It was writtenby an8-year-oldnamed DannyDutton, wholives in ChulaVista , CA .He wrote itfor his thirdgrade homeworkassignment, to'explain God'I wonder ifany of uscould havedone as well ?
[ ... And hehad such anassignment, inCalifornia ,and someonepublished it,I guessmiracles dohappen ! ... ]
'One of God'smain jobs ismaking people.He makes themto replace theones that die,so there willbe enoughpeople to takecare of thingson earth. Hedoesn't makegrownups, justbabies. Ithink becausethey aresmaller andeasier tomake. That wayhe doesn'thave to takeup hisvaluable timeteaching themto talk andwalk. He canjust leavethat tomothers andfathers.'
'God's secondmost importantjob islistening toprayers. Anawful lot ofthis goes on,since somepeople, likepreachers andthings, prayat timesbesidebedtime. Goddoesn't havetime to listento the radioor TV becauseof this.Because hehearseverything,there must bea terrible lotof noise inhis ears,unless he hasthought of away to turn itoff.'
'God seeseverything andhearseverything andis everywherewhich keepsHim prettybusy. So youshouldn't gowasting histime by goingover your momand dad's headasking forsomething theysaid youcouldn'thave.'
'Atheists arepeople whodon't believein God. Idon't thinkthere are anyin Chula Vista. At leastthere aren'tany who cometo ourchurch.'
'Jesus isGod's Son. Heused to do allthe hard work,like walkingon water andperformingmiracles andtrying toteach thepeople whodidn't want tolearn aboutGod. Theyfinally gottired of himpreaching tothem and theycrucified himBut he wasgood and kind,like hisfather, and hetold hisfather thatthey didn'tknow what theywere doing andto forgivethem and Godsaid O.K.'
'His dad (God)appreciatedeverythingthat he haddone and allhis hard workon earth so hetold him hedidn't have togo out on theroad anymore.He could stayin heaven. Sohe did. Andnow he helpshis dad out bylistening toprayers andseeing thingswhich areimportant forGod to takecare of andwhich ones hecan take careof himselfwithout havingto bother God.Like asecretary,only moreimportant.'
'You can prayanytime youwant and theyare sure tohelp youbecause theygot it workedout so one ofthem is onduty all thetime.'
'You shouldalways go tochurch onSunday becauseit makes Godhappy, and ifthere'sanybody youwant to makehappy, it'sGod!
Don't skipchurch to dosomething youthink will bemore fun likegoing to thebeach. This iswrong. Andbesides thesun doesn'tcome out atthe beachuntil noonanyway.'
'If you don'tbelieve inGod, besidesbeing anatheist, youwill be verylonely,because yourparents can'tgo everywherewith you, liketo camp, butGod can. It isgood to knowHe's aroundyou whenyou're scared,in the dark orwhen you can'tswim and youget throwninto real deepwater by bigkids.'
'But...youshouldn't justalways thinkof what Godcan do foryou. I figureGod put mehere and hecan take meback anytimehe pleases...
And...that'swhy I believein God.'
(pass this onto share andmay God blessyou.)
Have anawesome day,and know thatsomeone hasthought aboutyou
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here is a link to the men in black too.