Bless...PS... Here's maybe a better comparison pic from Byrne...
Bless...PS... Here's maybe a better comparison pic from Byrne...
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You need to be a member of Ashtar Command - Spiritual Community to add comments!
Roger Stone…
Next up on the Galactic Blogs will be another one of the main civilizations in the Anchara Alliance the Sigma Draconians. The Sigma Draconians at one time ruled over the Eta Draconians. The Sigma Draconians were known for their unparalleeled…
Bowies Doppleganger?? ..
Yes, very interesting there Luke... the guys voice even sounds very much the same.
Here's another one for y'all... John Lennon's double... Or who many think could possibly be Lennon himself, still alive...
That first two videos are newer songs (2006) from the movie "Let Him Be", where 'Staycer' stars and sings several 'new' Lennon songs.
"Excellent 'rundown' there Drekx... Makes sense to me, mostly. So if all times actually exist at once, then we would have maybe thousands of different 'physical bodies' operating simultaneously... then why would it be so odd to think that we could have several bodies 'going' in any one particular 'time-slot'? You appear to be saying that this is not normal... but seem a bit unsure about how 'possible' it may be. Perhaps you can get a more 'complete' explanation from your inner 'contacts'... if you and they would be so inclined. If not, that's cool too... You've already offered plenty of 'food for thought' for the time being. : )Blessings..."
It is possible, depending upon one's point in evolution, or light quotient....The only constraining factor upon your soul expression having several "yous" dotted around the globe, is the benefit it offers, under planetary karma and the energy needed for it to manifest, under the law of energy pertaining to spiritual rules (there are many) that govern the right use of energies....In other words, the service benefits are weighed against the energies at hand, for a given soul, at a given light quotient...The law of cyclical return also determines which rays may be expressed in physicality....and there are many others who are "waiting in the wings" to come in, as it were....The genetics and the karmic connections gleaned over many millennia, will determine the most appropriate families to be born into, for particular lessons to be learned...and as a rule of thumb, the less the light quotient, the less "stretched" a growing soul can be.....Life and it's psychological traumas and experiences, are demanding...We rest when out of incarnation, actually...when physically dead...You do have multiple forms of you, spanning the illusion of time, over millennia, BUT, from a linear perception, there can only effectively be one you on earth, at present......Now karma will determine where you incarnate and why..planetary karma...That is why you do not incarnate outside of earth, unless you are actually experienced already and serve as a "walk in." Which is rare..
Now in contrast to this, beings who possess much higher light quotients, such as the Ascended Masters, or specifically, those who have achieved the 5th degree, or "ascension" and are now on the path of earth service, and thus present here, and not on Sirius, or serving as a kumara, etc...Such ones do have the power needed and the balance achieved, to project themselves into multiple bodies (the term used is "mayavirupa") which may be scattered at a variety of locations, all connected to the central manasic body (light body.)
Note that a being should and needs to have completed planetary karmic lessons to project this way...His/her service capacity and energies, will determine the nature of said projection...Namely, is it of use..It must serve the plan...So, in essence, in order to project multiple form expressions, in this way, one must have a consciousness which exceeds the ascension level, namely one must be navigating the cosmic degrees and there are four above planetary ascension...Thus such a being has freed himself from planetary karma and is actually of a cosmic consciousness and resultant light quotient...That is why NDErs see themselves and relatives of a particular brightness, upon manasic (mental) planes and there are some (Masters of self) who shine brighter still....
Hope this makes sense...Some of it is very complex and there are many spiritual laws and rules that need to be applied, that govern each incarnation...So some food for higher thought for you, hopefully...
Spirit does not generate what is called "red tape" here..But it creates laws that allow the most efficient use of evolutionary energies, in service to the Divine Plan, of which we are all component parts....
Kind regards and many blessings, Drekx ***OM***
Again, more fascinating explanations/information there Drekx... thanks again. One of the reasons I started this conversation here is that I've 'experimented' with projecting a 'double' to another specific location, with 'positive' results a few times... albeit for short 'amounts of time'. What I'm always finding in this life is that we are capable of so much more than we have been 'trained' to think by a controlling/corrupted society. I am quite fascinated with so-called 'higher abilities' and have not been so fearful of the 'unknown' (as society has been conditioned to be)... so I enjoy doing plenty of 'experimentations'. How else are we to learn to use/master these abilities unless we 'explore our possibilities'?
I have learned well that we All are quite capable of changing this world for the better... if we would just take the time to do more 'prayer work', manifestaion practice, and in general just getting used to 'projecting positivity' onto the world around us...
Every little bit goes a long ways.
Blessing All, throughout our days...
Sure man... There's enough of that kind of thing around here already. We need to hear each other out so that we can learn to understand each other better, learn from one another, and allow for others to 'live by their own truth'... even if it may not be 'complete' at the moment.
PS... We used up all the "reply" options to each other, so had to reply like this to your last response. I never realized there was a limit before. : )
It has been nice talking to ya m8. :)
As for the limit, just post your reply at the last reply-button while using the @[who you're talking to] and quoting what you comment, and your post will be placed tempurally correct within the thread as well as being correct in format which will allow any new readers to immediately know what it is that you're quoting. :)
If you want to be maticulous, you could also include the permalink to their original reply in your answer. :)
Nah, Ben looks nothing like that.
The look of Ben is Unique. :)
Thanks for sharing your thoughts/observations. What about the general question on whether one soul can have multiple physical bodies at one time?
"What about the general question on whether one soul can have multiple physical bodies at one time?"
From a 5D-point of view, time is NOT linear, whereas we can most likely exist in multiple timelines and in multiple bodies at once. We could be everything from Ourselves right here and right now, to the infant our sister just gave birth to, all at the same time.
I personally have met myself in countless individuals by now (2 of my worst nemesis on this site, are aspects of Myself even), but I've not yet been able to distinguish whether all the "copies of previous versions of Me" I've met have just been timetravelled versions of myself, or if they have been different aspects of "Creation" as a Whole.
One thing I am certain of though, and that's that Looks have nothing to do with it. :)
In short: The person you hate the most of today, is most likely the one you'll be 20 years from now.
Interesting observations Observer... It 'looks' like you speak from experience. : ) So from a 5D perspective... All times are 'available', but not All knowledge? Makes one wonder from what perspective All knowledge would be available...