How do you define hell. We in hell until you make it heaven. Thats what I believe. You believe what you want!! All these different people here on this site spreading info from here, from there. Im just like shiittt...hahaha I came to the realization a while ago that people are gonna believe whatever the hell they wanna believe and people are gullible Dont forget that!! People are looking and searching how to higher their consciousness. Yall can really fuck with some peoples minds here. Half these people here dont get that. Your journey is an inside journey. INSIDE YOU. FOLLOW YOUR HEART. Dont follow what you just read!! Cant express that enough. People spreading channeled info, personal experiences, UFO"S, GOVT BS, hollow earth nonsense ( Not saying I dont believe in hollow earth but) etc and people grip on to this stuff as if they have found gold. Salvation or something. ALL IS WELL...REALLY!!! People talking shit back and forth LOL saying how they be ascending etc hahaha I have learned from this website that its a stepping stone. Take almost everything with a grain of salt and I mean everything. One thing leads to another. That thing leads to another. All a personal journey...I hardly post anything here anymore but this is what I have learned from this website...Peace peeps and feel from your heart...Confused, dont give in...Keep searching and feel from your heart. Follow your heart...Beats
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Yall crack me up ;)
Isn't that the point contract?
we all believe what we believe.
And we argue because we want to share our beliefs with each other.
Because we believe that our beliefs have merit,.
We come together when we can laugh at ourselves. And at our differences.
Because we are here for a good, God time.
Not to suffer.
We Are All One.
it's takes time and persistence to meditate and get results-the new age was taken over by political ops for leftist agenda and serious black hat propagandists for the NWO which is also leftist
And you know how much I value your opinion of my intelligence...
My very first comment after your 1+1 = 2 because thats reality post....
In what base do you require the answer for 1+1 to be delivered in? :).
Your reply.
Peter K,
Sorry, I'm illiterate. Clearify.
Nice to see the clear bright light of Sanity is alive somewhere. Kudos Contract.
:) Is anyone sane LOL hahaha jkjk ;)
LOL, No we are all off our rockers. I would like to ask PPK & Amanda to get a “ROOM”----------- to late they’ve already have this one Nail down. ----------- What was the topic?
"This is crazy as hell, yall crazyness LOL"
I think we've been bang on topic John :)