How do you define hell. We in hell until you make it heaven. Thats what I believe. You believe what you want!! All these different people here on this site spreading info from here, from there. Im just like shiittt...hahaha I came to the realization a while ago that people are gonna believe whatever the hell they wanna believe and people are gullible Dont forget that!! People are looking and searching how to higher their consciousness. Yall can really fuck with some peoples minds here. Half these people here dont get that. Your journey is an inside journey. INSIDE YOU. FOLLOW YOUR HEART. Dont follow what you just read!! Cant express that enough. People spreading channeled info, personal experiences, UFO"S, GOVT BS, hollow earth nonsense ( Not saying I dont believe in hollow earth but) etc and people grip on to this stuff as if they have found gold. Salvation or something. ALL IS WELL...REALLY!!! People talking shit back and forth LOL saying how they be ascending etc hahaha I have learned from this website that its a stepping stone. Take almost everything with a grain of salt and I mean everything. One thing leads to another. That thing leads to another. All a personal journey...I hardly post anything here anymore but this is what I have learned from this website...Peace peeps and feel from your heart...Confused, dont give in...Keep searching and feel from your heart. Follow your heart...Beats
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Hello I need help. Please watch my video and sign my petition on the white house site to investigate the Whistle Blowing program. My video explains everything. I am on facebook under darline spencer or u tube Darline Spencer
A Chris you hit the nail on the head good aim this has needed to be said for a while yep this stepping stone had its purpose like comedy central you get a good laugh here most times i say really????? and shake my head maybe this one needs a double palm slap to the forehead maybe this will wake you guys up LOL!!!!
Much Love Sally..I felt the need to post it here
this is true, if you follow negativity life will be a hell and more negativity seems to pop up, life's hell.. but it also works with positivity.. altough its easyer to stay in negativity mode, once youve found the light it burns and never burns out
And we love people and things that make us laugh.
Likewise, we don't love people and things that lie to us.
lies incite fear.
and things are that are positive are high vibration.
and truth, love and laughter are all heart based.
My ex wife gave me an excellent schooling in truth.
She always said that she only lies to people she doesn't care about.
And she lived by this she was always ruthlesly honest with me. regardless of consequences.
and iloved her for this. even when the truth hurt.'
Because I always knew where I stood with her.
She never made up stories, she never played games. I trusted her truth implicitly.
And I felt loved byher.
And then she started to pull punches on her truth.
ANd I knew our marriage was over.
there is only one reason that people don't speak the truth.
they are in fear of the consequences of truth.
And if you are in fear, you are out of a state of love.
Wrt the soldier metaphor, I was only offering it as a potential. i recognize it isn't that easy.
And yet, if we could somehow show them the truth of how silly they are in shooting each other, they may go away and give themselves a forehead slap.
Because it really is so silly.
Hi Kelly. Welcome back. :).
I totally agree with what you say.
And I'd like to elaborate on it if I may.
if you arrive at a place where you can have a laugh about any given subject, you have embraced the true essence of it. You have the solved the paradox, ie, melded two completely opposing views into one. and discovered an answer greater than the sum of its parts.
truth goes far beyond who's right and who's wrong.
Truth does not allow for wrong.
Truth is the all encompassing solution.
there is no better representation of truth than a light heart.
It is in humour where truth shines brightest.
Where the only agenda is to put a smile on peoples faces.
If soldiers from opposing armies were all having a laugh with each other,
They'd have to put their guns down.. And forget about who's right and wrong. Because they'd be united in the truth.
Truth is love.
Peter K:
"It took Thomas Edison 17 9(I think) different designs before he got the light bulb right. . Are you grateful he didn't stop at design number 10 Or is it good that he said i just haven't discovered the design that works yet."
Actually the light bulb was invented 20 years before Edison by Heinrich Goebel who didn't patent it properly and Edison finally purchased Goebel's patent from his impoverished widow. Also Sir Joseph Swan made his light bulb in 1860 before Edison and kept perfecting it until 1878 when he became a partner of Edison's. Edison was a very canny businessman and inventor but he was a child of his time and his inventions were all materializing at that time anyway.
Why ruin a good story and metaphor with facts?
This is Ashtar Command Crew after all.
It is true that inventions come along with each jump in consciousness.
Such as that which we are experiencing now.
thanks for the history lesson. :)