In my dream I was at a some sort of warehouse (I recently saw it a couple weeks after this dream)
There was a bunch of lightworkers, I can't tell if I was there but I just watched the whole thing happen,
then a light being approached, it was a woman, but as if it was a mask she took off the flesh from her face
it was a reptilian woman.
Everyone was shocked, some reacted very badly as you can imagine, but then she said something I cannot stop thinking about:
"We lied to you, I know, I'm sorry, but please listen to me, we don't have much time left"
Then I woke up.
I've been thinking of this situation over and over, listen and please understand, I'm not saying anything against Ashtar of affirming anything either.
But think about this, nothing is certain, I'm not attempting to defy your beliefs or make your lives uneasy, but even in some channeling we have heard that we cannot trust in one specific "spokesman" completely, everybody wants something of that I'm sure, even the Ashtar command right? we know that as long as we don't evolve neither can they.
As I already said, I have nothing against the Asthar command, as a matter of fact I appreciate their work very much.
But what if such thing would happen? what if some of the "good" reptilians created a way to get in touch with the spiritual side of humanity, with the intention of getting ahead in their own evolution.
I know how crazy this idea sounds but still, I'm trying to get somewhere with this, regarldes of what you've seen or heard, when the disclosure day happens, how will you react? I'm begging you, use your intuition to know who is speaking to you.
Lots of love and light
However, reactions are the ones that decide, so what im really concerned about is of all the people who have a strong devotion for ashtar sheran, go figure their reaction if something like this should happen!
the second question, yes, I believe it was someone from the ashtar command.
We all know dreams are possibilities, not a written future.
have deceived many people, but maybe some of them realize the higher potentials of the light side, and want to make up for all the bad they did... cause the time is near maybe...the time for a better world???