicare from Day One, and now "you morons" propose to change the rules of the game.
Why? Because "you idiots" mismanaged other parts of the economy to such an
extent that you need to steal our money from Medicare to pay the bills.

6. I, and millions of other Americans, have been paying income taxes our entire lives, and now you propose to increase our taxes yet again. Why?
Because you "incompetent bastards" spent our money so profligately that you
just kept on spending even after you ran out of money. Now, you come to the American taxpayers and say you need more to pay off YOUR debt. To add insult to injury, you label 
us "greedy" for calling "bullshit" to your incompetence.

Well, Captain Bullshit, I have a few questions for YOU:

1. How much money have you earned from the American taxpayers during your pathetic 50-year political career?

2. At what age did you retire from your pathetic political career, and how much are you receiving in annual retirement benefits from the American taxpayers?

3. How much do you pay for YOUR government provided health insurance?

4. What cuts in YOUR retirement and healthcare benefits are you proposing in your disgusting deficit reduction proposal, or as usual, have you exempted yourself and your political cronies?

It is you, Captain Bullshit, and your political co-conspirators called Congress who are the "greedy" ones. It is you and your fellow nutcase thieves who have bankrupted America and stolen the American dream from millions of loyal, patriotic taxpayers.

And for what? Votes and your job and retirement security at our expense, you lunk-headed leech.

That's right, sir. You and yours have bankrupted America for the sole purpose of advancing your pathetic political careers. 
You know it, we know it, and you know that we know it.

And you can take that to the bank, you miserable son of a bitch.

NO, I did not stutter!

P.S. And stop calling Social Security benefits "entitlements." WHAT AN INSULT!! I have been paying in to the SS system for 52 years! "It's my money" - give it back to me the way the system was originally designed and stop patting yourself on the back like you are being generous by doling out these monthly checks!

EVERYONE!!! If you like the way things are in America delete this. If you agree with what Patty Myers says, please PASS IT ON!!!!

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  • yep-the fed gov has bcome a monster that drinks trillions of gallons of blood every year and there are still not enough social security funds-the interstates need paving-the infrastructure needs updating-etc.-where does the money go? military budget is 360 billion- where is the rest of the 3.8 trillion going?-I don't believe a word the feds say about anything-welfare medicaid foodstamps and all other costs-but 3.8 trillion per year?

    about 8 years ago the Chinese 'national bank-chinese gov owned banking system-went bankrupt-over 1 trillion was missing from the ledgers and they couldn't cook the books anymore so they offered stocks for sale -went public-and investors from around the global 'village' bought them and put the trillion back in the banks-the corupt managers  from top to bottom got away with close to 1 trillion yen!!! the richest men in the world are communist chinese party members -at the top of the party

  • such dumb arses, buying homes, using the old world money, to pay that debt off, wasting your life energy and paying derivitive taxes that goes straight into the illuminati pockets there is no legal reason to have a derivitive tax

    we are not here to recreate the old world, we are here to light the world with a new idea of higher consciouisness

    I only have everything to gain when creation starts from the desire of the heart of God within you. Some people may have missed the point, could it be a shame on you, as you seem to forgotten the power of thought, the white hat magicians world over been letting the secret out of the bag a little hint at a time.Practioners of the dark arts have been doing their intentional sorceries in secret, so why not do our special prayers of light in the open, what you got to lose, the old ways done nothing but smell like how they act, shitty.

    Light workers you are the great magicians of the brotherhood of the white light, you can change the outcome and make a new heaven on earth, just as the scriptures been saying.

  • "If you don`t like how the system run on this small planet you should consider to exit..and next time choose another one since there are trillions of planets and galaxies."

    You see there you go with another clanger, Goldenmind, you are basically suggesting (in your usual preachy fashion) that those who dont like the system (the majority of humanity, to be exact) should basically consider killing themselves, (to exit the planet). Thats hardly an enlightened perspective, is it? Better luck next time...

    #Impastor funny lol comedy tv land

    • p.s Goldenmind, just to clear the airwaves, like you said, its about how we percieve and so maybe you and I percieve things differently, I would say thats all there is to it, so no hard feelings ok, we both have strong opinions, and different perspectives. If I dont aggree on something, I will speak my mind and if I percieve something as ridicules, then I just tell it like I see it, but its never anything personal. Being a truth seeker myself, I will always hold out for what resonates, and scrape the bottom of the barrel for risiduel clues, never putting all of my eggs in one basket. I think thats a healthy way to research data as there is a ton of "non truths" floating around in the Rabbit H@le. I am not one to quickly believe in something simply because it appeared in a spiritual website. If it resonates then fine, if not then it gets bypassed on the conveyer belt like sorting out quality goods and discarding what dosent make the grade. Unlike some, I dont swallow everything that comes my way at the drop of a hat, but I will taste it and either digest it or spit it out. I like to refer to that as fine tuning my awareness. Occasionally, I strike "multi dimensional gold" and they are the nuggets I am constantly searching for, amid piles of worthless rocks. The quest for truth moves ever inward.


      • actually luke i like what you said there it would be the way i think too get more out people here then if i was to go to a church besides it is good to stir the shit in the toilet now and then because when it settles, thus you begin to see clearer in another point of view.

      • nice one luke.............. , and thank others as this is to be great read and  couple laughs.

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