In 1991, the English portion and the illustrations from the Josyer book were reprinted by David Hatcher Childress in Vimana Aircraft of Ancient India & Atlantis as part of the Lost Science Series. According to Childress, the 8 chapters treat the following:
- The secrets of constructing aeroplanes, which will not break, which cannot be cut, will not catch fire, and cannot be destroyed.
- The secret of making planes motionless*heavy as a mountain(.
- The secret of making planes invisible.
- The secret of hearing conversations and other sounds in enemy places.
- The secret of retrieving photographs of the interior of enemy planes
- The secret of ascertaining the direction of enemy planes approach.
- The secret of making persons in enemy planes lose consciousness.
- The secret of destroying enemy planes
I'm interested in anything that can get me off this planet - just kidding. Believe it or not, the Anastasia books speak about the organic UFO's. Also Drunvalo Melchizedek talks about how our individual energy field forms or "pops out" like these flying craft when it is activated. Very interesting stuff. I'd like to also add the fact that our military stumbled across one of these vimanas in a cave in Afghanistan. Maybe someone doesn't want good people finding out how powerful we are as spiritual beings. Just keep it 3d bro, and we''ll all get along.