This Is A Breakthrough Time - From The Great Council Of
The Grandmothers
“This is a breakthrough time,” the Grandmothers announced. “Change will speed up even more now. And we are telling you this,” they said, ”so you won’t panic when you experience it. Expect it.
Change is here….the BIG change, and what you will notice first is an acceleration. The old is beginning to fall away even faster now. Old ideas, ways of living, attitudes, belief sets, and institutions will crumble.
They will peel off so quickly that it will feel shocking to you. But let it all go!” they cried. “Let it go! It must go so that Earth and all life on Her can live.
“Nothing of value will go,” they assured me. “The good will only morph into something that will lead to more life, to a better life. It may not look like that now, but we do not lie,” they said, “and we tell you that this peeling off must take place. Let it peel, let it fall to the ground. And then let it go.
“Old energy is seeking to have its way during this time of upheaval and you will see some who are are trying to control the winds of change.
They’re attempting to drag life back to the old patriarchal systems. They want to hang onto power, to control Earth and all life on Her, so they’re choosing to battle with change.
But we repeat,” the Grandmothers said, “the winds of change cannot be controlled. There is no going back to the old ways now. The movement is forward, only forward.
“We urge you to stay out of the storms that are raging. To keep it simple,” they said. “Do the things that feel good to you, speak the truth, and help take care of one another.
Live our message and ‘Love, no matter what.’
Don’t get caught in the roiling and raging of the storms, but do whatever good you can and keep your focus on the Net of Light.
“You have a part to play at this time of upheaval, and your part is to hold light steady. Love all and serve all. Be the lighthouse that you are and do what a lighthouse does. Shine amidst the storm. Share your light and smile, sing, love, and let the world see you. For when you do this, you accomplish great good.
“You were born for this dark and stormy time. What is happening now is no accident. We are with you. We are holding you steady, holding light steady.”
The Great Council of the Grandmothers
~Sharon and the Net of Light Team
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Video Link: You are Source Frequency Divinity 🕉 Great Council of the Grandmothers "This Is a Breakthrough Time"