

I have the privilege and honor of introducing to our conversations the presence of this beloved family: Yeshua ben Joseph, Miriam, known to you as the mother, and the Miriam known to you as the Magdalene.

Please understand that this conversation is, will be, and has been agreed upon by all these, that it has been given in love to us, the angels, the messengers, and by our energies sent to this one and many more who are doing the needed work upon your earth at this time.

The time has come for you to know these things. The time has come for you to realize that all of these messages, no matter whom we speak to, no matter how you choose to pass them on, carry the information, the love, and the truth of the Divine.

While it may of course be true that there are varying degrees of clarity among the chosen messengers, you will by now have noticed marked similarities in the content.

This is not due to these ones following each other’s work, most refrain from doing so to any large extent, but more due to the consistent message they are attempting to translate into your languages and beliefs from their deepest inner lives.

It is here that we meet with you, and here that they perceive what we pass on to you.

I, Michael, and all of the messengers of the Divine, no matter what you name it, no matter what you call us, have always worked in this way.

You have kept thousands of years of records of us doing so. You have received these messages yourselves in this way, and have recorded them just as you are doing now. This has ever been true.

Since these beloved ones last walked among you, you have been taught that you were unable to converse with higher states of being in this manner, that only special ones of you could do so.

You accepted that you were not blameless enough to assume such a right. We hope that you now see, in the unfolding of events, in the transmission of these messages, that this time you are the ones that walk among you.

This time you are the ones who receive the messages. This time you are the beloveds of the Creator.

It is true that this type of transmission is not infallible, nor was it ever so. You must learn to discern truth and love when you hear it. Is that different in some way? No, of course it is not.

We wish you to know that, regardless of your personal situations at the moment, great progress has been made by you.

Your world is changing as we speak. This being so, we wish you to accord yourselves the appreciation you have earned.

Be humble in your manner, as we have said before, but please begin to know the worth and deservedness you have earned, not even speaking of the worth you inherently possess.

May these words carry the love of each of us to each of your hearts. We will return.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://oraclesandhealers.wordpress.com/


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Have a nice weekend...
Thanks...take care.....
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