The words for this rabbit hole, will be hard to hang on to as we are for the most part so programed to think this reality is the only time line there is.
EXAMPLE; if you will hold in your mind 280 TV channel's playing all at the same time. In 3D mind/body we can only handle watching one channel at a time in the now or moment real time,.
Picture if you will that each channel is a seperate world paralel to the world next to it, ie, differnt channel and You being omny presant are coexsisting in both, not knowing what the other clone of self is doing on that time line as 3D will not let you see both at the same time hence the term vail, but both are real and both are you happening at the same time. X infinity..
When you change your mind and deside to do somthing like move to florida from ohio, in reality you have left ohio and are now in floida, the you that made this choise in that time line did move. but the other you-- that lisend to your thoughts and didnt make the move for what ever reason stayed in that time line and is playing out the time line in ohio still you just a different paralel world both real, neather one world knowing the other even exsists. or even changed channels.
Each time you ponder a choice your creating a new time line in another paralel world that go's on to completion.
This is also why the movie the Secret works and most do not get it, as there seem to never be a change in the cloneing of another paralel world. and knowing it took place.
This is also why so many ET's, channeler's, prophets, wayseer's, angles, light worker's use the term hold the light for those yet asleep. Simply hold the light of the world you want to creat in your mind meditate and hold this image and by doing so, you have left this time line and moved into another with out realizing you did so. and the time line or paralel world you left will continue on to its compleation, and the time line you are meditating on becomes your new paralel world and home manifests all that you hold in this now real time and space. letting the other time line work itself out to its completion.
This is the secret that the dark one 's know of and need to keep you on there channel. they known it for thousands of years, they do not want you to know this. its only a matter of holding the channel or world you want and it will come into being. as you think is the world you create. hold this light.
So in my world i would like to have, see,______ you fill in the blank the paralel world you want to be in and this is splitting yourself into , and living in two worlds at the same time, each real each, you each holding reality in each moment only differnt paralel world. all at the same time omny presant.
you've always wondered what would happened if you had chosen to _____ follow that time line out and that would have taken place. and guess what it did your in that time line too. So change channels that serve you the best, and let your clone continue on in the time line you vacated, set the remote down and hold the light of that world, for those still asleep so when they get the secret thay can catch up to use. the light holders, way seer's , its all in the paralel world you keep, in the light you meditate on.
stay away from flipping channels, its a circle with out end. stay here and now young padawon, and hold the light the power of creation. continue to create this new world of light and love we creat it. thats the power of a mustard seed. Christ was speaking of. hold the image, do not give it back watching all there channel's of doom and gloom dispare and destrution. pulling you back into there channel and time line.
I have moved. And am watch a real exciting channel come join me. the time line your in is the free will to stay or change. the truth will set you free. its always been there just covered up, do you see this analogy? The power of intention is the power of now to change the channel. paralel worlds meny so meny its easy to get lost. hold this light and your suddenly HOME and acending.
Namaste, light holder's Namaste
Stay for a while , and change the timeline as I stay. Organize the planet´s magnetosphere
Good responce, and good luck. the little time we have left be fore harvest is so important to listen to your higher self that is allways a few time lines ahead of us, and helps us in finding the next parallel point to jump, hence quantum jumping is easy when we listen to that still small voice of reason from our future. Namaste and happy jumping.