The critical mass is reached , so be prepared for great changes



thru Johan
Mar 9, 2013 - 11:57:37 PM

This is Your Sovereign Christ Michael of Nebadon.

As you will hear more confirmation through other channels, so will you find this one loud and clear :


Oh yes, you heard that before. It will be up to you HOW you will experience the difference THIS TIME.

In the days to come, YOU who have bathed in ignorance since it suited you best and you could not care less about others, will finally meet your own judgement as all will land where they DESERVE to be.

We must proceed now as the myriad of plans and decisions taken in utter desperation by those who refuse to yield to their and our Heart, will only aggravate a delicate process in the making. Much time of fine tuning and careful preparations has resulted in THE LIGHT BEING READY TO TAKE OVER FULLY, what always has been the case, yet the dark assumed it differently. Time for assuming has ended. Time for KNOWING has arrived.

Enough advise and counseling has been made available, but as is usually the case, when a ruthless handful are ruling the masses, not much is reaching the hearts of those who need to hear it SO WE ARE STOPPING THE HIGHJACKING OF THIS SOCIETY AND CHANGING THE RULES BACK TO DIVINE RULE that Serves everybody. That handful and many cohorts will be removed swiftly and given ultimate choices. Those able, willing and ready to remain with the long awaited renewal and ascension process of Mother Earth will receive all assistance to do just that themselves, and all preparation has reached finality.

We understand the difficulty of credibility when so many earth years have passed since the first plans for CHANGE were made know in public and many have left the privilege of really being in the knowing and prepared, no matter what. The countless side roads and obstructions, deviations and last minute change of plans due to the infinite dark obsession with power of the elite might have taken us apparently of the main road temporarily, but equally countless opportunities and huge improvements to so many their future plans and options have balanced it all very well.

It takes great courage to keep standing against all odds and it took greater numbers to come and help out, BUT THE CRITICAL MASS HAS BEEN REACHED, and we are ready to proceed. The above mentioned appearances were just that : APPEARANCES. I have said it before : this is a world of appearances, YET about to step up on the Divine ladder into the Light. Surely, it will bring chaos and difficulty and again your courage will be tested, but without the mind control, the brainwashing, the manipulation, the greed, the careless and merciless killing and destruction of all and everything, as those dark ones had so refined into an art while blindfolding the rest.

No more of that. Construction will replace destruction. Love will replace hate and where resistance is met, assistance will make all the difference. Truth will replace the lies and deception. The classic path of truth : being applauded, being laughed at, being attacked and finally being accepted is running its final laps, with some unbelief, stubbornness and mere useless resistance left in the balance after the dust will have settled.

As Sovereign I like to thank and congratulate ALL those who have made it this far, who came to help, who came to make a difference, AND YOU DID. Lots of work and changes ahead, but I can assure you, IT WILL BE MIND BOGGLING to say the least. Most of this generation has only known breathing bad air, drinking contaminated and maltreated water, eating sugarcoated poison, being lied to and manipulated, being kept hostage from Truth and Love and Light and Beauty and Enjoyment, Happiness and Health. You can hardly imagine the difference, but I can assure you, it will be phenomenal. Any hardship in the new settings, how unfinished it may be, will be a seen as a blessing to handle in comparison to what you endure now. Community building and any kind of relationship amongst its members will bring joy and a renewed sense of belonging and appreciation you have rarely experienced.

Before that, lets get to work on a transition that will bring its challenges to acceptable levels as much help and assistance will be provided. Service to Others will be key and some of you have excelled in that against much counter wind, but kept offering. In doing so, some have connected with their past of Divine Service and showed the way to others. Now all hands and Hearts on deck, my Dearly Beloved Children and Co-workers and your Heart be filled with Delight and Enlightenment eyes have not seen and ears have not heard.

I salute you Dearly, My Light Workers, Star Seeds, Seeders of Light and again we ask you to stand ready in vigilance, but rejoice, as FREEDOM awaits you.

I am Christ Michael Aton of Nebadon, Your Sovereign.

Love and Light,


All writings by members of AbundantHope are copyrighted by ©2005-2013 AbundantHope - All rights reserved

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  • Ready to Rock n Roll - Welcome our Galactic Family of Light -  <3 

  • Been reading this message while tears kept coming down my face, 3D words can describe my feelings now...profound love and gratitude to my galactic family <3

  • There is such a sense of urgency being communicated in the messages of the recent past.

    Matches the buzz in the air.

  • Thank's Aurora,LW,Ogdoo and Matthew for your reply's.


    This is a new message from Esu that tells some of the huge work (but joyful) work we have in front of us , and Esu will be our new planetprins for some years , and he will help us in this transition into life and light.

    Esu Immanuel , were incarnated together with CMAton here on Earth  ,2000 years ago as Jesus.





    Esu Has an

    By Jess Anthony
    Mar 11, 2013 - 1:09:39 PM


    Esu, we should speak again. This seems to be a time of closure and transition. I ask for your comments and emphases.

    Jess, I have things to say. This is a time of change and renewal. The efforts some took against an almost impossibly strong resistance have shown man to be willing and committed. This commitment has generated a light warrior that is guarded in its openness but willing to battle whatever is a barrier to truth.

    I will need these warriors as I tackle the erroneous perceptions that man will retain even after the teaching period and the longer stasis. Man will learn, however, and he will acquire a new sense of perspective on how the universe functions within purposes laid out by Christ Michael Aton.

    My task is to guide man to an awareness of the new realities of the ascended world he will find himself inhabiting. This will be slow work that will require a host of helpers and teachers. Many of you are in position to take on those roles, even if you don't know this consciously at this point. I know the resources in you untapped, as of yet, and I will approach you with work that will be appropriate for your experiences and conceptions.

    I have an agenda I will pursue. We must change man's thinking in the future, and I will address issues dealing with spirituality. Others will focus on living within this new world, and they will address the means to do this.  My emphasis will, of course, affect the focus of the others. The phrase "as above so below" is emblematic of the relationship that must exist between man's concepts and his actions. Spiritual understanding shapes decisions.  Actions that result from man's ideas are guided by his thinking.

    Man's thinking is influenced by his experience of spiritual truth.  Past involvements and the memories that define those encounters color his perceptions.  My role is to bring light to man's perceptions and guide the way he experiences new information.  His physical circumstances will be different, but he will retain a measure of past beliefs and conclusions.  His judgments remain partial until he has the enlightenment I will bring.

    The outgrowths of man's spiritual understanding are expressed at present in his religious and philosophical constructs. The tangled systems of belief and cognitive understanding you see reflect these misperceptions of spiritual truth. Religious dogmas have a residue of spiritual truth at their cores, but their elaborate systems of behavioral regulation and penance are nothing but political coverings. The simplicity of spiritual truth has lost its importance and become an insignificant component of mental and physical control.

    Man must realize the error of this way. He must recognize that God is within and that all inhabitants are equal. Each is joined in a spiritual network where all become one.  The universe was created in harmony. Each aspect functions as part of the whole. Man approximates this harmony by creations of beauty and balance. The notion of aesthetics formalizes this sense of joy and completeness. Man is joyful when he experiences harmony. Spirituality is beautiful, and man must learn to experience it that way. Spirituality is not hardship or suffering, as he often has been told.

    Religion is not spiritual, as man defines it. Spirituality is being centered on God's truth and using that foundation to influence all decisions. Actions are beautiful when they are guided by this focus.  My work here is to direct man to a perception of his place in this universe Christ Michael Aton has created.  I am here to help man find beauty and truth.

    All writings by members of AbundantHope are copyrighted by ©2005-2013 AbundantHope - All rights reserved

    Esu Has an Agenda
  • I gave this channeling a shot (I normally stop reading after the first two sections) but I must say I got a bit chin-upped from this one :). But I am always on my guard when reading those kind of channelings that say change is coming soon. I truly want it, and I have wanted it to happen so many times allready.

    I guess that's all we can do, keep on hoping while doing our best doing what we came here to do in our soul-contracts. I don't know why, but my life has started to feel amazing and filled with gratitude just being here. Some inner changes have been made in me and balance have finally settled all that used to be ups and downs. Some times I was really depressed and headed away from the path I have walked for a while. That has changed now, and if this message is true I would explode from joy and everything would come naturally.

    Love you all brothers and sisters :)

  • So did/is mine!!! There is a "power" in this message for ALL who may read it. Stand By!!

  • My heart went crazy as i read this. Thanks for this!!

    ~LOVE! <3

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